Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

Stop them before the cross our border. If we can't do that we may as well wave a white flag.

Why didn't I think of that? Let's see. The Southern Border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(OPPS! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so I am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need AC all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. that would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

Now, what was it that the Right was saying about deficit spending?

And BTW, as then article says, Obama has already deported more illegals than any other president.

2 people per half mile is seriously overdoing, but even that number isn't an onerous burden. How much does all of the above add up to, $1 billion, $5 billion? Now subtract all the welfare, free schooling and medical care for these illegals are you are still well into the plus column.

Actually, we are not in the plus column. This is just what we would need to seal the borders. Nothing that I have listed in my post does a single thing about deporting illegals, so this is in ADDITION to what we now spend (And, BTW, 2 guards patrolling together every half mile is realistic. I live on the border, and you can only guard as much as you can see, and also chase down). We have already dedicated 12 full time courts to deporting illegals. They are deporting 70 per day, every working day of the week, each. These courts do nothing else but deport illegals. Every one of them has to have an attorney, provided at our expense. They must be fed, housed, and transported back to their country, which often requires air transport. This system is presently maxed out. If you want to get rid of the illegals, you will have to seriously expand the deportation facilities. This is what we are doing now:

And BTW, as the article says, Obama has already deported more than any other president.
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awww, you don't like it when the people STAND up to you bullies or for their country?

go cry us a river over and while you're at it go adopt a few DOZEN of these kids, take them into your homes, take away from YOUR FAMILY to give comfort, shelter, clothing, and food

Lets have a trade! I would welcome a thousand kids like these for only ten of you bible thumping white trailer trash mutants

if they were white kids i bet you would not be saying that...
Other than, "bitch, bitch, bitch", what is your plan? These kids are being sent here by human traffickers, not governments. Are you demanding that America force other countries to forbid people to leave their own country? The Soviets and the East Germans did that.

Stop them before the cross our border. If we can't do that we may as well wave a white flag.

Why didn't I think of that? Let's see. The Southern Border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(OPPS! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so I am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need AC all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. that would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

Now, what was it that the Right was saying about deficit spending?

And most Conservatives would be happy to pay whatever it took IF WE TRULY KNEW THE MONEY WE PAID WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO SECURE THE BORDER !!!

I would put our military in charge of the border if it were up to me. I was told once by a legal scholar that that would be unconstitutional, but seems to me this is a matter of homeland security at this point.

All's I ever hear from liberals though, is that it's impossible to secure our borders.
There are things that could be done to make it much harder for illegals to sneak in.
We could also throw employers in jail who hire illegals, and after a few years that would slow the influx of illegals if jobs were scarce.

The point is there could be many things that could be done to improve the situation.
The problem is with us. We simply sit back and allow it to happen.
God Bless these folks. Murrieta has a huge mexican population. I guess they aren't taking kindly to Hondurans or Guatemalans invading and taking what few jobs there are or packing the schools.

It does my old heart good to see someone standing up for themselves and their community.

oh now you are a big fan of Hispanics?.....what happened to they are all a bunch of crooks and they change their identities every month?.....what ever way the wind blows right Katz?....

Heavens no. But mexicans don't want south Americans around any more than Americans want mexicans.

Someone standing up against the evil and destructive obama regime is better than no one. So far people have stopped these buses in Virginia and California. It should be everywhere. Drop them off in Death Valley.

you know as much about Mexicans as you do about pot....which aint much....
RWs despise all children, hungry, homeless, in a foreign country - doesn't matter. If these pathetic excuses for human beings had their way, they'd cook them up and eat them.

Remember this the next time they preach about abortion because they are liars. Plain and simple, they hate children.

hey Luddy...many of those people in the area in and around Murrieta are Democrats....yea i know hard to believe.....
My guess is that the Right's plan to solve this problem is to dump them in the middle of the Mojave desert with a compass, a pint of water, and instructions to walk south. Problems like this tend to take care of themselves with a little imagination. It is 109 degrees where I am in AZ right now...

No. But, they apparently got here that way, so how come you don't condemn the piece of shit countries that these kids came from ? Or how about Mexico ? Why didn't they take them in ?
No as a fucking liberal, you'd rather trash us than trash the failed policies of the home countries where they came from in the first place.
It's time someone else came to the aid of the worlds problems. I'm frankly sick to fucking death that as an American I'm expected to bend over and grab my ankles every fucking time there's a crisis in the world !!!

Other than, "bitch, bitch, bitch", what is your plan? These kids are being sent here by human traffickers, not governments. Are you demanding that America force other countries to forbid people to leave their own country? The Soviets and the East Germans did that.

they are also being sent here to force an amnesty plan.....and thats coming from people who would know....namely the Illegals....the guy behind me is from El Salvador....he said his brother called him and said these people are going up from all over in truckloads....its funny how Mexico who usually beats their illegals all the way back to the southern border is letting so many pass....
Other than, "bitch, bitch, bitch", what is your plan? These kids are being sent here by human traffickers, not governments. Are you demanding that America force other countries to forbid people to leave their own country? The Soviets and the East Germans did that.

