Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Can anyone name even ONE Seattle restaurant that has closed due to minimum wage? If so, please provide "credible" sources.

It's not happening. Only restaurants closing, are businesses that were already headed that way anyway. There is no evidence proving large numbers of restaurants are closing due to higher wages. That's just greedy wanka 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite.

Maybe we have new class of "deniers" on the horizon.

I'd say it's already here.

Show us the evidence. Till then, i'll continue to say you guys are full of shite.

Were you going for humor there? By deliberately parroting the GW deniers lines?
Can anyone name even ONE Seattle restaurant that has closed due to minimum wage? If so, please provide "credible" sources.

It's not happening. Only restaurants closing, are businesses that were already headed that way anyway. There is no evidence proving large numbers of restaurants are closing due to higher wages. That's just greedy wanka 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite.

Maybe we have new class of "deniers" on the horizon.

I'd say it's already here.

Show us the evidence. Till then, i'll continue to say you guys are full of shite.

Have you read any of your posts lately?
Can anyone name even ONE Seattle restaurant that has closed due to minimum wage? If so, please provide "credible" sources.

It's not happening. Only restaurants closing, are businesses that were already headed that way anyway. There is no evidence proving large numbers of restaurants are closing due to higher wages. That's just greedy wanka 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite.

Maybe we have new class of "deniers" on the horizon.

I'd say it's already here.

Show us the evidence. Till then, i'll continue to say you guys are full of shite.
You should be well aware of what a livable wage is in your area if you have 11 people on your payroll. That figure can differ drastically from region to region, community to community. It cost far less to live in small town American that it does to live in a big city. Housing cost is a major factor.

I know what the skill level I require of my employees is worth in my area that is all I need to know. I pay my people on the high end of the continuum for my industry because I want good people.

It is not my responsibility to pay people enough to pay their bills I only have to offer them what their skills are worth and then I evaluate them annually as to what they contribute to the business and will give raises accordingly.
The laws are not made for the fair and ethical people. Laws are made to keep unfair and unethical people in line. Just because you may be a fair and ethical employer doesn't mean all employers will show the kind of consideration you do. We know that without laws and regulation some employers will abuse their employees and behave in unethical and unfair ways that end up hurting the community in general. That is why we have minimum wage laws.

So people who pay MW are unethical????
No, but the people who pay under minimum wage are.

And who pays less than the federal MW excluding people who get tips?
Employers who hire undocumented workers are famous for ripping off their employees. Other than agriculture, the largest employer of undocumented aliens is probably restaurants. Some industries are able to pay workers as "contract workers" or "piece workers". These wages often are below minimum wage.
I'll take your word for it. But the fact you guys are too frightened to put some numbers out there, tells the story. Deep-down you know your numbers would be too shameful to discuss seriously. You do still have a soul. You can be redeem yourselves.

I'm not frightened.

I do not and will not argue a liveable wage number because it's irrelevant.

I do not subscribe to your school of thought that one job from one employer must be enough for a person to support themselves

Well, that's where you're going wrong. It's actually very relevant. Personally, i feel an average American needs to make at least $11 - $15 an hr to make it in today's America. It's far from being wealthy, but it's a decent start.

And who says that the 600 a week you "feel" people need has to come from one employer or one 40 hour a week job?

What that $600 a week should cover?

If you share apartment with couple of roommates, or living in moms basement, you could live on much less. It's still livable wage.

Now that's irrelevant.

If is irrelevant what $600 should cover, how did you get to $600 magic number?
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

I have been eligible for unemployment. Never taken any. I could go on disability and be a parasite for the rest of my life...but I don't. Honestly...I'd eat a bullet first.
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

I have been eligible for unemployment. Never taken any. I could go on disability and be a parasite for the rest of my life...but I don't. Honestly...I'd eat a bullet first.
Even john McCain whose a senator and married to a millionaire collects 100% disability from the military. Guys with 1 arm blown off dont get 100% disability. Wonder why he takes the money?

If you are even thinking about going on disability you dont make shit for a living. My guess is you make enough money that you'd be a fool not to work. But as soon as you have enough to stop working maybe at 59 you'll file for those benefits liar.
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

I have been eligible for unemployment. Never taken any. I could go on disability and be a parasite for the rest of my life...but I don't. Honestly...I'd eat a bullet first.

This point of view seems utterly irrational to me. I'm adamantly opposed to forcing those kinds of programs on taxpayers, but if I AM forced to pay for them, I'm sure as hell going to use them every chance I get. I can understand the point of view that dependency is bad for the psyche, and I'd want to avoid letting it become habitual, but refusing to accept services I've been forced to pay for makes no sense to me. I suppose if I was wealthy enough to do it merely to make a statement, I might go there. But I sure wouldn't "eat a bullet" over it.
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

I have been eligible for unemployment. Never taken any. I could go on disability and be a parasite for the rest of my life...but I don't. Honestly...I'd eat a bullet first.
Even john McCain whose a senator and married to a millionaire collects 100% disability from the military. Guys with 1 arm blown off dont get 100% disability. Wonder why he takes the money?

