BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

Thanks for your opinion. Now do you have any hard DATA to add?

Sure...we send Mexico over $400,000,000 in US economic aid every year...just slightly less than we send failed states Nigeria and Iraq, and slightly more than we send to failed states Lebanon, Haiti, Somalia and Sudan. (LINK)

China, on the other hand...has 3 trillion US dollars in it's foreign exchange reserves as of last month. (LINK)

See the difference?

That doesn't prove your "next Venezuela". They don't even make the list. And Wikipedia is not hard data, it's an open editor source.
The importer will pay the tax. Then likely turn around and up the price it charges to the public.

They face stiff competition from other countries.

I applaud Trump for this, but it violates NAFTA, so he will have to back us out of that before he can do this.
If you back trump you don't have a fucking clue as to what you are talking about. The Trumpster doesn't either
Right...Trump is a real idiot....:lol:

View attachment 108865
Does a building give you a woodie?
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.
BREAKING NEWS: Now Trump has slapped a 20% tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for the border wall. Does that include his stuff made in Mexico?

White House press secretary says border wall will be funded by 20 percent import tax on Mexican goods


Well again, has Comrade Trump decided to make himself KING? I believe this stuff like the wall need congressional approval FIRST. Paul Ryan told him he wasn't king, and Republicans are starkly in contrast with him starting a trade war with foreign countries. The only thing they're good for is driving up the cost of the product to American consumers, and have yet to create a single job in this country. IOW you're paying for it anyway. Trade wars have an ugly negative effective on economies--(JOB LOSS'S.) This is why Republicans are stickly against them.
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia

What happened to the penalizing "Sanctuary Cities" from last night to pay for the wall?

If he can do this, then he should be able to raise and lower everyone's taxes, tell everyone which bills he's going to pay and not pay. Basically take over the check book of this country., and tell congress to F off. He can start his own wars too.

Well I guess Canada is next--LOL

You people have elected a MANIAC.


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Why are we importing Mexican produce when we have California and Florida?

Jerry Brown has waged war on California produce. Brown has vowed to drive EVERY job that is not in Silicone Valley out of California.

Correct answer. The democrats in California turned off the water to the Central Valley! I repeat why do democrats hate America?

You might wanna do a bit more research on that subject. The reason water is being rationed is because Lake Meade (you know, where the Hoover Dam is), is now at an all time low. Then, there is also the deal that Arizona made to siphon off part of the water for themselves, resulting in more water being drained from the lake. However, California is "grandfathered" in, meaning that their water won't be cut off even if the levels continue to drop, but Arizona's water will.
Trump Backs 20% Tax on Imports to Pay for Wall

PHILADELPHIA — The White House on Thursday endorsed a 20 percent tax on all imports to the United States, an idea congressional Republicans have proposed as part of a broader overhaul of corporate taxation. Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, told reporters that revenue from the tax would cover the cost of a wall on the United States-Mexico border.

Some of those revenues, however, are likely to come from American pockets.

President Trump had previously criticized the proposal as too complicated.

The proposal, which Mr. Spicer said the president discussed privately with congressional Republicans before giving remarks at a party retreat here, would be a major new economic proposal that could have far-reaching implications for consumers, manufacturers and relations between governments.

Mr. Spicer said the 20 percent tax on annual Mexican imports would raise $10 billion a year and would easily pay for a border wall that is estimated to cost between $8 billion and $20 billion. The value of imported goods from Mexico in 2015 was $296 billion. Mr. Spicer said taxing imports is something that 160 other countries already do.

Mr. Trump would need new legislation to enact the proposal.

So, the Mexican President doesn't want to negotiate? Fine. Twenty percent taxation on Mexican imports. Negotiation done. :)

So, the Mexicans are not paying for the wall because the revenue collected on imports which belongs to the American people will be used for that purpose. The American consumers, then, will be paying for the Trump Wall.

Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.

Here is how it works, or rather, why it works-----------> Do you see the number put up by one of our astute posters in billions? OK, now how much are WE paying in services for illegals to be here?

And---------> Mexico WILL pay. Why? Because if Trump puts that tax, the Mexican economy will collapse, and with the wall, there will be nowhere to go. Do you think auto companies aren't going to switch production out of Mexico if there is a 20% tax! Those goods shipped in will quickly be built here.

