BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

Ex-State Dept. Official May Have Lied To Congress About Hillary’s Email Setup
Daily Caller ^ | 28 | Chuck Ross
The recent release of House Benghazi Committee interview transcripts includes one from a now-retired State Department official who appears to have given inconsistent statements about his knowledge of Hillary Clinton’s email practices. During an interview with the committee last year, John Bentel, the former director of the Executive Secretariat’s information resource management division, which manages records and communications for State Department’s leadership, claimed he had no knowledge of Clinton’s use of personal email account or private server. But emails recently released by Judicial Watch — as well as findings laid out in a recent State Department inspector general’s report —.

Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.

Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The RWnuts of course will claim some sort of conspiracy if Hillary Clinton is exonerated.

These are the Birther people. It's what they do. They are incapable of thinking otherwise.
her husband meeting with lynch at this time wasnt to bright,it just put more taint on her......but some people dont care about how much character a person has...
Libs like their candidates to be as crooked and evil as possible. That way when they do something fishy, libs just shrug their shoulders and say, C'est la Vie.
sorry Hoss but i feel die hard righties aint much better .....trump dont seem like he is a guy with great character himself...
He's 1000 times better than Hillary.
you feel that way because you are one of those die hard party would not matter to you who they put up,as long as he "claims" he is a will defend him to the end....
Wrong. Hillary is a criminal. If she gets elected, she will flood this country with illegal aliens and make sure no one who believes in limited Constitutional government will ever be elected again. She will stack the Supreme Court with leftwing judges who will toss the Constitution into the waste bin.
Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.

Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
Of course not. She isnt known as "Crooked Hillary" for nothing.

The FBI has been duly threatened by Obama, Lynch the DNC...who has a good shot at owning the next White House via Hillary or anyone who replaces her.

The FBI knows if they indict....their careers and the careers of other agents....will suffer badly. Budget cuts. Federal directives. All sorts of ways to make life hard.

THEN....of course...slick Willy met with Lynch to let her know the deal.

This is what far left regimes in Cuba, Russia, NKorea, China, etc do.

The FBI has a choice.

Do what's right and moral....and fuck themselves and their agents over for the next decade.


Drop it...stay off the Dems radar of vengeance....and let Crooked Hillary go free.

View attachment 80172

Typical right wing hysteria and an imagination gone wild. You got any proof of threats to the FBI other than Alex Jones type conspiracy theories? If there was a meeting where Bill was going to threaten Lynch, don't you think it would be done someplace other than a random crossing of paths at an airport?
doesnt matter what they talked about.....those 2 just added a whole bunch of baggage to hillaries already huge pile......this was her pile a few weeks ago...

now after this meeting...

Amazing how RWNLs can make so much out of nothing. If each of those suit cases represent a different right wing claim then I guess they are all empty.
Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
You are responsible for what VOR does when you feed him facts. For shame.

Of course not. She isnt known as "Crooked Hillary" for nothing.

The FBI has been duly threatened by Obama, Lynch the DNC...who has a good shot at owning the next White House via Hillary or anyone who replaces her.

The FBI knows if they indict....their careers and the careers of other agents....will suffer badly. Budget cuts. Federal directives. All sorts of ways to make life hard.

THEN....of course...slick Willy met with Lynch to let her know the deal.

This is what far left regimes in Cuba, Russia, NKorea, China, etc do.

The FBI has a choice.

Do what's right and moral....and fuck themselves and their agents over for the next decade.


Drop it...stay off the Dems radar of vengeance....and let Crooked Hillary go free.

View attachment 80172

Typical right wing hysteria and an imagination gone wild. You got any proof of threats to the FBI other than Alex Jones type conspiracy theories? If there was a meeting where Bill was going to threaten Lynch, don't you think it would be done someplace other than a random crossing of paths at an airport?

Yeah right there intellectual....right. They "just happened" to meet in Phoenix, in the back of the Airport, away from the main terminal and the FBI were not allowing pictures or sound. Yeah, right.

You damned intellectuals will swallow any bullshit the left wing media feeds you, won't you.

Like they talked about Bill (with a heart condition) playing golf in 110 degree heat.

You poor useful idiot. regurgitating the bullshit like a good little "comrade"....