If you are even thinking about going on disability you dont make shit for a living. My guess is you make enough money that you'd be a fool not to work. But as soon as you have enough to stop working maybe at 59 you'll file for those benefits liar.
How do you know McCain collects disability?
being able to work would negate rights to collect disability.
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

I have been eligible for unemployment. Never taken any. I could go on disability and be a parasite for the rest of my life...but I don't. Honestly...I'd eat a bullet first.
Even john McCain whose a senator and married to a millionaire collects 100% disability from the military. Guys with 1 arm blown off dont get 100% disability. Wonder why he takes the money?

If you are even thinking about going on disability you dont make shit for a living. My guess is you make enough money that you'd be a fool not to work. But as soon as you have enough to stop working maybe at 59 you'll file for those benefits liar.
How do you know McCain collects disability?
being able to work would negate rights to collect disability.
Nope. He collects his disability.
I remember as far back as 2007 when he was running and this was made public. I know you guys dont have good long term memory or you wouldnt be considering a 3rd bush presidency
This whole Seattle restaurant story is a big fat lie to promote the anti minimum wage agenda. It is amazing that despite numerous pro minimum wage posters pointing out it is a bull crap story and repeatedly asking for examples or even one restaurant being closed, the hard core idiots who follow right wing bloggers, conservative think tanks the biggest faker and liar of all, Rush Limbaugh, hang on to their nonsense story. Here at USMB the suckers insist and continue to promote the lie about restaurants closing in Seattle due to new minimum wage laws. Over 1600 post and these brainwashed fools continue to defend and promote this lie. They are stuck in the brainwashed idiot bubble and can't get out.
This whole Seattle restaurant story is a big fat lie to promote the anti minimum wage agenda. It is amazing that despite numerous pro minimum wage posters pointing out it is a bull crap story and repeatedly asking for examples or even one restaurant being closed, the hard core idiots who follow right wing bloggers, conservative think tanks the biggest faker and liar of all, Rush Limbaugh, hang on to their nonsense story. Here at USMB the suckers insist and continue to promote the lie about restaurants closing in Seattle due to new minimum wage laws. Over 1600 post and these brainwashed fools continue to defend and promote this lie. They are stuck in the brainwashed idiot bubble and can't get out.

The rash of closings isn't a lie. The reasons for the closings are, of course, debatable. But it is unusual and the correlation could indicate causation. We'll see how it goes. Even if the closings were based, in part, on the impending wage hikes, the real impact won't be clear until after the changes are in full effect.
This whole Seattle restaurant story is a big fat lie to promote the anti minimum wage agenda. It is amazing that despite numerous pro minimum wage posters pointing out it is a bull crap story and repeatedly asking for examples or even one restaurant being closed, the hard core idiots who follow right wing bloggers, conservative think tanks the biggest faker and liar of all, Rush Limbaugh, hang on to their nonsense story. Here at USMB the suckers insist and continue to promote the lie about restaurants closing in Seattle due to new minimum wage laws. Over 1600 post and these brainwashed fools continue to defend and promote this lie. They are stuck in the brainwashed idiot bubble and can't get out.

The rash of closings isn't a lie. The reasons for the closings are, of course, debatable. But it is unusual and the correlation could indicate causation. We'll see how it goes. Even if the closings were based, in part, on the impending wage hikes, the real impact won't be clear until after the changes are in full effect.
If the anti wage increase agenda had any merit the proponents would not have to make up such blatant lies. They would not have to make up the doom and gloom stories to fool the foolish who follow the kleptocratic masters like zombies. Even Forbes refers to this story as an anatomy of a lie. It is a prime example of how a blatant lie is transformed into a story believed by the gullible. Even FOX News is helping to promote the lie. Big surprise, not.
This whole Seattle restaurant story is a big fat lie to promote the anti minimum wage agenda. It is amazing that despite numerous pro minimum wage posters pointing out it is a bull crap story and repeatedly asking for examples or even one restaurant being closed, the hard core idiots who follow right wing bloggers, conservative think tanks the biggest faker and liar of all, Rush Limbaugh, hang on to their nonsense story. Here at USMB the suckers insist and continue to promote the lie about restaurants closing in Seattle due to new minimum wage laws. Over 1600 post and these brainwashed fools continue to defend and promote this lie. They are stuck in the brainwashed idiot bubble and can't get out.

The rash of closings isn't a lie. The reasons for the closings are, of course, debatable. But it is unusual and the correlation could indicate causation. We'll see how it goes. Even if the closings were based, in part, on the impending wage hikes, the real impact won't be clear until after the changes are in full effect.
Yes it is. There has been no rash of closings. There are 2,600 restaurants in Seattle. Some close, and new ones open. The closings are not abnormal. The owner of one of the closing restaurants in the article used to originally promote this misleading story is actually opening two new restaurants at better Seattle locations as he closes the one mentioned in the story.
This whole Seattle restaurant story is a big fat lie to promote the anti minimum wage agenda. It is amazing that despite numerous pro minimum wage posters pointing out it is a bull crap story and repeatedly asking for examples or even one restaurant being closed, the hard core idiots who follow right wing bloggers, conservative think tanks the biggest faker and liar of all, Rush Limbaugh, hang on to their nonsense story. Here at USMB the suckers insist and continue to promote the lie about restaurants closing in Seattle due to new minimum wage laws. Over 1600 post and these brainwashed fools continue to defend and promote this lie. They are stuck in the brainwashed idiot bubble and can't get out.

