Trump Faces Furious Backlash After Proposing Socialism Bailouts For His Oil Industry Buddies

The left and their so called hatred of the oil industry as they rely on it more than anyone.

Have to love the left.

The problem with most of them is they have no idea....about anything.

You think for instance this loser OP even knows how much he relies on the oil industry? Do you think he knows how much he relies on forms of fossil fuels?

Of course not. He is just a typical millennial (claims he is 62) who are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in history.

I heard my friends 9 year old son the other day ask what Bart Simpson was using to write on the CHALKBOARD in the opening scene. They have no idea folks. Every classroom is and has been computerized.

They sure have some nerve don't they? You think one millennial is fit to live in stone age conditions which is what the conditions would be if we got rid of fossil fuels as the millennials constantly call for.

Don't you just hate the left?
Bailing out the oil industry sounds terrible. We can be thankful that this is more liberal made up news from liberal anonymous sources.
The oil industry employs a great number of people. I don't want to see it collapse any more than I'd want to see the auto industry to collapse.
According to the Post’s report, the White House has been taking calls since Monday from concerned officials in the energy sector who are concerned about not only about oil prices, “but also privately warning against the administration supporting any sweeping paid sick leave policy.”

According to the Washington Post, the Trump administration is “strongly considering” federal assistance for oil and natural gas producers wracked by plummeting oil prices as a result of the growing coronavirus outbreak. But as soon as the news hit Twitter, President Trump’s critics see the potential move has just another example of “socialism” for the rich.

Brian Tyler Cohen


Holy shit. Trump is considering federal aid for SHALE COMPANIES. So excuse me if the next time I hear a Republican complain about SoCiaLiSm I tell them to go fuck themselves. …

White House likely to pursue federal aid for shale companies hit by oil shock, coronavirus downturn
The White House is considering including federal aid for natural gas companies as it seeks targeted help for certain sectors.


2:30 PM - Mar 10, 2020
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950 people are talking about this

Trump faces furious backlash after his ‘mind-bogglingly stupid’ plan to protect Big Oil from the coronavirus outbreak is revealed

It's all coming crashing down around these grifters now.
Ah more socialism for the rich and the corporations. His cultists will cheer this but dare mention taking care of everyday citizens ya know those that don't fund his reelection campaign and pad his bank account well then socialism is EVIL!
Nothing in 8 years? Don’t be silly.

Obama bailed companies caused of the recession.

Trump is bailing out farmers $28 billions in last 2 years (bigger than the auto bail out of Obama) CAUSED by his dumb Trade Wars. 2020 bail will be bigger for the farmers. And 20% of farmers filed for bankruptcy last year. All done by Trump.

Of course Trump boy will bail out the shale oil companies they are his best buddies. First thing he did when he won was to open up the national reserves parks and east/west coast to drill oil for his friends. Thank you lord the prices of oil did not reach over $120/drum.

Would you allow your oil stocks fall if you had it in your power to give away billions in taxpayer dollars to prop it back up?

Yeah, me neither but the Socialist Republicans will.

NO..... We can ALWAYS have oil even these gas companies will go bankrupt. Why? We can always buy them from overseas.

US Oil companies made profits here in US billions of $ every year.

Lower oil prices is always good for the consumers. But in an abrupt changes of oil prices like this is not good for the economy in the long run. Why? There are about 145k and 175k and 200k here and there working from oil extraction to oil refineries all over US. And other businesses associated with oil companies like trucking. Unemployments alone for these workers is a killer.

I agree it's not good BUT that's the free market, right? Why are the Socialists wanting to bail out the free markets?

Comrade Dopey Donald Trump is the bailer. Comrade Dopey Donald Trump has already made farmers socialist welfare recipients.

The biggest socialists on the planet are trump donors.

Their form of socialism will be dealt with soon enough.
Then your little commie butt should be wearing a MAGA hat...what are you complaining about?.....
According to the Post’s report, the White House has been taking calls since Monday from concerned officials in the energy sector who are concerned about not only about oil prices, “but also privately warning against the administration supporting any sweeping paid sick leave policy.”

According to the Washington Post, the Trump administration is “strongly considering” federal assistance for oil and natural gas producers wracked by plummeting oil prices as a result of the growing coronavirus outbreak. But as soon as the news hit Twitter, President Trump’s critics see the potential move has just another example of “socialism” for the rich.

Brian Tyler Cohen


Holy shit. Trump is considering federal aid for SHALE COMPANIES. So excuse me if the next time I hear a Republican complain about SoCiaLiSm I tell them to go fuck themselves. …

White House likely to pursue federal aid for shale companies hit by oil shock, coronavirus downturn
The White House is considering including federal aid for natural gas companies as it seeks targeted help for certain sectors.


2:30 PM - Mar 10, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

950 people are talking about this

Trump faces furious backlash after his ‘mind-bogglingly stupid’ plan to protect Big Oil from the coronavirus outbreak is revealed

It's all coming crashing down around these grifters now.

