Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
What part of homosexual in homosexual marriage is confusing you?
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!

Sorry, but "biology" isn't a valid reason to treat me differently under the fact, it's blatantly discriminatory.

How is having the EXACT rights but calling one a Civil Union and the other a marriage treating you differently.... You also bothered by being call a queer, when that is the dictionary definition of what you are?
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
What part of homosexual in homosexual marriage is confusing you?

It's not marriage, it's a UNION! And describes who you are JOINED with.... for clarity if for nothing else!
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
What part of homosexual in homosexual marriage is confusing you?

It's not marriage, it's a UNION!
Why do you think I give a shit what you want to call marriage? You can call marriage a union, a grouping, a coupling, or partnership, or any other thing for all I care.
Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
What part of homosexual in homosexual marriage is confusing you?

It's not marriage, it's a UNION!
Why do you think I give a shit what you want to call marriage? You can call marriage a union, a grouping, a coupling, or partnership, or any other thing for all I care.

Then if you don't give a shit, get out of this fucking discussion :ahole-1:
He met "influential" members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society.<101> He used the members of his "church" to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon's election, and worked closely with the republican party.<102> He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.<103>
Jim Jones was a Republican - Democratic Underground
no not really...the day to day STUFF is exactly the same.....

Did you see all the blacks he
You really are this stupid, aren't you? Merriam-Webster has been an authoritative source on the English Language since 1828. Hell, even in the multiple definitions of marriage in the original 1828 version of the dictionary, it includes a non-gender specific version:

MAR'RIAGE, n. [L. mas, maris. ] The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life. Marriage is a contract.

Like I said, it isn't the pro-marriage equality people that have been perverting the definition of marriage; it is the religious zealots like yourself. And don't bother insisting you're an agnostic; your actions, and positions prove otherwise. You can call yourself whatever you'd like. I can call myself Pope. That don't make it so.

I call you a fucking idiot! Would it make your little sensitivities feel better if we call one TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE and the other FAGERAL MARRIAGE?
Well, one of us is a fucking idiot. Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call it marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Yes, we can see one of you is an idiot, but why draw attention to yourself in such an ugly light?
Being called an idiot by the guy that doesn't even understand the English language? Not really all that bothersome to me.

I'm arguing with someone who believes anal sex and leg humping is on par with heterosexual intercourse, AND I'm the idiot?


Your delusions are running your life

I won't let them intrude in mine feel the same about oral sex, eh? Just the missionary position for reproductive reasons only is valid to you?
One advantage of gay marriage is suppose Pop23 decided to turn gay one day. That is how it works with gays.......they are walking around, straight as can be and......BOOM they catch the ghey

Now in this case Pop could dump his wife and marry the man of his dreams. Seems fair doesn't it? Gay marriage is an option open to all Americans

The women of world would be heartbroken

I just couldn't do it to em
You never know Pop.....the urge could hit you

Why make me a part of your delusion?

Oh, I get it!

Rightwinger, you ain't my type!

You just don't understand homosexuality. It is not something you are born with. There is no GAY gene. Homosexuality is something you decide to be. There is nothing saying that at some time in your life you may decide you love a man and want to spend the rest of your life with him

In that case, you can now marry him

See marriage helps even you
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?
Because he's a conservative.

And like most conservatives he's frightened by change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

Like being able to bake a cake for who you want to?
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!

Sorry, but "biology" isn't a valid reason to treat me differently under the fact, it's blatantly discriminatory.

How is having the EXACT rights but calling one a Civil Union and the other a marriage treating you differently.... You also bothered by being call a queer, when that is the dictionary definition of what you are?

Because civil marriage for straights, civil unions for gays isn't exactly the same. Did the same water come out of both of these fountains?


Why yes it did and yet separate water fountains are unconstitutional just as setting up Civil Unions for gays and Civil Marriage for straights would be. What would not be unconstitutional is Civil Unions for all non familial consenting adult couples or Civil Marriage for all non familial consenting adult couples.

I have a legal, civil marriage license issued by my state. There is no valid reason to treat my legal civil marriage license any differently than yours is treated...except for discrimination based on animus.
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
What part of homosexual in homosexual marriage is confusing you?

It's not marriage, it's a UNION!
Why do you think I give a shit what you want to call marriage? You can call marriage a union, a grouping, a coupling, or partnership, or any other thing for all I care.

Then if you don't give a shit, get out of this fucking discussion :ahole-1:
So you want heterosexual unions and homosexual unions and ban the use of the word marriage? Why do you want to be the "word" police, what emotional relationship do you have with the sequence of letters m a r r i a g e?
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!

Sorry, but "biology" isn't a valid reason to treat me differently under the fact, it's blatantly discriminatory.

How is having the EXACT rights but calling one a Civil Union and the other a marriage treating you differently.... You also bothered by being call a queer, when that is the dictionary definition of what you are?

