The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.
The Mueller team called CNN and allowed them to be present for this arrest.. This tells me it is purely a political bullshit arrest.. It is not the duty of the Special Counsels office to propagandize anything. Their case is so weak that they must have the case tried in friendly media first to garner support for lies and deceptions..

This is nothing more than a shaming and ridicule tactic to create fear in the subject they arrested. THIS IS WITNESS TAMPERING BY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS and Mueller needs to be purp-walked in the same manner..
Great, let’s see your evidence Mueller’s team tipped off CNN....
Puhleeze. How naive can you possibly be?

Translation.... you have no evidence so you’re gonna bluff with ad hominem instead.

The evidence is that they showed up at the correct location at the correct time. How could that happen without someone telling them?
Because news of Stone’s imminent indictment made the news yesterday and the news knows where he lives. It’s not rocket science to figure out a competent news agency would be parked outside of his residence to capture his imminent arrest.
Roger has the Trump haters trembling with anger. Love it.
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.
The Mueller team called CNN and allowed them to be present for this arrest.. This tells me it is purely a political bullshit arrest.. It is not the duty of the Special Counsels office to propagandize anything. Their case is so weak that they must have the case tried in friendly media first to garner support for lies and deceptions..

This is nothing more than a shaming and ridicule tactic to create fear in the subject they arrested. THIS IS WITNESS TAMPERING BY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS and Mueller needs to be purp-walked in the same manner..
Great, let’s see your evidence Mueller’s team tipped off CNN....
Puhleeze. How naive can you possibly be?

Translation.... you have no evidence so you’re gonna bluff with ad hominem instead.

The evidence is that they showed up at the correct location at the correct time. How could that happen without someone telling them?
Because news of Stone’s imminent indictment made the news yesterday and the news knows where he lives. It’s not rocket science to figure out a competent news agency would be parked outside of his residence to capture his imminent arrest.
How would they know about his imminent arrest?
Mueller could be fired within the coming months after this publicity stunt.
Once Barr becomes AG, this kind of shit will end. It's improper, and Barr won't allow it. That's why it happened now. It's Mueller's last chance to persecute innocent people.
A grand jury indictment is not hard to get. As the saying goes, “a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.” Grand jury is a group of people who hear evidence from US Attorney’s Office and no defense team present. The witch hunt continues. Another crime associated with Mueller investigation...but nothing with Russia collusion and 2016 election. Without Mueller investigation the man would never have been arrested. He broke no campaign laws. What about Hillary campaign talking to a former spy to produce a fake dossier?

Funny, I guess a grand jury indictment was too hard to get in the 90s. There were no indictments on either one of the Clintons. Ever. Even though conservatives said it was coming any day now.

Keep your head in the sand.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?
The FBI stormed the house. Evidently, they wanted to get their hands on documents and data before Stone destroyed it.

I wonder how many Trump rats escaped out of Roger's back door.

The net is closing on Donald Trump.

Next is Bossie and Conway I suspect. Also Nigel Farage is Trump backer in the UK.
Because backing Trump over the toxic douche nozzle is a criminal act

Trump has become the biggest loser ever. Trump couldn't make a deal to save his life.
You got something besides meaningless drivel?
Attorney: Mueller Attempting to Silence Stone


They are going to go after Trump next.....................

Trump is questioning the method used on Stone this was so dirt and sickening...

CNN leaked bs lies again and used this to make STONE look guilty by using this FBI SWAT TEAM BS lmfao..

wait until they find him innocent and you leftist look like assholes all over again.

YOU ALL ARE BEING SEEN AS WALKING **SHOLES TATOOed ACROSS YOUR FOREHEADS.LOL . you can be spotted a mile a way any good American lover and freedom lover can spot you stupid fks a mile a way just looking at you. Facial features can often tell all.
Roger has the Trump haters trembling with anger. Love it.
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
This is my prediction: Stone will call Assange as a Witness for his defense

Short and Sweet, Moscow Mueller is an idiot who just laid a trap for himself. He has repeatedly refused calls for him to take a sworn under oath statement from Assange who has repeatedly offered to perform such a service for We The People.

Assange will assert what he has asserted all along, that Seth Rich with the help of uploaded Podesta, and Clinton's Racist, Corrupt and Bigoted emails to Wikileaks before he was murdered. has also repeatedly offered to testify to this fact, but Moscow Mueller will not hear it. Now he may be forced to.

Here is my warning to people like Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Strozk et al.

Proverbs 5:21-23

21 For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and the Lord watches all his paths.

22 The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his own sin entangle him.

23 He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.
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