BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

Japan will suck hind-tit if Trump hits the kill-switch on the border....they've used Mehico as a trade platform to get their Hondas and Toyotas in here duty-free under NAFTA while buying little to nothing from us. I'd image Nieto Bandito is getting some interesting phone calls this evening. :lol:
He was a businessman, doing what businessmen do. Manufacturing in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S., creating a much larger profit margin. The goal of Trump's administration is to make it so that is no longer the case, so that it benefits everyone.

Mexicans need us a lot more than we need them. They will fold and give us the wall money.

BULLSHIT--Do you have any idea what you would pay for a shirt today, that you pay $15.00 for right now, if it was "made in America."

If he does a 20% noncongressional approved BORDER tax you're going to be paying for it in the cost of the product. It's not going to create a single job here.

If you've ever been to Mexico--which I wholly doubt you have, you may want to talk to General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, Walmart, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Home Depot, Sams, Target and all the other AMERICAN corporations down there that do sell their goods in Mexico. What do you suppose is going to happen when Mexico returns the favor of a 20% tax on American goods and corporations down there?

Let me spell it out for you! JOB LOSS'S HERE dumbass

Mexico is the number 2 buyer of American products in the world.


Hey, bro. You think they're manufacturing goods in America to ship to mexico, or are the same goods they're building in Mexico the same ones they're selling in Mexico? Like they used to do here. They build in Mexico, and sell in Mexico. Here, they build in Mexico and sell in America.

Who do you think is going to suffer? Corporations with huge profit margins after paying some Mexican worker 8 dineros a day, or American workers?

I guess those rich motherfuckers won't be unemployed anytime soon. If you didn't hear lately, our trade deficit with Mexico means we're losing more than we're gaining.


The arrow is when NAFTA starts, and it is our trade deficit.

So while you can cry about how much our corporations that skip taxes and keep their money in tax havens are fixing to lose by paying American workers, let's talk about American interests.

It is in our interests to make sure that we have a large pool of highly paid workers. That's good for our economy. Shipping our jobs to Mexico to pay Mexicans an extreme fraction of what we make with no benefits, means that a high paying job with decent benefits is lost in America.

Are you willing to give up your job to a Mexican who makes 1/64th what you do, just so the corporations earn a bit more money, dumbass?

You adhere to a discredited economic philosophy from the 18th century called mercantilism. It is opposed by anyone who believes in capitalism, freedom and liberty.

American exports to Mexico have exploded since NAFTA.

How about American exports that don't involve natural resources, such as gas and coal?

That is more of a diagram of the consumption of natural gas by the economy of Mexico, which is no doubt growing since NAFTA and the subsequent exploitation of poorly paid Mexican workers by American corporations.

How about manufactured goods? as the export of American manufactured goods exploded since NAFTA?

My mistake. I pasted the wrong graph. I have replaced it.

The economy doesn't run on manufacturing. Focusing on one industry as inherently good is economic folly.

Indeed, or perhaps you're making that point because you don't want to admit that we've lost millions of manufacturing jobs since NAFTA started. And maybe other industries are also important, but a huge chunk of the Middle Class relied on good paying manufacturing jobs that are now gone.
You guys are absolutely amazing. I am continually awed at how you are able to take things out of context, distort them for your own purposes, and then try to publish them as facts.

1) Spicer did NOT say that Trump was going to impose a 20% tax on goods from Mexico.

2) Spicer DID say that they COULD impose a tax, as high as 20%, on goods from Mexico in order to recover the cost of building the wall. (There are several other alternatives available - none of which are being discussed. It's all part of the negotiation process)

3) Everybody above the third grade knows that the President CAN'T impose any tax. Only Congress can impose a tax.

4) Trump has been on record for 2 years about changing the corporate tax paradigm. His recommended approach is to drop all corporate tax to 15-20%, and impose an exactly equal tax on all imported goods (from EVERY country). Thus, everything going in AND out of the country would be taxed equally.

5) It is absolutely stunning that a 20% tax on Mexican imports just HAPPENS to equal the approximate cost of building the wall. Just an amazing coincidence, don't you think?

6) If Congress applies a "targeted" import tax on Mexican imports, two things will happen: 1) Mexican imports become less cost advantageous to the American consumer, and 2) the resulting loss of income will have extremely negative effects on the Mexican economy. In the end, Mexico will cough up the cost of the wall.

7) It's called the "art of the deal" - if you want $10, demand $20. Watch how it ends up.

