BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary ^ | 2:13 PM - 2 Jul 2016 | User Actions Following Donald J. TrumpVerified account ‏@realDonaldTrump
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2016

OMG, can it really be?????

The Donald KNEW she would never be indicted.....BUT a new scenario has popped up!...... Wait until after election, if the bitch loses, the Obomanation automatically pardons her for all PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE offenses...... POOF, all gone.....AND if the indictment comes down before the DNC convention (which some think is inevitable) she will resign, and Joe, "The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden will be installed at the convention.... Apparently Joe's POLL NUMBERS to insiders are 10-12 points above the Hildebeast, making him a BEST CHOICE for president.... If he is elected, the Obomanation won't have to SOIL his legacy on a SPURIOUS pardon as Blow Job Clinton did with Mark Rich, and the whole thing can be PUT OFF until Uncle Joe, the habitual sexual abuser, is president, and then Joe can pardon her....after all Joe is SOOO FUCKING OLD, he doesn't care about a legacy!
Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.
She just met with FBI today. Justice Department is a joke.

It is only a joke if the law isn't on your side. This throws a huge crawbar into your plans to cut, slash and fuck this country...haha
The only fucking going on with the Clinton's is them screwing the American people and Bill screwing every woman he sees except his lesbo wife.
Isn't it a good example of an oxymoron when "sources say" is interpreted as "breaking news"?
for the past 11 months, right wing media has used THEIR unnamed sources to work its followers in to a frenzy on this topic, proclaiming her GUILT, and you bought in to it.... ^ | 2:13 PM - 2 Jul 2016 | User Actions Following Donald J. TrumpVerified account ‏@realDonaldTrump
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2016

OMG, can it really be?????

The Donald KNEW she would never be indicted.....BUT a new scenario has popped up!...... Wait until after election, if the bitch loses, the Obomanation automatically pardons her for all PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE offenses...... POOF, all gone.....AND if the indictment comes down before the DNC convention (which some think is inevitable) she will resign, and Joe, "The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden will be installed at the convention.... Apparently Joe's POLL NUMBERS to insiders are 10-12 points above the Hildebeast, making him a BEST CHOICE for president.... If he is elected, the Obomanation won't have to SOIL his legacy on a SPURIOUS pardon as Blow Job Clinton did with Mark Rich, and the whole thing can be PUT OFF until Uncle Joe, the habitual sexual abuser, is president, and then Joe can pardon her....after all Joe is SOOO FUCKING OLD, he doesn't care about a legacy!

Oh, so you've now kicked the can down the road. You NaziCons must have a crystal ball made out of pure shit.
once again.....lets support a person who is not well liked by MANY,because,he is not as bad as their do realize that those on the left say the same thing about hillary...she aint great but she is better than once again America accepts 2 half-assed,low character people because....its who our wonderful parties everyone is now satisfied and once again America gets fucked....
Fine, go vote for Johnson then, and see where that gets you.
thanks for just proving what i just said......someday in the distant future maybe character will matter again....
You're good at bitching about the two parties but I don't see you offering any solutions.
then you dont read what i post.....geezus you are as bad as lakota....
I don't follow your posts, no. But I don't see you offering any solutions here, just bitching.
you cant put 2 and 2 together? about cutting the cord and not supporting the half-assed people these parties throw at long as you party people just keep on shrugging your shoulders and keep on using that lame "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit nothing is ever going to change.....we are getting shittier and shittier people....but yet here we are,2 more people who most of the country dont like,both embroiled in numerous controversies,suspect character,if elected nothing will get done.....the list goes on....
Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.
She just met with FBI today. Justice Department is a joke.

It is only a joke if the law isn't on your side. This throws a huge crawbar into your plans to cut, slash and fuck this country...haha
The only fucking going on with the Clinton's is them screwing the American people and Bill screwing every woman he sees except his lesbo wife.

Donald the serial adulterer writes books and brags about bedding married women. Now he is your hero!
Isn't it a good example of an oxymoron when "sources say" is interpreted as "breaking news"?
for the past 11 months, right wing media has used THEIR unnamed sources to work its followers in to a frenzy on this topic, proclaiming her GUILT, and you bought in to it....

That's all the right has is unnamed sources...While we have court cases and real evidence that Trump has done wrong. ^ | 2:13 PM - 2 Jul 2016 | User Actions Following Donald J. TrumpVerified account ‏@realDonaldTrump
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2016

OMG, can it really be?????

