Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

You need those unskilled workers. So it's time to pay up. Supply and Demand.

They would "pay up" with free market wages. It is the frigging government that is creating artificially high wages.

"The government" in this case are corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups that pass laws that can't be supported by free market economics.

Look, let's be real. It's all about the greed. So let's not kid ourselves. Most business owners are bitchin because they enjoy getting richer off paying their lowly workers as little as possible. It is what it is on that. But now they'll have to pay up a bit. Oh well, looks like it's 3 Vacations instead of 4 this year. Unless you're willing to do the work yourself, you need workers. And you have to pay em a decent wage. Sorry, too bad. Deal with it or go out of business.

The greed comes from the shitheads that elect Liberals politicians that steal money on their behalf to give them what they can't earn on their own.That is big time greed.

If somebody doesn't pay you enough money to make it worth your while to work for them stop your bitching and go find a job a elsewhere.

Oh well, gotta pay now. So get used to it. But if you don't want to pay, quit bitchin and close your business. Wasn't meant to be.

Just like the Germans telling the Jews to get on the train and quit their bitching.

The government can always abuse the people with tyranny but that doesn't make it right.

Nah, it's not anything like that. But anyway, stop abusing workers and things like this wouldn't even have to be discussed.
No, weak failing businesses will go under. They weren't putting out a good enough product. If you're bitchin about paying workers, your business is obviously weak and failing. It's probably best to close up shop. It's survival of the fittest. The American Way.
A weak and failing people rely increasingly on a nanny state that dictates fairness to its' subjects. Probably time to pack up and leave.
The government is to blame. The government is responsible for lost opportunities for citizens to be self-supporting members of society. Workers have seen their jobs go to cheap foreign labor markets as result of our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies. We have un-penalized off-shore job out-sourcing, the un-penalized importing of labor, and we have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country. We have closed steel mills, textile mills, furniture and appliance plants, lost the tool, toy, electronics, and automotive parts industries. We've become import dependent, and have sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of supporting foreign economies.

We've been forced to lower our standard of living, and forced to depend on government assistance programs and unemployment checks for our economic survival. We can't work for $5.00 a day wages, nor do we work children in sweat shops 18 hours a day. Our plants and factories once provided living wages and self-supporting opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. Now, we are working part-time jobs, low wage jobs, and temporary jobs. Our work force has out-grown the available jobs, and our population continues to grow rapidly. Where are people to work? Our markets are flooded with cheap foreign imports, and the "Made In U.S.A." label is not a common sight on store shelves.

The term "Global Economy" basically means "equalization to the lowest level", and we're rapidly approaching that equalization. We do not have an adequate number of jobs to satisfy the demand. We have college grads living at home with parents and flipping burgers to make spending money. Consumers don't have enough spendable income in their pockets to support the retail stores. We're seeing large chain stores go under, malls becoming ghost buildings, and cities going bankrupt due to lost tax revenue. We have less home ownership, less of a Middle Class, less household wealth, and seniors are being forced to work past retirement age. We've created a poor and dependent citizenry, and more of the once Middle Class are dropping into the poor class than rising up to the upper class.

So, lets pass the blame where it really belongs. John Q. Public doesn't vote on the floors of Congress, nor sit in the oval office engineering policy. We're at the mercy of those that we've entrusted with our well-being, and they have betrayed that trust for many decades now. We've been sold out by the very ones we trusted to protect and to serve this nation and her citizens. This socioeconomic mess didn't just start yesterday, nor last week. It's been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. And, "The Selling of America" Continues as we speak.

So, don't blame the worker who wants to be self-supporting and stand on his own feet. Blame the government for taking away his opportunity to be a self-supporting member of society. We can blame employers and employees until we turn blue in the face, but we'll be ignoring the root causes of our many socioeconomic woes.
As long as we're getting rid of the minimum wage, why not got all out and eliminate Child Labor Laws also?

KIds will work dirt cheap and be thankful for their daily bowl of gruel.
You need those unskilled workers. So it's time to pay up. Supply and Demand.

They would "pay up" with free market wages. It is the frigging government that is creating artificially high wages.

"The government" in this case are corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups that pass laws that can't be supported by free market economics.

