BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

  • The FBI Interrogates Hillary Clinton at FBI Headquarters
    PJ Media ^ | July 2, 2016 | Debra Heine
    Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was questioned by the FBI for over three hours Saturday over her use of a private email server for official correspondence while secretary of state. The meeting -- characterized as "voluntary" because there was no subpoena -- lasted about three and a half hours according to reports, and was conducted at the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.

    Via Fox News:

    Clinton “is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion” campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. He also said Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, will not make further comment about the interview.
    Clinton’s use of the private server and email address -- particularly whether the setup was used for classified information and how secure they were -- has cast a shadow over her campaign from the start.

    The FBI investigation is purportedly coming to a close, and the Clinton interview is considered among the final steps in the case.

    The Clinton campaign has long characterized the FBI investigation as a "security review" or "security inquiry" in order to downplay the severity of the probe. In what PJ Media's J. Christian Adams interpreted as a very bad sign, Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently used the same language, calling it a "security inquiry." But FBI Director James Comey said he wasn't familiar with such language, saying in May, "we’re conducting an investigation… That’s what we do.”

    "She is the main subject -- we believe with good reason -- of a criminal investigation here," said former FBI Assistant Director Steve Pomerantz on Fox News today. "And this interview -- interrogation if you will -- is the culmination of that lengthy investigation."

    Pomerantz said, "the agents who conducted this interview have prepared for weeks, if not months, and have a list of questions very long to ask her. It's an adversarial process." He continued, "these agents -- if you'll excuse the terminology -- they want to sweat her. They want to get her under pressure, and they want to get answers to tough questions that they have."

    The former G-man added, "this is not a pleasant process for her."

    Fox video

    The ongoing email scandal blew up earlier this week when Bill Clinton initiated a meeting with Lynch on her airplane

    on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, prompting calls for Lynch to recuse herself.

    “There’s no good reason for her to have met with him. None. Zip,” said former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova during an interview with The Daily Caller.


I can't wait to see Bill roaming the halls of the White House once again.
  • Latest Clinton Email News (Weekly Update)
    Judicial Watch ^ | July 1, 2016 | Tom Fitton
    New Emails Show Clinton Was Concerned About Records Even in Her Earliest Months as Secretary House Select Committee on Benghazi Report Confirms Judicial Watch Revelations A Supreme Court Victory Over Backdoor Executive Amnesty Judicial Watch Completes Depositions of Key Clinton Email Figures Happy Independence Day! New Emails Show Clinton Was Concerned About Records Even in Her Earliest Months as Secretary Politicians count on long summer weekends to distract the American public from recalling the scandals and revelations of the day. The Fourth of July could not have come sooner for Hillary Clinton and her enablers. At Judicial Watch, it’s...
  • The FBI Interrogates Hillary Clinton at FBI Headquarters
    PJ Media ^ | July 2, 2016 | Debra Heine
    Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was questioned by the FBI for over three hours Saturday over her use of a private email server for official correspondence while secretary of state. The meeting -- characterized as "voluntary" because there was no subpoena -- lasted about three and a half hours according to reports, and was conducted at the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.

    Via Fox News:

    Clinton “is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion” campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. He also said Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, will not make further comment about the interview.
    Clinton’s use of the private server and email address -- particularly whether the setup was used for classified information and how secure they were -- has cast a shadow over her campaign from the start.

    The FBI investigation is purportedly coming to a close, and the Clinton interview is considered among the final steps in the case.

    The Clinton campaign has long characterized the FBI investigation as a "security review" or "security inquiry" in order to downplay the severity of the probe. In what PJ Media's J. Christian Adams interpreted as a very bad sign, Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently used the same language, calling it a "security inquiry." But FBI Director James Comey said he wasn't familiar with such language, saying in May, "we’re conducting an investigation… That’s what we do.”

    "She is the main subject -- we believe with good reason -- of a criminal investigation here," said former FBI Assistant Director Steve Pomerantz on Fox News today. "And this interview -- interrogation if you will -- is the culmination of that lengthy investigation."

    Pomerantz said, "the agents who conducted this interview have prepared for weeks, if not months, and have a list of questions very long to ask her. It's an adversarial process." He continued, "these agents -- if you'll excuse the terminology -- they want to sweat her. They want to get her under pressure, and they want to get answers to tough questions that they have."

    The former G-man added, "this is not a pleasant process for her."

    Fox video

    The ongoing email scandal blew up earlier this week when Bill Clinton initiated a meeting with Lynch on her airplane

    on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, prompting calls for Lynch to recuse herself.

    “There’s no good reason for her to have met with him. None. Zip,” said former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova during an interview with The Daily Caller.



Pajamas Media? The Daily Caller? Fox? Holly shit, you left out Charles Manson.
Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.

Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
And that's what I just can't understand about the left. I DESPISE republican politicians. I DESPISE liberal ISIS supporting politicians.

And here's another one melting down over the decline of ISIS.

You'd think they'd be happy about it, but nope. A few conservatives want ISIS to succeed, being they think they can hype the fear and gain political power from it.

Yeah, they might threaten to behead me now.. Whatever. Like I care about ISIS-patsies.
  • The FBI Interrogates Hillary Clinton at FBI Headquarters
    PJ Media ^ | July 2, 2016 | Debra Heine
    Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was questioned by the FBI for over three hours Saturday over her use of a private email server for official correspondence while secretary of state. The meeting -- characterized as "voluntary" because there was no subpoena -- lasted about three and a half hours according to reports, and was conducted at the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.

    Via Fox News:

    Clinton “is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion” campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. He also said Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, will not make further comment about the interview.
    Clinton’s use of the private server and email address -- particularly whether the setup was used for classified information and how secure they were -- has cast a shadow over her campaign from the start.

    The FBI investigation is purportedly coming to a close, and the Clinton interview is considered among the final steps in the case.

    The Clinton campaign has long characterized the FBI investigation as a "security review" or "security inquiry" in order to downplay the severity of the probe. In what PJ Media's J. Christian Adams interpreted as a very bad sign, Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently used the same language, calling it a "security inquiry." But FBI Director James Comey said he wasn't familiar with such language, saying in May, "we’re conducting an investigation… That’s what we do.”

    "She is the main subject -- we believe with good reason -- of a criminal investigation here," said former FBI Assistant Director Steve Pomerantz on Fox News today. "And this interview -- interrogation if you will -- is the culmination of that lengthy investigation."

    Pomerantz said, "the agents who conducted this interview have prepared for weeks, if not months, and have a list of questions very long to ask her. It's an adversarial process." He continued, "these agents -- if you'll excuse the terminology -- they want to sweat her. They want to get her under pressure, and they want to get answers to tough questions that they have."

    The former G-man added, "this is not a pleasant process for her."

    Fox video

    The ongoing email scandal blew up earlier this week when Bill Clinton initiated a meeting with Lynch on her airplane

    on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, prompting calls for Lynch to recuse herself.

    “There’s no good reason for her to have met with him. None. Zip,” said former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova during an interview with The Daily Caller.



Pajamas Media? The Daily Caller? Fox? Holly shit, you left out Charles Manson.

This one better?....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

  • Indicted or not indicted, Clinton could lose politically
    McClatchy DC ^ | July 2, 2016 | Anita Kumar
    WASHINGTON No matter how the (FBI investigation) into the handling of sensitive information on ( Hillary Clinton’s personal computer server) ends, it likely will hurt her presidential bid. If she is indicted, she will face further questions about (her honesty) and perhaps even calls for her to step aside. If she isn’t indicted, as ( many legal experts predict), critics will accuse the Obama administration of letting her escape charges merely because they want her to win the White House. The threat of political pain even with no indictment was underscored as dozens of Republicans lawmakers pressed Attorney General Loretta...

Only when you accept the fact that Hillary's supporters don't care how crooked, corrupt, evil and incompetent she may be can you begin to understand the seriousness of the threat she and her supporters pose to America!!!!

Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.

Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.

Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
  • Clinton best friend: Hillary secret has D.C. 'scared to death'
    WND ^ | 1 July 2016 | GREG COROMBOS
    Hillary Clinton is seeking the presidency because of her insatiable quest for power, but she is both ethically and medically unfit for office – and she knows dark secrets that have Washington politicians “scared to death of her” – according to Bill Clinton’s former lover who is now the author of an explosive new book. Dolly Kyle is a former attorney who dated Bill Clinton in high school and carried on an affair with the future president both before and after Clinton married Hillary Rodham and until Clinton ran for president in 1992. Kyle told WND and Radio America she...
FBI will find that Hillary should not have used a private server but she broke no laws
Hillary will say she is sorry and won't do it again

Republicans will keep up an eight year campaign to impeach President Hillary Clinton
We should all have a moment of silence. Let's all bow are heads and thank God for Hillary's exoneration.

There are a lot of right wing people praying for Hillary too. But it ain't good at all.
Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.

Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
God I hope the democrats win the house too. These loserterians are really fucking crazy.
  • Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch just made Hillary’s email problems even worse
    Wapo ^ | 7/1/2016 | Chris Cillizza
    A big part of politics is appearances and perceptions. If something looks bad, people will likely conclude it is bad — even if there's no actual evidence or proof of its relative badness. Politicians know this; it's why they don't wear funny hats or get in tanks (anymore). And it's why Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should have known better when they huddled privately at the Phoenix airport earlier this week. Lynch is the nation's top cop and, as such, oversees the FBI, which is conducting an investigation into whether Hillary Clinton or any of her associates broke...

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