Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart creates the poor, it does not help the poor. Higher wages have never ever caused prices to rise in the USA. Wage price spiral is a fallacy that you corporate boot-lickers swallowed hook line & sinker. Prices inflation is caused by bank lending & printing to support workers living off government, never by increased wages.
And States need to stop luring Businesses in by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. But if they do choose to engage in that, they should require businesses to make pay-scale guarantees.

In other words, don't come to my State just because you didn't wanna pay workers a decent livable wage in another State. You're not welcome to come here and shit on our Citizens.

so you want all businesses to move to china? are you a total fricken lunatic?

No, that's what you Corporate-bootlickers want, and are responsible for. Don't come to my State just because you didn't want to pay Workers a decent wage in another State. I'm always perplexed at you guys celebrating Workers making less money. It's such a flawed twisted mentality. You pay for it in the end.

If State Governments wanna lure businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$, they need to require those businesses to make pay-scale guarantees. That's the right thing to do. I want your business here, but not if you're coming here to treat our Workers like shit. That isn't acceptable.

you really need to drop out of this thread, you have made a complete fool of yourself for several days.

or maybe you really are as stupid as your posts.

Yeah well, you greedy loons go on celebrating American Workers making less money. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But just remember, you pay for that in the end.

american workers are doing just fine. only about 3% are making MW, and almost all of those are kids working part time for play money.

this entire MW rant is bullshit.

FACTS support you..
As Gruber said because of the "Stupidity of the American Voter" most uninformed voters that voted for Obama don't seem to know that:
In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage of the total hourly workers of 51,582,090
In 1989 3,162,000 or 50% LESS working at minimum wage of the 62,000,000 people working at hourly wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

Finally in 2013 there were 3,300,000 working at minimum or 4.3% of 76,744,186 that work at hourly.
AND of the 3.3 million working at minimum wage:
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 21 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared
with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and the remaining at age 16 to 24 years,1,797,000 at or below minimum wage.
Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012

BUT by raising minimum wage you will be putting these people out of work thus increasing unemployment.
The youth unemployment rate was 14.3 percent in July 2014.
Employment and Unemployment Among Youth Summary
And States need to stop luring Businesses in by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. But if they do choose to engage in that, they should require businesses to make pay-scale guarantees.

In other words, don't come to my State just because you didn't wanna pay workers a decent livable wage in another State. You're not welcome to come here and shit on our Citizens.

so you want all businesses to move to china? are you a total fricken lunatic?

No, that's what you Corporate-bootlickers want, and are responsible for. Don't come to my State just because you didn't want to pay Workers a decent wage in another State. I'm always perplexed at you guys celebrating Workers making less money. It's such a flawed twisted mentality. You pay for it in the end.

If State Governments wanna lure businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$, they need to require those businesses to make pay-scale guarantees. That's the right thing to do. I want your business here, but not if you're coming here to treat our Workers like shit. That isn't acceptable.

you really need to drop out of this thread, you have made a complete fool of yourself for several days.

or maybe you really are as stupid as your posts.

Yeah well, you greedy loons go on celebrating American Workers making less money. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But just remember, you pay for that in the end.

american workers are doing just fine. only about 3% are making MW, and almost all of those are kids working part time for play money.

this entire MW rant is bullshit.

You really are living in denial, aren't ya. You sure are all-in on that Corporate Propaganda. But like i said, Washington is a State that respects its Workers. You don't like that, don't do business there. Go find a shit hole State that doesn't mind shitting on its Citizens. It's your call.
And States need to stop luring Businesses in by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. But if they do choose to engage in that, they should require businesses to make pay-scale guarantees.

In other words, don't come to my State just because you didn't wanna pay workers a decent livable wage in another State. You're not welcome to come here and shit on our Citizens.

so you want all businesses to move to china? are you a total fricken lunatic?

No, that's what you Corporate-bootlickers want, and are responsible for. Don't come to my State just because you didn't want to pay Workers a decent wage in another State. I'm always perplexed at you guys celebrating Workers making less money. It's such a flawed twisted mentality. You pay for it in the end.

If State Governments wanna lure businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$, they need to require those businesses to make pay-scale guarantees. That's the right thing to do. I want your business here, but not if you're coming here to treat our Workers like shit. That isn't acceptable.

you really need to drop out of this thread, you have made a complete fool of yourself for several days.

or maybe you really are as stupid as your posts.

