Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Oh look the little faggot who is out on his soap box for higher minimum wage and union support is offended by a well paid non union truck driver.

Hey look,.Its the stupid fucking dr gloom. Who thinks 25 dollars an hour is BIG money.

You ever get close to 25 an hour dude? Nah. I didn't think so.
You got any skills? Maybe you could get a union job and get off that 12 bucks an hour you've been making.

Btw, why don't you want non union wages to go down? If you get paid to much, you get paid to much. If a Teamster should have his earnings cut, a non Teamster should have his earnings cut. Both are driving a truck..
You are not getting it....Unions are on their way OUT....Nobody wants to deal with the high maintenance drama..
And you can just shut it about things of which you know nothing..
Fuckstick, you try being responsible for $250,000 of equipment and the load you're carrying and the lives of everyone driving around you. You try being away from your family for several nights, putting on heavy chains to make it over an icy overpass, and knowing all the laws required to transport hazardous materials. We don't get paid $25 an hour either, you stupid asshole. Our typical day is 12-16 hours then we sleep in a bunk after spending 10 minutes in Skype to talk to our wives and children and then we get up and do it all over again. You are truly a horse's ass thinking you can criticize truck drivers when everything you have, your food, your clothes, your car, and even the material that built your home was hauled by a truck.

And behalf of 3.5 million truck drivers, fuck you, eat shit, and die.

You are correct. You wish you got paid 25 dollars an hour.
Hey dude. You the fuck that wants the Teamster drivers wages to go down. You the fuck crying about the unions.

You are working for 50k. 12 to 16 hours a day. A whooping 16 bucks an hour. Maybe.

If you can't get a skill and make at least that much money working around where you live and be able to see your family, well that fucking is on you dude. You drive to get away. Most OTR drivers do the same. Get away from the kids, the wife, the responsibility, what ever.

You don't like the job, get a new one. But quit ragging on the Teamster that make more money than you for doing exactly the same fucking job. At least the Teamster had enough sense to go to the best paid drivers positions.

Weird to here you whine about how hard the job is. Isn't it the same for the union driver?
The non union driver if in the event something doesn't go according to plan will figure out a way to get the problem solved. A union guy says, "It's someone else's problem"....Shut off the truck and sit there....And get paid, too. Ridiculous
I am fucking you on .................

Buts thanks again for playing little faggot boy ...

You a bad dude on the "Net aren't you. You built a computer. WOW dude. That's really something. LMAO.
And you had a company. Good for you you stupid mother fucker.

But why post that bullshit about you and your company and your computer? You think I give a fuck?

You think that after I have let you know how big an asshole (I think) you are, that I would give a flying fuck about whatever you say you have or have done.

That's fucking hilarious. .Eat shit and die you stupid little fuck.
Of course you give a fuck..It's eating away at your insides. That's why you are seething with anger.
You are correct. You wish you got paid 25 dollars an hour.
Hey dude. You the fuck that wants the Teamster drivers wages to go down. You the fuck crying about the unions.

You are working for 50k. 12 to 16 hours a day. A whooping 16 bucks an hour. Maybe.

If you can't get a skill and make at least that much money working around where you live and be able to see your family, well that fucking is on you dude. You drive to get away. Most OTR drivers do the same. Get away from the kids, the wife, the responsibility, what ever.

You don't like the job, get a new one. But quit ragging on the Teamster that make more money than you for doing exactly the same fucking job. At least the Teamster had enough sense to go to the best paid drivers positions.

Weird to here you whine about how hard the job is. Isn't it the same for the union driver?

And why do you care how much he earns if he's happy with that?

At least he's not extorting anyone, but he earns his money on his own.

Well Zeke is distorting the facts, I provided the law which states the driver can drive no more than 11 hrs. in a 21 hr period, but yet he wants to use 12 to 16 hr days..................

No the fucking faggot is clueless to say the least .........................

The limits
The hours-of-service regulations, located in Part 395 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), include three maximum limits:

  • 11-hour driving rule,
  • 14-consecutive hour duty rule, and
  • 60-hour/7day and 70-hour/8-day rules.
11-hour driving rule
All time spent behind the wheel of your commercial motor vehicle (CMV) is considered driving time. After 11 hours of driving time, you must have at least 10 consecutive hours off duty before you can drive again.