Think about it----------> 20% of a vehicle is NOT labor. It would be cheaper to build here, and more profitable. The last I seen, (which was 9 years ago, but you can extrapolate) to build a midsize vehicle in the US, the labor cost was right at 1180 dollars. So lets say it is 2500.00 now. A 20% tax on 30,000 dollar vehicle is 6000 bucks, and then they still have to ship it from who knows where. And, I know most of you never worked in the auto industry, but most plants today are FLEX plants that can build any vehicle on the same platform they currently build. (meaning floorpan, and trust me, most auto manufactures only have 3 floorpans for their cars. Yes, trucks are different, but cars, only 3, 4 tops)

And finally, I was always for free trade. Until 2016, I was not aware that with MANY countries, free trade meant their products tariff free coming in, but our products getting taxed crossing their borders on their way in. Once I discovered this, I realized what Trump was proposing was NOT a reboot of the "Smoot-Hawley" act, because back then WE were the ones to start the trade war. No, the other countries........not all, but most.........protected THEIR manufacturers, while we put ours in the guillotine. The only country I knew for a fact was doing this, was Japan, but now I find out, it was most of them.

So, I know my cost may go up, but I doubt it if other countries realize we are serious, they will want access to our markets.......FAIRLY! Therefore, in this endeavor, I support Trump, our manufacturers, and blue collar workers. We match the barriers, or all barriers dropped, but no more our guys pay to get in their markets, but their guys get in for free!
lol, the Trump tariff started out at 45%. The Mexicans have him down to 20% without lifting a finger, negotiations-wise.

Is that Trump's Art of the Deal in action? Unilateral cave-in? lolol
You must be mistaken, they are going to pay for Trump Wall.
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

You might be right, except for one little thing...............lots of the things we build here in the USA, are built from parts we import from (that's right) Mexico!
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

You might be right, except for one little thing...............lots of the things we build here in the USA, are built from parts we import from (that's right) Mexico!

Not anymore.

We were fine before that backwater shithole built our stuff, and we'll be fine after they build our shit. We'll start building it here in the USA and create jobs for American workers.

The Mexican Government has been encouraging their people to immigrate to the USA, make money and send it back to Mexico in the form of billions of dollars in remittances. Not to mention the fact a Mexican worker making 8 bucks a day are stealing American jobs and then sending their shit back.

No more. We're not going to let them rape American workers, send us their illegals and drugs and then get away scott free.

No more of this bullshit

The importer will pay the tax. Then likely turn around and up the price it charges to the public.

They face stiff competition from other countries.

I applaud Trump for this, but it violates NAFTA, so he will have to back us out of that before he can do this.
If you back trump you don't have a fucking clue as to what you are talking about. The Trumpster doesn't either
Right...Trump is a real idiot....:lol:

View attachment 108865
You got it, a serious mental case. Who else would complain about losing the election by 3 million votes
Yet winning with a mandate....priceless....
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

You might be right, except for one little thing...............lots of the things we build here in the USA, are built from parts we import from (that's right) Mexico!
Do,you have a list of them so I can build a factory here to make them Cheaper?
So, the Mexicans are not paying for the wall because the revenue collected on imports which belongs to the American people will be used for that purpose. The American consumers, then, will be paying for the Trump Wall.
Until those manufacturers come back to US soil.
I believe the import duty of 20% will be added to all
Which will result in higher cost goods from Mexico. That fee will be passed on to the consumer for the most part. Fine by me. Build the damn wall.
You are correct; the American consumers will be paying for the Trump Wall.
So be it. I have no problem paying for my own security, do you?

You're really susceptible to all the fear mongering and media manipulated mass anxiety aren’t you. I guess some folks lack the nads to live in a free and open society.
The importer will pay the tax. Then likely turn around and up the price it charges to the public.

They face stiff competition from other countries.

I applaud Trump for this, but it violates NAFTA, so he will have to back us out of that before he can do this.
If you back trump you don't have a fucking clue as to what you are talking about. The Trumpster doesn't either
Right...Trump is a real idiot....:lol:

View attachment 108865
Does a building give you a woodie?
So,,you have small hands....sorry about that.....

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