Jesus, just look at the Trumptards lining up for refills of their piss cups.

Amazing. They BEG to be lied to.

I can see how people of no conscience like Trump and Stone and the pseudocon propaganda outlets find it too hard to resist lying to the creduloids for fun and profit.
ROFL! The irony is excruciating. Who could possibly be more credulous than the dumbass snowflakes who believe Trump is a Putin puppet?
CNN got tipped about the raid which is why they have exclusive video. Muellers team threw them a bone for being loyal propagandists.
Shitshow to be continued....

Bullshit cover story.
haha, right. It couldn't possibly be that you're just paranoid and delusional and a trump cultist. Clearly it has to be a vast conspiracy. :rolleyes:

Not a vast conspiracy.
Just one bit of propaganda layered on top of another piece of propaganda.
brothers and sisters, the claim of Russian collusion is a politically motivated fairy tale!

It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
The emails were hacked by Russia, dipshit.
There's not a shred of evidence for that claim. Assange denies it.
It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
The emails were hacked by Russia, dipshit.

The emails were not hacked by Russia. A DNC staffer leaked them, and ended up murdered for the effort.
Nope. That's totally fake news, dipshit.

In the email exchanges the Wikileaks colluders talk about the hackers who stole the emails. You've been hoaxed, dumbass. Stone perpetrated that bullshit conspiracy theory in public for the consumption of credulous dumb shits like yourself. In private, he knew exactly how Assange got the emails.

I knew you tards were too mentally challenged to read the indictment for yourselves. You parrot what you are told to parrot instead.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that emotionally driven people on the interwebs whose default posts are spews of epithets are not able to: a) think critically, and b) express anything resembling a coherent argument.

But thanks for playing!
Roger Stone openly bragged he was colluding with Wikileaks, which was colluding with Russia, to influence the election.

Now the big mouth's tits are in the wringer.

Karma's a BITCH!
Two lies in one sentence.
Not a vast conspiracy.
Just one bit of propaganda layered on top of another piece of propaganda.
Nah, you're just a trump cultist who thinks that every time reality doesn't align with his fantasies, it's because everybody's engaged in a conspiracy.

in reality, the only party involved here that has a direct tie to his own little State Media station is Trump. And you don't seem to mind that one bit.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
The emails were hacked by Russia, dipshit.

The emails were not hacked by Russia. A DNC staffer leaked them, and ended up murdered for the effort.
Nope. That's totally fake news, dipshit.

In the email exchanges the Wikileaks colluders talk about the hackers who stole the emails. You've been hoaxed, dumbass. Stone perpetrated that bullshit conspiracy theory in public for the consumption of credulous dumb shits like yourself. In private, he knew exactly how Assange got the emails.

I knew you tards were too mentally challenged to read the indictment for yourselves. You parrot what you are told to parrot instead.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that emotionally driven people on the interwebs whose default posts are spews of epithets are not able to: a) think critically, and b) express anything resembling a coherent argument.

But thanks for playing!
If that's all you have, rube, then we're done. I can't force you to read the indictment for yourself. You want to be willfully ignorant, that's up to you. You go ahead and keep begging for your masters to keep lying to you. Whatever.
It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
The emails were hacked by Russia, dipshit.

The emails were not hacked by Russia. A DNC staffer leaked them, and ended up murdered for the effort.
Nope. That's totally fake news, dipshit.

In the email exchanges the Wikileaks colluders talk about the hackers who stole the emails. You've been hoaxed, dumbass. Stone perpetrated that bullshit conspiracy theory in public for the consumption of credulous dumb shits like yourself. In private, he knew exactly how Assange got the emails.

I knew you tards were too mentally challenged to read the indictment for yourselves. You parrot what you are told to parrot instead.
Please quote what you are referring to, because I don't recall reading anything like that in the indictment.
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.
Another process crime arrest! Evidently not a single person arrested has ever committed a real crime.
brothers and sisters, the claim of Russian collusion is a politically motivated fairy tale!

It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
The emails were hacked by Russia, dipshit.

The emails were not hacked by Russia. A DNC staffer leaked them, and ended up murdered for the effort.
Finally, some common sense. Surely, we can all agree that hillary needs to be locked up for murdering rich vincent, and seth foster. And for being Kenyan born musselin. fuck yeah.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.
1 count of obstruction

5 counts of false statements

1 count of witness tampering

Didn't Junior already say he thought he was going to be indicted?

Junior and Kushner are done for. That's why they are avoiding public comment and keeping their heads down wishing it would go away.
Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
The emails were hacked by Russia, dipshit.

The emails were not hacked by Russia. A DNC staffer leaked them, and ended up murdered for the effort.
Nope. That's totally fake news, dipshit.

In the email exchanges the Wikileaks colluders talk about the hackers who stole the emails. You've been hoaxed, dumbass. Stone perpetrated that bullshit conspiracy theory in public for the consumption of credulous dumb shits like yourself. In private, he knew exactly how Assange got the emails.

I knew you tards were too mentally challenged to read the indictment for yourselves. You parrot what you are told to parrot instead.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that emotionally driven people on the interwebs whose default posts are spews of epithets are not able to: a) think critically, and b) express anything resembling a coherent argument.

But thanks for playing!
If that's all you have, rube, then we're done. I can't force you to read the indictment for yourself. You want to be willfully ignorant, that's up to you. You go ahead and keep begging for your masters to keep lying to you. Whatever.

No worries. I have never harbored any illusions or desires to force you to think critically and coherently.
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.
Another process crime arrest! Evidently not a single person arrested has ever committed a real crime.

That's because collusion is a crime in search of people, as opposed to people who committed a crime.
The whole point of the Mueller investigation is to teach Americans a "lesson" that we are never to elect an anti-establishment candidate again.
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.
Another process crime arrest! Evidently not a single person arrested has ever committed a real crime.

Really? Why do they keep pleading guilty?

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