Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

from the minds of unionized South Africans.

The South Africans took note of the irony that the people and the unions of the United States stood up for the South African people when they were suffering under the racist apartheid regime. The United Auto Workers union was a lead actor in the international struggle to free Nelson Mandela and to end the racist policies. Now, the people of South Africa can freely join unions while U.S. workers face threats of losing their jobs.

The big question on the minds of the South Africans was: why does Nissan imply that it will remove work from factories in the U.S. if workers exercise their right to form a union? Certain political officials repeat over and over that it’s the absence of unions that allows them to attract new businesses. While Nissan has not contradicted this, the company opens up factories around the world with full respect for, and the expectation of working with, unionized workforces. Why are Southern U.S. workers second-class global citizens?

Them auto companies sure don't mind taking advantage of the poorly educated folks of Mississippi and Alabama.

It's like the HR people found the dumbest, lowest paid workers in the country, gave them an ok job (many through temp agencies so they couldn't sign a union membership drive petition) then scared them to death telling them they would lose the best job they ever had or hope to have if they consider joining a union.

Nice eh. It's ok for the company to use intimidation of the work force to keep the unions out. Yes or No?
This is the largest thread I've created so far. Hmmmm..........carry on!

It has been interesting how you have exposed the stupidity that the right wing has for themselves as regular workers. And the hatred they have for other working men and women of the country who are in a union.

How you have exposed the double standard of "freedom" that right wingers carry on about. Corporations are "free" to stop unionization any way they can. But look out if the workers try to use their supposed "freedom" to unionize.

Amazing how foreign car companies take advantage of the poorest states in the union (there's that word again, right in the preamble) extract huge "monetary incentives " from the states for locating there and get help from the states legislatures to keep unions out.

Yea it's been interesting.

Let me ask you this; if unions supported the Republicans, would Republicans still hate unions? That's all it comes down to. These people hating unions only have ONE reason for their hatred. Dems get support from the unions,.
If it was the other way around, Dems would be bitching. Has nothing to do with earnings or workers rights or anything else except for the fact Dems get the support of unions. And you all hate you some Democrats.
This is the largest thread I've created so far. Hmmmm..........carry on!

It has been interesting how you have exposed the stupidity that the right wing has for themselves as regular workers. And the hatred they have for other working men and women of the country who are in a union.

How you have exposed the double standard of "freedom" that right wingers carry on about. Corporations are "free" to stop unionization any way they can. But look out if the workers try to use their supposed "freedom" to unionize.

Amazing how foreign car companies take advantage of the poorest states in the union (there's that word again, right in the preamble) extract huge "monetary incentives " from the states for locating there and get help from the states legislatures to keep unions out.

Yea it's been interesting.

Let me ask you this; if unions supported the Republicans, would Republicans still hate unions? That's all it comes down to. These people hating unions only have ONE reason for their hatred. Dems get support from the unions,.
If it was the other way around, Dems would be bitching. Has nothing to do with earnings or workers rights or anything else except for the fact Dems get the support of unions. And you all hate you some Democrats.
The racist OP didn't start the discussion about the unions. That got ginned up after the anti minimum wage proponents got their asses kicked and some of them just started deflecting into a free for all circle jerk of malcontents confused at a monkey face thread that had nothing to do with feral negroes.
This is the largest thread I've created so far. Hmmmm..........carry on!

It has been interesting how you have exposed the stupidity that the right wing has for themselves as regular workers. And the hatred they have for other working men and women of the country who are in a union.

How you have exposed the double standard of "freedom" that right wingers carry on about. Corporations are "free" to stop unionization any way they can. But look out if the workers try to use their supposed "freedom" to unionize.

Amazing how foreign car companies take advantage of the poorest states in the union (there's that word again, right in the preamble) extract huge "monetary incentives " from the states for locating there and get help from the states legislatures to keep unions out.

Yea it's been interesting.

