BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

You bet your ass a trade war is coming.....and Mexico will lose their ass in it....maybe have a revolution over it. In fact, that would be a good project for our new CIA director....stir the shit until our illegals run back home to overthrow the government and we lock the gate behind them. win-win.
American consumers will lose nothing because the federal government will lower taxes and remove unnecessary regulations to lower the cost of production and the states will offer other benefits as they compete for the new factories. Japanese cars manufactured in the US are price competitive with US cars manufactured in Mexico now, and the cost of production here will be even lower once the tax and regulator reforms are in place.
So we are going to lower taxes, just how much larger will our national debt be??
Whether the national debt increases or decreases because of the tax cuts will depend on how much the economy grows because of this stimulus.
What stimulus?
It has been explained many times in this thread that why there will not be 20% increase to consumers. Are you unable to understand what has been said?
No, try again
Apparently you haven't been able to understand why cost to consumers will not go up.
Please explain why they won't go up
The tax cuts will provide an economic stimulus and the cost of production will not go up because of lower corporate taxes and fewer costly regulations plus competition among states to lure the new factories returning companies will have to build. If Japanese cars manufactured in America are price competitive with US care manufactured in Mexico now, there is no reason to think US care manufactured in the US will cost more after these tax and regulatory reforms are in place.

You Trumpetts are naive as hell. Not only will it make products from Mexico go up, it will make products from everywhere go up.

Mexico is the number one provider of flat screen TV's to the United States. Do you think that if their cost goes up twenty percent all the other providers from all the other countries are going to leave their price the same?


What a flippin fool. If your lucky they will jack the price up by only 19% and still gain market share.

Better. Foxconn has a plant in Mexico. They have a plant in China. The cost for phones made at the Mexican plant goes up twenty percent. What, they going to close the shop down in Mexico and transfer production to China


Freakin idiot. They going to jack the price from those phones made in China by twenty percent.

Oh hell, this shit gets even better. So the government is going to ditch regulations and cut corporate taxes and the companies are going to take all that money and invest in new factories making new stuff, increasing the pay of their workers, and cutting their prices to stimulate demand.


Fucking hilarious. They going to use the money to purchase up company stock to "earn" themselves massive compensation through manipulating the stock price upwards. I mean we have all seen this movie before, the ending sucks ass.
"A big chunk of Mexico's export prowess comes from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Under NAFTA, TVs assembled in Mexico can enter the United States for free. TVs imported from China or Asia typically come with a tariff."

Why Mexico Is The World's Biggest Exporter Of Flat-Screen TVs

So NAFTA made Mexico the largest exporter of tv's to the US and now it will be put on an even playing field with the rest of the world.
The funny thing about this shit is that Trump's protectionist economic policies are decidedly liberal and supported by the most progressive wings of the Democratic party. Infact, it was Reagan and the Republicans that were pro-free trade. So i don't get why the fucking libshits are complaining about Trump pursuing moderate and in some cases liberal policies.

Oh yeah, because he's Trump. They don't give a fuck about facts, only demagoguery.

Yet again, some conservative posters show that the don't understand the English language and just try to use big words that sound scary to (hopefully) prove their point.

Here............lemmie help you out with demagogue..................


or demagog
[dem-uh-gog, -gawg]

See more synonyms on
1.a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
2.(in ancient times) a leader of the people.
verb (used with object), demagogued, demagoguing. treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.
verb (used without object), demagogued, demagoguing. speak or act like a demagogue.

the definition of demagogue

Pay attention to the parts of the definition that are bolded.

And, if you look at the way Trump ran his campaign, it is TRUMP who is the demagogue.
Trump's tariff tax will be paid entirely by American consumers. It will make no difference to Mexican producers.

