Breaking: Nunes Alters Memo After Committee Approves It's Release

Among other things, it'll be interesting to see how much of this thing will be hard, provable, actionable fact, and how much will be theory and conjecture.

Without all of the corroborating, classified detail, it can be nothing but conjecture.

No public defense is possible when the information required for defense is classified.

Yep. Classified info doctored, then edited, then altered, and entire pages of info ommitted. This is what we are supposed to accept as the "damaging truth".

Says who?
If it's inevitable, then why not act with propriety?
Because you are just trying to delay it further.

If you really wanted the truth, you would let this get release and ask a bunch of pointed questions about it so that the underlying material would become necessary to reach any conclusions.

You just want it delayed because it may fuck you commies in the ass. I doubt the memo will be NEARLY as damaging as the Rs have stated.

We will ONLY know if the actually release it NOW!!!

No, if you really wanted the truth, you would see this process as wholly inadequate to those ends.

The affidavit of evidence used to justify the FISA warrant to the judge is far more comprehensive than what is presented in this memo. If you're honest, then there is no way that memo could bring the warrant into question without the rest of the story.

This is nothing more than meat for the rubes and you are salivating with anticipation.
This memo must really fuck over the Dems and the deep state. I haven't seen this level roadblocking since J.W. Pepper.
What about the Democrat memo? Why aren’t Republicans allowing its release to the president and public? That would be fair, right? Oh but you don’t want fair.
But wait a minute. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago, that the memo was a nothingburger? Now it is something after Nunes alters it? Hmmm, seems to me that the FBI is covering up their conniving with the Democrat Candidate who was paying for bogus information from a ex British spy, so the FBI could get a FISA warrant under illegal terms..
For ALL Republicans
You loved the FBI when Hillary was in the crosshairs. They were 'Real Americans' then. When they tried so hard to find dirt on her, and you screeched to high heaven about a possible 3 classified Emails, classified AFTER the fact, you pouted because they couldn't find enough to prosecute.

Now Trump wants to release classified data, and you want to burn the FBI to the ground for objecting, while shouting "USA! USA!". You want a daily synopsis of Mueller's incomplete findings. And you want loyalists to Trump throughout American Government. How much you wanna bet the 2018 mid-terms will be a Moscow-trained Trump gang. He'll win by ever!

No, Edds, love ya like a brother but you are 100 percent wrong about this. The FBI heads never once considered filing charges against Hillary from the outset and we have proof of that. The ONLY reason that Comey re-opened the case in October of 2016 was at the insistence of the NYPD detectives that found some horrific evidence on Anthony Weiner's laptop including e-mails that Huma Abedin had passed on to Weiner and put under the file "Insurance" and even then Hillary was given a pass. The deep state tried to weaponize the FISA court and when they couldn't do it even after the fake dossier paid for by the DNC, they went ahead and spied anyway. It's the most blatant example of the abuse of absolute power I have ever witnessed. People need to go to jail over this because if not, then we are no different than the old USSR.
But wait a minute. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago, that the memo was a nothingburger? Now it is something after Nunes alters it? Hmmm, seems to me that the FBI is covering up their conniving with the Democrat Candidate who was paying for bogus information from a ex British spy, so the FBI could get a FISA warrant under illegal terms..
For ALL Republicans
You loved the FBI when Hillary was in the crosshairs. They were 'Real Americans' then. When they tried so hard to find dirt on her, and you screeched to high heaven about a possible 3 classified Emails, classified AFTER the fact, you pouted because they couldn't find enough to prosecute.

Now Trump wants to release classified data, and you want to burn the FBI to the ground for objecting, while shouting "USA! USA!". You want a daily synopsis of Mueller's incomplete findings. And you want loyalists to Trump throughout American Government. How much you wanna bet the 2018 mid-terms will be a Moscow-trained Trump gang. He'll win by ever!