So you think it that was the best place that an ex president and the Attorney General could come up with for a top secret meeting? That's nuts.
My cardiologist told me to play golf dummy.

  • Man, Bill Clinton Is An Idiot
    The Huffington Post ^ | July 1, 2016 | Ryan Grim, Washington bureau chief
    Back in April, Slate’s Michelle Goldberg offered the Hillary Clinton campaign some sage advice: “Fire Bill Clinton.” The Clinton campaign declined to take her suggestion, but perhaps they should give it another look. Bill Clinton is one of the most talented politicians of the past century, but his supposedly infallible skills continue to fail him when put in the service of someone other than himself. On Monday, Clinton was on a tarmac in Phoenix when he learned that the attorney general, Loretta Lynch, would soon be on the same tarmac. He delayed his flight so he could try to meet...
Wow. You mean there are still a few rubes out there who believe in the "liberal media!" myth?

Stalin had his UsefulIdiots, and the right-wing cult leaders have theirs.

Oh, nice sexist rants, losers. The basement-dwelling sissyboys are extra-butthurt over being spanked by a woman.
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Isn't it a good example of an oxymoron when "sources say" is interpreted as "breaking news"?
for the past 11 months, right wing media has used THEIR unnamed sources to work its followers in to a frenzy on this topic, proclaiming her GUILT, and you bought in to it....
Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.
may I suggest that you search on this site Easy65, Bassman007, Basquebromance for their Clinton email threads and view what right wing media links they have used to spread the propaganda...
her husband meeting with lynch at this time wasnt to bright,it just put more taint on her......but some people dont care about how much character a person has...
Libs like their candidates to be as crooked and evil as possible. That way when they do something fishy, libs just shrug their shoulders and say, C'est la Vie.
sorry Hoss but i feel die hard righties aint much better .....trump dont seem like he is a guy with great character himself...
He's 1000 times better than Hillary.
you feel that way because you are one of those die hard party would not matter to you who they put up,as long as he "claims" he is a will defend him to the end....
Wrong. Hillary is a criminal. If she gets elected, she will flood this country with illegal aliens and make sure no one who believes in limited Constitutional government will ever be elected again. She will stack the Supreme Court with leftwing judges who will toss the Constitution into the waste bin.

And the meltdown begins! I LOVE IT!
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist
Is UCLA a "conservative think tank?"
Liberal media is not a myth. It's a fact.
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Liberal think tanks write nothing but empty promises and excuses.
Isn't it a good example of an oxymoron when "sources say" is interpreted as "breaking news"?
for the past 11 months, right wing media has used THEIR unnamed sources to work its followers in to a frenzy on this topic, proclaiming her GUILT, and you bought in to it....
Right wing media...ha,ha,ha,ha...oh you are moronic.
may I suggest that you search on this site Easy65, Bassman007, Basquebromance for their Clinton email threads and view what right wing media links they have used to spread the propaganda...
Since when is the FBI in the propaganda game?
More to investigate.....

  • Clinton sought secret info on EU bailout plans as son-in-law's doomed hedge fund gambled on Greece
    FOX News ^ | July 1, 2016 | Peter Bryne
    In 2012, Mezvinski, the husband of Chelsea Clinton, created a $325 million basket of offshore funds under the Eaglevale Partners banner through a special arrangement with investment bank Goldman Sachs. The funds have lost tens of millions of dollars predicting that bailouts of the Greek banking system would pump up the value of the country’s distressed bonds. One fund, exclusively dedicated to Greek debt, suffered near-total losses. Clinton stepped down as secretary of state in 2013 to run for president. But newly released emails from 2012 show that she and Clinton Foundation consultant, Sidney Blumenthal, shared classified information about how...
Hillary made a special effort to make friends w/ Wall Street.

No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Liberal think tanks write nothing but empty promises and excuses.
Liberal think tank is just a gathering of people practicing "group think."
No. It's a myth. It is only a "fact" to delusional paranoids like yourself.
No. You should look at the facts brought forth by university studies on media and politics. Even the profs that teach these courses freely admit bias.
Well then, why don't you supply me with a few credible links to these university studies.
The article is written by a senior fellow of the Hoover institute, which is a conservative think tank. Try again.
Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist
Is UCLA a "conservative think tank?"
Another conservative author doing an opinion piece.

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