Since the election, the Mexican peso is down 13%. All a 20% tariff will do is bring the cost of Mexican goods back to where they were before Trump was elected. And the more Trump slams Mexico, the more the peso goes down, and the more competitive Mexican goods become.
So, the Mexicans are not paying for the wall because the revenue collected on imports which belongs to the American people will be used for that purpose. The American consumers, then, will be paying for the Trump Wall.
Until those manufacturers come back to US soil.
I believe the import duty of 20% will be added to all
Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.
You are correct; the American consumers will be paying for the Trump Wall.
So be it. I have no problem paying for my own security, do you?
Creating a trade war with your nearest neighbor which has been a friendly democracy until now is not my idea of ensuring security.
Building a wall has nothing to do with trade if Americans are footing the bill. You can't play both sides of the argument. Either we're paying for it or Mexico is. Pick an argument and stick to it.
Make no mistake about it, Mexico will not be footing the bill for the Trump Wall.
The mad man has hardly been in office and he has made an enemy out of a friendly neighboring democracy.
Until those manufacturers come back to US soil.
I believe the import duty of 20% will be added to all
Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.
You are correct; the American consumers will be paying for the Trump Wall.
So be it. I have no problem paying for my own security, do you?
Creating a trade war with your nearest neighbor which has been a friendly democracy until now is not my idea of ensuring security.
Building a wall has nothing to do with trade if Americans are footing the bill. You can't play both sides of the argument. Either we're paying for it or Mexico is. Pick an argument and stick to it.
Make no mistake about it, Mexico will not be footing the bill for the Trump Wall.
The mad man has hardly been in office and he has made an enemy out of a friendly neighboring democracy.
Then the statement you just posed to me is completely irrelevant as I suspected
Until those manufacturers come back to US soil.
I believe the import duty of 20% will be added to all
Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.
You are correct; the American consumers will be paying for the Trump Wall.
So be it. I have no problem paying for my own security, do you?
Creating a trade war with your nearest neighbor which has been a friendly democracy until now is not my idea of ensuring security.
Building a wall has nothing to do with trade if Americans are footing the bill. You can't play both sides of the argument. Either we're paying for it or Mexico is. Pick an argument and stick to it.
Make no mistake about it, Mexico will not be footing the bill for the Trump Wall.
The mad man has hardly been in office and he has made an enemy out of a friendly neighboring democracy.
Who was raping us for years, compliments to Obama et al.
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

BULLSHIT--Do you have any idea what you would pay for a shirt today, that you pay $15.00 for right now, if it was "made in America."

If he does a 20% noncongressional approved BORDER tax you're going to be paying for it in the cost of the product. It's not going to create a single job here.

If you've ever been to Mexico--which I wholly doubt you have, you may want to talk to General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, Walmart, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Home Depot, Sams, Target and all the other AMERICAN corporations down there that do sell their goods in Mexico. What do you suppose is going to happen when Mexico returns the favor of a 20% tax on American goods and corporations down there?

Let me spell it out for you! JOB LOSS'S HERE dumbass

Mexico is the number 2 buyer of American products in the world.


Hey, bro. You think they're manufacturing goods in America to ship to mexico, or are the same goods they're building in Mexico the same ones they're selling in Mexico? Like they used to do here. They build in Mexico, and sell in Mexico. Here, they build in Mexico and sell in America.

Who do you think is going to suffer? Corporations with huge profit margins after paying some Mexican worker 8 dineros a day, or American workers?

I guess those rich motherfuckers won't be unemployed anytime soon. If you didn't hear lately, our trade deficit with Mexico means we're losing more than we're gaining.


The arrow is when NAFTA starts, and it is our trade deficit.

So while you can cry about how much our corporations that skip taxes and keep their money in tax havens are fixing to lose by paying American workers, let's talk about American interests.

It is in our interests to make sure that we have a large pool of highly paid workers. That's good for our economy. Shipping our jobs to Mexico to pay Mexicans an extreme fraction of what we make with no benefits, means that a high paying job with decent benefits is lost in America.

Are you willing to give up your job to a Mexican who makes 1/64th what you do, just so the corporations earn a bit more money, dumbass?
The Khmer Rough haven't been a factor in decades.

Someone forgot to tell Jerry Brown,

Where the phyuck have you been hiding

In California, under the thumb of the Pol Pot wannabes running the once great state.
The 6th target economy in the wold, so phyuck you and your kind

6th target economy?

California has the 9th largest economy, slipping from the glory days of Republican leadership.

Report: California slips to world's 9th largest economy
I wonder how many "emergency meetings" are going on with US manufacturers in Mexico right now. "What in the hell do we do now?"
Some folks talk about how we're going to lose a lot of jobs and money by starting a trade with with Mexico.

We're going to save and create a lot of jobs by building shit here in America. It might cost more, but we'll have decent paid workers here in America.

Are you willing to give your job to a Mexican worker making a fraction of what you make, just so the corporations make more $$$?
America first...............Libs need to get used to the idea. That and far leftists are going to be called on their BS now, for example:
Some folks talk about how we're going to lose a lot of jobs and money by starting a trade with with Mexico.

We're going to save and create a lot of jobs by building shit here in America. It might cost more, but we'll have decent paid workers here in America.

Are you willing to give your job to a Mexican worker making a fraction of what you make, just so the corporations make more $$$?
The pain from electing democrats will be felt by all.....
Trump's tariff tax will be paid entirely by American consumers. It will make no difference to Mexican producers.

Since the election, the Mexican peso is down 13%. All a 20% tariff will do is bring the cost of Mexican goods back to where they were before Trump was elected. And the more Trump slams Mexico, the more the peso goes down, and the more competitive Mexican goods become.

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