No, Edds, love ya like a brother but you are 100 percent wrong about this. The FBI heads never once considered filing charges against Hillary from the outset and we have proof of that. The ONLY reason that Comey re-opened the case in October of 2016 was at the insistence of the NYPD detectives that found some horrific evidence on Anthony Weiner's laptop including e-mails that Huma Abedin had passed on to Weiner and put under the file "Insurance" and even then Hillary was given a pass. The deep state tried to weaponize the FISA court and when they couldn't do it even after the fake dossier paid for by the DNC, they went ahead and spied anyway. It's the most blatant example of the abuse of absolute power I have ever witnessed. People need to go to jail over this because if not, then we are no different than the old USSR.
was Hill given a pass by the FBI when they came up with the bs about her 10 days before the election and took it back as nothing just 3 days before election?? You can't see this hurt her chances?? And as far as abuse of power Drumpf is right up there with the best and he has 3 years to go

Yes, she was given a BIG time pass. Comey had no other choice but to re-open the investigation due to the revelations of what was on Weiner's laptop and she STILL got a "mulligan". What little credibility the FBI had was at stake if they ignored what was found and now their credibility is at an all time low. I haven't seen anything that Trump has done that resembles an abuse of power. He hasn't weaponized the IRS to go after his enemies or strong armed them for money like Barrypuppet least not to my knowledge.

Nothing came out of Comey re-opening Clinton..he was hated by both sides at this point..Have Ryan and the crew bring it back to its original format and get it to the president.

We just was to see some honesty and let this investigation end..


LMAO!!!! The decision to exonerate the Hildebeast was made before the investigation ever can you not know this???????
Among other things, it'll be interesting to see how much of this thing will be hard, provable, actionable fact, and how much will be theory and conjecture.

Without all of the corroborating, classified detail, it can be nothing but conjecture.

No public defense is possible when the information required for defense is classified.

Yep. Classified info doctored, then edited, then altered, and entire pages of info ommitted. This is what we are supposed to accept as the "damaging truth".

Says who?

Says skews and HE is the most intelligent hack he knows, just ask him. It's interesting how people don't really care about the truth, they only care about THEIR truth.
The affidavit of evidence used to justify the FISA warrant to the judge is far more comprehensive than what is presented in this memo. If you're honest, then there is no way that memo could bring the warrant into question without the rest of the story.
Let's see it all.

Don't hold up the allegedly bullshit memo. Use the memo to get more. Surely, democrats can point to the bullshit and explain why. Surely, the document can be discredited based on its content, right?

You just want us to know NOTHING. Do not lie.

You want it all blocked. I don't believe for ONE SECOND that you want ANY of this to come to light.

You are lying.

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????
the panic mode has set in. anything to keep it going and discredit this is now fair game.

maybe it's real, maybe it's not. but rest assured it's about to get ugly and people will be fighting for their lives shortly.
If I were a democrat and I REALLY believed the memo to be bullshit, I would WANT it released and I would use it to CRUCIFY the GOP for their bullshit tactics.

I would WANT to go through this memo line by line and demonstrate its bullshitary.

Letting us imagine the horror this memo contains is likely MORE damaging than what is actually contained therein, that dems claim they can discredit.


Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????
the panic mode has set in. anything to keep it going and discredit this is now fair game.

maybe it's real, maybe it's not. but rest assured it's about to get ugly and people will be fighting for their lives shortly.

Precisely but skews will believe ANYTHING his side tells him, true or not. Schiff is a hack who is simply fighting a rear guard action. skews will freely quote kos and HuffPo but deride you if you quote any source he doesn't approve of.
You can't figure anything out while the corroborating information remains classified.

There will only be conjecture. Which of course is the actual intent.
Releasing NOTHING will get us no closer to releasing the corroborating information. You are advocating for giving us NOTHING.

BTW, what is the alleged problem?
That the memo is allegedly bullshit.

No, I'm advocating for the committee to do it's job to get to the truth and not selectively release information that will only serve to further obscure the truth. No truth can be garnered from incomplete information. Only conjecture. The truth is that there are well over 100 more pages of evidence that persuded the judge the sign off on the warrant.

The motives surrounding this memo are very much in question and it's really difficult to argue that it's about truth.
The affidavit of evidence used to justify the FISA warrant to the judge is far more comprehensive than what is presented in this memo. If you're honest, then there is no way that memo could bring the warrant into question without the rest of the story.
Let's see it all.

Don't hold up the allegedly bullshit memo. Use the memo to get more. Surely, democrats can point to the bullshit and explain why. Surely, the document can be discredited based on its content, right?

You just want us to know NOTHING. Do not lie.

You want it all blocked. I don't believe for ONE SECOND that you want ANY of this to come to light.

You are lying.

