BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

The loser will be the american consumer
American consumers will lose nothing because the federal government will lower taxes and remove unnecessary regulations to lower the cost of production and the states will offer other benefits as they compete for the new factories. Japanese cars manufactured in the US are price competitive with US cars manufactured in Mexico now, and the cost of production here will be even lower once the tax and regulator reforms are in place.
So we are going to lower taxes, just how much larger will our national debt be??
Whether the national debt increases or decreases because of the tax cuts will depend on how much the economy grows because of this stimulus.
What stimulus?
How will they be a winner paying 20% extra for merchandise
It has been explained many times in this thread that why there will not be 20% increase to consumers. Are you unable to understand what has been said?
No, try again
Apparently you haven't been able to understand why cost to consumers will not go up.
Please explain why they won't go up
The tax cuts will provide an economic stimulus and the cost of production will not go up because of lower corporate taxes and fewer costly regulations plus competition among states to lure the new factories returning companies will have to build. If Japanese cars manufactured in America are price competitive with US care manufactured in Mexico now, there is no reason to think US care manufactured in the US will cost more after these tax and regulatory reforms are in place.

You Trumpetts are naive as hell. Not only will it make products from Mexico go up, it will make products from everywhere go up.

Mexico is the number one provider of flat screen TV's to the United States. Do you think that if their cost goes up twenty percent all the other providers from all the other countries are going to leave their price the same?


What a flippin fool. If your lucky they will jack the price up by only 19% and still gain market share.

Better. Foxconn has a plant in Mexico. They have a plant in China. The cost for phones made at the Mexican plant goes up twenty percent. What, they going to close the shop down in Mexico and transfer production to China


Freakin idiot. They going to jack the price from those phones made in China by twenty percent.

Oh hell, this shit gets even better. So the government is going to ditch regulations and cut corporate taxes and the companies are going to take all that money and invest in new factories making new stuff, increasing the pay of their workers, and cutting their prices to stimulate demand.


Fucking hilarious. They going to use the money to purchase up company stock to "earn" themselves massive compensation through manipulating the stock price upwards. I mean we have all seen this movie before, the ending sucks ass.
So, the Mexicans are not paying for the wall because the revenue collected on imports which belongs to the American people will be used for that purpose. The American consumers, then, will be paying for the Trump Wall.
Until those manufacturers come back to US soil.
I believe the import duty of 20% will be added to all
Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.
You are correct; the American consumers will be paying for the Trump Wall.
So be it. I have no problem paying for my own security, do you?
Creating a trade war with your nearest neighbor which has been a friendly democracy until now is not my idea of ensuring security.
The president of Mexico is the one who did not want to negotiate. The wall is ensuring security, fool!

The wall is a stupid waste of money, fool.
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

You might be right, except for one little thing...............lots of the things we build here in the USA, are built from parts we import from (that's right) Mexico!

Not anymore.

We were fine before that backwater shithole built our stuff, and we'll be fine after they build our shit. We'll start building it here in the USA and create jobs for American workers.

Yeah but there's a reason we haven't been building them here to begin with. Labor costs and unions being the reason I assume. So something would have to change unless they just move them to other, more cooperative countries. I'm sure other countries would like to have them. I'd prefer we made everything in America though.
Trump Backs 20% Tax on Imports to Pay for Wall

PHILADELPHIA — The White House on Thursday endorsed a 20 percent tax on all imports to the United States, an idea congressional Republicans have proposed as part of a broader overhaul of corporate taxation. Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, told reporters that revenue from the tax would cover the cost of a wall on the United States-Mexico border.

Some of those revenues, however, are likely to come from American pockets.

President Trump had previously criticized the proposal as too complicated.

The proposal, which Mr. Spicer said the president discussed privately with congressional Republicans before giving remarks at a party retreat here, would be a major new economic proposal that could have far-reaching implications for consumers, manufacturers and relations between governments.

Mr. Spicer said the 20 percent tax on annual Mexican imports would raise $10 billion a year and would easily pay for a border wall that is estimated to cost between $8 billion and $20 billion. The value of imported goods from Mexico in 2015 was $296 billion. Mr. Spicer said taxing imports is something that 160 other countries already do.

Mr. Trump would need new legislation to enact the proposal.

So, the Mexican President doesn't want to negotiate? Fine. Twenty percent taxation on Mexican imports. Negotiation done. :)

The orange sociopath is not putting a 20% levy on his is goods.

But since you're so gullible, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

You might be right, except for one little thing...............lots of the things we build here in the USA, are built from parts we import from (that's right) Mexico!

Not anymore.

We were fine before that backwater shithole built our stuff, and we'll be fine after they build our shit. We'll start building it here in the USA and create jobs for American workers.

Yeah but there's a reason we haven't been building them here to begin with. Labor costs and unions being the reason I assume. So something would have to change unless they just move them to other, more cooperative countries. I'm sure other countries would like to have them. I'd prefer we made everything in America though.