14-consecutive hour duty rule
You cannot drive beyond the 14th consecutive hour after coming on duty. After the 14th hour you must have at least 10 hours off duty before you may drive again.

This rule gives you a set period of time, a "window" so to speak, in which you may drive your CMV. Lunch breaks or other off-duty time cannot extend this 14-hour period. Keep in mind that you may work after the 14th hour, but you may not drive.

60-hour/7-day and 70-hour/8-day limits
This rule is based on the amount of on-duty time you have in a "rolling" 7-day or 8-day period. The oldest day's hours drop off at the end of each day when you calculate the total on-duty time for the past 7 or 8 days.

If your company does not operate vehicles every day of the week, you must follow the 60-hour/7-day limit. If your company operates vehicles every day of the week, you may follow either of the two limits.

Under the 60-hour/7-day limit, you may not drive a CMV after having been on duty for 60 hours in any period of 7 -consecutive days.

Under the 70-hour/8-day limit, you may not drive a CMV after having been on duty for 70 hours in any period of 8 -consecutive days.

Keep in mind, that under either limit you may do non-driving work after reaching the 60-hour or 70-hour maximum, but these hours must be added into your total.

The regulations include an optional "restart" provision. The 34-hour restart allows you to "restart" your 60- or 70-hour clock by going off duty for at least 34 consecutive hours.

What is on-duty time?
On-duty time is all time from the time you begin work or are required to be ready for work until you are relieved from all work and responsibility for work. On-duty time includes time spent:

  • Waiting to be dispatched,
  • Inspecting, servicing, or conditioning a CMV,
  • Driving,
  • In or on your vehicle (except sleeper-berth time),
  • Loading or unloading your vehicle,
  • Repairing, obtaining assistance, or attending a disabled vehicle,
  • Performing any other work for a motor carrier,
  • Complying with drug or alcohol requirements, and
  • Performing compensated work for any other employer.
Your log book
A record of duty status or driver's daily log is used to track your compliance with the hours-of-service regulations. You must fill it out in duplicate for each 24-hour period. The log must be in your own handwriting and be legible.

The log must include a graph grid with lines for off-duty, sleeper-berth, driving, and on-duty not driving time. In addition, it must include the following 11 pieces of information:

  • Date,
  • Total miles driven today,
  • Truck or tractor and trailer number,
  • Carrier's name,
  • 24-hour period starting time,
  • Driver's signature/certification,
  • Main office address,
  • Remarks,
  • Co-driver's name (if you have a co-driver),
  • Total hours in each dusty status (at end of grid), and
  • Shipping document number(s) or shipper name and commodity.
You must keep your log current to your last change of duty status. The total in all four categories must be 24 hours. As well as the current day's log, a copy from each of the last seven days must be in your possession while on duty.

Though always an important issue for the trucking industry, compliance with the hours-of-service regulations has become an even bigger issue as it can affect how motor carriers and drivers fare under CSA.
Most carriers and O/O's are going to e-logs now.
My brother is an O/O...He is all electronic. He supports it.. E- Logs prevent cheating as they cannot be tampered with or "fudged"...
What you don't comprehend is that he doesn't work every day that much.

How in the fuck would you know how much the dude works? Truck drivers usually work every day. At least the drivers I have known.

. What important is that he earns it.

Yea. SO what? If he got paid .75 cents a mile and made more money, wouldn't he be earning it then?
Or do you only "earn" your wages if you are underpaid? If so, them MW workers REALLY earn their wages.
One thing you are very good at is posting without logic.
In 2010, Germany produced more than 5.5 million automobiles; the U.S produced 2.7 million. At the same time, the average auto worker in Germany made $67.14 per hour in salary in benefits; the average one in the U.S. made $33.77 per hour. Yet Germany’s big three car companies—BMW, Daimler(Mercedes-Benz ), and Volkswagen—are very profitable.

OMG would you look at the earnings of an auto worker in Germany.

How can that be? The question is explored in a new article from Remapping Debate, a public policy e-journal. Its author, Kevin C. Brown, writes that “the salient difference is that, in Germany, the automakers operate within an environment that precludes a race to the bottom; in the U.S., they operate within an environment that encourages such a race.”