The rash of closings isn't a lie. The reasons for the closings are, of course, debatable. But it is unusual and the correlation could indicate causation. We'll see how it goes. Even if the closings were based, in part, on the impending wage hikes, the real impact won't be clear until after the changes are in full effect.
Yes it is. There has been no rash of closings. There are 2,600 restaurants in Seattle. Some close, and new ones open. The closings are not abnormal. The owner of one of the closing restaurants in the article used to originally promote this misleading story is actually opening two new restaurants at better Seattle locations as he closes the one mentioned in the story.
How do you know the one restaurant that your opinion hinges on didn't decide to move to a better area to find customers with more income to accommodate the increase?
This whole Seattle restaurant story is a big fat lie to promote the anti minimum wage agenda. It is amazing that despite numerous pro minimum wage posters pointing out it is a bull crap story and repeatedly asking for examples or even one restaurant being closed, the hard core idiots who follow right wing bloggers, conservative think tanks the biggest faker and liar of all, Rush Limbaugh, hang on to their nonsense story. Here at USMB the suckers insist and continue to promote the lie about restaurants closing in Seattle due to new minimum wage laws. Over 1600 post and these brainwashed fools continue to defend and promote this lie. They are stuck in the brainwashed idiot bubble and can't get out.

The rash of closings isn't a lie. The reasons for the closings are, of course, debatable. But it is unusual and the correlation could indicate causation. We'll see how it goes. Even if the closings were based, in part, on the impending wage hikes, the real impact won't be clear until after the changes are in full effect.
Yes it is. There has been no rash of closings. There are 2,600 restaurants in Seattle. Some close, and new ones open. The closings are not abnormal. The owner of one of the closing restaurants in the article used to originally promote this misleading story is actually opening two new restaurants at better Seattle locations as he closes the one mentioned in the story.
How do you know the one restaurant that your opinion hinges on didn't decide to move to a better area to find customers with more income to accommodate the increase?
My opinion does not hinge on that one example. But you can read about it hear. Forbes is not some kind of liberal type news source. Pretty sure it is a pro business conservative mouthpiece. If even they call the story bull crap and go through the trouble of explaining why it is a lie you can probably safely assume the Seattle story is bull crap.
This whole Seattle restaurant story is a big fat lie to promote the anti minimum wage agenda. It is amazing that despite numerous pro minimum wage posters pointing out it is a bull crap story and repeatedly asking for examples or even one restaurant being closed, the hard core idiots who follow right wing bloggers, conservative think tanks the biggest faker and liar of all, Rush Limbaugh, hang on to their nonsense story. Here at USMB the suckers insist and continue to promote the lie about restaurants closing in Seattle due to new minimum wage laws. Over 1600 post and these brainwashed fools continue to defend and promote this lie. They are stuck in the brainwashed idiot bubble and can't get out.

The rash of closings isn't a lie. The reasons for the closings are, of course, debatable. But it is unusual and the correlation could indicate causation. We'll see how it goes. Even if the closings were based, in part, on the impending wage hikes, the real impact won't be clear until after the changes are in full effect.
Yes it is. There has been no rash of closings. There are 2,600 restaurants in Seattle. Some close, and new ones open. The closings are not abnormal. The owner of one of the closing restaurants in the article used to originally promote this misleading story is actually opening two new restaurants at better Seattle locations as he closes the one mentioned in the story.

Well, we'll see. Unlike the global warming issue, the evidence will be available relatively soon. Of course, I'd also look for a 'rash' of exemptions, loopholes and workarounds to surface - as the city's commercial tax base dries up. No doubt that will be "coincidence" as well.
My opinion does not hinge on that one example. But you can read about it hear. Forbes is not some kind of liberal type news source. Pretty sure it is a pro business conservative mouthpiece. If even they call the story bull crap and go through the trouble of explaining why it is a lie you can probably safely assume the Seattle story is bull crap.
Post the relevant portion. If you can't figure it out, I understand.
My opinion does not hinge on that one example. But you can read about it hear. Forbes is not some kind of liberal type news source. Pretty sure it is a pro business conservative mouthpiece. If even they call the story bull crap and go through the trouble of explaining why it is a lie you can probably safely assume the Seattle story is bull crap.
Post the relevant portion. If you can't figure it out, I understand.
The link I provided is a three page article. Explanation for the closures by all four of the the restaurants used in the original fraudulent article are given by the owners beginning at the bottom of page 2 and continue into page 3. If you are to lazy to read the link you will just have to stay stupid, or at least pretend to be. The owners have given detailed reasons for the restaurant closings. None of them claim the coming wage increases. In fact, one of them mocks the idea.

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