Breaking: North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile

So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!
Story is breaking now. Will update when new information comes in

Fox News
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
----------------------------------------------------- what , did you think that this crazy 'nork' would back down OldLady ??

Kim Jong-Un is of course totally deranged, he must continue to have these bizarro missile launches to save face within North Korea among the population.

Although considering it's such a closed society and the entire media is also a part of the Personality Cult, the North Korean people are probably told all these missile launches are successful....if anyone saw the below crazy video from a few days ago it illustrates what the North Korean population are being shown and also told.

So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
depends , the 'norks' and 'iran' needs to be crushed in my opinion and if my kids join up thats up to them . With the ALL VOLUNTEER military the President may send them in , pay them and contract fulfilled . ---------------------------- on another note , i prefer a draft and enlisted so that there is a mix in the USA military Syriusly .
So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.
but , for the most part i think that the 'norks' infrastructure , bases and missile launching facilities would be targeted first Syriusly .
So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.

I have an 18 year old daughter- she will always be my 'kid' even when she is 50 years old.

And yes- if you want to go to war with North Korea- you should be enthusiastic enough about the reasons behind the war to be okay with your kid being sent to fight in that war.

I am all in favor of figuring out a way to disarm North Korea.

I am just not in favor of blind enthusiasm for military solutions. We have some 25,000 troops in NK that are all someone's kids- who would be likely immediate targets if there is a shooting war there.

Is disarming NK worth the kind of war that would require the U.S. to go to WW2 type action- to invade NK?

Or to risk NK using nukes on our South Korean and Japanese allies?

I don't think there is an easy solution with NK- which is why each administration has failed to come up with a solution.
but , for the most part i think that the 'norks' infrastructure , bases and missile launching facilities would be targeted first Syriusly .
Certainly I think that they would.

I don't claim to be an expert on NK, but it is probably the most heavily militarized country in the world- they have spent decades hardening their defenses- and have thousands of artillery pieces- and missiles that are within range of Seoul and the American troops that are forward based.

And NK does have nukes- which they could slip into a submarine and leave outside of Tokyo or somewhere else.

Hitting NK is not as safe as dumping some cruise missiles on Syria and calling it a win.
depends , the 'norks' and 'iran' needs to be crushed in my opinion and if my kids join up thats up to them . With the ALL VOLUNTEER military the President may send them in , pay them and contract fulfilled . ---------------------------- on another note , i prefer a draft and enlisted so that there is a mix in the USA military Syriusly .

Frankly if we are going to a real war, I prefer a draft also.

And taxes to pay for the war.
So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.

I have an 18 year old daughter- she will always be my 'kid' even when she is 50 years old.

And yes- if you want to go to war with North Korea- you should be enthusiastic enough about the reasons behind the war to be okay with your kid being sent to fight in that war.

I am all in favor of figuring out a way to disarm North Korea.

I am just not in favor of blind enthusiasm for military solutions. We have some 25,000 troops in NK that are all someone's kids- who would be likely immediate targets if there is a shooting war there.

Is disarming NK worth the kind of war that would require the U.S. to go to WW2 type action- to invade NK?

Or to risk NK using nukes on our South Korean and Japanese allies?

I don't think there is an easy solution with NK- which is why each administration has failed to come up with a solution.
Sacrificing our volunteer troops lives in the quest for peace is acceptable.
So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.

I have an 18 year old daughter- she will always be my 'kid' even when she is 50 years old.

And yes- if you want to go to war with North Korea- you should be enthusiastic enough about the reasons behind the war to be okay with your kid being sent to fight in that war.

I am all in favor of figuring out a way to disarm North Korea.

I am just not in favor of blind enthusiasm for military solutions. We have some 25,000 troops in NK that are all someone's kids- who would be likely immediate targets if there is a shooting war there.

Is disarming NK worth the kind of war that would require the U.S. to go to WW2 type action- to invade NK?

Or to risk NK using nukes on our South Korean and Japanese allies?

I don't think there is an easy solution with NK- which is why each administration has failed to come up with a solution.
------------------------------------------------------------------- the 25,000 are all volunteers and like i said , concerning any kid , if they enlist then they go where they are told to go . Figuring out a way to appease the 'norks' is simply appeasement as we pay them to not hurt us , Japan and the 'south' just need to follow Trumps lead and they MIGHT be alright Syriusly !!
So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.

I have an 18 year old daughter- she will always be my 'kid' even when she is 50 years old.