Nah, just sounds like more greedy wanker justifications for getting richer off screwing their lowly workers over. It's just pure greed.
this "breaking news" bs story was posted Saturday. Its Tuesday. The story never broke the news.

imagine that.
You're a retard!
"They are not going to pay any more than they have to."

That's a lie. You know nothing about business, you're running your cyber mouth about things completely out of your grasp.
Oh, I see. so instead of paying an employee $20.00 an hour to do a task ( job ), a business will pay double that just out of the goodness of its heart? Or, a business will pay a janitor $40.00 an hour just to feel good about itself? What's a lie? Where did I lie? A business is not going to pay an employee any more than they have to pay. What business do you know of that pays employees way more than the going rate? Name a business that pays way outside the going rate for any particular job? I have owned two businesses, and yet, you say that I know nothing about running a business? That shows just how little you know.

Also, your childish and silly name calling and personal attack is school yard stuff, and has no place on forums where adults are attempting to have civil conversations. Your age? If you think that immature "cyber mouth" comment makes you appear to be intelligent and "all-knowing", think again. FYI - Business is NOT out of my grasp. If there's anything that you'd like to know or learn about "business", just ask. I'll be glad to help you in any way that I can. I do not mind sharing knowledge or my many years of experience.

Again, what lie did I tell, or what lie are you referring to? Care to tell me the lie that you think I told? And, please grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Childish remarks and comments add absolutely nothing to these conversations.

As a JOFO who has contributed to this thread ........................

Give it a breqak Sonny, you have had plenty of room to make yourself look intelligent ........................


As some one casually reading this, if you have ever owned any business's as yoiu claim your rghetoric does not reflect it.


You can't even talk the talk, much less put anything of true intellectual value to support your case.

Now you can call this name calling or what the fuck ever yoiur little pampered princess whine's vocabulary has for my type of activity.

So when we talk about growing up, .......................

What case have I not supported? What have I not explained in plain English concerning my opinion on the matter? Go ahead, tell me, if you can. What would you like to know about owning a business? I have owned two of them and would be glad to share my experience and knowledge on the subject. Go ahead, ask me anything that you might be curious about.

What have I said that does not reflect me being a past business owner? Go ahead, tell me what it I have said that does not reflect me being a past business owner.

Yes, you're remarks are childish and silly. There's nothing else to call them except what they are. You want to attack me without knowing anything about me, nor what I have or have not done in my life. Do you think it makes you look intelligent and big? Do you think that immature talk impresses a lot of people? Grow up and at least appear to be adult in these conversations. Don't continue to make yourself look like an angry kid on the school playground.

I new I would get that pampered pillow princess whine back .................

Say pal what happened to these businesses??
I think his employees couldn't take the constant whining any more.
Very silly and childish, to say the least.

Look, let's be real. It's all about the greed. So let's not kid ourselves. Most business owners are bitchin because they enjoy getting richer off paying their lowly workers as little as possible. It is what it is on that. But now they'll have to pay up a bit. Oh well, looks like it's 3 Vacations instead of 4 this year. Unless you're willing to do the work yourself, you need workers. And you have to pay em a decent wage. Sorry, too bad. Deal with it or go out of business.

The greed comes from the shitheads that elect Liberals politicians that steal money on their behalf to give them what they can't earn on their own.That is big time greed.

If somebody doesn't pay you enough money to make it worth your while to work for them stop your bitching and go find a job a elsewhere.

It's America. Everyone's in it for themselves. I can't blame Workers for tryin to get that cash. That's exactly what America is all about. So, if you don't wanna pay workers a decent wage, just do the work yourself. Otherwise, you gotta pay up. Gotta deal with that.
this "breaking news" bs story was posted Saturday. Its Tuesday. The story never broke the news.

imagine that.

I suspected it was Bullshite. If you're closing your business because you have to pay your workers a decent wage, it just isn't meant to be. You shouldn't be in business. You're clearly not putting out a good enough product.
As long as we're getting rid of the minimum wage, why not got all out and eliminate Child Labor Laws also?

KIds will work dirt cheap and be thankful for their daily bowl of gruel.
Or we can just eliminate the unconstitutional federal minimum wage law, which has nothing to do with child labor laws, and let states decide whether to have them.