That would have worked ten years ago, but the hetero fascists said, "no" so you don't get to do that now.
One advantage of gay marriage is suppose Pop23 decided to turn gay one day. That is how it works with gays.......they are walking around, straight as can be and......BOOM they catch the ghey

Now in this case Pop could dump his wife and marry the man of his dreams. Seems fair doesn't it? Gay marriage is an option open to all Americans

The women of world would be heartbroken

I just couldn't do it to em
You never know Pop.....the urge could hit you

Why make me a part of your delusion?

Oh, I get it!

Rightwinger, you ain't my type!

You just don't understand homosexuality. It is not something you are born with. There is no GAY gene. Homosexuality is something you decide to be. There is nothing saying that at some time in your life you may decide you love a man and want to spend the rest of your life with him

In that case, you can now marry him

See marriage helps even you
When did you decide to be heterosexual?
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!
"Simple biology" is the difference? Would you care to explain that?

Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
Are men and women to be treated differently under the law? I thought we were past those days.
One advantage of gay marriage is suppose Pop23 decided to turn gay one day. That is how it works with gays.......they are walking around, straight as can be and......BOOM they catch the ghey

Now in this case Pop could dump his wife and marry the man of his dreams. Seems fair doesn't it? Gay marriage is an option open to all Americans

The women of world would be heartbroken

I just couldn't do it to em
You never know Pop.....the urge could hit you

Why make me a part of your delusion?

Oh, I get it!

Rightwinger, you ain't my type!

You just don't understand homosexuality. It is not something you are born with. There is no GAY gene. Homosexuality is something you decide to be. There is nothing saying that at some time in your life you may decide you love a man and want to spend the rest of your life with him

In that case, you can now marry him

See marriage helps even you
When did you decide to be heterosexual?

You just don't understand the science. Everybody is born the same. You walk along, straight as can be, when BOOM...the ghey hits ya
Did you see all the blacks he
I call you a fucking idiot! Would it make your little sensitivities feel better if we call one TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE and the other FAGERAL MARRIAGE?
Well, one of us is a fucking idiot. Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call it marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Yes, we can see one of you is an idiot, but why draw attention to yourself in such an ugly light?
Being called an idiot by the guy that doesn't even understand the English language? Not really all that bothersome to me.

I'm arguing with someone who believes anal sex and leg humping is on par with heterosexual intercourse, AND I'm the idiot?


Your delusions are running your life

I won't let them intrude in mine feel the same about oral sex, eh? Just the missionary position for reproductive reasons only is valid to you?

No :ahole-1: I have oral sex with the same gender that YOU have oral sex with!
Since you seemed to have missed it in your rants, Vigilante I'll ask again:

Why does it offend your sensibilities so to call the union of two gay people marriage? Does your marriage somehow become less sacred? Is your marriage somehow less important? Is your marriage affected in any way whatsoever? No? Then why does it offend you so?

Because it is not marriage, but I know what you're really digging for, you want me to state that you're immoral and perverse, and all sorts of other things so you can bash the Bible! But, I don't care if you bash the Bible, and I don't care if you are immoral, and perverse, you fucking another guy and having it a legal civil union, is DIFFERENT than me fucking a woman and having a legal marriage! Simple biology is the difference!

Sorry, but "biology" isn't a valid reason to treat me differently under the fact, it's blatantly discriminatory.

How is having the EXACT rights but calling one a Civil Union and the other a marriage treating you differently.... You also bothered by being call a queer, when that is the dictionary definition of what you are?

Because civil marriage for straights, civil unions for gays isn't exactly the same. Did the same water come out of both of these fountains?


Why yes it did and yet separate water fountains are unconstitutional just as setting up Civil Unions for gays and Civil Marriage for straights would be. What would not be unconstitutional is Civil Unions for all non familial consenting adult couples or Civil Marriage for all non familial consenting adult couples.

I have a legal, civil marriage license issued by my state. There is no valid reason to treat my legal civil marriage license any differently than yours is treated...except for discrimination based on animus.

And since black and whites have EXACTLY the same rights, we should call blacks, white, and vice versa..... are they different? :ahole-1:
Do you call a woman, a man, and vice versa?..... There is a difference, but I don't suck cock, so I DO know the difference!
What part of homosexual in homosexual marriage is confusing you?

It's not marriage, it's a UNION!
Why do you think I give a shit what you want to call marriage? You can call marriage a union, a grouping, a coupling, or partnership, or any other thing for all I care.

Then if you don't give a shit, get out of this fucking discussion :ahole-1:
So you want heterosexual unions and homosexual unions and ban the use of the word marriage? Why do you want to be the "word" police, what emotional relationship do you have with the sequence of letters m a r r i a g e?

No, marriage is for different sex joining Civil Union is for same sex! Is this above your pay level?

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