Yo, unemployable fucktard, if President Trump proposes something and you're against it.... by definition, I'm for it. I don't need details. I don't even need a brief overview of it. I'm just 100% for it.

By definition, it must be good for America. Sign me up.
This right here is the mentality of 99% of Trump cultists. They don't need to learn anything themselves they just follow their dear cult leader.
Comrade Dopey Donald Trump is the bailer. Comrade Dopey Donald Trump has already made farmers socialist welfare recipients.
Comrade Dopey Donald is going to win re election....Buuuaaahahahahaha
According to the Post’s report, the White House has been taking calls since Monday from concerned officials in the energy sector who are concerned about not only about oil prices, “but also privately warning against the administration supporting any sweeping paid sick leave policy.”

According to the Washington Post, the Trump administration is “strongly considering” federal assistance for oil and natural gas producers wracked by plummeting oil prices as a result of the growing coronavirus outbreak. But as soon as the news hit Twitter, President Trump’s critics see the potential move has just another example of “socialism” for the rich.

Brian Tyler Cohen


Holy shit. Trump is considering federal aid for SHALE COMPANIES. So excuse me if the next time I hear a Republican complain about SoCiaLiSm I tell them to go fuck themselves. …

White House likely to pursue federal aid for shale companies hit by oil shock, coronavirus downturn
The White House is considering including federal aid for natural gas companies as it seeks targeted help for certain sectors.


2:30 PM - Mar 10, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

950 people are talking about this

Trump faces furious backlash after his ‘mind-bogglingly stupid’ plan to protect Big Oil from the coronavirus outbreak is revealed

It's all coming crashing down around these grifters now.

It's the price war between Russia and the Saudis that is pushing oil prices down, the virus has very little to do with it. Of course you can't blame that on Trump, so the compost has to invent an alternate reality and you commies faithfully parrot it. Good job commie, you just love dancing to their tune, don'ch.


Falling oil prices has a lot to do with the virus.
Americans started not to fly, airliners started to limit their flights, dont go out and drive, cruises almost at stand still etc etc etc. Meaning less gas to use.

This virus will have a big impact in any kind businesses and will hurt just about every one.

5-8% down for the virus I'd buy, 30%, not so much.

Nothing in 8 years? Don’t be silly.

Obama bailed companies caused of the recession.

Trump is bailing out farmers $28 billions in last 2 years (bigger than the auto bail out of Obama) CAUSED by his dumb Trade Wars. 2020 bail will be bigger for the farmers. And 20% of farmers filed for bankruptcy last year. All done by Trump.

Of course Trump boy will bail out the shale oil companies they are his best buddies. First thing he did when he won was to open up the national reserves parks and east/west coast to drill oil for his friends. Thank you lord the prices of oil did not reach over $120/drum.

Would you allow your oil stocks fall if you had it in your power to give away billions in taxpayer dollars to prop it back up?

Yeah, me neither but the Socialist Republicans will.

NO..... We can ALWAYS have oil even these gas companies will go bankrupt. Why? We can always buy them from overseas.

US Oil companies made profits here in US billions of $ every year.

Lower oil prices is always good for the consumers. But in an abrupt changes of oil prices like this is not good for the economy in the long run. Why? There are about 145k and 175k and 200k here and there working from oil extraction to oil refineries all over US. And other businesses associated with oil companies like trucking. Unemployments alone for these workers is a killer.

I agree it's not good BUT that's the free market, right? Why are the Socialists wanting to bail out the free markets?

Comrade Dopey Donald Trump is the bailer. Comrade Dopey Donald Trump has already made farmers socialist welfare recipients.

The biggest socialists on the planet are trump donors.

Their form of socialism will be dealt with soon enough.

I wouldn't count on it. I see 2016 happening all over again. The Democrats are going to nominate another huge supporter of corporate Socialism. It's wrong in whatever form it comes in. I'll not be supporting it.
Would you allow your oil stocks fall if you had it in your power to give away billions in taxpayer dollars to prop it back up?

Yeah, me neither but the Socialist Republicans will.

NO..... We can ALWAYS have oil even these gas companies will go bankrupt. Why? We can always buy them from overseas.

US Oil companies made profits here in US billions of $ every year.

Lower oil prices is always good for the consumers. But in an abrupt changes of oil prices like this is not good for the economy in the long run. Why? There are about 145k and 175k and 200k here and there working from oil extraction to oil refineries all over US. And other businesses associated with oil companies like trucking. Unemployments alone for these workers is a killer.

I agree it's not good BUT that's the free market, right? Why are the Socialists wanting to bail out the free markets?

Comrade Dopey Donald Trump is the bailer. Comrade Dopey Donald Trump has already made farmers socialist welfare recipients.

The biggest socialists on the planet are trump donors.

Their form of socialism will be dealt with soon enough.

I wouldn't count on it. I see 2016 happening all over again. The Democrats are going to nominate another huge supporter of corporate Socialism. It's wrong in whatever form it comes in. I'll not be supporting it.

