Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

What's a lie? Where did I lie? I said absolutely nothing about "a law". Who are you addressing? I don't believe that I mentioned a law. What was the lie?
You're a retard!
"They are not going to pay any more than they have to."

That's a lie. You know nothing about business, you're running your cyber mouth about things completely out of your grasp.
Oh, I see. so instead of paying an employee $20.00 an hour to do a task ( job ), a business will pay double that just out of the goodness of its heart? Or, a business will pay a janitor $40.00 an hour just to feel good about itself? What's a lie? Where did I lie? A business is not going to pay an employee any more than they have to pay. What business do you know of that pays employees way more than the going rate? Name a business that pays way outside the going rate for any particular job? I have owned two businesses, and yet, you say that I know nothing about running a business? That shows just how little you know.

Also, your childish and silly name calling and personal attack is school yard stuff, and has no place on forums where adults are attempting to have civil conversations. Your age? If you think that immature "cyber mouth" comment makes you appear to be intelligent and "all-knowing", think again. FYI - Business is NOT out of my grasp. If there's anything that you'd like to know or learn about "business", just ask. I'll be glad to help you in any way that I can. I do not mind sharing knowledge or my many years of experience.

Again, what lie did I tell, or what lie are you referring to? Care to tell me the lie that you think I told? And, please grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Childish remarks and comments add absolutely nothing to these conversations.

As a JOFO who has contributed to this thread ........................

Give it a breqak Sonny, you have had plenty of room to make yourself look intelligent ........................


As some one casually reading this, if you have ever owned any business's as yoiu claim your rghetoric does not reflect it.


You can't even talk the talk, much less put anything of true intellectual value to support your case.

Now you can call this name calling or what the fuck ever yoiur little pampered princess whine's vocabulary has for my type of activity.

So when we talk about growing up, .......................

What case have I not supported? What have I not explained in plain English concerning my opinion on the matter? Go ahead, tell me, if you can. What would you like to know about owning a business? I have owned two of them and would be glad to share my experience and knowledge on the subject. Go ahead, ask me anything that you might be curious about.

What have I said that does not reflect me being a past business owner? Go ahead, tell me what it I have said that does not reflect me being a past business owner.

Yes, you're remarks are childish and silly. There's nothing else to call them except what they are. You want to attack me without knowing anything about me, nor what I have or have not done in my life. Do you think it makes you look intelligent and big? Do you think that immature talk impresses a lot of people? Grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Don't continue to make yourself look like an angry kid on the school playground.

I new I would get that pampered pillow princess whine back .................

Say pal what happened to these businesses??
I think his employees couldn't take the constant whining any more.
Very silly and childish. Again, what lie did I tell? Where did I lie? What was idiotic? Please point out the lie(s) and the idiotic statement(s). Can you? You're the one that needs to grow up and act civil and adult on this forum. What shortcomings? Care to explain? Or, are you talking hoping that you'll sound good and impressive? Who are you trying to impress? Or, is all of that childish talk for your benefit only? Your age?
I quoted your lie, you fool. You can't even read but you're going to lecture everyone on how evil and cheap all businesses are. That's a special kind of stupid and your constant sniveling like a schoolgirl doesn't help.

I've always paid employees more than I had to, you didn't so you can stuff your insults where they belong. You don't speak for anyone but yourself, you cheap bastard!
You have no idea as to what I paid my employees. And, I told no lies. If you can't point to what you consider to be lies, there were no lies. And, again, calling me names is very immature and silly on your part. In the future, please try to be adult and civil. As far as I can tell, you're not impressing anyone with your childish school yard rants. For your information, I paid my employees very well, very well. I took care of them, and they took care of me. I appreciated them, and they likewise appreciated me. You don't know me or anything about me. You're doing nothing more than blowing hot air about something you know nothing about. Your age?
Would employers object to a general tax for unemployment compensation over our current regime?
In my opinion, employers always want what's fair across the board. And, I'm not speaking of large corporations, but small businesses and mom and pop operations. ( it's a given that large corporations, generally speaking, couldn't care less about anything except the bottom line ) Unemployment compensation is vital and necessary in today's economic environment. Workers need some insurance in case a business folds up, relocates, or down-sizes. Workers' unemployment compensation helps during the transition period between jobs. Employers are already paying a workman's compensation tax ( fee ). If an employer employs a certain number of employees, they are required to pay into the workman's compensation fund. Yes, it can be considered a tax.

What regime are you referring to? What is our current regime? And, how is it different from the already established workers' compensation guidelines?
It is usually handled by the several States.

