Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

As a heterosexual married white man with 4 kids, please describe how this issue deserves my attention. How is it a threat to me?
Because you have four children growing up in a country becoming increasingly perverted

what is perverse is a group of bigots thinking they should be able to divest others of their human rights.

All humans can marry, could even before this ruling (or lack there of) with the exception of multi partner marriage and incestuous couples.

But you got us on the road to "fixing" that too.

You must be so damn proud!

All humans could marry before Loving too Pops...guess that didn't need "fixing" either?

Sure, I could have married a guy...but I didn't want to just like Mildred Loving didn't want to marry a black man. I wanted to, and did, legally marry another woman. Can you explain why my civil marriage should be treated differently than yours? Remember, you get to marry someone of the same sex now if you want to.

Here we go again

Males were denied the right to marry females

Males plus females procreate, or hadn't you heard

Males plus males masturbate

Now your argument, just made, indicates you favor incestuous marriage and plural marriage

Now, are you standing by that sillywytch?
So when are you going to push for incest as a legal right? I guess that isn't a perversion to you either.

i'm sorry, i don't entertain false analogies which are intended to make people feel better about their own bigotry.

have a good day, reb
Well hell you want to talk false analogies let's talk 14th amendment being to protect queen bitches so they can marry

God damn right I am a bigot when it comes to perversions

so you think G-d made 10% of his children improperly?

More like 1-4%.

Does the percentage make a difference in whether or not a minority is entitled to equal treatment under the law?

They were not denied equal protection to begin with
“This is what is so disturbing about today's democrat party and left wingers. The proof is directly in front of them but if it is inconvenient to their agendas the agendas overrule.
Contriving homo-led families contributes to unstructured families and depleted
family structure is at the core of social demise. A post -1960's development. But democrats can't progress past the 1960's.
2+2 really does equal four. Except when lefties don't feel like it.”

This is comprehensively ignorant, ridiculous, and hateful.

There is no 'evidence' that families with same-sex parents 'deplete family structure' or contribute to 'social demise,' the notion is inane demagoguery, hyperbolic nonsense, and fails as a slippery slope fallacy. In fact, all the evidence presented at trial indicates that families with same-sex parents are happy, stable, and well-adjusted.

And terms such as 'homo-led' indicate nothing more than bigotry and hate, confirming the fact that the 14th Amendment is needed as much today as any time since its ratification, to protect citizens from those who would seek to codify their bigotry and hate.

What's disturbing is that this issue sheds a very bright light on the authoritarianism common to most on the right, social conservatives in particular.

Nonsense... a few leaders of the left switched on the gay issue what.. two years ago? Funny how the authoritarianism of the left supposedly disappeared ... oh wait it didn't, did it. They are still running around drumming up laws to take liberty away. Getting one issue right, FINALLY, does not mean the right is authoritarian and left libertarian. All it means is that the gay bashing religious right authoritarians have clung to the republican party and republicans that used to be for liberty have been silenced by the current leadership on this one issue.
i'm sorry, i don't entertain false analogies which are intended to make people feel better about their own bigotry.

have a good day, reb
Well hell you want to talk false analogies let's talk 14th amendment being to protect queen bitches so they can marry

God damn right I am a bigot when it comes to perversions

so you think G-d made 10% of his children improperly?

More like 1-4%.

Does the percentage make a difference in whether or not a minority is entitled to equal treatment under the law?

No, but bad numbers are still bad numbers, like when JoeDouche keeps using the 43 times number in Kellerman, and people use the 20% of women have been sexually assaulted on campuses.

Since you can't count gays by looking, there are no "good" numbers. Your numbers aren't any "gooder" than Jillian's.
Well hell you want to talk false analogies let's talk 14th amendment being to protect queen bitches so they can marry

God damn right I am a bigot when it comes to perversions

so you think G-d made 10% of his children improperly?

More like 1-4%.

Does the percentage make a difference in whether or not a minority is entitled to equal treatment under the law?

No, but bad numbers are still bad numbers, like when JoeDouche keeps using the 43 times number in Kellerman, and people use the 20% of women have been sexually assaulted on campuses.

Since you can't count gays by looking, there are no "good" numbers. Your numbers aren't any "gooder" than Jillian's.

But I am not using my numbers to make a point.
“This is what is so disturbing about today's democrat party and left wingers. The proof is directly in front of them but if it is inconvenient to their agendas the agendas overrule.
Contriving homo-led families contributes to unstructured families and depleted
family structure is at the core of social demise. A post -1960's development. But democrats can't progress past the 1960's.
2+2 really does equal four. Except when lefties don't feel like it.”