Let me ask you this; if unions supported the Republicans, would Republicans still hate unions? That's all it comes down to. These people hating unions only have ONE reason for their hatred. Dems get support from the unions,.
If it was the other way around, Dems would be bitching. Has nothing to do with earnings or workers rights or anything else except for the fact Dems get the support of unions. And you all hate you some Democrats.
I stand by my truthful op.
It has been interesting how you have exposed the stupidity that the right wing has for themselves as regular workers. And the hatred they have for other working men and women of the country who are in a union.

No, once again you are parroting bull shit, no one "hates union workers", great sounding talking point but totally false.
Comprehension has been your worst enemy in this thread, the union itself is a "blood sucking leech" that takes money from it's ignorant base and promises better benefits and pay for those who would lack the necessary skills to garner the same benefits and pay on their own. The union will use "extortion tactics" or mafia style tactics to accomplish it's agenda. The bottom line for the unions now are "dues", which are funneled to political organizations in which union members disagree. These union members feel they should have a say in matters, but the unions don't care.
So let's clear that little faggot lie up and realize it it the political actions or current day unions and the realization that unions take money called dues from workers.
You are basically saying without the union mouth piece and the ability to shut down the production line / plant that you as a person are simply just incapable of getting more money by your self, whether it is because of lack of confidence or just plain stupidity.

How you have exposed the double standard of "freedom" that right wingers carry on about. Corporations are "free" to stop unionization any way they can. But look out if the workers try to use their supposed "freedom" to unionize.

Once again it has been pointed out repeatedly that when given the choice, unions are being voted down and out!!

Amazing how foreign car companies take advantage of the poorest states in the union (there's that word again, right in the preamble) extract huge "monetary incentives " from the states for locating there and get help from the states legislatures to keep unions out.

Do you know how retarded that shit sounds??
Car companies pick sites based mostly on location, available resources, available shipping venues and other variables.
These states, "Compete" for these plants moron, even with tax breaks they pump millions of dollars into the local and state economy and provide countless jobs that would not otherwise exist.
Which state legislature do you speak of??
Got a specific incident, those broad and sweeping statements are pure bull shit meant to gin up your crack head base..............

Let me ask you this; if unions supported the Republicans, would Republicans still hate unions? That's all it comes down to. These people hating unions only have ONE reason for their hatred. Dems get support from the unions,.
If it was the other way around, Dems would be bitching. Has nothing to do with earnings or workers rights or anything else except for the fact Dems get the support of unions. And you all hate you some Democrats.

We've talked about this already, some more of that retarded shit ....................
Their are no Republican Unions, that is an oxy-moron, moron.
I've already stated no matter which political affiliation was behind the union, the basic "blood sucking leeches" concept still exist which is what the objection is to.
You can try and label it as political but that just shows everyone how childish and ignorant you are..............
You want the freedom to pay $2 hr?

Once you realize that worker is in control over his wage, not business, we might get somewhere. That worker with the skill, assuming it is relevant, still commands a premium over that skill. Companies who want to attract, or retain his abilities need to offer more than the minimum.

You want the freedom to not have health or car insurance? But when you get sick we aren't free to deny you treatment?

You missed the part about "individual choice and personal responsibility".

You're putting health and car insurance in the same basket. OK. If you wanna drive car, you need insurance. If you wanna go to a doctor, you need an insurance. What you want is that person who doesn't have a car, pays for car insurance, right?
True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you

Hating struggling American Workers while licking Corporate boots, isn't a winning platform. It's why the Republican Party will struggle to win National Elections for the foreseeable future. Too many of you have allowed your hate & greed to rot your souls. And that's gonna cost ya.
Hating struggling American Workers while licking Corporate boots, isn't a winning platform. It's why the Republican Party will struggle to win National Elections for the foreseeable future. Too many of you have allowed your hate & greed to rot your souls. And that's gonna cost ya.

It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you
Why dont mexicans do that in mexico? Oh yea because there arent any good jobs in mexico.

This is starting to happen in america. The young college educated kids working for less and ford jobs are now walmart jobs. Good luck getting into ford but walmarts hiring.