Stop them before the cross our border. If we can't do that we may as well wave a white flag.

Why didn't I think of that? Let's see. The Southern Border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(OPPS! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so I am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need AC all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. that would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

Now, what was it that the Right was saying about deficit spending?

How much foreign aid do you figure we send to countries in south America? There's plenty of money to secure the border with some left over.
Tens of thousands of immigrants who illegally crossed the Mexico border into Texas are in the process of being released into communities throughout the nation rather than being indefinitely detained or immediately deported, a congressman told The releases have already started and the Border Patrol did not disclose how many. At least 60,000 Central Americans have entered the country illegally this year, though some news reports say the figure is as high as 170,000. An effort is under way to place children in foster homes or with relatives already living in the U.S., said Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. Not...

Flood of illegal immigrants coming to a neighborhood near you «

on the news here a US Border patrol Officer who was a Mexican, was saying the bad part about this is if any of these people are from Gangs or the Cartel, they will get an older couple and tell them we are your sons so they can get across and in somewhere....he said they caught a few with lots of tatoos....but not all the bad guys have lots of tats.....
Protesters Block Bus Carrying Immigrants | NBC Southern California


I'm ashamed of my old state.

A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Officials say the first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.

When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.
These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

Because the only possible objection to having three busloads of children dumped on the city is racism.

of course what else could it be in an area that has lots of Hispanic residents?....Hazel is a dipshit...
Why didn't I think of that? Let's see. The Southern Border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(OPPS! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so I am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need AC all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. that would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

Now, what was it that the Right was saying about deficit spending?

And BTW, as then article says, Obama has already deported more illegals than any other president.

2 people per half mile is seriously overdoing, but even that number isn't an onerous burden. How much does all of the above add up to, $1 billion, $5 billion? Now subtract all the welfare, free schooling and medical care for these illegals are you are still well into the plus column.

Actually, we are not in the plus column. This is just what we would need to seal the borders. Nothing that I have listed in my post does a single thing about deporting illegals, so this is in ADDITION to what we now spend (And, BTW, 2 guards patrolling together every half mile is realistic. I live on the border, and you can only guard as much as you can see, and also chase down). We have already dedicated 12 full time courts to deporting illegals. They are deporting 70 per day, every working day of the week, each. These courts do nothing else but deport illegals. Every one of them has to have an attorney, provided at our expense. They must be fed, housed, and transported back to their country, which often requires air transport. This system is presently maxed out. If you want to get rid of the illegals, you will have to seriously expand the deportation facilities. This is what we are doing now:

And BTW, as the article says, Obama has already deported more than any other president.

so he deports a 100 and a 100 more come in.....whats the point? have to plug the leaks before you can gain ground in bailing the water...
Gimme a break already. Others posters saw this as a big win, keeping out 140 people. Please, we get 24 million illegals in 25 years, and add to that this insurgency of 52 thousand unaccompanied Guatemalan/Latin American kids deliberately SENT here either as a test or just out of desperation. Yippy Ki yay. Send them all THE HELL back. Stop the "racism" my ass, stop the cynicism! Stop the games.
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God I hope this is true !

The US Plans To Deport The Thousands Of Children Flooding Across The US Border

PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday Washington would work with Central America to address the root causes of an immigration crisis, but kept up the Obama administration's tough message that undocumented children would be deported.

"We obviously understand people who want to do better, and who look for a better life, Kerry said as he met leaders from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, countries from which tens of thousands of children have fled to the United States in recent months.

"But at the same time, there are rules of law, and there is a process and there is false information that is being spread about benefits that might be available to these young people who are looking for that better life," he added.

Kerry was in Panama for the inauguration of the country's new president, Juan Carlos Varela, and he combined the trip with meetings to address a crisis that is straining U.S. resources and roiling partisan tensions in Washington over immigration.

Kerry met with Salvadoran President Salvador Sanchez Ceren and Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina. Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez did not attend, sending his Foreign Minister Mireya Aguero Trejo de Corrales instead.

President Barack Obama said on Monday he was sending Kerry to Central America to address the problem, in a speech pledging to act alone to revamp the U.S. immigration system and protect the border after hopes of persuading congressional Republicans to pass broad reform legislation officially died.

Kerry's visit followed one by Vice President Joe Biden to Guatemala on June 20 to discuss the exodus of children that is also threatening to complicate Washington's ties with its allies in Mexico and Central America.

The absence of Hernandez raised some eyebrows after the new Honduran president also skipped the meeting with Biden while on a trip to the World Cup in Brazil. That followed criticism of the United States in his inaugural address in January, when he said Central America was suffering from U.S. drug consumption.

Asked about the Panama talks, Honduran deputy foreign minister Roberto Ochoa told Reuters that protocol dictated that Aguero meet Kerry and that Hernandez wanted an "informal private meeting" with the U.S. secretary of state to discuss migration.