In California, for example, an employer must set up an account for each and every employee, instead of recourse to a State account or petty cash fund for such purposes, funded by general taxes on Firms.
I understand. Thanks for the information.
Hey look, if you can't or won't pay someone a decent wage, you don't belong in business. Employees are not volunteers. They have bills to pay and children to take care of too. They're not there to do volunteer work so you can become wealthier. They're in it for the same reason you are. It's the $$$. So if you don't wanna pay em, it's time to close up shop.

Everyone in America is in it for themselves. No one's gonna work for shite wages just so you can become wealthy and successful. That's just not gonna happen. The only suggestion would be, to hire family members and hope they do the work for lower wages. Kinda like volunteers helpin a loved one out. Otherwise, you gotta pay. It is what it is.
Very well stated. Thanks. Employers pay what they have to pay, and in most cases, not a penny more. With rare exception, they pay the going rate for location and type of work performed ( job title ).
And if the going rate for stuffing shit in a plastic bag is MW then that's what they pay

If you want to be paid more than MW then learn how to do something that demands a higher wage

It really is that simple
You make an assumption that everyone in the workforce has the ability to promote themselves through education and training. In the real world that just isn't true. Unfortunately their are people with very low IQ's that will never be able to understand even basics needed to obtain better jobs. Fortunately for some, despite low intelligence, they may have eye and hand coordination skills that make it possible to learn skills that require those assets, but perhaps not the intelligence factor. People are also constrained by their location and the opportunities in that location.
The idea that an employer should be allowed to pay whatever the employer wants to pay, without government interference, is a fair one, and one I can agree with, to a point. The point being when the employer accepts any kind of assistance or subsidy to operate their business.
It's very simple for business owners. If you don't wanna pay workers a decent wage, just do the work yourself or hire family members who will work for lower wages to help a loved one out. Otherwise, you need the workers. So pay up, or go belly-up.
It's always interesting observing the greedy hateful wankers coming out of the woodwork on threads like this. You can spot em pretty quickly. All you get from them is endless whining about being pissed off because they can't get richer off screwing their lowly workers. If they could only pay them less, everything would be great. That's their mentality. It's all about the greed.

I truly believe if you're putting out a great product, you'll be successful enough to pay your workers a decent wage. If you're not doing it right, you'll be sitting around constantly whining about having to pay workers. In my opinion, it's survival of the fittest. If you can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business. It wasn't meant to be. Gotta thin the herd. It's the American Way.
Shouldn't those same rules apply to employees? If you're product (your labor) is high quality and you have a lot of skill you will get more money. You sit on your ass and wait for minimum wage laws to get you raises you're not going to do very well.
Thinning the herd. Survival of the fittest. If you can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business. Truly successful businesses have no problem paying their workers decent wages. Only weak failing businesses bitch about having to pay. It means they're not putting out a good product. Probably time to close up shop.
And people like you are the first to go ballistic when you see the price tag for the truly successful restaurant meals.

It really is survival of the fittest. If you put a great product out there, it will become in demand. And you will be successful enough to pay your workers a decent wage. If you're putting out a shitty product, you won't likely be successful. You'll likely sit around whining about having to pay your workers. Your business is weak and failing. Probably best to close up shop and go do something else.
You're a retard!
"They are not going to pay any more than they have to."

That's a lie. You know nothing about business, you're running your cyber mouth about things completely out of your grasp.
Oh, I see. so instead of paying an employee $20.00 an hour to do a task ( job ), a business will pay double that just out of the goodness of its heart? Or, a business will pay a janitor $40.00 an hour just to feel good about itself? What's a lie? Where did I lie? A business is not going to pay an employee any more than they have to pay. What business do you know of that pays employees way more than the going rate? Name a business that pays way outside the going rate for any particular job? I have owned two businesses, and yet, you say that I know nothing about running a business? That shows just how little you know.

Also, your childish and silly name calling and personal attack is school yard stuff, and has no place on forums where adults are attempting to have civil conversations. Your age? If you think that immature "cyber mouth" comment makes you appear to be intelligent and "all-knowing", think again. FYI - Business is NOT out of my grasp. If there's anything that you'd like to know or learn about "business", just ask. I'll be glad to help you in any way that I can. I do not mind sharing knowledge or my many years of experience.

Again, what lie did I tell, or what lie are you referring to? Care to tell me the lie that you think I told? And, please grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Childish remarks and comments add absolutely nothing to these conversations.

As a JOFO who has contributed to this thread ........................

Give it a breqak Sonny, you have had plenty of room to make yourself look intelligent ........................


As some one casually reading this, if you have ever owned any business's as yoiu claim your rghetoric does not reflect it.


You can't even talk the talk, much less put anything of true intellectual value to support your case.