Have you notice how our autistic boy keeps repeating words decent, livable, American Worker... any chance he gets. And not just him, our liberal friends are trying to present the minimum wage earner as a helpless individual trying to feed his/her family on evil corporate table scraps and grease drippings. Oh, poor American Worker.
so you want all businesses to move to china? are you a total fricken lunatic?

No, that's what you Corporate-bootlickers want, and are responsible for. Don't come to my State just because you didn't want to pay Workers a decent wage in another State. I'm always perplexed at you guys celebrating Workers making less money. It's such a flawed twisted mentality. You pay for it in the end.

If State Governments wanna lure businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$, they need to require those businesses to make pay-scale guarantees. That's the right thing to do. I want your business here, but not if you're coming here to treat our Workers like shit. That isn't acceptable.

you really need to drop out of this thread, you have made a complete fool of yourself for several days.

or maybe you really are as stupid as your posts.

Yeah well, you greedy loons go on celebrating American Workers making less money. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But just remember, you pay for that in the end.

american workers are doing just fine. only about 3% are making MW, and almost all of those are kids working part time for play money.

this entire MW rant is bullshit.

FACTS support you..
As Gruber said because of the "Stupidity of the American Voter" most uninformed voters that voted for Obama don't seem to know that:
In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage of the total hourly workers of 51,582,090
In 1989 3,162,000 or 50% LESS working at minimum wage of the 62,000,000 people working at hourly wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

Finally in 2013 there were 3,300,000 working at minimum or 4.3% of 76,744,186 that work at hourly.
AND of the 3.3 million working at minimum wage:
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 21 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared
with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and the remaining at age 16 to 24 years,1,797,000 at or below minimum wage.
Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012

BUT by raising minimum wage you will be putting these people out of work thus increasing unemployment.
The youth unemployment rate was 14.3 percent in July 2014.
Employment and Unemployment Among Youth Summary

facts don't matter to liberals-------------they just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that all businesses are evil and all workers are victims.

liberalism is a mental disease, trying to understand their thinking is like trying to communicate with someone in a coma.
And States need to stop luring Businesses in by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$. But if they do choose to engage in that, they should require businesses to make pay-scale guarantees.

In other words, don't come to my State just because you didn't wanna pay workers a decent livable wage in another State. You're not welcome to come here and shit on our Citizens.

so you want all businesses to move to china? are you a total fricken lunatic?

Liberals are lunatics.

Working at McDonalds or Taco Bell is not a career job. It's for kids who want beer and party money. This Seattle minimum wage law just made those jobs career jobs. Imagine how someone who actually earned $15 before this law feels realizing that McDonalds is paying for unskilled labor as much as he earns for skilled labor? His skill and college degree instantly became worthless.

Workers need to push for raises. When Repubtards cause 400% inflation you believe workers should be happy with the same pay & live off the government dole. You are an economic idiot. The title of this thread & the OP are a joke!

Right, we don't want more Americans needing Entitlements to survive.

Keep on providing more entitlements like these and there will be NO workers as there will be no businesses.
People in poverty in the USA get:

a) The are eligible for a free cell phone... (paid by me from taxes on my $100/month cell phone bill.)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

So sure why should people work? You are right!
Well, then don't do business with Washington. It's a State that respects its Workers. Only do business with stinky shitholes like Mississippi. It's a State that treats its Workers like shite. You'd love it there. So hey, if you can live with yourself, go for it i guess.

Raising minimum wage is respect to worker? Yeah, they just rewarded a fry guy with $15 an hour a made sure he will stay a fry guy. If he ever wanted to do something else, he's definitely reconsidering.

Washington is a State that respects its workers. You don't like that, don't do business there. Like i said, there's always a stinky shit hole like Mississippi that doesn't mind treating its workers like shit. Perfect place for you greedy wankers.

For the third time, Washington did not increased minimum wage. City of Seattle did.

Basically, in your words, Washington still doesn't respect its workers.
so you want all businesses to move to china? are you a total fricken lunatic?

No, that's what you Corporate-bootlickers want, and are responsible for. Don't come to my State just because you didn't want to pay Workers a decent wage in another State. I'm always perplexed at you guys celebrating Workers making less money. It's such a flawed twisted mentality. You pay for it in the end.