Oh, and we don't need to eliminate laws against murder in order to repeal the federal minimum wage either, in case you were about to ask.
No, weak failing businesses will go under. They weren't putting out a good enough product. If you're bitchin about paying workers, your business is obviously weak and failing. It's probably best to close up shop. It's survival of the fittest. The American Way.
A weak and failing people rely increasingly on a nanny state that dictates fairness to its' subjects. Probably time to pack up and leave.
The government is to blame. The government is responsible for lost opportunities for citizens to be self-supporting members of society. Workers have seen their jobs go to cheap foreign labor markets as result of our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies. We have un-penalized off-shore job out-sourcing, the un-penalized importing of labor, and we have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country. We have closed steel mills, textile mills, furniture and appliance plants, lost the tool, toy, electronics, and automotive parts industries. We've become import dependent, and have sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of supporting foreign economies.

We've been forced to lower our standard of living, and forced to depend on government assistance programs and unemployment checks for our economic survival. We can't work for $5.00 a day wages, nor do we work children in sweat shops 18 hours a day. Our plants and factories once provided living wages and self-supporting opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. Now, we are working part-time jobs, low wage jobs, and temporary jobs. Our work force has out-grown the available jobs, and our population continues to grow rapidly. Where are people to work? Our markets are flooded with cheap foreign imports, and the "Made In U.S.A." label is not a common sight on store shelves.

The term "Global Economy" basically means "equalization to the lowest level", and we're rapidly approaching that equalization. We do not have an adequate number of jobs to satisfy the demand. We have college grads living at home with parents and flipping burgers to make spending money. Consumers don't have enough spendable income in their pockets to support the retail stores. We're seeing large chain stores go under, malls becoming ghost buildings, and cities going bankrupt due to lost tax revenue. We have less home ownership, less of a Middle Class, less household wealth, and seniors are being forced to work past retirement age. We've created a poor and dependent citizenry, and more of the once Middle Class are dropping into the poor class than rising up to the upper class.

So, lets pass the blame where it really belongs. John Q. Public doesn't vote on the floors of Congress, nor sit in the oval office engineering policy. We're at the mercy of those that we've entrusted with our well-being, and they have betrayed that trust for many decades now. We've been sold out by the very ones we trusted to protect and to serve this nation and her citizens. This socioeconomic mess didn't just start yesterday, nor last week. It's been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. And, "The Selling of America" Continues as we speak.

So, don't blame the worker who wants to be self-supporting and stand on his own feet. Blame the government for taking away his opportunity to be a self-supporting member of society. We can blame employers and employees until we turn blue in the face, but we'll be ignoring the root causes of our many socioeconomic woes.

I agree with you mostly. Government has done some horrible things to American Workers. But most American Workers are pretty happy they'll be seeing increased wages. Businesses that don't wanna pay, won't get much sympathy. They should consider closing up shop. It wasn't meant to be.
this "breaking news" bs story was posted Saturday. Its Tuesday. The story never broke the news.

imagine that.

I suspected it was Bullshite. If you're closing your business because you have to pay your workers a decent wage, it just isn't meant to be. You shouldn't be in business. You're clearly not putting out a good enough product.
I now see you aren't remotely the libertarian you claim to be. You are a fraud who dreams about shooting cops, a populist, wannabe anarchist punk.
Business owners have the option of doing the work themselves. If they don't wanna pay, they should do the work themselves. It's as simple as that.
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No, weak failing businesses will go under. They weren't putting out a good enough product. If you're bitchin about paying workers, your business is obviously weak and failing. It's probably best to close up shop. It's survival of the fittest. The American Way.
A weak and failing people rely increasingly on a nanny state that dictates fairness to its' subjects. Probably time to pack up and leave.
The government is to blame. The government is responsible for lost opportunities for citizens to be self-supporting members of society. Workers have seen their jobs go to cheap foreign labor markets as result of our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies. We have un-penalized off-shore job out-sourcing, the un-penalized importing of labor, and we have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country. We have closed steel mills, textile mills, furniture and appliance plants, lost the tool, toy, electronics, and automotive parts industries. We've become import dependent, and have sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of supporting foreign economies.