"There's a way of communicating among equals, and this is an old practice in relations between countries," Ochoa said.

Tens of thousands of children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras are showing up illegally, often without parents, at the Texas border. Their numbers could reach 90,000 this year and 150,000 next - up from only about 6,000 in 2011.

U.S. officials stressed that they consider the crisis humanitarian, citing the danger facing children traveling thousands of miles in the hands of smugglers. "The lives of children cannot be put at risk this way," Kerry said.

However, Washington also wants Central American countries to do more to fix their economies, for example by integrating their trade, State Department officials said.

"Until the Central Americans really get past some of the arguing among themselves and focusing on going it alone ... they're not going to overcome these problems," one said.

U.S. Republicans blame lax border security and Obama's moves toward easing immigration rules for encouraging Central Americans to risk the long journey north to escape poverty, crime and violence at home.

Obama blames Republicans for refusing to pass legislation that would address broader immigration issues, such as whether to provide a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Activists and some of Obama's fellow Democrats in Congress say many of the children would be eligible for asylum.

Read more: John Kerry: US To Deport Child Migrants - Business Insider
Obama Administration proposes housing Illegal immigrant children in Alabama

Yellow Hammer ^

According to Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL03), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) plans to house illegal immigrant children at the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) in Anniston, Ala. Many of them were apprehended at the border, which is in the midst of a humanitarian crisis brought on by children being sent across unaccompanied. Rogers first learned of the plan in an email sent to his office by the Federal agency. In response, Rogers penned a letter to HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson voicing his opposition to the proposal. “The...
Stop them before the cross our border. If we can't do that we may as well wave a white flag.

Why didn't I think of that? Let's see. The Southern Border is 2,000 miles long. Most of it has no infrastructure, meaning electrical lines, roads, water, houses, or anything else that would be needed to man the army of people would have to be stationed there. I figure that we would need about 2 people per half mile, so that means 8000 border guards, with 4,000 vehicles, each of which would be burning gas all day and all night at $3.50 per gallon.(OPPS! I just realized that we would have to triple the guards, because they would have to operate on three shifts per day...and even that assumes that they would work 7 days per week. Better quadruple it). . Each of the border guards would have to be trained, and outfitted, so I am guessing around $15,000 each, to get started. Then, of course, we would have to build the border stations about every 10 miles. That comes to 200 border stations, all of which will need AC all day and most nights, and pay each guard, oh, about $30,000 a year, plus about $20,000 in benefits, insurance, pensions, etc. that would come to ? (sorry, my pocket calculator does not have enough digits to figure this)

Now, what was it that the Right was saying about deficit spending?

And most Conservatives would be happy to pay whatever it took IF WE TRULY KNEW THE MONEY WE PAID WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO SECURE THE BORDER !!!

I would put our military in charge of the border if it were up to me. I was told once by a legal scholar that that would be unconstitutional, but seems to me this is a matter of homeland security at this point.

All's I ever hear from liberals though, is that it's impossible to secure our borders.
There are things that could be done to make it much harder for illegals to sneak in.
We could also throw employers in jail who hire illegals, and after a few years that would slow the influx of illegals if jobs were scarce.

The point is there could be many things that could be done to improve the situation.
The problem is with us. We simply sit back and allow it to happen.

In reading your response, I see two suggestions for securing the border. One is to use the military, which is, unconstitutional, and two is to clamp down on employers who hire illegals, which they already do in my state of Arizona.

Therefore, I again ask, What is your plan?
No. But, they apparently got here that way, so how come you don't condemn the piece of shit countries that these kids came from ? Or how about Mexico ? Why didn't they take them in ?
No as a fucking liberal, you'd rather trash us than trash the failed policies of the home countries where they came from in the first place.
It's time someone else came to the aid of the worlds problems. I'm frankly sick to fucking death that as an American I'm expected to bend over and grab my ankles every fucking time there's a crisis in the world !!!

Other than, "bitch, bitch, bitch", what is your plan? These kids are being sent here by human traffickers, not governments. Are you demanding that America force other countries to forbid people to leave their own country? The Soviets and the East Germans did that.

they are also being sent here to force an amnesty plan.....and thats coming from people who would know....namely the Illegals....the guy behind me is from El Salvador....he said his brother called him and said these people are going up from all over in truckloads....its funny how Mexico who usually beats their illegals all the way back to the southern border is letting so many pass....

It's a Mexican conspiracy. Ladygunslinger has already advocated that we declare war on Mexico......:uhoh3:
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Gimme a break already. Others posters saw this as a big win, keeping out 140 people. Please, we get 24 million illegals in 25 years, and add to that this insurgency of 52 thousand unaccompanied Guatemalan/Latin American kids deliberately SENT here either as a test or just out of desperation. Yippy Ki yay. Send them all THE HELL back. Stop the "racism" my ass, stop the cynicism! Stop the games.

And again, more bitching, with no solutions. Send them all back to where? What country? How? With what money? Who is going to feed them in the mean time? Is there some reason that you think that they are NOT going to be sent back?

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