Breaking Now! Thanks To Biden, The United States Has Only 25 Days Of Diesel Left

So now the Fed Govt produces diesel?

Is there anything they do not do?

Well, they will block the building of more oil refineries. Because they don't WANT gas or DIESEL to fuel America. That is their promise. They will lie and deflect in the short term to keep office, that is mostly what they do.
I have yet to see any party in power manage well..

That's a copout. It shows how intellectually-lazy you Bidenistas are. You might as well had just came out and said it: "Yeah, I know Biden fucked everything up, but Trump would have too..."
America never knew empty shelves until Biden and the Democrats seized all branches of government

March 2020


How many oil refineries were started under the previous Admin?

There is a reaction to government policy... maybe BIDEN is just to stupid to understand cause and effect?

Oil is not where the future lies​

Underpinning the decisions not to reopen refineries is the fact that the U.S. is undergoing an energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables.

The Biden administration envisions a future where the world is powered by clean energy rather than oil with its destructive effect on the environment.

"I think the refining executives say, well, looks like the writing's on the wall," Cinquegrana says.

In fact, some refiners have repurposed their facilities, where instead of making gasoline from oil, they're ramping up to produce renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel out of feed stocks like soybean oil and used cooking oil.

Biden wants a future in renewables, but wants oil companies to pump more now​

"You're talking about a lot of money to get these refineries that are idled up and running...when I'm being told five years from now, we hope you don't exist," Cinquegrana says.
There is a reaction to government policy... maybe BIDEN is just to stupid to understand cause and effect?

You did not answer the question, let me try again....How many oil refineries were started under the previous Admin?
Well, they will block the building of more oil refineries. Because they don't WANT gas or DIESEL to fuel America. That is their promise. They will lie and deflect in the short term to keep office, that is mostly what they do.
When is the last time a refinery was built in the US by a US oil company?
You did not answer the question, let me try again....How many oil refineries were started under the previous Admin?

It takes more than 4 years to correct some issues and whats your point? its clear to see what the policies of the Democrats are


New refineries are unlikely to be built in the United States due to daunting environmental standards and policies that the Biden administration has been implementing to reduce petroleum product consumption in the future. Shockingly high prices for energy is the outgrowth of those policies. No investor will finance a new refinery when its output is expected to shrink because of federal policy dictated by President Biden. Given the negative environment, existing refineries are producing at historically high margins and oil producers are expanding production, particularly in the Permian basin in Texas. But, the Biden administration’s EPA is not helping since it is using the RFS to dictate unattainably high biofuel thresholds that will require RINs to be purchased and possibly put small refiners out of business. RIN prices are surging and adding to gasoline and diesel prices. An aggregate basket of RINs is up 10 percent since the start of the year, having hit record prices last year. If the goals of the Biden administration’s “green transition” are to make energy more expensive to force Americans to use other sources, they are succeeding and Americans are seeing it every day at the gas pump and in their utility bills.
It takes more than 4 years to correct some issues and whats your point? its clear to see what the policies of the Democrats are


New refineries are unlikely to be built in the United States due to daunting environmental standards and policies that the Biden administration has been implementing to reduce petroleum product consumption in the future. Shockingly high prices for energy is the outgrowth of those policies. No investor will finance a new refinery when its output is expected to shrink because of federal policy dictated by President Biden. Given the negative environment, existing refineries are producing at historically high margins and oil producers are expanding production, particularly in the Permian basin in Texas. But, the Biden administration’s EPA is not helping since it is using the RFS to dictate unattainably high biofuel thresholds that will require RINs to be purchased and possibly put small refiners out of business. RIN prices are surging and adding to gasoline and diesel prices. An aggregate basket of RINs is up 10 percent since the start of the year, having hit record prices last year. If the goals of the Biden administration’s “green transition” are to make energy more expensive to force Americans to use other sources, they are succeeding and Americans are seeing it every day at the gas pump and in their utility bills.

You still did not answer the question.

How many oil refineries were started under the previous Admin?
You still did not answer the question.

How many oil refineries were started under the previous Admin?

My guess is probably 0. If you're still not sure why don't you look it up instead of asking? Then refer yourself to my previous post. It takes more than 4 years to reverse some trends. We SHOULD be building more oil refineries.

Trump could have gotten a lot more done, if he wasn't under constant attack from the moment he set foot in office.

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