If State Governments wanna lure businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$, they need to require those businesses to make pay-scale guarantees. That's the right thing to do. I want your business here, but not if you're coming here to treat our Workers like shit. That isn't acceptable.

you really need to drop out of this thread, you have made a complete fool of yourself for several days.

or maybe you really are as stupid as your posts.

Yeah well, you greedy loons go on celebrating American Workers making less money. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But just remember, you pay for that in the end.

american workers are doing just fine. only about 3% are making MW, and almost all of those are kids working part time for play money.

this entire MW rant is bullshit.

You really are living in denial, aren't ya. You sure are all-in on that Corporate Propaganda. But like i said, Washington is a State that respects its Workers. You don't like that, don't do business there. Go find a shit hole State that doesn't mind shitting on its Citizens. It's your call.

great, so the unemployment rolls in Washington will go up, Hooray, another liberal success. Idiot!
And it's obscene how so many States beg and actually give Tax Breaks and $$ to Businesses that only wanna relocate there to pay their Citizens shittier wages. That's why they're choosing the new location for the most part. They didn't wanna pay Workers a decent livable wage in the States they formerly operated in.

I'm always surprised to see so many of my Republican friends celebrating American Workers making less money. I mean, they've fallen that deep into Corporate Propaganda. They truly believe American Workers making less money is a 'Good Thing.' It's a very sad warped mentality.
Well, then don't do business with Washington. It's a State that respects its Workers. Only do business with stinky shitholes like Mississippi. It's a State that treats its Workers like shite. You'd love it there. So hey, if you can live with yourself, go for it i guess.

Raising minimum wage is respect to worker? Yeah, they just rewarded a fry guy with $15 an hour a made sure he will stay a fry guy. If he ever wanted to do something else, he's definitely reconsidering.

Washington is a State that respects its workers. You don't like that, don't do business there. Like i said, there's always a stinky shit hole like Mississippi that doesn't mind treating its workers like shit. Perfect place for you greedy wankers.

For the third time, Washington did not increased minimum wage. City of Seattle did.

Basically, in your words, Washington still doesn't respect its workers.

My point still stands. Go do business in a shit hole State that doesn't mind treating its workers like shit. If you can live with yourself, go for it. It's your call.
And it's obscene how so many States beg and actually give Tax Breaks and $$ to Businesses that only wanna relocate there to pay their Citizens shittier wages. That's why they're choosing the new location for the most part. They didn't wanna pay Workers a decent livable wage in the States they formerly operated in.

I'm always surprised to see so many of my Republican friends celebrating American Workers making less money. I mean, they've fallen that deep into Corporate Propaganda. They truly believe American Workers making less money is a 'Good Thing.' It's a very sad warped mentality.

nothing in your post is true, not a fricken word.

I am done wasting my time with you, you are an idiot.
No, that's what you Corporate-bootlickers want, and are responsible for. Don't come to my State just because you didn't want to pay Workers a decent wage in another State. I'm always perplexed at you guys celebrating Workers making less money. It's such a flawed twisted mentality. You pay for it in the end.

If State Governments wanna lure businesses by promising sweetheart Tax Breaks and $$, they need to require those businesses to make pay-scale guarantees. That's the right thing to do. I want your business here, but not if you're coming here to treat our Workers like shit. That isn't acceptable.

you really need to drop out of this thread, you have made a complete fool of yourself for several days.

or maybe you really are as stupid as your posts.

Yeah well, you greedy loons go on celebrating American Workers making less money. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But just remember, you pay for that in the end.

american workers are doing just fine. only about 3% are making MW, and almost all of those are kids working part time for play money.

this entire MW rant is bullshit.

You really are living in denial, aren't ya. You sure are all-in on that Corporate Propaganda. But like i said, Washington is a State that respects its Workers. You don't like that, don't do business there. Go find a shit hole State that doesn't mind shitting on its Citizens. It's your call.

great, so the unemployment rolls in Washington will go up, Hooray, another liberal success. Idiot!

And when that doesn't happen, what will you say? I'll be here to see. Should be fun. ;)
And it's obscene how so many States beg and actually give Tax Breaks and $$ to Businesses that only wanna relocate there to pay their Citizens shittier wages. That's why they're choosing the new location for the most part. They didn't wanna pay Workers a decent livable wage in the States they formerly operated in.