8) A trade war? Ridiculous. Mexico imports to US equate to about 30% of Mexico's total GDP. US exports to Mexico equal about 2.4% of the US GDP. Wonder who would win that "war"? Mexico isn't stupid -
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You guys are absolutely amazing. I am continually awed at how you are able to take things out of context, distort them for your own purposes, and then try to publish them as facts.

1) Spicer did NOT say that Trump was going to impose a 20% tax on goods from Mexico.

2) Spicer DID say that they COULD impose a tax, as high as 20%, on goods from Mexico in order to recover the cost of building the wall. (There are several other alternatives available - none of which are being discussed. It's all part of the negotiation process)

3) Everybody above the third grade knows that the President CAN'T impose any tax. Only Congress can impose a tax.

4) Trump has been on record for 2 years about changing the corporate tax paradigm. His recommended approach is to drop all corporate tax to 15-20%, and impose an exactly equal tax on all imported goods (from EVERY country). Thus, everything going in AND out of the country would be taxed equally.

5) It is absolutely stunning that a 20% tax on Mexican imports just HAPPENS to equal the approximate cost of building the wall. Just an amazing coincidence, don't you think?

6) If Congress applies a "targeted" import tax on Mexican imports, two things will happen: 1) Mexican imports become less cost advantageous to the American consumer, and 2) the resulting loss of income will have extremely negative effects on the Mexican economy. In the end, Mexico will cough up the cost of the wall.

7) It's called the "art of the deal" - if you want $10, demand $20. Watch how it ends up.

Funny. BTW, Trump didn't write "The Art of the Deal". The guy who actually wrote it thinks Trump is an idiot.
You guys are absolutely amazing. I am continually awed at how you are able to take things out of context, distort them for your own purposes, and then try to publish them as facts.

1) Spicer did NOT say that Trump was going to impose a 20% tax on goods from Mexico.

2) Spicer DID say that they COULD impose a tax, as high as 20%, on goods from Mexico in order to recover the cost of building the wall. (There are several other alternatives available - none of which are being discussed. It's all part of the negotiation process)

3) Everybody above the third grade knows that the President CAN'T impose any tax. Only Congress can impose a tax.

4) Trump has been on record for 2 years about changing the corporate tax paradigm. His recommended approach is to drop all corporate tax to 15-20%, and impose an exactly equal tax on all imported goods (from EVERY country). Thus, everything going in AND out of the country would be taxed equally.

5) It is absolutely stunning that a 20% tax on Mexican imports just HAPPENS to equal the approximate cost of building the wall. Just an amazing coincidence, don't you think?

6) If Congress applies a "targeted" import tax on Mexican imports, two things will happen: 1) Mexican imports become less cost advantageous to the American consumer, and 2) the resulting loss of income will have extremely negative effects on the Mexican economy. In the end, Mexico will cough up the cost of the wall.

7) It's called the "art of the deal" - if you want $10, demand $20. Watch how it ends up.

again, it amazes me that you don't understand the donald isn't going to tax his own imports.

you people are hysterical
Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.
That war should last what? About a week? Mexico has nothing to offer us we can't get somewhere else. They are the weak link in NAFTA and they will get their shit under control. If they don't? Well for the next eight years that isn't our problem.
Indeed, or perhaps you're making that point because you don't want to admit that we've lost millions of manufacturing jobs since NAFTA started. And maybe other industries are also important, but a huge chunk of the Middle Class relied on good paying manufacturing jobs that are now gone.

Well, if you want to support tax policy to redistribute wealth from some Americans to other Americans, just say so. Because that's what tariffs do. It's economic engineering. Just be intellectually honest about it. It's what liberals usually do. But apparently, it's become chic for some conservatives
So will Mexico pay the extra 20% or will the cost be added to what the American consumer pays?
The American consumer, of course. Also Mexico is the third largest importer of American goods, so American businesses will lose 16% of their available market.
What the hell do we import from Mexico besides illegal drugs? Bananas and cheap souvenirs that pass for Native American made stuff?
Foreign leaders will decide it's best to play ball with Trump.

Bullshit. Trump is all hat and no head.

First off we have Trump is going to build the wall. And then we have Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell saying he can't build a wall by Executive Order. Building the requires Congress to approve an appropriations bill for the costs.

Next we have Trump saying he's going to slap a 20% tariff on Mexican goods being imported. And then Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are interviewed saying that they don't want to start a trade war with Mexico. And that President Trump has no power to slap tariff's on anything. Congress holds the purse strings.

And so it begins. Ryan and McConnell are quietly investigating the Russian connection and setting up their impeachment agenda.

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