Breaking News: White House To Make Announcement On Fate Of AG Jeff Sessions

I could certainly understand if he told Trump to fuck off and die. Right after he tenders his resignation.
Sessions is a conundrum. If he resigns, he gives Trump a way to fire Mueller by appointing a sycophant to replace him. McConnell - who owes Trump for giving McConnell's wife a job - will recess the Senate, and Trump will make a recess appointment of said sycophant to fire Mueller and his team.

If he refuses to resign, he will be a hero. Forcing Trump to fire him will have consequences which might lead to an indictment for Obstruction of Justice. Some say a sitting President cannot be indicted. In Ken Starr's notes during the Clinton investigation which lead to his impeachment, he wrote that a sitting President CAN be indicted***.

Since Ryan doesn't have the balls to do the right thing, we can dismiss the possibility of impeachment, at least until Jan. 2009 when Ryan is retired by his constituents.

***Can the President Be Indicted? A Long-Hidden Legal Memo Says Yes
Sessions will not go quietly into the night, like he never existed, nor should he. As far as I know he has done nothing wrong.
Sessions will not go quietly into the night, like he never existed, nor should he. As far as I know he has done nothing wrong.

As much as I hate sessions, he is no D.C. Rookie . Now way he sits back and let's trump walk all over him.

Didn't he give up his senate seat? Left his Cush Senate seat for nothing !?
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Sessions has got to go. The Donald thought Sessions knew what he was doing but clearly royally fucked up by not stopping the Sewer's "Russian Collusion" narrative. Get 'em out. And the new AG needs to investigate the Sewer rats from Crooked Hillary to Obama to all the Sewer rat democrat Senators who lied to the American people and attacked our democracy! Also, recreational pot should legal in all 50 states. Get 'em out!
Is it not marvelous how the left's sputtering hatred of Sessions up and turned to slobbering love!

Fickle much?

Not fickle and there is no love for Sessions. It's something you can't understand, it is realpolitik, i.e., a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations.
If this happens, I find it very upsetting. This is getting out of control. Someone has got to step up to the plate and put the brakes on this guy before it's too late.
Don't even like Sessions yet feel forced to defend him. things are out of control, lets grab our boot straps & pull our feet back on the ground .

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