So, to compete with Mexico, we should pay our workers 8 dineros a fucking day, so we can be a backwater just like fucking Mexico?
Fuck that. We can have free trade with countries that pay their workers decent pay and benefits, so we don't lose our jobs to third world shithole sweatshops that treat their people like slaves.
Until those manufacturers come back to US soil.
I believe the import duty of 20% will be added to all
Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.
You are correct; the American consumers will be paying for the Trump Wall.
So be it. I have no problem paying for my own security, do you?
Creating a trade war with your nearest neighbor which has been a friendly democracy until now is not my idea of ensuring security.
The president of Mexico is the one who did not want to negotiate. The wall is ensuring security, fool!

The wall is a stupid waste of money, fool.
So how many illegals do we have now? The usurp our resources and you think that is fine. You, my dear are the fool.
The funny thing about this shit is that Trump's protectionist economic policies are decidedly liberal and supported by the most progressive wings of the Democratic party. Infact, it was Reagan and the Republicans that were pro-free trade. So i don't get why the fucking libshits are complaining about Trump pursuing moderate and in some cases liberal policies.

Oh yeah, because he's Trump. They don't give a fuck about facts, only demagoguery.
Mexico will agree to build the border Wall if and only If they get to build it along the original US Mexico border .....

how bout we just give them California?

California is the 6th largest economy in the world now. Why do conservatives hate America?

BUSINESS NEWS | Fri Jun 17, 2016 | 9:17pm EDT
California surpasses France as world's sixth-largest economy
California surpasses France as world's sixth-largest economy
considering 15 million or so Republicans live in California. More than any other state except texas
we'll give them amnesty and invite them in - we'll also invite fringe leftists to move to Cali

we'll see how log they stay the 5th biggest economy in the world...

and Republicans would not lose another election for quite some time...
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Why are so many Americans, anti American.
Just doesn't make sense.
If you don't like it here GET OUT. Simple, you can move somewhere that they have the same ideas as you. GOOD LUCK.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mexico is the third largest importer of US goods, kiss 16% of the US GDP goodbye.
Thank you Dumbass J Tramp!
Trump Backs 20% Tax on Imports to Pay for Wall

PHILADELPHIA — The White House on Thursday endorsed a 20 percent tax on all imports to the United States, an idea congressional Republicans have proposed as part of a broader overhaul of corporate taxation. Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, told reporters that revenue from the tax would cover the cost of a wall on the United States-Mexico border.

Some of those revenues, however, are likely to come from American pockets.

President Trump had previously criticized the proposal as too complicated.

The proposal, which Mr. Spicer said the president discussed privately with congressional Republicans before giving remarks at a party retreat here, would be a major new economic proposal that could have far-reaching implications for consumers, manufacturers and relations between governments.

Mr. Spicer said the 20 percent tax on annual Mexican imports would raise $10 billion a year and would easily pay for a border wall that is estimated to cost between $8 billion and $20 billion. The value of imported goods from Mexico in 2015 was $296 billion. Mr. Spicer said taxing imports is something that 160 other countries already do.

Mr. Trump would need new legislation to enact the proposal.

So, the Mexican President doesn't want to negotiate? Fine. Twenty percent taxation on Mexican imports. Negotiation done. :)

The orange sociopath is not putting a 20% levy on his is goods.

But since you're so gullible, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
You are a tool of the left...lmao!
If the corporate libs and reps get their way, you'll all be making 8 dineros a fucking day or working at walmart/mcdonalds.
So, the Mexicans are not paying for the wall because the revenue collected on imports which belongs to the American people will be used for that purpose. The American consumers, then, will be paying for the Trump Wall.
Until those manufacturers come back to US soil.
I believe the import duty of 20% will be added to all
Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.
You are correct; the American consumers will be paying for the Trump Wall.
So be it. I have no problem paying for my own security, do you?
Creating a trade war with your nearest neighbor which has been a friendly democracy until now is not my idea of ensuring security.
Building a wall has nothing to do with trade if Americans are footing the bill. You can't play both sides of the argument. Either we're paying for it or Mexico is. Pick an argument and stick to it.
Foreign leaders will decide it's best to play ball with Trump.
You do not understand how destructive President Trump's superior attitude is and how foreign leaders will demand as much respect for their people as Trump says he wants for Americans.
Trump is using Mexico as an example and China better pay attention.....20% is far too low for all the shit Mexico has done to us the last 20+ years
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

BULLSHIT--Do you have any idea what you would pay for a shirt today, that you pay $15.00 for right now, if it was "made in America."

If he does a 20% noncongressional approved BORDER tax you're going to be paying for it in the cost of the product. It's not going to create a single job here.

If you've ever been to Mexico--which I wholly doubt you have, you may want to talk to General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, Walmart, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Home Depot, Sams, Target and all the other AMERICAN corporations down there that do sell their goods in Mexico. What do you suppose is going to happen when Mexico returns the favor of a 20% tax on American goods and corporations down there?

Let me spell it out for you! JOB LOSS'S HERE dumbass

Mexico is the number 2 buyer of American products in the world.



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