As a Nation, we're going backwards. Most Americans' futures look pretty dismal. We've lost our way. We went from having mostly good career jobs for our People, to most now settling for low wage temporary jobs, with almost no hope for the future. And that transformation happened pretty rapidly. So, is the American Dream still alive? I would have to say barely. It's on life support.
The greatest and wealthiest Nation on earth can and should treat its Workers better. The status quo cannot stand. We need to have more good-paying career jobs for average Americans. We need to bring the jobs back home. Otherwise, the Entitlement costs will continue to spiral out of control. We as a Nation need to grow a conscience.
We went from having mostly good career jobs for our People, to most now settling for low wage temporary jobs, with almost no hope for the future. And that transformation happened pretty rapidly. So, is the American Dream still alive? I would have to say barely. It's on life support.

I would hate to think it is a dismal as it sounds.

For around 25% of us, things are pretty good. Thats still a lot of people.
For around another 25%, things are flat. Holding on. Kids could go either way. Up the ladder or down, depending in their decision making process.
For the next 50%, things could and do suck. If you can't read (millions of kids can't) and you can't process higher math, which we now suck at educating most kids to be able to do, then what the hell you gonna do with your life?
Work low wage, government subsided jobs. Or off the books low wage cash paying jobs.
Those folks are not having dreams, they're having nightmares. Don't know if it will get much better for them
Survival is much more important than dreaming.

When we got rid of so many jobs making all sorts of shit, we got rid of the natural step up employment for the lower class trying to live the dream.
If my job progression is where I work retail for a while, get a low level job in manuf, learn a skill while working in manufacturing, step up in pay for my skills etc, that's living the dream.

But if I got to go from low skill retail job and compete for a high skill job with no intermediary positions, that worker is screwed. He simply can't be hired for today's jobs.

So yea, a two class system seems to be developing based on lack of education and lack of opportunity.
We really need to bring back all sorts of manufacturing jobs. They (good jobs) are the engine of capitalism.
The Chinese know it, why the hell you think they worked so hard to get our jobs? LMAO.
We went from having mostly good career jobs for our People, to most now settling for low wage temporary jobs, with almost no hope for the future. And that transformation happened pretty rapidly. So, is the American Dream still alive? I would have to say barely. It's on life support.

I would hate to think it is a dismal as it sounds.

For around 25% of us, things are pretty good. Thats still a lot of people.
For around another 25%, things are flat. Holding on. Kids could go either way. Up the ladder or down, depending in their decision making process.
For the next 50%, things could and do suck. If you can't read (millions of kids can't) and you can't process higher math, which we now suck at educating most kids to be able to do, then what the hell you gonna do with your life?
Work low wage, government subsided jobs. Or off the books low wage cash paying jobs.
Those folks are not having dreams, they're having nightmares. Don't know if it will get much better for them
Survival is much more important than dreaming.

When we got rid of so many jobs making all sorts of shit, we got rid of the natural step up employment for the lower class trying to live the dream.
If my job progression is where I work retail for a while, get a low level job in manuf, learn a skill while working in manufacturing, step up in pay for my skills etc, that's living the dream.

But if I got to go from low skill retail job and compete for a high skill job with no intermediary positions, that worker is screwed. He simply can't be hired for today's jobs.

So yea, a two class system seems to be developing based on lack of education and lack of opportunity.
We really need to bring back all sorts of manufacturing jobs. They (good jobs) are the engine of capitalism.
The Chinese know it, why the hell you think they worked so hard to get our jobs? LMAO.
25%, 25% and 50% and "millions" of kids who can't read. You excel pulling things out of your ass, but you can't get around the fact that what comes out of your ass is shit.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you

Hating struggling American Workers while licking Corporate boots, isn't a winning platform. It's why the Republican Party will struggle to win National Elections for the foreseeable future. Too many of you have allowed your hate & greed to rot your souls. And that's gonna cost ya.