Seems your unions have failed to deliver on their promises, even by your own account.

And Americans don't make cars that cost $90,000. That's the part you Leftists don't seem to understand, that wages aren't set in a vacuum, they are set by how lucrative their product or service is. Demanding that somebody who makes a Chevy Avalanche should make as much as somebody who makes a Lamborguini ($548,800) is just childish tempter tantrums wondering why Tommy gets something you don't get to have. You idiot Leftists live in a fantasy land where the money you think you deserve just magically appears.
Add the government subsidies provided by each respective nation's governments.
who makes a Lamborguini ($548,800) is jus

German care companies do not make the Lamborghini. That was just fuckin stupid. And so what that American companies don't make 100k cars. Bet you could dress up a "Vette to hit that number. Maybe a Tesla.
Holy shit.....Save for the new concept Dodge Viper, the only vehicles made in the US by US Auto makers are large trucks.....
On the other hand, there are several foreign builders that produce several models priced in six figures.
Back to minimum wage.

When worker become too expensive, the business will seek solution for the problem. If government is forcing business to pay double for unskilled labor, unskilled labor will drop to minimum or there will be no unskilled labor. Just few years back, stores installed few self checkouts. Now there are everywhere. Of course, regular cashiers wont go away completely because of people like me that run two cars of food because I don't go to store often. But when I have couple of items, I use self checkout every time. They became new normal and in some time they will be outdated.

The only thing holding stores back from full cart checkouts based on RFID technology is the cost of implementing the system. But if a store is going to see their payroll increase by tens if not hundreds of thousands per year the capital investment starts looking a whole lot better. Of course, there will be few cashiers, just in case.
But to agree to a certain wage and then whine about how you're getting "screwed" by your boss is covetousness. And there's a reason that this particular sin made the top ten of God's commandments.

You got hedge fund managers making literally a billion dollars a year and you don't think they are greedy?
But a union car guy making 30 bucks an hour is greed extraordinaire eh?
Who are you to say what is greedy for the working man, when all around him are people making hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars and not work near as hard as the working man.

You are fucking crazy.
What do hedge fund managers or for that matter anyone else in financials have to do with anything?
But since you opened the door. Those hedge fund managers and others who invest gigantic sums of money in the markets are the reason why that guy making $30 per hour has a job. For without the ability for a business to invest some of it's cash in other areas, that business will ultimately fail. The hedge fund manager or portfolio manager and his her team find good solid investment opportunities for business, individuals and yes, government agencies.
Do you really think those private sector or municipal pension dollars just sit in a bank vault collecting dust?
NO those large salary workers are skilled / specialized workers,

Why they are so skilled/ specialized that at one time they designed poor quality,. poor economy and poor performance in every single vehicle they produced..

How much fucking money do they need to do a shitty job? Will 100k do it. Or do they need 150k?

Of course after they understood that they (the management) was responsible for the downfall of the company, they have tried to do better. And they have.
Now you're jjst spewing.
Hey genius...With that education/degree comes prestige. Prestige costs money. And that is why those who are so motivated, go to schools of higher learning. So they can earn more.
Last year Bill Gates gave an interview to Business Insider.

Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set… 20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don’t think people have that in their mental model.”

As for what governments should do to prevent social unrest in the wake of mass unemployment, the Microsoft co-founder said that they should basically get on their knees and beg businesses to keep employing humans over algorithms. This means perhaps eliminating payroll and corporate income taxes while also not raising the minimum wage so that businesses will feel comfortable employing people at dirt-cheap wages instead of outsourcing their jobs to an iPad.

I thought this part is interesting.
NO those large salary workers are skilled / specialized workers,

Why they are so skilled/ specialized that at one time they designed poor quality,. poor economy and poor performance in every single vehicle they produced..

How much fucking money do they need to do a shitty job? Will 100k do it. Or do they need 150k?

Of course after they understood that they (the management) was responsible for the downfall of the company, they have tried to do better. And they have.
Now you're jjst spewing.
Hey genius...With that education/degree comes prestige. Prestige costs money. And that is why those who are so motivated, go to schools of higher learning. So they can earn more.

