Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

God Bless these folks. Murrieta has a huge mexican population. I guess they aren't taking kindly to Hondurans or Guatemalans invading and taking what few jobs there are or packing the schools.

It does my old heart good to see someone standing up for themselves and their community.

oh now you are a big fan of Hispanics?.....what happened to they are all a bunch of crooks and they change their identities every month?.....what ever way the wind blows right Katz?....
Murrieta is one of those little pockets of California, filled with racists Tea Brains who forget that the state economy is dependent on migrant seasonal labor.

you are full of shit .....the town has A LOT of Hispanics there....dont comment about a place you know nothing about Hazel....
Sorry, but the days of 'give us your tired, hungry, and poor' have been LONG OVER!

Then we take down the Statue of Liberty and become what we once fought.

Tell you what, let's send 5 of the fuckers to your house to live and YOU feed and take care of them..... Liberty has been dead for many decades now...all we have is a shell!
Arrest all involved with interference with government functions

Good thing George Washington et al. didn't agree with you.

Have you heard of the Whiskey Rebellion?

Ol' George sent the army in to gun down all the anti-Gov troublemakers.

Good, now lets gun down all the INVADERS from Central America that want to take everything they can from us, and suck the country dry, as long as you fucking subversives can inflate your voting roll, scumbag!
awww, you don't like it when the people STAND up to you bullies or for their country?

go cry us a river over and while you're at it go adopt a few DOZEN of these kids, take them into your homes, take away from YOUR FAMILY to give comfort, shelter, clothing, and food

Lets have a trade! I would welcome a thousand kids like these for only ten of you bible thumping white trailer trash mutants
Arrest all involved with interference with government functions

Good thing George Washington et al. didn't agree with you.

Washington accepted all who stood with the colonies and against the Crown's imperialism:eusa_angel: The Crown subjugated the colonies, the natural result was an attempt to gain fair treatment, when that did not bear fruit, a request for independece. When that failed, there were few options, continue being treated as less than equal subjects of the Crown, or break away. No comparison to stopping government vehicles carrying foreign residents and desecrating the US flag, unless these citizens are being denied their Constitutional rights.
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Murrieta is one of those little pockets of California, filled with racists Tea Brains who forget that the state economy is dependent on migrant seasonal labor.

Murieta is one of those little pockets of California full of mecicsns, tweakers and retirees. Californians are well aware of the damage illegals have done. Some of the people who live in Murieta have already run away from other cities that fell.
The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, :

2 billion Dollars?????
Even chartering a 747 and flying them back would be way less than 2 billion Dollars. What the hell are they doing with the rest of the money?
The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, :

2 billion Dollars?????
Even chartering a 747 and flying them back would be way less than 2 billion Dollars. What the hell are they doing with the rest of the money?

If I may inform you, it has NOTHING to do with shipping the little virus back, the money will be used to RELOCATE these 90+K "Children" all over America, feed them, house them, EDUCATE them, and make sure when they turn 18 they will be able to vote Democrap/subversive! Many will be placed in Texas, so that within 5 years or so, Texas will VOTE SUBVERSIVE thus ensuring that there is absolutely no way anyone but a lefty scumbag can become the president!

You may ask how...there is a LAW, and I do forget it's name that states that anyone coming from a country that borders America can be shipped back, BUT anyone coming her from a country that DOESN'T border on America CAN NOT be shipped back! Since most of these invaders are SUPPOSEDLY from Central American countries that DO NOT border America, they have a FREE PASS! If anyone care to look it up, please do!
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Why doesn't Nancy pelosi put her money where her mouth is and take just one child home. Just one.
My guess is that the Right's plan to solve this problem is to dump them in the middle of the Mojave desert with a compass, a pint of water, and instructions to walk south. Problems like this tend to take care of themselves with a little imagination. It is 109 degrees where I am in AZ right now...
Why doesn't Nancy pelosi put her money where her mouth is and take just one child home. Just one.

She's afraid she might catch a virulent strain of TB that has been discovered in some of them!
God Bless these folks. Murrieta has a huge mexican population. I guess they aren't taking kindly to Hondurans or Guatemalans invading and taking what few jobs there are or packing the schools.

It does my old heart good to see someone standing up for themselves and their community.

oh now you are a big fan of Hispanics?.....what happened to they are all a bunch of crooks and they change their identities every month?.....what ever way the wind blows right Katz?....

Heavens no. But mexicans don't want south Americans around any more than Americans want mexicans.

Someone standing up against the evil and destructive obama regime is better than no one. So far people have stopped these buses in Virginia and California. It should be everywhere. Drop them off in Death Valley.
RWs despise all children, hungry, homeless, in a foreign country - doesn't matter. If these pathetic excuses for human beings had their way, they'd cook them up and eat them.

Remember this the next time they preach about abortion because they are liars. Plain and simple, they hate children.
God Bless these folks. Murrieta has a huge mexican population. I guess they aren't taking kindly to Hondurans or Guatemalans invading and taking what few jobs there are or packing the schools.

It does my old heart good to see someone standing up for themselves and their community.

oh now you are a big fan of Hispanics?.....what happened to they are all a bunch of crooks and they change their identities every month?.....what ever way the wind blows right Katz?....

Heavens no. But mexicans don't want south Americans around any more than Americans want mexicans.

Someone standing up against the evil and destructive obama regime is better than no one. So far people have stopped these buses in Virginia and California. It should be everywhere. Drop them off in Death Valley.

Oh, well, why didn't you say so?

If some country does not like Central Americans, we shouldn't either because this is really just the 3rd grade recess, right?

"Drop them off in Death Valley."

I am ashamed of my fellow Americans. They are behaving like scum. Honestly, I wish we could put you in buses and get rid of you because you do not deserve to live in a country you hate.
Look at all the racist far left Obama drone propaganda posts here!
RWs despise all children, hungry, homeless, in a foreign country - doesn't matter. If these pathetic excuses for human beings had their way, they'd cook them up and eat them.

Remember this the next time they preach about abortion because they are liars. Plain and simple, they hate children.

How many illegals can we count on you taking in, long as you want them here so badly?
God Bless these folks. Murrieta has a huge mexican population. I guess they aren't taking kindly to Hondurans or Guatemalans invading and taking what few jobs there are or packing the schools.

It does my old heart good to see someone standing up for themselves and their community.

oh now you are a big fan of Hispanics?.....what happened to they are all a bunch of crooks and they change their identities every month?.....what ever way the wind blows right Katz?....

Heavens no. But mexicans don't want south Americans around any more than Americans want mexicans.

Someone standing up against the evil and destructive obama regime is better than no one. So far people have stopped these buses in Virginia and California. It should be everywhere. Drop them off in Death Valley.

Kill thousands of children, but cheer when a company doesn't provide birth control, real consistant. Arrest and prosecute the MOBS breaking the traffic safety laws, fines go to the support of the children. Every flag desecrated equals $1000.00, that will help defray the cost of sending most back to their native countries, and finding homes for the few who are wanted by American families.
My guess is that the Right's plan to solve this problem is to dump them in the middle of the Mojave desert with a compass, a pint of water, and instructions to walk south. Problems like this tend to take care of themselves with a little imagination. It is 109 degrees where I am in AZ right now...

No. But, they apparently got here that way, so how come you don't condemn the piece of shit countries that these kids came from ? Or how about Mexico ? Why didn't they take them in ?
No as a fucking liberal, you'd rather trash us than trash the failed policies of the home countries where they came from in the first place.
It's time someone else came to the aid of the worlds problems. I'm frankly sick to fucking death that as an American I'm expected to bend over and grab my ankles every fucking time there's a crisis in the world !!!

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