BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden Rejected Proposal from Vladimir Putin to Halt the War in Ukraine

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

Does anyone doubt this? It's so obvious Biden contrived this war to keep his scams going in Ukraine and Russia.
That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

Mean tweets or war? I'll take mean tweets....

What say you, Twit's :doubt:
That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

Peace only at the price of Russia's territorial gains post-invasion? Unacceptable.
That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

If he had done that, you'd have called him the re-incarnation of Neville Chamberlain.
That's twice Biden rejected peace talks. Just think about how much money we could have saved and how many people would still be alive if Biden would have led in negotiations for peace. There's a reason Biden doesn't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. His profiteering would end.

Putin is showing weakness. His propaganda blitz featuring Tucker Carlson backfired, so now his lackeys have to paint Joe as the bad guy.

Ain’t happening you lying dog-faced pony soldier.

Peace only at the price of Russia's territorial gains post-invasion? Unacceptable.

At this point, fuck Ukraine. We're just going to have to spend trillions of dollars rebuilding the whole damned country when this is all over. Let Russia pay to rebuild it, since it's on their border, not ours.
If he had done that, you'd have called him the re-incarnation of Neville Chamberlain.

Wasn't 20 years of "nation-building" enough for you zipperheads? After all the blood a treasure we lost in shithole countries like Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Afghanistan, how many so-called "democracies" did we create?

And now your idiot "president" is trying to do the same thing with Ukraine and Russia, two of the most corrupt shithole countries in Europe. This isn't the 1950's anymore. We no longer have the leadership nor the resources to involve ourselves in a civil war between two countries that don't have anything more to offer than Youtube videos of drunks fighting on the freeway.
Wasn't 20 years of "nation-building" enough for you zipperheads? After all the blood a treasure we lost in shithole countries like Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Afghanistan, how many so-called "democracies" did we create?

And now your idiot "president" is trying to do the same thing with Ukraine and Russia, two of the most corrupt shithole countries in Europe. This isn't the 1950's anymore. We no longer have the leadership nor the resources to involve ourselves in in a civil war between two countries that don't have anything more to offer than Youtube videos of drunks fighting on the freeway.
Engagement, not isolation, is the future.
Engagement, not isolation, is the future.

Ok Neocon. Biden isn't engaging anyone. The only thing he knows how to do it tit-for-tat purse fights. He has no plan, no strategy, and no way to exit the clusterfuck in Ukraine or the Middle Eastern countries we have soldiers based in. In fact, the only thing he's doing is prolonging the war in Ukraine by just giving them enough to fight, but not enough to win.

Meanwhile, millions of unknown and unvetted people are swarming across our own borders, bring us criminals, drugs, gangs, terrorist watchlist subjects, disease, and poverty.

I swear, you Democrats should have your heads examined by a stonecutter.

It was just prelim discussions and Biden's admin said they have no interest in negotiating without Ukraine at the table, as they should have.

Oh did Biden say that? Ten bucks says he doesn't even remember saying it.

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