The Donald KNEW she would never be indicted.....BUT a new scenario has popped up!...... Wait until after election, if the bitch loses, the Obomanation automatically pardons her for all PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE offenses...... POOF, all gone.....AND if the indictment comes down before the DNC convention (which some think is inevitable) she will resign, and Joe, "The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden will be installed at the convention.... Apparently Joe's POLL NUMBERS to insiders are 10-12 points above the Hildebeast, making him a BEST CHOICE for president.... If he is elected, the Obomanation won't have to SOIL his legacy on a SPURIOUS pardon as Blow Job Clinton did with Mark Rich, and the whole thing can be PUT OFF until Uncle Joe, the habitual sexual abuser, is president, and then Joe can pardon her....after all Joe is SOOO FUCKING OLD, he doesn't care about a legacy!

Oh, so you've now kicked the can down the road. You NaziCons must have a crystal ball made out of pure shit.

Will you suck the JakeASS's cock if I'm right?....BOOKMARKED! ^ | 2:13 PM - 2 Jul 2016 | User Actions Following Donald J. TrumpVerified account ‏@realDonaldTrump
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2016

OMG, can it really be?????

The Donald KNEW she would never be indicted.....BUT a new scenario has popped up!...... Wait until after election, if the bitch loses, the Obomanation automatically pardons her for all PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE offenses...... POOF, all gone.....AND if the indictment comes down before the DNC convention (which some think is inevitable) she will resign, and Joe, "The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden will be installed at the convention.... Apparently Joe's POLL NUMBERS to insiders are 10-12 points above the Hildebeast, making him a BEST CHOICE for president.... If he is elected, the Obomanation won't have to SOIL his legacy on a SPURIOUS pardon as Blow Job Clinton did with Mark Rich, and the whole thing can be PUT OFF until Uncle Joe, the habitual sexual abuser, is president, and then Joe can pardon her....after all Joe is SOOO FUCKING OLD, he doesn't care about a legacy!

Oh, so you've now kicked the can down the road. You NaziCons must have a crystal ball made out of pure shit.

Will you suck the JakeASS's cock if I'm right?....BOOKMARKED!

I'll think about it...

Hey shitting bull - look at the date on your "breaking news".
Will she face charges? Highly unlikely.
These fools are desperate.

I mean, really. If Shitting Bull is using this to support his claim - it is nearly a month old. Will She face charges? I'm becoming increasingly pessimistic daily. Our damned government is so corrupt - and she has so many "exportable" things on the politicians in DC - I just don't believe that the bitch will EVER answer for her misdeeds.

There is a special place in hell for that no good Saul Alynsky dick sucking bitch.

Randall I said on day 1 there's no chance in hell the wife of a former president will be indicted. These politicians are so corrupt and have so much dirt on each other its just not happening. Every once in a blue moon they will throw a low ranking politician under a bus but your Clinton's, Bush's, Pelosi's, Reid's, its never going to happen. Look at Charlie Rangel any common citizen would have been thrown in jail a long time ago for what he's done and he's still walking around a free man. IF they somehow lose control of the fake dog and pony show they have been putting on at most Obama will just pardon her.

And that's what I just can't understand about the left. I DESPISE republican politicians. I DESPISE liberal ISIS supporting politicians. I LITERALLY hate their fucking guts. There are not 20 honest politicians in Washington. And yet these stupid fucking liberals ACTUALLY believe that these assholes in $1,000 suits are "looking out" for their worthless asses. I've been the guy saying that it's way past time to get these assholes by the collar and throw their asses out.

They look out for each other like the bloods and the crips do. It's fully legalized thievery. I mean, seriously. When is the last time you felt GOOD about this country? Seriously.
More importantly - when was the last time a politician did ANYTHING for the betterment of this damned country? They go there, they get rich and then, they get richer. Meanwhile, the American people are sitting on their asses watching their futures go down the drain.

It boggles the mind that the liberal ISIS supporting Left actually wants a woman of such low character as their president. It boggles my mind. And republicans are no better. We have a political class that is spending millions of dollars to "get rid of" the nominee that the AMERICAN PEOPLE have (for whatever dumb reason) have decided to be THEIR candidate. They are willing to destroy their own party to thwart the will of the people.

And people tell me that we are not on the "eve of destruction" I'm telling you now - this country will NOT make it another 20 years. There is a storm coming and every day, it speeds up.

While I agree with you I have full confidence in the American people. Americans are wolves not sheep. Americans are apex predators used to the taste of freedom. While we are slow to anger when pushed too far we will fuck up whomever is messing with us. The politicians know and fear this, I have seen them shit themselves on several occasions and back off when the American people are about to tear them a new asshole. So we'll just see.
Perhaps they might be able to indict Hillary's gigantic fat fucking ass. Her ass is so big it needs its own ambassador. I think e-mail was sent unsecured from the left cheek to the right cheek. Hear it took hours to cross the great divide.

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