This is comprehensively ignorant, ridiculous, and hateful.

There is no 'evidence' that families with same-sex parents 'deplete family structure' or contribute to 'social demise,' the notion is inane demagoguery, hyperbolic nonsense, and fails as a slippery slope fallacy. In fact, all the evidence presented at trial indicates that families with same-sex parents are happy, stable, and well-adjusted.

And terms such as 'homo-led' indicate nothing more than bigotry and hate, confirming the fact that the 14th Amendment is needed as much today as any time since its ratification, to protect citizens from those who would seek to codify their bigotry and hate.

What's disturbing is that this issue sheds a very bright light on the authoritarianism common to most on the right, social conservatives in particular.

Nonsense... a few leaders of the left switched on the gay issue what.. two years ago? Funny how the authoritarianism of the left supposedly disappeared ... oh wait it didn't, did it. They are still running around drumming up laws to take liberty away. Getting one issue right, FINALLY, does not mean the right is authoritarian and left libertarian. All it means is that the gay bashing religious right authoritarians have clung to the republican party and republicans that used to be for liberty have been silenced by the current leadership on this one issue.

They didn't switch, they just stopped lying on that one issue.

From their base the only ones they could piss off are socially conservative blacks, and they believe that that voting block will never switch over to another party.
what is perverse is a group of bigots thinking they should be able to divest others of their human rights.
So when are you going to push for incest as a legal right? I guess that isn't a perversion to you either.

i'm sorry, i don't entertain false analogies which are intended to make people feel better about their own bigotry.

have a good day, reb
Well hell you want to talk false analogies let's talk 14th amendment being to protect queen bitches so they can marry

God damn right I am a bigot when it comes to perversions

so you think G-d made 10% of his children improperly?

More like 1-4%.

not according to credible sources. but even if we use your numbers, are you saying G-d does things that are not planned?
People who care will just have to learn how to protect themselves, their families and their own children. Learn different ways of conducting your businesses. Choose friends more wisely. Pay more attention to your children's friends.
I know you're not going to actually answer this. After all, none of you right-wing hacks ever do, but here it goes.

What, precisely, do you have to protect yourself, your family, and your children from? What threat, exactly, does marriage equality present to you, and your family?

You morons keep spewing that stupid rhetoric, but whenever you're asked for clarification, you all just shut the fuck up, and pretend the question was never asked.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.
i'm sorry, i don't entertain false analogies which are intended to make people feel better about their own bigotry.

have a good day, reb
Well hell you want to talk false analogies let's talk 14th amendment being to protect queen bitches so they can marry

God damn right I am a bigot when it comes to perversions

so you think G-d made 10% of his children improperly?

More like 1-4%.

Does the percentage make a difference in whether or not a minority is entitled to equal treatment under the law?

No, but bad numbers are still bad numbers, like when JoeDouche keeps using the 43 times number in Kellerman, and people use the 20% of women have been sexually assaulted on campuses.

why do the numbers offend you? because they're distorted and downplayed by rightwingers?
People who care will just have to learn how to protect themselves, their families and their own children. Learn different ways of conducting your businesses. Choose friends more wisely. Pay more attention to your children's friends.

protect them from what, you blithering idiot? i'm pretty sure you're not good looking enough for gay guys anyway.
People who care will just have to learn how to protect themselves, their families and their own children. Learn different ways of conducting your businesses. Choose friends more wisely. Pay more attention to your children's friends.
I know you're not going to actually answer this. After all, none of you right-wing hacks ever do, but here it goes.

What, precisely, do you have to protect yourself, your family, and your children from? What threat, exactly, does marriage equality present to you, and your family?

You morons keep spewing that stupid rhetoric, but whenever you're asked for clarification, you all just shut the fuck up, and pretend the question was never asked.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.
in other words, they're bigots
Translation:"I know I'm right! Quit trying to confuse me with the facts!!!"

What facts are you referencing? The Reconstruction amendments were created to protect the freedmen from local laws. Its a fact. It was not intended to be a foot in the door for things like gay marriage.
:bsflag:yup...and marriage was supposed to mean "between a man and a woman", even though it never said that until you guys shat yourselves over the "faggoes" getting married.

Marriage still means between a man and a woman.

Yeppers, and always will
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.

Well that's dumb...having gays in the neighborhood usually raises the property value ;)
People who care will just have to learn how to protect themselves, their families and their own children. Learn different ways of conducting your businesses. Choose friends more wisely. Pay more attention to your children's friends.
I know you're not going to actually answer this. After all, none of you right-wing hacks ever do, but here it goes.

What, precisely, do you have to protect yourself, your family, and your children from? What threat, exactly, does marriage equality present to you, and your family?

