Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Now that's irrelevant.

If is irrelevant what $600 should cover, how did you get to $600 magic number?

So just throw a number out there. What do you think is a decent livable wage overall, for an average American Worker? I already put some numbers out there. I said between $11 - $15 an hr. Certainly isn't wealth, but it's a reasonable start. One could get by somewhat.
It shouldn't be up to you, or to me, or to government to decide what someone else's minimum acceptable wage should be.

Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you start acting like one.
Vacation in Mississippi Garden spot of Republican Governance...

Oh boy, Mississippi sure is a stanky shithole. Yeah, it angers me sometimes watching my Republican friends celebrating and boasting about States that treat their Workers like shite. They actually celebrate Workers making less money. Such a twisted greedy mentality. They should be ashamed of themselves.
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

if you don't like kitchen work, find another job. No one is forcing you to do that kind of work.

There's that compassion you Corporate-bootlickers are known for. You probably believe you're a 'Good Christian' too. How sad.
You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?

Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.
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How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?

Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart like have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.
Henry Ford knew he had to pay workers enough that they too could buy cars....the new business model is to pay the workers the absolute least they can pay and rely on the Social safety net as a subsidy for the Corporate work force....The CEO s meanwhile are hiking their compensation into outer space ...
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

Cry me a fucking river.

That warped hateful mentality is gonna cost you even more down the road. The more hateful and greedy you become, the more American Workers will fight to kick your ass. It's especially gonna cost you in many future National Elections. Hating and insulting average hard-working Americans, isn't exactly a winning platform on the national level. Your greed will cost you more in the future. Bet on it.
Oh boy, Mississippi sure is a stanky shithole. Yeah, it angers me sometimes watching my Republican friends celebrating and boasting about States that treat their Workers like shite. They actually celebrate Workers making less money. Such a twisted greedy mentality. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Mississippi Leads U.S. In Reliance On Food Stamps

Yeah, i cringe everytime i hear some of my Republican friends boasting about a factory closing somewhere, and re-opening in a State that encourages it to pay its Workers less. I'm like, is that really something to celebrate? American Workers making less money? Really? So many have lost their way. They've allowed their hate & greed to consume them. It's very sad.
How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?

Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart like have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.
Henry Ford knew he had to pay workers enough that they too could buy cars....the new business model is to pay the workers the absolute least they can pay and rely on the Social safety net as a subsidy for the Corporate work force....The CEO s meanwhile are hiking their compensation into outer space ...

True. The Taxpayer is forced to pick up the tab. So treating Workers like shit, actually comes back to haunt all of us in the end. And shame on States that attract Businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. There should have to be pay-scale guarantees for Workers when these deals are made.

That's one of my biggest rubs with my Republican friends. They're all for Big Government intervention in Business if it benefits them. But God forbid that intervention benefit Workers. That mentality kinda sickens me. It's pretty shameful.
Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.

They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?

Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart like have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.
Henry Ford knew he had to pay workers enough that they too could buy cars....the new business model is to pay the workers the absolute least they can pay and rely on the Social safety net as a subsidy for the Corporate work force....The CEO s meanwhile are hiking their compensation into outer space ...

True. The Taxpayer is forced to pick up the tab. So treating Workers like shit, actually comes back to haunt us all in the end. And shame on States that attract Businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. There should have to be pay-scale guarantees for Workers when these deals are made.

That's one of my biggest rubs with my Republican friends. They're all for Big Government intervention in Business if it benefits them. But God forbid that intervention benefit Workers. That mentality kinda sickens me. It's pretty shameful.
and as if that was not enough then they mock and degrade Food stamp recipients them leeches...imply they are drug addled by persisting in forcing our fellow Americans to "pee in a cup" for nanny Government....
They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?

Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart like have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.
Henry Ford knew he had to pay workers enough that they too could buy cars....the new business model is to pay the workers the absolute least they can pay and rely on the Social safety net as a subsidy for the Corporate work force....The CEO s meanwhile are hiking their compensation into outer space ...

True. The Taxpayer is forced to pick up the tab. So treating Workers like shit, actually comes back to haunt us all in the end. And shame on States that attract Businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. There should have to be pay-scale guarantees for Workers when these deals are made.

That's one of my biggest rubs with my Republican friends. They're all for Big Government intervention in Business if it benefits them. But God forbid that intervention benefit Workers. That mentality kinda sickens me. It's pretty shameful.
and as if that was not enough then they mock and degrade Food stamp recipients them leeches...imply they are drug addled by persisting in forcing our fellow Americans to "pee in a cup" for nanny Government....