And yes- if you want to go to war with North Korea- you should be enthusiastic enough about the reasons behind the war to be okay with your kid being sent to fight in that war.

I am all in favor of figuring out a way to disarm North Korea.

I am just not in favor of blind enthusiasm for military solutions. We have some 25,000 troops in NK that are all someone's kids- who would be likely immediate targets if there is a shooting war there.

Is disarming NK worth the kind of war that would require the U.S. to go to WW2 type action- to invade NK?

Or to risk NK using nukes on our South Korean and Japanese allies?

I don't think there is an easy solution with NK- which is why each administration has failed to come up with a solution.
------------------------------------------------------------------- the 25,000 are all volunteers and like i said , concerning any kid , if they enlist then they go where they are told to go . Figuring out a way to appease the 'norks' is simply appeasement as we pay them to not hurt us . Japan and the 'south' just need to follow Trumps lead and they MIGHT be alright Syriusly !!
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.

I have an 18 year old daughter- she will always be my 'kid' even when she is 50 years old.

And yes- if you want to go to war with North Korea- you should be enthusiastic enough about the reasons behind the war to be okay with your kid being sent to fight in that war.

I am all in favor of figuring out a way to disarm North Korea.

I am just not in favor of blind enthusiasm for military solutions. We have some 25,000 troops in NK that are all someone's kids- who would be likely immediate targets if there is a shooting war there.

Is disarming NK worth the kind of war that would require the U.S. to go to WW2 type action- to invade NK?

Or to risk NK using nukes on our South Korean and Japanese allies?

I don't think there is an easy solution with NK- which is why each administration has failed to come up with a solution.
------------------------------------------------------------------- the 25,000 are all volunteers and like i said , concerning any kid , if they enlist then they go where they are told to go . Figuring out a way to appease the 'norks' is simply appeasement as we pay them to not hurt us . Japan and the 'south' just need to follow Trumps lead and they MIGHT be alright Syriusly !!

And what exactly is "Trump's lead"?
The past 48 hours in Trump's bizarre, ever-changing North Korea policy, explained

The past 48 hours in Trump's bizarre, ever-changing North Korea policy, explained
So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.

I have an 18 year old daughter- she will always be my 'kid' even when she is 50 years old.

And yes- if you want to go to war with North Korea- you should be enthusiastic enough about the reasons behind the war to be okay with your kid being sent to fight in that war.

I am all in favor of figuring out a way to disarm North Korea.

I am just not in favor of blind enthusiasm for military solutions. We have some 25,000 troops in NK that are all someone's kids- who would be likely immediate targets if there is a shooting war there.

Is disarming NK worth the kind of war that would require the U.S. to go to WW2 type action- to invade NK?

Or to risk NK using nukes on our South Korean and Japanese allies?

I don't think there is an easy solution with NK- which is why each administration has failed to come up with a solution.
Sacrificing our volunteer troops lives in the quest for peace is acceptable.

And war is peace.....
We have enough missiles to kill every man woman and child on earth 5x over. We should be able to kill every North Korean with far less then that. It's is what we built those missiles for right? Spend money not lives?
So what should Trump do now?

So far Trump's plan for NK has been:
a) Blame Obama and
b) Do exactly what Obama was doing.

Do you want Trump to drag us into a war with NK over the missile launch?

Or continue the Obama policies of using diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions?
------------------------------------ME , i want to Blame mrobama plus 'clinton' and 'bush' then i want TRUMP to take forceful action against the 'norks' . Better now than letting the norks continue to get stronger and better with missiles and then my kids and grandkids have to deal with it Syriusly !!

'forceful action'

So are you willing to send your kids into NK and die fighting to get rid of their nukes?
Nobody in this country sends their kids to fight wars. That's left wing propaganda parroted by sheeple.
We have a volunteer military made up of adults.

I have an 18 year old daughter- she will always be my 'kid' even when she is 50 years old.

And yes- if you want to go to war with North Korea- you should be enthusiastic enough about the reasons behind the war to be okay with your kid being sent to fight in that war.

I am all in favor of figuring out a way to disarm North Korea.

I am just not in favor of blind enthusiasm for military solutions. We have some 25,000 troops in NK that are all someone's kids- who would be likely immediate targets if there is a shooting war there.

Is disarming NK worth the kind of war that would require the U.S. to go to WW2 type action- to invade NK?

Or to risk NK using nukes on our South Korean and Japanese allies?

I don't think there is an easy solution with NK- which is why each administration has failed to come up with a solution.
Would you prefer a mushroom cloud over LA?

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