I'm always surprised to see so many of my Republican friends celebrating American Workers making less money. I mean, they've fallen that deep into Corporate Propaganda. They truly believe American Workers making less money is a 'Good Thing.' It's a very sad warped mentality.

nothing in your post is true, not a fricken word.

I am done wasting my time with you, you are an idiot.

Cool. You go on celebrating and boasting when Workers make less money. You seem to enjoy that a lot. Not sure why, but ok. Have fun.
facts don't matter to liberals-------------they just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that all businesses are evil and all workers are victims.

liberalism is a mental disease, trying to understand their thinking is like trying to communicate with someone in a coma.

Repubtards like you are the plague on America. Facts mean nothing to you. You only believe in slogans that you can regurgitate like "liberalism is a mental disease", because you are incapable of rational thought. All you have are lies spoon fed to you to regurgitate.

This thread title, the OP & everything you posted is a lie.
Oh boy, Mississippi sure is a stanky shithole. Yeah, it angers me sometimes watching my Republican friends celebrating and boasting about States that treat their Workers like shite. They actually celebrate Workers making less money. Such a twisted greedy mentality. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Mississippi Leads U.S. In Reliance On Food Stamps

Yeah, i cringe everytime i hear some of my Republican friends boasting about a factory closing somewhere, and re-opening in a State that encourages it to pay its Workers less. I'm like, is that really something to celebrate? American Workers making less money? Really? So many have lost their way. They've allowed their hate & greed to consume them. It's very sad.
As long as they keep it in the usa I'm ok
One of my friends was all hopped up over Amazon opening a facility in his area. But i had to rain on his parade a bit. I told him his area was likely chosen by Amazon because his dumbass Politicians promised em some sweetheart Tax Breaks and allowed them to pay its Citizens shitty wages.

That's how most States are attracting businesses these days. They promise the Corporations freebies and sell their Citizens out. And sadly, most of my 'Small Government' Republican friends are just fine with that Government intervention in Business. Always be wary when you hear about a large Corporation like Amazon coming your way. It most likely means your Politicians sold you out again.
Last edited:
Oh boy, Mississippi sure is a stanky shithole. Yeah, it angers me sometimes watching my Republican friends celebrating and boasting about States that treat their Workers like shite. They actually celebrate Workers making less money. Such a twisted greedy mentality. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Mississippi Leads U.S. In Reliance On Food Stamps

Yeah, i cringe everytime i hear some of my Republican friends boasting about a factory closing somewhere, and re-opening in a State that encourages it to pay its Workers less. I'm like, is that really something to celebrate? American Workers making less money? Really? So many have lost their way. They've allowed their hate & greed to consume them. It's very sad.
As long as they keep it in the usa I'm ok

You should never celebrate and boast when an American Worker makes less money. Period, end of story.
My point still stands. Go do business in a shit hole State that doesn't mind treating its workers like shit. If you can live with yourself, go for it. It's your call.

Your point is still bullshit. You said Washington State respect it's workers because they raised minimum wage. That's false, and since Washington state did not raise minimum wage, therefore according to you, Washington State doesn't respect its workers. So what's exactly your point?
Oh boy, Mississippi sure is a stanky shithole. Yeah, it angers me sometimes watching my Republican friends celebrating and boasting about States that treat their Workers like shite. They actually celebrate Workers making less money. Such a twisted greedy mentality. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Mississippi Leads U.S. In Reliance On Food Stamps

Yeah, i cringe everytime i hear some of my Republican friends boasting about a factory closing somewhere, and re-opening in a State that encourages it to pay its Workers less. I'm like, is that really something to celebrate? American Workers making less money? Really? So many have lost their way. They've allowed their hate & greed to consume them. It's very sad.
As long as they keep it in the usa I'm ok

You should never celebrate and boast when an American Worker makes less money. Period, end of story.

You're jumping the gun. They will be paid more per hour, but it remain to be seen if they gonna make more money overall. I think that some will, but most wont, since they're gonna work less hours or be laid off.
My point still stands. Go do business in a shit hole State that doesn't mind treating its workers like shit. If you can live with yourself, go for it. It's your call.

Your point is still bullshit. You said Washington State respect it's workers because they raised minimum wage. That's false, and since Washington state did not raise minimum wage, therefore according to you, Washington State doesn't respect its workers. So what's exactly your point?

Yes we know, you're happy when American Workers make less money. Seriously, you Corporate-Bootlickers have a really warped mentality. :cuckoo:

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