Now you can call this name calling or what the fuck ever yoiur little pampered princess whine's vocabulary has for my type of activity.

So when we talk about growing up, .......................

What case have I not supported? What have I not explained in plain English concerning my opinion on the matter? Go ahead, tell me, if you can. What would you like to know about owning a business? I have owned two of them and would be glad to share my experience and knowledge on the subject. Go ahead, ask me anything that you might be curious about.

What have I said that does not reflect me being a past business owner? Go ahead, tell me what it I have said that does not reflect me being a past business owner.

Yes, you're remarks are childish and silly. There's nothing else to call them except what they are. You want to attack me without knowing anything about me, nor what I have or have not done in my life. Do you think it makes you look intelligent and big? Do you think that immature talk impresses a lot of people? Grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Don't continue to make yourself look like an angry kid on the school playground.

I new I would get that pampered pillow princess whine back .................

Say pal what happened to these businesses??
I think his employees couldn't take the constant whining any more.

I was just thinking that he had come in as an ex spurt on how others should run business, while claiming he had owned 2.
I didn't here him bragging that he was still making people rich, so the business either were sold or failed..............................

If as he claims he was so business savvy I figure, he was gonna brag that he paid his workers that.

Funny he don't own those business any more .........................

Say pal when they failed did you loose your house also??
Sorry, but basically what i'm hearing is that business owners are pissed off because they can't get richer off screwing their lowly workers. So, i gotta say BOO HOO for them. Too bad. Quit ya bitchin. Pay up, or go belly-up.

I think they are pissed off because the fucking government is setting wages that are higher than what the free market of labor would demand.

People have a tendency to get pissed off at government tyranny.

Oh well, gotta pay now. So get used to it. But if you don't want to pay, quit bitchin and close your business. Wasn't meant to be.
Thinning the herd. Survival of the fittest. If you can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business. Truly successful businesses have no problem paying their workers decent wages. Only weak failing businesses bitch about having to pay. It means they're not putting out a good product. Probably time to close up shop.
And people like you are the first to go ballistic when you see the price tag for the truly successful restaurant meals.

It really is survival of the fittest. If you put a great product out there, it will become in demand. And you will be successful enough to pay your workers a decent wage. If you're putting out a shitty product, you won't likely be successful. You'll likely sit around whining about having to pay your workers. Your business is weak and failing. Probably best to close up shop and go do something else.

Once again total horse shit.

You can make the BEST product availavble and the fucking MARKET / DEMAND will set price...........................................
Very well stated. Thanks. Employers pay what they have to pay, and in most cases, not a penny more. With rare exception, they pay the going rate for location and type of work performed ( job title ).
And if the going rate for stuffing shit in a plastic bag is MW then that's what they pay

If you want to be paid more than MW then learn how to do something that demands a higher wage

It really is that simple

Unskilled or skilled, you need em. And now you'll have to pay em. Gotta deal with it. Otherwise, quit whining and close your business.
See it's the lbtards like you who would rather close a business and put not only the owner but current employees out of business just simply for an ideology.

Some where in your mean nasty scheme you feel the need to destroy and further burden society than let free market principals work.

There will be a special place in Hell for you..................

Thinning the herd. Survival of the fittest. If you can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business. Truly successful businesses have no problem paying their workers decent wages. Only weak failing businesses bitch about having to pay. It means they're not putting out a good product. Probably time to close up shop.

Either that, or they're money grubbing cheap skates who don't want to part with their money.

Well, that's most of it probably. I get a kick outta the greedy wankers who constantly bitch about having to pay workers. So pissed off because they can't get richer off shitting on their workers. It's the the ultimate evil greed. Oh well, have to only take 3 Vacations instead of 4 this year. Time to pay up. BOO HOO.
No, weak failing businesses will go under. They weren't putting out a good enough product. If you're bitchin about paying workers, your business is obviously weak and failing. It's probably best to close up shop. It's survival of the fittest. The American Way.
A weak and failing people rely increasingly on a nanny state that dictates fairness to its' subjects. Probably time to pack up and leave.

Oh well, looks like it's getting harder to get richer off shitting on workers. Personally, i don't see that as a bad thing. If American Workers don't stand up for themselves, who will? You? Sorry, but can't count on people like you. It is what it is.

Ok :cuckoo:

Here's what you do little girl, get a job with the company that makes the automated order machines. Or is it your lifetime goal to be a fast food order clerk?

Yeah. I'll remember that when I get my next degree.

Don't project your lack of socio economic status onto me, wingnut.
Thinning the herd. Survival of the fittest. If you can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business. Truly successful businesses have no problem paying their workers decent wages. Only weak failing businesses bitch about having to pay. It means they're not putting out a good product. Probably time to close up shop.
And people like you are the first to go ballistic when you see the price tag for the truly successful restaurant meals.