You morons keep spewing that stupid rhetoric, but whenever you're asked for clarification, you all just shut the fuck up, and pretend the question was never asked.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.

Or they see that the same argument can be successfully used to make incest and plural marriage legal.

Guess that's ok these days right?
what is perverse is a group of bigots thinking they should be able to divest others of their human rights.
So when are you going to push for incest as a legal right? I guess that isn't a perversion to you either.

i'm sorry, i don't entertain false analogies which are intended to make people feel better about their own bigotry.

have a good day, reb
Well hell you want to talk false analogies let's talk 14th amendment being to protect queen bitches so they can marry

God damn right I am a bigot when it comes to perversions

so you think G-d made 10% of his children improperly?

More like 1-4%.

to clarify, most scientists believe it exists I the same proportion as any recessive trait. it is probably something akin to a predisposition which ends up actually occurring in some and not in others.
saw this just now off another site:

The purpose of the political maneuvers on homosexual marriage were not about Tom and Dick living in wedded bliss ... it was about putting the final nail in the coffin of the traditional family model. Destroying the family has worked wonders for the federal government workers unions (i.e., Progressive Democrats) by decimating black families and setting up vote farms in urban areas where the vote livestock are herded from unionized government schools to federally funded abortion clinics to welfare offices. They want to extend the destruction of traditional principles as much as possible because no matter how bad things get for taxpayers, the government unions benefit.
ROFL authoritarians are funny.
saw this just now off another site:

The purpose of the political maneuvers on homosexual marriage were not about Tom and Dick living in wedded bliss ... it was about putting the final nail in the coffin of the traditional family model. Destroying the family has worked wonders for the federal government workers unions (i.e., Progressive Democrats) by decimating black families and setting up vote farms in urban areas where the vote livestock are herded from unionized government schools to federally funded abortion clinics to welfare offices. They want to extend the destruction of traditional principles as much as possible because no matter how bad things get for taxpayers, the government unions benefit.

Plagiarism now too Steph? Is there no end to your indiscretions?

How, exactly, does my family and my civil marriage "destroy" anyone else's? Be specific.

that's all you have? whining over plagiarism. figures

No, it was an aside to the question I asked which you ignored to focus on the inconsequential plagiarism. I'll ask it again. How, exactly, does my family and my civil marriage "destroy" anyone else's? Be specific.
People who care will just have to learn how to protect themselves, their families and their own children. Learn different ways of conducting your businesses. Choose friends more wisely. Pay more attention to your children's friends.
I know you're not going to actually answer this. After all, none of you right-wing hacks ever do, but here it goes.

What, precisely, do you have to protect yourself, your family, and your children from? What threat, exactly, does marriage equality present to you, and your family?

You morons keep spewing that stupid rhetoric, but whenever you're asked for clarification, you all just shut the fuck up, and pretend the question was never asked.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.

Or they see that the same argument can be successfully used to make incest and plural marriage legal.

Guess that's ok these days right?
^ retard thinks being gay is the same as wanting to have sex with your parents and siblings.

But as for plural marriage... what's wrong with that? It's in the bible no?
As a heterosexual married white man with 4 kids, please describe how this issue deserves my attention. How is it a threat to me?
Because you have four children growing up in a country becoming increasingly perverted

what is perverse is a group of bigots thinking they should be able to divest others of their human rights.
So when are you going to push for incest as a legal right? I guess that isn't a perversion to you either.

i'm sorry, i don't entertain false analogies which are intended to make people feel better about their own bigotry.

have a good day, reb

Sounds like a bigot, walks like a bigot, you must be a bigot


shhhhh..... adults are talking, child
saw this just now off another site:

The purpose of the political maneuvers on homosexual marriage were not about Tom and Dick living in wedded bliss ... it was about putting the final nail in the coffin of the traditional family model. Destroying the family has worked wonders for the federal government workers unions (i.e., Progressive Democrats) by decimating black families and setting up vote farms in urban areas where the vote livestock are herded from unionized government schools to federally funded abortion clinics to welfare offices. They want to extend the destruction of traditional principles as much as possible because no matter how bad things get for taxpayers, the government unions benefit.

Plagiarism now too Steph? Is there no end to your indiscretions?

How, exactly, does my family and my civil marriage "destroy" anyone else's? Be specific.

that's all you have? whining over plagiarism. figures

No, it was an aside to the question I asked which you ignored to focus on the inconsequential plagiarism. I'll ask it again. How, exactly, does my family and my civil marriage "destroy" anyone else's? Be specific.

Change the premise. How does your incestuous family effect mine?

Fun little game you folks started aye?

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