BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

it just makes her even more just cant see that can you?.....

We see a pack of conspiracy cultists acting like conspiracy cultists. They've made up their minds that their conspiracy theory is God's Sacred Truth. In their cultist brains, it's impossible to refute their conspiracy theory, because any evidence contradicting their conspiracy is simply auto-defined as proof that the conspiracy is being covered up.
Compare it to Hillary, Obama, Lynch, anyone in that circle.
once again.....lets support a person who is not well liked by MANY,because,he is not as bad as their do realize that those on the left say the same thing about hillary...she aint great but she is better than once again America accepts 2 half-assed,low character people because....its who our wonderful parties everyone is now satisfied and once again America gets fucked....
Fine, go vote for Johnson then, and see where that gets you.
thanks for just proving what i just said......someday in the distant future maybe character will matter again....
You're good at bitching about the two parties but I don't see you offering any solutions.
then you dont read what i post.....geezus you are as bad as lakota....
I don't follow your posts, no. But I don't see you offering any solutions here, just bitching.
The Espionage Act. In particular:

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Since nothing that she received was classified secret or top secret until after the fact, that means nothing was on the top secret compartmentalized server at the time she received copies of these emails for her to ''remove from it's proper place'', there is NOTHING in your statute to charge her with.... that's clear as day.

That's not what the law says. It just needs to be related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy's job was Secretary of State, her work correspondence often concerned national defense. Her homebrew server definitely falls into the category of gross negligence. You can keep up with the Clintonian Spin, but if less powerful people did what she has done, they would be in jail.

Read it again... these things MUST BE REMOVED FROM IT'S PROPER PLACE....that ''proper place on Classified SECRET or TOP SECRET'' is the Top Secret system that holds all high level classified information...which is not accessible to email or the internet...the high level classified information that she received, was not on this classified secret or top secret system, and was not classified such, until after she got copies of them. (And even though it doesn't really matter because the emails were not marked as top secret at the time, there is no proof her server was hacked and this information got in to anyone's hands...)

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

The proper place for email was on a secure government managed system. hiLIARy had her staff perform extreme maneuvers to circumvent government security.
BIG SIGH.... who told you that, your beloved right wing media hounds?

NO, she didn't.

It must be sad to live in such a bubble. SRSLY
We should all have a moment of silence. Let's all bow are heads and thank God for Hillary's exoneration.


TRUMP is saying it now. No charges.

Crooked Hillary strikes again!!!!

View attachment 80174

Lets be honest...What law did she break to be charged?

The Espionage Act. In particular:

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Since nothing that she received was classified secret or top secret until after the fact, that means nothing was on the top secret compartmentalized server at the time she received copies of these emails for her to ''remove from it's proper place'', there is NOTHING in your statute to charge her with.... that's clear as day.
Wrong again, dingbat.
no, I'm not wrong.... I just understand the law and what it is for better than you... I'm sorry, it's not my fault! :D
When Sloping Brow is cornered he uses "funny". Me thinks you fabricated this

Dream on, Lassie. I would not fabricate such a headline.

We have CNN on now....nothing.
What is amazing is watching Democrats cheer their crooks getting away with criminal behavior. Only their party does that.
That is because they are amoral people.

Amoral as in married three times with multiple rape accusations. That would be donnie.
sorry Hoss but i feel die hard righties aint much better .....trump dont seem like he is a guy with great character himself...
Trump is a saint compared to anyone in the Democratic Party.
that is your opinion.....his character is pretty questionable....
Compare it to Hillary, Obama, Lynch, anyone in that circle.

The Party of Morals has now stooped so low as to nominate a serial adulterer, accused child rapist, Bankruptcy King. The GOP must be desperate.
Fuck you and your slanderous "child rapist" bullshit. "Accused"? Yeah, accused by someone who doesn't exist. You are beyond despicable.
Case Dismissed! Judge Trashes Bogus Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit
When Sloping Brow is cornered he uses "funny". Me thinks you fabricated this

Dream on, Lassie. I would not fabricate such a headline.

We have CNN on now....nothing.
What is amazing is watching Democrats cheer their crooks getting away with criminal behavior. Only their party does that.
That is because they are amoral people.

Amoral as in married three times with multiple rape accusations. That would be donnie.
sorry Hoss but i feel die hard righties aint much better .....trump dont seem like he is a guy with great character himself...
Trump is a saint compared to anyone in the Democratic Party.
that is your opinion.....his character is pretty questionable....
Compare it to Hillary, Obama, Lynch, anyone in that circle.

The Party of Morals has now stooped so low as to nominate a serial adulterer, accused child rapist, Bankruptcy King. The GOP must be desperate.
Fuck you and your slanderous "child rapist" bullshit. "Accused"? Yeah, accused by someone who doesn't exist. You are beyond despicable.
Case Dismissed! Judge Trashes Bogus Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit

Your link is from May 2nd. Several more suits have been filed. You are terribly behind times. Oh, Obama won a second term....:badgrin:
The wild card is...there's no love lost between the Clinton's and the Obama's, it would be consistent with Obama's behavior if he threw Hillary under the bus and backed over her half a dozen times.
The wild card is...there's no love lost between the Clinton's and the Obama's, it would be consistent with Obama's behavior if he threw Hillary under the bus and backed over her half a dozen times.

Politics makes strange bedfellows. I learned that lesson the hard way - in politics.
it just makes her even more just cant see that can you?.....