It really is survival of the fittest. If you put a great product out there, it will become in demand. And you will be successful enough to pay your workers a decent wage. If you're putting out a shitty product, you won't likely be successful. You'll likely sit around whining about having to pay your workers. Your business is weak and failing. Probably best to close up shop and go do something else.

Once again total horse shit.

You can make the BEST product availavble and the fucking MARKET / DEMAND will set price...........................................

Truly successful businesses can pay decent wages. Weak failing businesses can't. The weak will die. The strong will survive.
Yes, businesses must pay what it takes to get employees. Fast food workers here start above minimum wage because thats what the market demands.

The market should set the price of labor, not some beaurocrats in DC.

Like it or not, you need unskilled and skilled workers. Your Business can't survive without them. So if you're not willing to pay, it's time for you to close your Business and go do something else. It wasn't meant to be. It's thinning the herd. It's survival of the fittest.

now you have become stupidly repetitious.

Hey, unskilled workers wanna get paid too. And you need them. So you'll have to pay, or shut it down. It is what it is.

Regardless, don't you think that if someone works 40 hours a week, they should be able to house and feed and clothe their family, educate their kids and address their health needs?

same question for you. two people doing the exact same job. one is single and living in his parents basement, the other one is married with 4 kids. Remember, they are doing the exact same job. Would you give them the same pay?

Why is that relevant? The job has a value and a person shouldn't have to live in a basement like you Di in order to give an unnecessary advantage to corporatists.

Why do people like you always vote against your own self-interest?
It's always interesting observing the greedy hateful wankers coming out of the woodwork on threads like this. You can spot em pretty quickly. All you get from them is endless whining about being pissed off because they can't get richer off screwing their lowly workers. If they could only pay them less, everything would be great. That's their mentality. It's all about the greed.

I truly believe if you're putting out a great product, you'll be successful enough to pay your workers a decent wage. If you're not doing it right, you'll be sitting around constantly whining about having to pay workers. In my opinion, it's survival of the fittest. If you can't or won't pay, you shouldn't be in business. It wasn't meant to be. Gotta thin the herd. It's the American Way.
Shouldn't those same rules apply to employees? If you're product (your labor) is high quality and you have a lot of skill you will get more money. You sit on your ass and wait for minimum wage laws to get you raises you're not going to do very well.

Sorry, but i'm not buying into the whole outrage thing about being pissed off because you can't get richer off shitting on your workers. No sympathy from me on that one. There's no crying in Business. You don't wanna pay, do the work yourself. Otherwise, stop whining and close your business.
It's very simple for business owners. If you don't wanna pay workers a decent wage, just do the work yourself or hire family members who will work for lower wages to help a loved one out. Otherwise, you need the workers. So pay up, or go belly-up.

It is even more simple for workers. Get off your fat ass and get some skills and work harder if you want more money.

The government making business pay artificially high wages is tyranny.

Sorry, but i'm not buying into the whole outrage thing about being pissed off because you can't get richer off shitting on your workers. No sympathy from me on that one. There's no crying in Business. You don't wanna pay, do the work yourself. Otherwise, stop whining and close your business.

Just when is paying free market wages "shitting on your employees"?
It's very simple for business owners. If you don't wanna pay workers a decent wage, just do the work yourself or hire family members who will work for lower wages to help a loved one out. Otherwise, you need the workers. So pay up, or go belly-up.

It is even more simple for workers. Get off your fat ass and get some skills and work harder if you want more money.

The government making business pay artificially high wages is tyranny.

You need those unskilled workers. So it's time to pay up. Supply and Demand.

Oh well, gotta pay now. So get used to it. But if you don't want to pay, quit bitchin and close your business. Wasn't meant to be.

Just like the Germans telling the Jews to get on the train and quit their bitching.

The government can always abuse the people with tyranny but that doesn't make it right.

Sorry, but i'm not buying into the whole outrage thing about being pissed off because you can't get richer off shitting on your workers. No sympathy from me on that one. There's no crying in Business. You don't wanna pay, do the work yourself. Otherwise, stop whining and close your business.

Just when is paying free market wages "shitting on your employees"?

Look, let's be real. It's all about the greed. So let's not kid ourselves. Most business owners are bitchin now because they've enjoyed getting richer off paying their lowly workers as little as possible. It is what it is on that. But now they'll have to pay up a bit.

So oh well, looks like it's 3 Vacations instead of 4 this year. Unless you're willing to do the work yourself, you need workers. And you have to pay em a decent wage. Sorry, too bad. Deal with it or go out of business.

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