We've been forced to lower our standard of living, and forced to depend on government assistance programs and unemployment checks for our economic survival. We can't work for $5.00 a day wages, nor do we work children in sweat shops 18 hours a day. Our plants and factories once provided living wages and self-supporting opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. Now, we are working part-time jobs, low wage jobs, and temporary jobs. Our work force has out-grown the available jobs, and our population continues to grow rapidly. Where are people to work? Our markets are flooded with cheap foreign imports, and the "Made In U.S.A." label is not a common sight on store shelves.

The term "Global Economy" basically means "equalization to the lowest level", and we're rapidly approaching that equalization. We do not have an adequate number of jobs to satisfy the demand. We have college grads living at home with parents and flipping burgers to make spending money. Consumers don't have enough spendable income in their pockets to support the retail stores. We're seeing large chain stores go under, malls becoming ghost buildings, and cities going bankrupt due to lost tax revenue. We have less home ownership, less of a Middle Class, less household wealth, and seniors are being forced to work past retirement age. We've created a poor and dependent citizenry, and more of the once Middle Class are dropping into the poor class than rising up to the upper class.

So, lets pass the blame where it really belongs. John Q. Public doesn't vote on the floors of Congress, nor sit in the oval office engineering policy. We're at the mercy of those that we've entrusted with our well-being, and they have betrayed that trust for many decades now. We've been sold out by the very ones we trusted to protect and to serve this nation and her citizens. This socioeconomic mess didn't just start yesterday, nor last week. It's been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. And, "The Selling of America" Continues as we speak.

So, don't blame the worker who wants to be self-supporting and stand on his own feet. Blame the government for taking away his opportunity to be a self-supporting member of society. We can blame employers and employees until we turn blue in the face, but we'll be ignoring the root causes of our many socioeconomic woes.

I agree with you mostly. Government has done some horrible things to American Workers. But most American Workers are pretty happy they'll be seeing increased wages. Businesses that don't wanna pay, won't get much sympathy. They should consider closing up shop. It wasn't meant to be.

They'll bitch and moan of course but after a while they'll find that life goes on and they're no less successful than before.
It's very simple for business owners. If you don't wanna pay workers a decent wage, just do the work yourself or hire family members who will work for lower wages to help a loved one out. Otherwise, you need the workers. So pay up, or go belly-up.

It is even more simple for workers. Get off your fat ass and get some skills and work harder if you want more money.

The government making business pay artificially high wages is tyranny.

You need those unskilled workers. So it's time to pay up. Supply and Demand.
There's a reason they are called unskilled. And the unskilled part is what makes them not worth 15 bucks an hour.
Would it be better or worse for the private sector, if persons could simply apply for unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines, if they don't want a really really serious (employment) relationship with wealthy Capitalists.

Give it anoither shot dude and put down the fucking crack pipe so we can understand...........................

"apply for unemployment compensation that clears out poverty guidelines" ..................learn fucking English and then give it another shot!!!
It is about the concept of employment at will and solving simple poverty on an a-will basis through Individual Liberty and our Commerce Clause, as a civil moral and civil ethic.

Poverty is solved by a lot of self's ..................

Self Education
Self Respect
Personal accountability

You are of the MORON sentiment, that you can fix poverty by throwing money at it ..................

Fucking talk to me about Chicago or Detroit .....................
Talk to me about father who don't want to parent their kids .................

Tell me about all those things that would make a difference.

There is a huge difference between me and you, I know what the fuck we are talking about and you are a fucking parrot................

Polly want a fucking cracker??

How does an Individual Self, solve for any Natural Rate of Unemployment in our political-economy?

It is our elected representatives who have the purse strings to the Peoples monies.
Business owners have the option of doing the work themselves. If they don't wanna pay, they should do the work themselves. it's as simple as that.

What is wrong with you? Is it a drug reaction gone bad?

Yes, businesses need labor, Yes, they need to pay the market rate for that labor

yes, if they don't want to pay for the labor they can do the work themselves or shut the doors

What exactly is the point that you are trying to make?
Gotta run, but i think i speak for most American Workers when i say... You don't wanna pay a fellow American a decent wage, than FUCK OFF and close your Business. American Workers are sick of you greedy bastids. Just pay up, or STFU!!

See ya, have a nice day. :)

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