We see a pack of conspiracy cultists acting like conspiracy cultists. They've made up their minds that their conspiracy theory is God's Sacred Truth. In their cultist brains, it's impossible to refute their conspiracy theory, because any evidence contradicting their conspiracy is simply auto-defined as proof that the conspiracy is being covered up.
it doesnt matter....that meeting just added to this whole thing,it did look good,and now they have to deal with more was stupid and one would think they would have considered the consequences...
it just makes her even more just cant see that can you?.....

We see a pack of conspiracy cultists acting like conspiracy cultists. They've made up their minds that their conspiracy theory is God's Sacred Truth. In their cultist brains, it's impossible to refute their conspiracy theory, because any evidence contradicting their conspiracy is simply auto-defined as proof that the conspiracy is being covered up.

I think you posted this in the wrong thread. Look for a thread where you and your fellow AGW Cultists can shriek about how the Climate Gods Are Angry.
Dream on, Lassie. I would not fabricate such a headline.

We have CNN on now....nothing.
What is amazing is watching Democrats cheer their crooks getting away with criminal behavior. Only their party does that.
That is because they are amoral people.

Amoral as in married three times with multiple rape accusations. That would be donnie.
Trump is a saint compared to anyone in the Democratic Party.
that is your opinion.....his character is pretty questionable....
Compare it to Hillary, Obama, Lynch, anyone in that circle.

The Party of Morals has now stooped so low as to nominate a serial adulterer, accused child rapist, Bankruptcy King. The GOP must be desperate.
Fuck you and your slanderous "child rapist" bullshit. "Accused"? Yeah, accused by someone who doesn't exist. You are beyond despicable.
Case Dismissed! Judge Trashes Bogus Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit
Dream on, Lassie. I would not fabricate such a headline.

We have CNN on now....nothing.
What is amazing is watching Democrats cheer their crooks getting away with criminal behavior. Only their party does that.
That is because they are amoral people.

Amoral as in married three times with multiple rape accusations. That would be donnie.
Trump is a saint compared to anyone in the Democratic Party.
that is your opinion.....his character is pretty questionable....
Compare it to Hillary, Obama, Lynch, anyone in that circle.

The Party of Morals has now stooped so low as to nominate a serial adulterer, accused child rapist, Bankruptcy King. The GOP must be desperate.
Fuck you and your slanderous "child rapist" bullshit. "Accused"? Yeah, accused by someone who doesn't exist. You are beyond despicable.
Case Dismissed! Judge Trashes Bogus Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit

Your link is from May 2nd. Several more suits have been filed. You are terribly behind times. Oh, Obama won a second term....:badgrin:
Run through a trailer park, waving a $100 bill around and you'll probably be able to get some more filed too. Let us know when one of them has some merit, asshole. ^ | 2:13 PM - 2 Jul 2016 | User Actions Following Donald J. TrumpVerified account ‏@realDonaldTrump
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2016

Well, we all know Trump doesn't it must be true. Go Hillary!!!!!
I see liberals are lying again, I nearly shit myself I was so shocked. There's no such story breaking anywhere.

Yeah, you're probably right...

Hillary Clinton unlikely to face charges from FBI email probe

Hey shitting bull - look at the date on your "breaking news".
Will she face charges? Highly unlikely.
These fools are desperate.

I mean, really. If Shitting Bull is using this to support his claim - it is nearly a month old. Will She face charges? I'm becoming increasingly pessimistic daily. Our damned government is so corrupt - and she has so many "exportable" things on the politicians in DC - I just don't believe that the bitch will EVER answer for her misdeeds.

There is a special place in hell for that no good Saul Alynsky dick sucking bitch.

Randall I said on day 1 there's no chance in hell the wife of a former president will be indicted. These politicians are so corrupt and have so much dirt on each other its just not happening. Every once in a blue moon they will throw a low ranking politician under a bus but your Clinton's, Bush's, Pelosi's, Reid's, its never going to happen. Look at Charlie Rangel any common citizen would have been thrown in jail a long time ago for what he's done and he's still walking around a free man. IF they somehow lose control of the fake dog and pony show they have been putting on at most Obama will just pardon her.

And that's what I just can't understand about the left. I DESPISE republican politicians. I DESPISE liberal ISIS supporting politicians. I LITERALLY hate their fucking guts. There are not 20 honest politicians in Washington. And yet these stupid fucking liberals ACTUALLY believe that these assholes in $1,000 suits are "looking out" for their worthless asses. I've been the guy saying that it's way past time to get these assholes by the collar and throw their asses out.

They look out for each other like the bloods and the crips do. It's fully legalized thievery. I mean, seriously. When is the last time you felt GOOD about this country? Seriously.
More importantly - when was the last time a politician did ANYTHING for the betterment of this damned country? They go there, they get rich and then, they get richer. Meanwhile, the American people are sitting on their asses watching their futures go down the drain.

It boggles the mind that the liberal ISIS supporting Left actually wants a woman of such low character as their president. It boggles my mind. And republicans are no better. We have a political class that is spending millions of dollars to "get rid of" the nominee that the AMERICAN PEOPLE have (for whatever dumb reason) have decided to be THEIR candidate. They are willing to destroy their own party to thwart the will of the people.

And people tell me that we are not on the "eve of destruction" I'm telling you now - this country will NOT make it another 20 years. There is a storm coming and every day, it speeds up.
The wild card is...there's no love lost between the Clinton's and the Obama's, it would be consistent with Obama's behavior if he threw Hillary under the bus and backed over her half a dozen times.

Politics makes strange bedfellows. I learned that lesson the hard way - in politics.

Obama is looking for legacy opportunities as he exits the White House, making an example of Hillary would be pretty juicy. The MSM would piss themselves over the opportunity to praise him as the most bi-partisan president in human history.

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