BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

Fine, go vote for Johnson then, and see where that gets you.
thanks for just proving what i just said......someday in the distant future maybe character will matter again....
You're good at bitching about the two parties but I don't see you offering any solutions.
then you dont read what i post.....geezus you are as bad as lakota....
I don't follow your posts, no. But I don't see you offering any solutions here, just bitching.
you cant put 2 and 2 together? about cutting the cord and not supporting the half-assed people these parties throw at long as you party people just keep on shrugging your shoulders and keep on using that lame "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit nothing is ever going to change.....we are getting shittier and shittier people....but yet here we are,2 more people who most of the country dont like,both embroiled in numerous controversies,suspect character,if elected nothing will get done.....the list goes on....
You can go vote for a third party candidate, resulting in a Hillary presidency if you want. Just don't ask me to do something equally as stupid.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist
Is UCLA a "conservative think tank?"
Another conservative author doing an opinion piece.
At this point your just an idiot.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist
Is UCLA a "conservative think tank?"
Another conservative author doing an opinion piece.
At this point your just an idiot.
Which would make you a completely brain dead moron. Now go back to listening to the rush limpballs 4th of July radio marathon, dittohead.
Since Hillary's FBI interview was "voluntary" - you can bet she was extremely well prepared. Go Hillary!!!!!

Happy Fourth of July to all my NaziCon friends.

any man who worships Cankles as much as you do is invariably a eunuch. Hillary appeals to castrated men and the bitches ho want to castrate men
I think the proverbial "email carpet" is about to be pulled out from under the RW lunatics. And all Donald is talking about is how great his Primary victory was. The poor guy is still living in the past, while Hillary is hammering him with attack ads and widening the gap between her and Da Donnie.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist
Is UCLA a "conservative think tank?"
Another conservative author doing an opinion piece.
At this point your just an idiot.
Which would make you a completely brain dead moron. Now go back to listening to the rush limpballs 4th of July radio marathon, dittohead.
Keep watching MSNBC. They are a credible news source. LMFAO!!!
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist
Is UCLA a "conservative think tank?"
Another conservative author doing an opinion piece.
At this point your just an idiot.
Which would make you a completely brain dead moron. Now go back to listening to the rush limpballs 4th of July radio marathon, dittohead.
Keep watching MSNBC. They are a credible news source. LMFAO!!!
I don't watch msnbc. Really.
Another conservative author doing an opinion piece.
At this point your just an idiot.
Which would make you a completely brain dead moron. Now go back to listening to the rush limpballs 4th of July radio marathon, dittohead.
Keep watching MSNBC. They are a credible news source. LMFAO!!!
I don't watch msnbc. Really.
CNN...MSNBC...all the same. You most go to liberal Internet sites too.
  • New Calls For Special Prosecutor in Clinton Email Probe Because of Conflict of Interest
    LawNewz ^
    There were new calls on Thursday for a special prosecutor in the Clinton email investigation amid reports that former President Bill Clinton met privately with Attorney General Loretta Lynch earlier this week in Phoenix. The legal watchdog group Judicial Watch requested that the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General investigate the meeting on the grounds that, at the very least, the meeting gives the appearance of impropriety. The FBI and, ultimately the DOJ, will likely soon have to make a decision as to whether or not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime over her use of a...
Another conservative author doing an opinion piece.
At this point your just an idiot.
Which would make you a completely brain dead moron. Now go back to listening to the rush limpballs 4th of July radio marathon, dittohead.
Keep watching MSNBC. They are a credible news source. LMFAO!!!
I don't watch msnbc. Really.
CNN...MSNBC...all the same. You most go to liberal Internet sites too.
How about Fox? Is that a biased network?
Of course not. She isnt known as "Crooked Hillary" for nothing.

The FBI has been duly threatened by Obama, Lynch the DNC...who has a good shot at owning the next White House via Hillary or anyone who replaces her.

The FBI knows if they indict....their careers and the careers of other agents....will suffer badly. Budget cuts. Federal directives. All sorts of ways to make life hard.

THEN....of course...slick Willy met with Lynch to let her know the deal.

This is what far left regimes in Cuba, Russia, NKorea, China, etc do.

The FBI has a choice.

Do what's right and moral....and fuck themselves and their agents over for the next decade.


Drop it...stay off the Dems radar of vengeance....and let Crooked Hillary go free.

View attachment 80172

Typical right wing hysteria and an imagination gone wild. You got any proof of threats to the FBI other than Alex Jones type conspiracy theories? If there was a meeting where Bill was going to threaten Lynch, don't you think it would be done someplace other than a random crossing of paths at an airport?

Yeah right there intellectual....right. They "just happened" to meet in Phoenix, in the back of the Airport, away from the main terminal and the FBI were not allowing pictures or sound. Yeah, right.

You damned intellectuals will swallow any bullshit the left wing media feeds you, won't you.

Like they talked about Bill (with a heart condition) playing golf in 110 degree heat.

You poor useful idiot. regurgitating the bullshit like a good little "comrade"....

So you think it that was the best place that an ex president and the Attorney General could come up with for a top secret meeting? That's nuts.
My cardiologist told me to play golf dummy.

Tell you what intellectual. If you are from "back east" and your Doctor tells you to go to the Arizona desert and play golf in 110 degree heat, you need to find a new Doctor. Yep. Intellectual.
At this point your just an idiot.
Which would make you a completely brain dead moron. Now go back to listening to the rush limpballs 4th of July radio marathon, dittohead.
Keep watching MSNBC. They are a credible news source. LMFAO!!!
I don't watch msnbc. Really.
CNN...MSNBC...all the same. You most go to liberal Internet sites too.
How about Fox? Is that a biased network?
And that's what I just can't understand about the left. I DESPISE republican politicians. I DESPISE liberal ISIS supporting politicians.

And here's another one melting down over the decline of ISIS.

You'd think they'd be happy about it, but nope. A few conservatives want ISIS to succeed, being they think they can hype the fear and gain political power from it.

Yeah, they might threaten to behead me now.. Whatever. Like I care about ISIS-patsies.

You gotta love these goof balls. The "decline" of ISIS....
Bill and Hillary are both smart lawyers, and they are surrounded by a circle of close friends and great legal minds. Also, Obama still protects Bush, so obviously Obama will protect Hillary so she will in turn protect him. Therefore, it is most likely that Hillary will be exonerated by the DOJ.
So the FBI will report ....No harm, no foul

Republicans will maintain fake charges against President Clinton for two terms

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