All they have to do is post those 99 pages without redaction. It's obvious to me that the prior admin abused and used their powers to try and sabotage Trump or anyone that might threaten the status quo. Admiral Mike Rogers was the "mole" that alerted Trump as to what was going on and they set the trap. The reason why Trump is so hated by the establishment of the left and the right is because he is trying to stop their feeding at the trough where we are sold out and their expenses have been put on a credit card that we are not responsible for but told that we are.

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????
the panic mode has set in. anything to keep it going and discredit this is now fair game.

maybe it's real, maybe it's not. but rest assured it's about to get ugly and people will be fighting for their lives shortly.

Precisely but skews will believe ANYTHING his side tells him, true or not. Schiff is a hack who is simply fighting a rear guard action. skews will freely quote kos and HuffPo but deride you if you quote any source he doesn't approve of.
there are far too many people full of shit out there today and i believe no one until more info comes out. anyone doing it now has an *investment* in the outcome for their side.

i got no side. i want any and all breaking the law to be dropped off on a remote island to fend for themselves in their new home for the rest of their lives.
No, I'm advocating for the committee to do it's job to get to the truth and not selectively release information that will only serve to further obscure the truth. No truth can be garnered from incomplete information. Only conjecture. The truth is that there are well over 100 more pages of evidence that persuded the judge the sign off on the warrant.

The motives surrounding this memo are very much in question and it's really difficult to argue that it's about truth.
Well, unfortunately, I don't know what the memo says, so we get nowhere.

You can't be this dumb.
Then we ought to release it all as one complete report and not as incongruent segments with each open to separate scutiny.

There's only one reason to do that.
So a narrative can be supported.
Then, release that memo and argue for additional release of additional information.

The problem I have with NOT releasing it, is that it gives all sides an excuse to not release ANYTHING and continue to hide the truth from their bosses, we the fucking people!!!

I would rather wait for complete information with complete conclusions rather than dicker over incongruent tidbits.

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????
the panic mode has set in. anything to keep it going and discredit this is now fair game.

maybe it's real, maybe it's not. but rest assured it's about to get ugly and people will be fighting for their lives shortly.

Precisely but skews will believe ANYTHING his side tells him, true or not. Schiff is a hack who is simply fighting a rear guard action. skews will freely quote kos and HuffPo but deride you if you quote any source he doesn't approve of.

Skews can't debate me nor can he open a dialogue because I would bury him under an avalanche of facts and data. Leftards here give me a wide berth because they can't refute the things that I post. Knowledge is a powerful weapon.
They simply don’t want it released. From the beginning they have been having fits and trying every tactic in their power to keep it from being released. When one doesn’t gather steam, they resort to another. But the closer they get to the release the more frantic they become. People that deny that are simply blind, or they also know how damaging it is going to be.

Wrong. Just so you are not allowed to further perpetuate your lie, there are tow memos. The bullshit memo doctored by Nunes, and the unedited version Democrats on the committee also want released.

Since you are so passionate about transparency, no doubt you want to see all of the information, including the unedited version right?

LOL, from a guy who thinks a Dossier that is completely uncorroborated is true.

What is the specific grievance highlighted in the memo?
You can't figure anything out while the corroborating information remains classified.

There will only be conjecture. Which of course is the actual intent.
Releasing NOTHING will get us no closer to releasing the corroborating information. You are advocating for giving us NOTHING.

BTW, what is the alleged problem?
That the memo is allegedly bullshit.

No, I'm advocating for the committee to do it's job to get to the truth and not selectively release information that will only serve to further obscure the truth. No truth can be garnered from incomplete information. Only conjecture. The truth is that there are well over 100 more pages of evidence that persuded the judge the sign off on the warrant.

The motives surrounding this memo are very much in question and it's really difficult to argue that it's about truth.

You mean the unsubstantiated Dossier paid for by Hillary? No thanks.

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????
the panic mode has set in. anything to keep it going and discredit this is now fair game.

maybe it's real, maybe it's not. but rest assured it's about to get ugly and people will be fighting for their lives shortly.

Precisely but skews will believe ANYTHING his side tells him, true or not. Schiff is a hack who is simply fighting a rear guard action. skews will freely quote kos and HuffPo but deride you if you quote any source he doesn't approve of.

Skews can't debate me nor can he open a dialogue because I would bury him under an avalanche of facts and data. Leftards here give me a wide berth because they can't refute the things that I post. Knowledge is a powerful weapon.

He is like this across several message boards, he wants to preach, not dialogue. His ONLY sources are kos and HuffPo.

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