It's easier to vote Democrat.

The only way lefties can get what they want is to force people into it. Force non union workers to pay dues in union shop. Force people into buying health insurance. Force minimum wage. What happen to individual choice and personal responsibility? Oh, you can't have that.
NO those large salary workers are skilled / specialized workers,

Why they are so skilled/ specialized that at one time they designed poor quality,. poor economy and poor performance in every single vehicle they produced..

How much fucking money do they need to do a shitty job? Will 100k do it. Or do they need 150k?

Of course after they understood that they (the management) was responsible for the downfall of the company, they have tried to do better. And they have.
Now you're jjst spewing.
Hey genius...With that education/degree comes prestige. Prestige costs money. And that is why those who are so motivated, go to schools of higher learning. So they can earn more.

It's easier to vote Democrat.

The only way lefties can get what they want is to force people into it. Force non union workers to pay dues in union shop. Force people into buying health insurance. Force minimum wage. What happen to individual choice and personal responsibility? Oh, you can't have that.

You want the freedom to pay $2 hr?

You want the freedom to not have health or car insurance? But when you get sick we aren't free to deny you treatment?
Man would you look at what I found. This is a partial list of jobs to be filled at GM.
Look at the jobs paying above 100k.
And then the wages of the lowly production worker.

But wait. It's the unions fault their workers get paid well. Whose fault is it for paying non union workers so damn much. And why shouldn't the guys building the cars, supporting the 100k plus workers get paid well? Everybody else is. That's the fucking reason people want union jobs. They get paid better than non union jobs.

You fucks are dense.

[+] Operations Manager (3)
$48,088 - $125,932

[+] Operations Research Manager (2)

$113,530 - $187,246

[+] Packaging Engineer (12)

$42,485 - $90,511

[+] Performance Engineer (5)

$59,109 - $117,641

[+] Plant Superintendent (2)

$76,171 - $156,607

[+] Powertrain Control Systems & Software Engineer (2)

$74,776 - $113,828

[+] Process Engineer (6)

$55,739 - $105,513

[+] Product Design Engineer (3)

$76,612 - $135,916

[+] Product Development Engineer, Automotive (5)

$54,672 - $124,757

[+] Production Supervisor (5)

$37,577 - $88,951

[+] Production Worker (2)
$22,590 - $56,037

[+] Program Manager, IT (3)

$86,608 - $172,723

[+] Project Coordinator, (Unknown Type / General) (2)

$30,668 - $62,298

[+] Project Engineer (3)

$57,535 - $130,740

[+] Project Manager, Information Te
THat production worker wage is bullshit. The union scale is over $30 per hour not including benefits. Before GM was bailed out by the taxpayers via political fiat, the total compensation for a GM line worker was $71 per hour. That was GM's COST per worker.
From 2008...
UAW Workers Actually Cost the Big Three Automakers 70 an Hour
How much does an American auto worker make Bent Corner
Good! See how much the CEO costs every company?
Board members are not paid wages. Their earnings are tied to the value of the stock. The pay of these people does not come from the bottom line.
Look, if union labor were cost efficient and unions cooperative, there would be no argument.
The fact that non union labor is more productive and performs equally as well and in many cases is more productive than union labor, is the reason why unions are being run out of the equation.
Finally, you evaded the issue. That is the cost of union labor.
Unions did and probably do protect people who should be fired. That's true. But ford had record profits the last 2 years and they gave their employees over $6k in profit sharing. Buy american.
Gotta ask....Can you without tell me two things, Where are Ford Fusions built?...What percentage of the parts that are in the Fusion are made here in the US?
The Hyundai I just bought was built in the US....Ok?
Agreed. But keep in mind my brothers job is to negotiate with the labor unions in those countries. Yet here where unions were invented they're being dismantled.

If you want to kill something aim for the heart.

My bro admited without unions all workers would be screwed. Of course corporations dont like them. Demonize them. Be careful what you wish for.
Those plants only pay well because they dont want you to unionize. If not for fear of unions they'd be paying low skilled Toyota workers the same as Walmart does.

