Attorney: Mueller Attempting to Silence Stone


They are going to go after Trump next.....................

Trump is questioning the method used on Stone this was so dirt and sickening...

CNN leaked bs lies again and used this to make STONE look guilty by using this FBI SWAT TEAM BS lmfao..

wait until they find him innocent and you leftist look like assholes all over again.

YOU ALL ARE BEING SEEN AS WALKING **SHOLES TATOOed ACROSS YOUR FOREHEADS.LOL . you can be spotted a mile a way any good American lover and freedom lover can spot you stupid fks a mile a way just looking at you. Facial features can often tell all.

Roger has the Trump haters trembling with anger. Love it.
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
How is it too late for a pardon? Why would he need to take the fifth if he's pardoned?
I am wondering if Stone is going to dig up dirt Mueller and his team (and maybe their families).
instead of tackling this question, you morons whine about CNN filming that scumbag stone being arrested.

way to shine light on your priorities.


They don't care at all that stone was a major part of conspiring with russia to throw the election so that trump would win the 2016 election. They don't care that trump and his campaign were conspiring with a foreign adversary who was in the process of a cyber attack on our nation and our democratic institutions.

They care that the press was able to video the arrest.

It's incredible.
I am happy that our real american and patriotic legal scholars here on UScumbagMB sussed out the real suspects.

Mueller, and CNN.

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if there is a god in heaven........ please PLEASE do it. if assange comes to the US, it's all over for him too.
Roger has the Trump haters trembling with anger. Love it.
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.

He’s not going to bear false witness towards Trump about this hoax. Keep spinning.
Mueller could be fired within the coming months after this publicity stunt.
Once Barr becomes AG, this kind of shit will end. It's improper, and Barr won't allow it. That's why it happened now. It's Mueller's last chance to persecute innocent people.

This fuels up the Trump 2020 campaign that’s for sure.

Are you sure about that?
62% of Americans say President Donald Trump has been untruthful about the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. NBCWSJ December Poll (12-16-18 Release).pdf
Poll of Polls show Trump at 41% approval, 55.6% disapproval, which leads to -14.6 spread.
This site also has a graph of Trump's pattern of going down.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Considering all the Trump fear ads about the Wall and Trump telling his supporters to vote like he was on the ballot in the Midterms, led to a 8% popular vote spread in favor of the Dems in the election, despite a heavy turnout. Things don't look too rosy, because Trump's popularity has plunged downwards since the Midterms.
But, keep the faith, bro.
Mueller could be fired within the coming months after this publicity stunt.
Once Barr becomes AG, this kind of shit will end. It's improper, and Barr won't allow it. That's why it happened now. It's Mueller's last chance to persecute innocent people.

This fuels up the Trump 2020 campaign that’s for sure.

Are you sure about that?
62% of Americans say President Donald Trump has been untruthful about the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. NBCWSJ December Poll (12-16-18 Release).pdf
Poll of Polls show Trump at 41% approval, 55.6% disapproval, which leads to -14.6 spread.
This site also has a graph of Trump's pattern of going down.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Considering all the Trump fear ads about the Wall and Trump telling his supporters to vote like he was on the ballot in the Midterms, led to a 8% spread in favor of the Dems in the election, despite a heavy turnout. Things don't look too rosy, because Trump's popularity has plunged downwards since the Midterms.
But, keep the faith, bro.
Oh great, now you show a democrat inflated poll. You fake news bots keep spinning.
I am wondering if Stone is going to dig up dirt Mueller and his team (and maybe their families).
If Stone's Lawyers are smart, all they have to do is request, and Julian Assange as witnesses for The Defense. Mueller has been avoiding Assange like The Bubonic Plague.
instead of tackling this question, you morons whine about CNN filming that scumbag stone being arrested.

way to shine light on your priorities.


They don't care at all that stone was a major part of conspiring with russia to throw the election so that trump would win the 2016 election. They don't care that trump and his campaign were conspiring with a foreign adversary who was in the process of a cyber attack on our nation and our democratic institutions.

They care that the press was able to video the arrest.

It's incredible.

That's a fantasy. Even if everything douchebags like say about Stone is true, it wasn't against the law. There was no conspiracy. There isn't a smidgen of evidence for one. You people are fucking delusional.
Short and Sweet, Moscow Mueller is an idiot who just laid a trap for himself. He has repeatedly refused calls for him to take a sworn under oath statement from Assange who has repeatedly offered to perform such a service for We The People.

Assange will assert what he has asserted all along, that Seth Rich with the help of uploaded Podesta, and Clinton's Racist, Corrupt and Bigoted emails to Wikileaks before he was murdered. has also repeatedly offered to testify to this fact, but Moscow Mueller will not hear it. Now he may be forced to.

Here is my warning to people like Comey, McCabe, Strozk et al.

Proverbs 5:21-23

21 For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and the Lord watches all his paths.

22 The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his own sin entangle him.

23 He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.

Wow. That bible quote applies to Trump perfectly.

Here's another one for you:

For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. - Romans 16:18


Mueller could be fired within the coming months after this publicity stunt.
Once Barr becomes AG, this kind of shit will end. It's improper, and Barr won't allow it. That's why it happened now. It's Mueller's last chance to persecute innocent people.

This fuels up the Trump 2020 campaign that’s for sure.

Are you sure about that?
62% of Americans say President Donald Trump has been untruthful about the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. NBCWSJ December Poll (12-16-18 Release).pdf
Poll of Polls show Trump at 41% approval, 55.6% disapproval, which leads to -14.6 spread.
This site also has a graph of Trump's pattern of going down.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Considering all the Trump fear ads about the Wall and Trump telling his supporters to vote like he was on the ballot in the Midterms, led to a 8% spread in favor of the Dems in the election, despite a heavy turnout. Things don't look too rosy, because Trump's popularity has plunged downwards since the Midterms.
But, keep the faith, bro.
Oh great, now you show a democrat inflated poll. You fake news bots keep spinning.
NBC/WSJ polls have an A- rating from 538.

But its really more simple than that. Take for example when Trump said he had no dealings in russia or any business in russia. We've found out he's had plenty of business in Russia, moscow tower etc.
I guess the dipshit who started this topic is unaware that the US has been trying for years to get Assange extradited here for leaking classified information.

Our prosecutors would LOVE for him to come to the US.
instead of tackling this question, you morons whine about CNN filming that scumbag stone being arrested.

way to shine light on your priorities.


They don't care at all that stone was a major part of conspiring with russia to throw the election so that trump would win the 2016 election. They don't care that trump and his campaign were conspiring with a foreign adversary who was in the process of a cyber attack on our nation and our democratic institutions.

They care that the press was able to video the arrest.

It's incredible.

That's a fantasy. Even if everything douchebags like say about Stone is true, it wasn't against the law. There was no conspiracy. There isn't a smidgen of evidence for one. You people are fucking delusional.
Stone is charged with one count of obstructing an official proceeding, five counts of making false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
You gotta love trump supporters they will defend his crimes...even if they find him in their bedroom banging their female.
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.

He’s not going to bear false witness towards Trump about this hoax. Keep spinning.

He doesn't have to....he just needs to tell the truth...

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