Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.
Try doing it underway in a ship's engine room and get back to me.
You were paid way more than minimum wage to do that work.
Negative. Well below. I was in the military.
Should have chosen the American military. Would have had your food, clothing, housing and full medical with dental paid for and some benefits when you got honorably discharged.
Qualifying for social assistance is based on income, not expenses. Those who qualify, don't make enough money to sustain themselves. If you can't afford to pay a living wage to your full time employees, you have no right to expect the taxpayers to subsidize you.
Qualifying for social assistance is based on income, not expenses. Those who qualify, don't make enough money to sustain themselves. If you can't afford to pay a living wage to your full time employees, you have no right to expect the taxpayers to subsidize you.
So stop subsidizing them.
Qualifying for social assistance is based on income, not expenses. Those who qualify, don't make enough money to sustain themselves. If you can't afford to pay a living wage to your full time employees, you have no right to expect the taxpayers to subsidize you.
So stop subsidizing them.
Repubtards are the ones who subsidize.

Can try that again in English? They're subsidized through welfare granted to their employees by ill-considered government policies. We need to change those policies, yeah?
The OP story is 100% pure bullshit. 100% percent of the restaurant owners who formed the basis of the minimum wage doom and gloom story crying that minimum wage was destroying the Seattle restaurant scene, called out the narrative as pure and utter nonsense.

Renee Erickson who is closing down her Boat Street Café is one of the owners referenced. She currently operates three other restaurants in Seattle and is in the process of opening two more.

Erickson’s response to the proposition that the coming rise in minimum wage had done in her restaurant? “That’s weird, ha. No, that’s not why I’m closing Boat Street.”

Erickson said, “I’m totally on board with the $15 min. It’s the right thing to do … Opening more businesses would not be smart if I felt it was going to hinder my success.”

Now there is an understatement. After all, a restaurant operator who was closing up shop as a result of her fear of the coming rise in employee costs would hardly want to open up two new restaurants.
Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.

You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?
You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

Cry me a fucking river.
Qualifying for social assistance is based on income, not expenses. Those who qualify, don't make enough money to sustain themselves. If you can't afford to pay a living wage to your full time employees, you have no right to expect the taxpayers to subsidize you.
So stop subsidizing them.
Repubtards are the ones who subsidize.

The only way to stop the subsidies is to raise the minimum wage, which Republicans refused to vote for.

Bush raised the income limits on "earned income credits" to qualify more people for subsidies rather than raise the minim wage. The 47% that Republicans now rail against as "takers" are a Republican creation because they refuse to raise the minimum wage.

If that's not hypocrisy I don't know what is.
Qualifying for social assistance is based on income, not expenses. Those who qualify, don't make enough money to sustain themselves. If you can't afford to pay a living wage to your full time employees, you have no right to expect the taxpayers to subsidize you.
So stop subsidizing them.
Repubtards are the ones who subsidize.

The only way to stop the subsidies is to raise the minimum wage, which Republicans refused to vote for.

That's a sledgehammer approach. Not all low-wage jobs are subsidized. Far easier to simply prevent companies from hiring people on assistance.
That's a sledgehammer approach. Not all low-wage jobs are subsidized

You mean not all low wage workers apply for help. That may be true. But if you qualify based on today's criteria, them it is a persons CHOICE not to receive help from the government. But they would still qualify for help.
The only way to stop the subsidies is to raise the minimum wage, which Republicans refused to vote for.

Bush raised the income limits on "earned income credits" to qualify more people for subsidies rather than raise the minim wage. The 47% that Republicans now rail against as "takers" are a Republican creation because they refuse to raise the minimum wage.

Excellent. You need to print that over and over for these Repubs who don't understand what has been happening in the working world of low wages.

And point out how Republicans have been pushing off the costs of employees for low wage companies on to the backs of other tax payers.
And who says that the 600 a week you "feel" people need has to come from one employer or one 40 hour a week job?

What that $600 a week should cover?

If you share apartment with couple of roommates, or living in moms basement, you could live on much less. It's still livable wage.

Now that's irrelevant.

If is irrelevant what $600 should cover, how did you get to $600 magic number?

So just throw a number out there. What do you think is a decent livable wage overall, for an average American Worker? I already put some numbers out there. I said between $11 - $15 an hr. Certainly isn't wealth, but it's a reasonable start. One could get by somewhat.
It shouldn't be up to you, or to me, or to government to decide what someone else's minimum acceptable wage should be.

Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you started acting like one.
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What that $600 a week should cover?

If you share apartment with couple of roommates, or living in moms basement, you could live on much less. It's still livable wage.

Now that's irrelevant.

If is irrelevant what $600 should cover, how did you get to $600 magic number?

So just throw a number out there. What do you think is a decent livable wage overall, for an average American Worker? I already put some numbers out there. I said between $11 - $15 an hr. Certainly isn't wealth, but it's a reasonable start. One could get by somewhat.
It shouldn't be up to you, or to me, or to government to decide what someone else's minimum acceptable wage should be.

Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you start acting like one.
Vacation in Mississippi Garden spot of Republican Governance...
Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.

You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.

Richest Nation on earth. We can and should help our Workers. And you don't have to do Business with the State of Washington. You can choose to only do business with States that treat their Workers like shite. That's your call. If you can live with yourself, than go for it i guess.
You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

Ha, don't bother going that route. The greedy Corporate-bootlickers don't give a shit about their fellow Americans. Sadly, most actually call themselves 'Good Christians.' They're the ultimate greedy wankers. Jesus is ashamed of them.
Here's the rundown. Of the seven restaurants specifically mentioned in Seattle Magazine's March 4 post, one was reported by its owner to be located in the wrong neighborhood for its particular mix of bar space and atmosphere. Another is being offloaded by an owner who has three other restaurants in the city and is opening two more. (A neighboring restaurant is expanding into its space.) A third turned out to be too big for the clientele at its location. Three aren't closing at all, but are getting new chefs because theirold boss is moving to Spain to join his partner.

How many owners cited the minimum wage as a factor in their actions? None.

No the minimum wage isn't forcing these Seattle restaurants to close - LA Times

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