Breaking Now! Thanks To Biden, The United States Has Only 25 Days Of Diesel Left

Plugs is not just a drooling fucktard with a full load in his diaper. He's actually that pathetically stupid. I can picture that simple fuck eating an ice cream cone while a 22-year old tranny intern explains "Sir we can drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve down to nothing over the next few weeks and catch a few votes with the lower gas prices".

"Drool once if you agree".

OMG wake me up on the 8th.
Diesel is now crude oil, interesting.
I wondered why there was no corn chips in any of the stores around here!!!

Also noticed a lot more empty spaces on grocery store shelves.

There are still sporadic shortages, mostly in the grocery aisles. But I did notice another disturbing sign of Biden's economy the other day. Apparently stores now have far too much inventory of certain items. They assumed that the demand would be there, but neglected to take into account the fact that people aren't spending as much.

There was a shitload of money in circulation a year ago, because of the stimulus the government was pumping into the economy. But people have either spent that money, or they're holding on to it because of the Biden Recession. So now stores like Walmart are overstocked with some items, even marking down the prices and putting them on the closeout shelves.

U.S. retailers fill store shelves with leftover holiday inventory

Our local Walmart is now packed full of cheap, Chinese-made Christmas inventory. There are even pallets of it sitting outside in the garden center. The closeout items shelves have expanded to three times their normal area, as you can see...





There are still sporadic shortages, mostly in the grocery aisles. But I did notice another disturbing sign of Biden's economy the other day. Apparently stores now have far too much inventory of certain items. They assumed that the demand would be there, but neglected to take into account the fact that people aren't spending as much.

There was a shitload of money in circulation a year ago, because of the stimulus the government was pumping into the economy. But people have either spent that money, or they're holding on to it because of the Biden Recession. So now stores like Walmart are overstocked with some items, even marking down the prices and putting them on the closeout shelves.

U.S. retailers fill store shelves with leftover holiday inventory

Our local Walmart is now packed full of cheap, Chinese-made Christmas inventory. There are even pallets of it sitting outside in the garden center. The closeout items shelves have expanded to three times their normal area, as you can see...

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Is it your goal in life to buy everything ever manufactured for human consumers?
Plugs is not just a drooling fucktard with a full load in his diaper. He's actually that pathetically stupid. I can picture that simple fuck eating an ice cream cone while a 22-year old tranny intern explains "Sir we can drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve down to nothing over the next few weeks and catch a few votes with the lower gas prices".

"Drool once if you agree".

OMG wake me up on the 8th.

Biden's going to release another 14 million barrels of oil soon, which is about one day's worth. The US consumes an average of 19.7 million barrels per day, so you can see how fucked we are.
Yes, diesel is refined from crude oil.

Please tell me you thought diesel grows like potatoes in the ground..... so I can laugh and point at you more than already I do now.

PLEASE, do me that solid.
Bio-diesel is. Yet, I didn't confuse the SPR with diesel, do try to keep up.
Biden's going to release another 14 million barrels of oil soon, which is about one day's worth. The US consumes an average of 19.7 million barrels per day, so you can see how fucked we are.
I bet you freak out when you get down to less than thirty cases of beer.
I bet you freak out when you get down to less than thirty cases of beer.

Only an idiot wouldn't be concerned about the way the incompetent Democrats are mismanaging everything. You rigid ideologues act like you're not even concerned, even though you stand to lose just as much as everyone else. You might think you're above it all, but you're not.
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Only an idiot wouldn't be concerned about the way the incompetent Democrats are mismanaging everything. You rigid ideologues act like you're not even concerned, even though you stand to lose just as much as everyone else.
I have yet to see any party in power manage well..

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