Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
Who’d have thought that our “law and order” Republican USMB members would celebrate this obvious miscarriage of justice?

The man pleaded guilty. The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

But this is the Trump era. Things are different now.
Ask Hillary Clinton, she is next!

Yeap, the Russian collusion hoax is getting out!

You should read the Mueller report.
I believe it as much as Schiff's fairytale story of Trump's call to the leader of Ukraine.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
What would state the point about being so many they wronged and be funny would be to take all these people attacked by the left and make one of those satire class action law suit commercials as a satire video. One where the lawyer spokesperson looks like the
Better Call Saul girl friend like in those real class action lawsuit commercials. Include all the people they tried pitting against each other to get fired to cause chaos & was done to make the administration look chaotic and bring sensationalism to the MSM broadcast.
I’ll tell you left wingers in this thread what you’ve convinced me of.

The people responsible for this farce need to be not only charged and put on trial but the punishment on the line has to be the death penalty.

If you morons can’t understand the levity of this situation I’m sure several still in the FBI don’t either. And that means drastic actions need to be taken to teach you assholes a lesson. If that takes hanging Comey, Clapper, Strzok and his side piece of ass on national tv so be it.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??
tRump is already a lame duck.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
It’s hilarious watching you run interference for a bunch of assholes scurrying to cover their asses. If this was a solid prosecution or even one they thought they could get away with they wouldn’t be dropping it.
The people responsible for this farce need to be not only charged and put on trial but the punishment on the line has to be the death penalty.
People like dOnald tRump and bIll bArr.
Your entire fucking world is crashing down around you boy. All of your spastic caps key failures can’t save you. Flynn is off Scott free and the FBI has ruined their reputations for two generations. Schiff released his Russia documents and butt fucked your entire life the last three years with no evidence of anything you bought into during the fraud impeachment trial.

Your entire world view and beliefs have been destroyed in less than 24 hours. And it’s not going to get any better. We already have evidence the floppy eared mommas boy was in on it.

Good luck surviving the weekend.
Who’d have thought that our “law and order” Republican USMB members would celebrate this obvious miscarriage of justice?

The man pleaded guilty. The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

But this is the Trump era. Things are different now.
Ask Hillary Clinton, she is next!

Yeap, the Russian collusion hoax is getting out!

You should read the Mueller report.

Perhaps you should...
Here it is:
The people responsible for this farce need to be not only charged and put on trial but the punishment on the line has to be the death penalty.
People like dOnald tRump and bIll bArr.

Perhaps you should read some of those 53 Transcripts showing the was no Russian collusion.

In the testimonies of John Podesta, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, and Samantha Powers each categorically stated that they had no evidence that Trump "colluded", "conspired", or coordinated with Russia.....
Read it all....
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
Trump is for America. When his term is up, another Republican will be there. And Liz Cheney will kick they bottoms.
Now they need to charge him for conspiracy to kidnap for his role in trying to plan out kidnapping the Turkish cleric in PA with his son. View attachment 333222
All innuendo. If they could have thrown that at him, they would have. They wanted to take him down for good and the most they could come up with was doctoring documents stating originally they didn’t think he was lying to he did lie. Losing his original 302 until just recently.

You think a simple lying to the FBI is more serious than conspiracy to commit kidnapping with a foreign country?
how about the assassination of American citizens?

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I bet you are about to try a Red Herring.
How do you feel about a president who had American citizens assassinated even without giving them due process?
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.
Er, you did see the part where Flynn pleaded guilty right? And the DoJ was under pressure from Donnie boy. You did read that part??
If he didn’t they said they would go after his family per sources I heard even before all this.
See Whites' response about intimidating generals.
Also, I love it how Donnie stood by him and offered him moral and financial support. What a guy.
all that corruption happening right under obama's nose. he was very incompetent or knew everything that was going on.
They need to now confiscate Democratic Party funds, and Obama's 'retirement' money, to reimburse both these victims and lay them damages, an dalso of course to recover the Federal costs of their private agendas.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.
Er, you did see the part where Flynn pleaded guilty right? And the DoJ was under pressure from Donnie boy. You did read that part??
If he didn’t they said they would go after his family per sources I heard even before all this.
See Whites' response about intimidating generals.
Also, I love it how Donnie stood by him and offered him moral and financial support. What a guy.
all that corruption happening right under obama's nose. he was very incompetent or knew everything that was going on.
There is evidence showing he ordered incompetent acts under the tutelage of Secretary of State Clinton, the mastermind masterblind.

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