Well, that's another issue. I'm pretty sure we would have some big disagreements on that one. But that's cool. Can't always agree on everything.
That's a sledgehammer approach. Not all low-wage jobs are subsidized

You mean not all low wage workers apply for help. That may be true. But if you qualify based on today's criteria, them it is a persons CHOICE not to receive help from the government. But they would still qualify for help.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. If the problem is subsidizing business through welfare, simply don't let them hire people on welfare. Then they'll have to pay something people can actually live on and we don't have to resort to government wage and price controls.
What that $600 a week should cover?

If you share apartment with couple of roommates, or living in moms basement, you could live on much less. It's still livable wage.

Now that's irrelevant.

If is irrelevant what $600 should cover, how did you get to $600 magic number?

So just throw a number out there. What do you think is a decent livable wage overall, for an average American Worker? I already put some numbers out there. I said between $11 - $15 an hr. Certainly isn't wealth, but it's a reasonable start. One could get by somewhat.
It shouldn't be up to you, or to me, or to government to decide what someone else's minimum acceptable wage should be.

Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington.

I'm not the slightest bit outraged by that. I just like to call out bullshit when I see it. MW isn't a victory for anyone, least of all "American Workers". It's a ruse to give government more control over the economy.
And States need to stop luring Businesses in by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. But if they do choose to engage in that, they should require businesses to make pay-scale guarantees.

In other words, don't come to my State just because you didn't wanna pay workers a decent livable wage in another State. You're not welcome to come here and shit on our Citizens.
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I'm not sure what you're getting at.

That's an understatement.

If the problem is subsidizing business through welfare, simply don't let them hire people on welfare.

So now you want to keep people ON welfare? You are confused. Working is better than welfare. True story.

Then they'll have to pay something people can actually live on and we don't have to resort to government wage and price controls.

Your confusion grows by the post. We don't have government "wage and price" controls. We do have a government mandated minimum wage. You know what "minimum" means? It's the least amount a company can pay you for your work. Not a MAXIMUM wage that can be paid. So no, there is no government "wage and price" controls.
That's a sledgehammer approach. Not all low-wage jobs are subsidized

You mean not all low wage workers apply for help. That may be true. But if you qualify based on today's criteria, them it is a persons CHOICE not to receive help from the government. But they would still qualify for help.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. If the problem is subsidizing business through welfare, simply don't let them hire people on welfare. Then they'll have to pay something people can actually live on and we don't have to resort to government wage and price controls.
People collect proportional welfare. A working single mother will collect less snap or food assistance because what she is able to qualify for is based on her income. The same with all the other "welfare" benefits from child care assistance to medical. A very low or minimum pay translates into a maximum qualifying amount of public assistance. For many workers there is actually a threshold that must be reached before they see any personal benefits in the form of discretionary cash to an increase in wages. The increases benefit those providing financial benefit to the recipient until the threshold is met. The worker collecting $100 per month in food stamps will loose the food stamps or portion of them when they receive the increased pay. The tax payer is the beneficiary to the wage increase.
Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

State of Washington haven't decide anything. It's Seattle City ordinance.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you started acting like one.

More liberal unintended consequences going down that road of good intentions...
The Republican Party will learn at some point. But it'll probably take a few more National Election losses for them to fully get it. The People don't wanna hear 'It's always the Workers' fault.' They want to see the Party stand up for the little guy.

If it continues to cling to its greedy ways, there isn't much hope for National Election wins anytime soon. Gotta lay off the Corporate-Bootlicking. Gotta stand up for the poor average Worker more often.
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Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

State of Washington haven't decide anything. It's Seattle City ordinance.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you started acting like one.

More liberal unintended consequences going down that road of good intentions...

Well, then don't do business with Washington. It's a State that respects its Workers. Only do business with stinky shitholes like Mississippi. It's a State that treats its Workers like shite. You'd love it there. So hey, if you can live with yourself, go for it i guess.
Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

State of Washington haven't decide anything. It's Seattle City ordinance.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you started acting like one.

More liberal unintended consequences going down that road of good intentions...
It isn't liberal or conservative, it is both. It is something called pragmatism and pragmatism fits neatly into all categories. The only people benefiting from non pragmatic policies are special interest. The special interest have convinced segments of our population to believe they can wear labels like "conservative" or "liberal" and so the brainwashed do their bidding for them even when the bidding works against their best interest. It is why we call these folks brainwashed. They fervently fight for things that hurt them because they have been listening to a voice, a talker, a propagandist, a cult leader.

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