What planet are you living on? The GOP just bitch slapped the Democrats in 2014, and 2010, and battled Obama to a draw in 2012 with him lying his ass off. I see some of you libs have yet to come to grips with the historic ground and pound the GOP put on you.
When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you
Why dont mexicans do that in mexico? Oh yea because there arent any good jobs in mexico.

This is starting to happen in america. The young college educated kids working for less and ford jobs are now walmart jobs. Good luck getting into ford but walmarts hiring.

As a Nation, we're going backwards. Most Americans' futures look pretty dismal. We've lost our way. We went from having mostly good career jobs for our People, to most now settling for low wage temporary jobs, with almost no hope for the future. And that transformation happened pretty rapidly. So, is the American Dream still alive? I would have to say barely. It's on life support.

And why is that? Because the liberals sacrifice jobs and growth in virtually every policy they advocate. Thousands of jobs killing regulations pushing more and more jobs off-shore. Irrational global warming crap. Irrational hatred of fossil fuels. Then they kick growth in the groin with never ending tax increases. If the bunch of asshole liberals would get out of our way we could get this country back to work.
The greatest and wealthiest Nation on earth can and should treat its Workers better. The status quo cannot stand. We need to have more good-paying career jobs for average Americans. We need to bring the jobs back home. Otherwise, the Entitlement costs will continue to spiral out of control. We as a Nation need to grow a conscience.

The Nation doesn't own any Workers.
If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you
Why dont mexicans do that in mexico? Oh yea because there arent any good jobs in mexico.

This is starting to happen in america. The young college educated kids working for less and ford jobs are now walmart jobs. Good luck getting into ford but walmarts hiring.

As a Nation, we're going backwards. Most Americans' futures look pretty dismal. We've lost our way. We went from having mostly good career jobs for our People, to most now settling for low wage temporary jobs, with almost no hope for the future. And that transformation happened pretty rapidly. So, is the American Dream still alive? I would have to say barely. It's on life support.

And why is that? Because the liberals sacrifice jobs and growth in virtually every policy they advocate. Thousands of jobs killing regulations pushing more and more jobs off-shore. Irrational global warming crap. Irrational hatred of fossil fuels. Then they kick growth in the groin with never ending tax increases. If the bunch of asshole liberals would get out of our way we could get this country back to work.

It's cheaper to manufacture offshore and corporations are being managed to make the most profit possible. The regulations you speak of are the ones which keep companies from polluting the water, soil and air - the things we need to protect to save human life on this planet. And also the regulations which keep workers from being killed as in that garment factory collapse in Bangladesh.

Those are the regulations you're complaining about. Things that keep people safe.

No matter how much right wingers like you deny it, climate change is real and there is much money to be made in the conversion to renewable energy but that would require investment and commitment and conservatives oppose change and always have.

Conservatives have been running the economy since Reagan was elected and jobs and middle class prosperity had been on the decline as corporations got larger and larger, and profit for the wealthy became the primary goal for corporations.

Conservative policies are destroying jobs, and transferring wealth to the top since 1981 all the while blaming the poor for their inability to earn a living wage.
It's cheaper to manufacture offshore and corporations are being managed to make the most profit possible. The regulations you speak of are the ones which keep companies from polluting the water, soil and air - the things we need to protect to save human life on this planet. And also the regulations which keep workers from being killed as in that garment factory collapse in Bangladesh.

There are companies (high tech, chemical) that pays their skilled labor way above minimum wage and they do not face problems with location related demand. However, most of companies chose location for their business primarily on location related cost of doing business. When it comes down to simple business economics, why pay more for Seattle location when it provides no major benefits and you could easily be more cost-effective in another country/city/state?

Those are the regulations you're complaining about. Things that keep people safe.

No matter how much right wingers like you deny it, climate change is real and there is much money to be made in the conversion to renewable energy but that would require investment and commitment and conservatives oppose change and always have.

I understand your worries. Few days ago, California rep Barbara Lee said that climate change will turn women into prostitutes.

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