BREAKING NOW! House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Launches First Investigation Into Biden Classified Documents #GarageGate

President Biden is advised to resign!!

He mishandled docs.
This is a felony.
He dishonors himself and more importantly dishonors the Office of the Presidency by not resigning.
We now have an active felony offender as President!!

P.S. Gen. David Petraeus resigned as CIA Director for mishandling docs. He was a man of honor.
what about disregarding the federal laws still on the books RE illegals entering the country

in other words, the Invasion of our country

The elite dims always get away with their crimes... until they don't. We know they won't get away with them when they meet Jesus, but why do we who respect the law have to put up with them day in and day out in the meantime?
This is why I encourage conservatives to use their Free Speech rights ... I hate your politics, but it IS your turn now !!! ...
what about disregarding the federal laws still on the books RE illegals entering the country

in other words, the Invasion of our country

The elite dims always get away with their crimes... until they don't. We know they won't get away with them when they meet Jesus, but why do we who respect the law have to put up with them day in and day out in the meantime?

I respect the law out of self-respect.
I do not let the lawless affect me unless they invade my space.
Gym, as always, is just looking for some Gem like "Talking Points" he and the Neo-GOP Qult can use to fleece the flock for more money. Seriously, another "What difference does it make" moment will bring in big bucks.

I hear Biden is considering covering all witnesses Gym tries to call with that new Blanket Executive Privilege anyway.

Yet you scream PUT RUMP IN JAIL NOW for the very same thing. You are a man/woman of integrity eh?
Six YEAR coverup. The idiots knew he had to have them and then forgot.

Let's remember, Biden is the professional politician and lawyer with 40 years experience in government. He has zero excuses for this. We need to make sure Dems are not allowed to give him a pass like they did on Hillary. Also a laywer with 8 years WH experience and SoS experience who was allowed to plead ignorance of the law which is total BS.
Let's remember, Biden is the professional politician and lawyer with 40 years experience in government. He has zero excuses for this. We need to make sure Dems are not allowed to give him a pass like they did on Hillary. Also a laywer with 8 years WH experience and SoS experience who was allowed to plead ignorance of the law which is total BS.
They’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they let Biden off, they have NO right to prosecute Trump. But these charges could get Biden off the 2024 ticket. No wonder there are a lot people sweating right now.
They’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they let Biden off, they have NO right to prosecute Trump. But these charges could get Biden off the 2024 ticket. No wonder there are a lot people sweating right now.
I say it's God messing with the Democrats and laughing.
His 1st subpoena should be of Special Counsel Hur, appointed to invesyigate Biden's TS/SCI dociment scandal, requesting every communication (text/mrssage/e-mail/phone call) between him and former AG Rod Rosenstein when he worked under Rosenstein.

This will expose the dirty political maffia we are dealing with.

Rosenstein, a Hillary ally, was exposed as the Puppet Master of Robert Mueller during the failed coup attempt of Trump. Mueller provided the face and the reputation for the Special Counsel, but Rosestein ran the whole thing.

If Hur, who reportedly partnered with FBI Director Wray for a time, worked for and gained exerience under Rosenstein it is almost a guarantee already Biden will be protected and Wray is probably already writing the draft of the letter that will exonerate Biden of all crimes.
I respect the law out of self-respect.
I do not let the lawless affect me unless they invade my space.
well, frankly, the left count on people (conservatives) being like this.. At some point, I mean... What would war be like if one side tried to be polite all the time toward those attempting to kill him / her/ family?
His 1st subpoena should be of Special Counsel Hur, appointed to invesyigate Biden's TS/SCI dociment scandal, requesting every communication (text/mrssage/e-mail/phone call) between him and former AG Rod Rosenstein when he worked under Rosenstein.

This will expose the dirty political maffia we are dealing with.

Rosenstein, a Hillary ally, was exposed as the Puppet Master of Robert Mueller during the failed coup attempt of Trump. Mueller provided the face and the reputation for the Special Counsel, but Rosestein ran the whole thing.

If Hur, who reportedly partnered with FBI Director Wray for a time, worked for and gained exerience under Rosenstein it is almost a guarantee already Biden will be protected and Wray is probably already writing the draft of the letter that will exonerate Biden of all crimes.
yeh, it will go something like this

We found that Biden broke the law but no reasonable prosecutor would proceed with the charges --and so we aren't passing this along to the AG because the AG agrees with us anyhow.

well, frankly, the left count on people (conservatives) being like this.. At some point, I mean... What would war be like if one side tried to be polite all the time toward those attempting to kill him / her/ family?
well, frankly, the left count on people (conservatives) being like this.. At some point, I mean... What would war be like if one side tried to be polite all the time toward those attempting to kill him / her/ family?

At some point, each individual chooses what hill they want to die on.
Just as long that they do it on their feet as opposed to their knees.
I've told you Moon Bats that Jim Jordan was going to make life a hell for the Democrat filth.

Too bad tough guy Gym Shorts Jordan wasen't man enough to defend his assbuddy Trump at the hearings. But he is good at getting attention from you asswipes when he runs his big mouth on Fox.

Without Trump, nobody would know if horse's ass Jordan had a pulse.
I've told you Moon Bats that Jim Jordan was going to make life a hell for the Democrat filth.

And all the GOP pedophiles like Gaetz don't have to worry about him reporting them.
Too bad tough guy Gym Shorts Jordan wasen't man enough to defend his assbuddy Trump at the hearings. But he is good at getting attention from you asswipes when he runs his big mouth on Fox.

Without Trump, nobody would know if horse's ass Jordan had a pulse.

The Jim Jordan Show is just getting started!
Stay tuned....
I don't see this as the huge crime that many Republicans are painting it to be. Of course, we want our presidents to handle classified documents responsibly, but the president is the ultimate classification authority. He can declassify any documents he wants to declassify and then take them home if he wishes. I realize that's not quite what happened here, but the bottom line is that the president is the highest and final classification authority in the government. I think a sincere apology and a pledge to never do this again should settle the matter.

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