Not really. They pay enough to bring you in and what they think the work is worth. They're not afraid of unions, they let workers vote and workers keep rejecting union. Let me repeat it so you can sink it in. Workers are rejecting unions. One more time? Workers are rejecting unions. :D

Why, because American unions today are in extortion business. Extortion from worker and from employer. All they care are union dues, nothing else.
Actually the corporations use intimidation to narrowly avoid being unionized. Threaten to close.

Hard for MCD workers to organize with their fellow taco bell bk and arby brothers and sisters.

And I'll say it again. Those companies pay CLOSE to union wages and benefits or those employees would vote differently. Dont you get that dummy? If unions go away then they'll pay walmart wages.

Why else does toyota and Honda pay their low skilled and low educated workers so much? You right wingers argue that these types of workers are overpaid in the big 3. Why are the same kinds of workers paid so well? You guys argue too that it doesnt matter if profits are up because that goes to the CEO and shareholders. Can't have this both ways.

Fear of union is why Toyota pays so well.
I used to buy GM cars, I love Cadillac. Since union takeover, I don't anymore. I'm pretty happy with Benz.

Union takeover? What the hell you talking about?
Oh and that Benz. If it was made in Germany, it was union. If it was made down south in the USA, the workers were paid union wages.

What the fuck is your point? You think Benz expects the quality they get from 12 dollar an hour workers? Grow the fuck up. You think the labor component on a Benz isn't figured into that premium price you paid? LMAO.
Most foreign branded cars sold in the US are made in US or Canada. In mostly non union plants.
All BMW's and MB's sold here are made here.
Same goes for many Asian branded models.
Again, non union plants
Those plants only pay well because they dont want you to unionize. If not for fear of unions they'd be paying low skilled Toyota workers the same as Walmart does.
Precisely...It is on the best interest of the business to pay above market wages. The reasons are many.
One is unions prohibit cross training. The incentive of a union is to create as many jobs as possible. And to lock people into a certain job. Non union plants encourage workers to learn all facets of the assembly line. This allows flexibility. So if a worker who calls in sick, another worker can easily take that worker's place. In a union plant, this is not permitted.
Two..Productivity. Unions DESPISE this concept. The union philosophy is the faster pace of work means less hours. Can't have that. IN the union world, workers who do an exemplary job, work quickly are scorned by fellow workers for such stupid things as "trying to show them up"...or "sucking up to management".
Three. Merit pay/increases. Under union contracts, this is not permitted. Unions are collectives. Therefore the most mediocre workers get the same pay and same increases as the best workers. That's a bunch of shit.
And it breeds complacency which spreads mediocrity throughout the facility.
So, you want to tell me why unions are so good?
Sick pay without a medical reason for missing work.. Unions insist on coercing companies to pay people NOT to work. All the worker has to do is claim they are too sick to come to work..That's nuts and it ripe for abuse.

Great arguments against unions. When I hear these things I say unions better stop doing those things or one day there won't be any unions and then we will all be in trouble. But great arguments.

I get 3 sick days a year. I dont get sick but plan on using them. Not in a union.
Board members are not paid wages. Their earnings are tied to the value of the stock. The pay of these people does not come from the bottom line.
Look, if union labor were cost efficient and unions cooperative, there would be no argument.
The fact that non union labor is more productive and performs equally as well and in many cases is more productive than union labor, is the reason why unions are being run out of the equation.
Finally, you evaded the issue. That is the cost of union labor.

If saint union worker is so great, they wouldn't need union to represent them. I have to say, there are good union workers, but there are many more under union shield that are just sucking off of them. If they get rid of them, they would earn much more money.
Correct. The way unions are set up, as collectives, the concept permits the mediocre to ride the coat tails of the outstanding.

If all you ever want to do is work on the line I guess. If you guys had your way toyota and Honda line workers would only make minimum wage no?
Economists polled by Reuters are forecasting a healthy 244,000 rise in non-farm payrolls in March. If confirmed, it would be the 13th straight month of job gains of over 200,000, matching a run in 1994-95.

In the post-war period only the runs of 14 months in 1976-77 and 15 due to baby boomers entering the workforce in 1983-84 have been higher. Now baby boomers are leaving the workforce & we are adding lots of jobs. Looks like Obamacrats destroyed this country. :lol:
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