You can join Dopey Donald Trump in the poop-chute of history.
NO..... We can ALWAYS have oil even these gas companies will go bankrupt. Why? We can always buy them from overseas.

US Oil companies made profits here in US billions of $ every year.

Lower oil prices is always good for the consumers. But in an abrupt changes of oil prices like this is not good for the economy in the long run. Why? There are about 145k and 175k and 200k here and there working from oil extraction to oil refineries all over US. And other businesses associated with oil companies like trucking. Unemployments alone for these workers is a killer.

I agree it's not good BUT that's the free market, right? Why are the Socialists wanting to bail out the free markets?

Comrade Dopey Donald Trump is the bailer. Comrade Dopey Donald Trump has already made farmers socialist welfare recipients.

The biggest socialists on the planet are trump donors.

Their form of socialism will be dealt with soon enough.

I wouldn't count on it. I see 2016 happening all over again. The Democrats are going to nominate another huge supporter of corporate Socialism. It's wrong in whatever form it comes in. I'll not be supporting it.

You can join Dopey Donald Trump in the poop-chute of history.

Where are you going?
Trump Faces Furious Backlash After Proposing Socialism Bailouts For His Oil Industry Buddies

More corporate welfare. Fuck the deficit and national debt.
Democrats don't care about keeping our country strong. They only care about making Trump look bad. If they have to destroy our country in the process, they have no problem with that.

This country was and is strong. This country was and is great ......... before Trump. It is not because of inept and unfit POTUS.

Trump came in the best timing with good economy. Now he is fucking it up. Don’t blame the left when he is running the show. Making him look bad? He is doing that himself.

Good economy? while we are bailing farmers $28b last 2 years then bigger this year 2020. 20% of them filed bankruptcies a livelihood they had for generations just disappeared and at the same time prices of goods went up. This is just one example.

That is how this dumb president handling the economy.
The left and their so called hatred of the oil industry as they rely on it more than anyone.

Have to love the left.

The problem with most of them is they have no idea....about anything.

You think for instance this loser OP even knows how much he relies on the oil industry? Do you think he knows how much he relies on forms of fossil fuels?

Of course not. He is just a typical millennial (claims he is 62) who are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in history.

I heard my friends 9 year old son the other day ask what Bart Simpson was using to write on the CHALKBOARD in the opening scene. They have no idea folks. Every classroom is and has been computerized.

They sure have some nerve don't they? You think one millennial is fit to live in stone age conditions which is what the conditions would be if we got rid of fossil fuels as the millennials constantly call for.

Don't you just hate the left?

No and No.

I’m not sure you understand what you are saying. Why would we left hate the oil industry?

Are you saying the rights you has the only stakes like jobs, stocks and investments and interest in oil industry?

That’s laughable don’t you think.

What we don’t agree is how this inept president handling priorities and dependency.
Look at the bailing of farmers. High percentage or most of the money $28b went to the area (farmers) where he got most of the votes. Some didn’t get little or none. That is Trump.
The oil industry employs a great number of people. I don't want to see it collapse any more than I'd want to see the auto industry to collapse.

That is just what I just said. Truck driver alone. High percentage of the 1.8 Truck drivers million will be out of work.
I hate to see that happen.

Coronavirus: America's 1.8 million truckers at risk for coronavirus - Business Insider

America's 1.8 million truck drivers can't work from home and often lack health insurance — and that may stymie the fight against coronavirus
The left and their so called hatred of the oil industry as they rely on it more than anyone.

Have to love the left.

The problem with most of them is they have no idea....about anything.

You think for instance this loser OP even knows how much he relies on the oil industry? Do you think he knows how much he relies on forms of fossil fuels?

Of course not. He is just a typical millennial (claims he is 62) who are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in history.

I heard my friends 9 year old son the other day ask what Bart Simpson was using to write on the CHALKBOARD in the opening scene. They have no idea folks. Every classroom is and has been computerized.

They sure have some nerve don't they? You think one millennial is fit to live in stone age conditions which is what the conditions would be if we got rid of fossil fuels as the millennials constantly call for.

Don't you just hate the left?

No and No.

I’m not sure you understand what you are saying. Why would we left hate the oil industry?

Are you saying the rights you has the only stakes like jobs, stocks and investments and interest in oil industry?

That’s laughable don’t you think.

What we don’t agree is how this inept president handling priorities and dependency.
Look at the bailing of farmers. High percentage or most of the money $28b went to the area (farmers) where he got most of the votes. Some didn’t get little or none. That is Trump.
This is so fucking typical of the left. Here they are now denying they hate the oil industry?


Like they claim they are not for open borders.

Remember when I asked them what they would do about the well documented child smuggling on the border for sex trafficking, I hear silence. I mean separating the children from the accompanying adult until they are verified is one way.

They yelled racism racism racism...of course. Not one word on what they would do. They actually try to claim they are not for open borders.

Now, here they are claiming they don't despise the oil industry?

Holy shit, how they look at themselves in the mirror?
The left and their so called hatred of the oil industry as they rely on it more than anyone.

Have to love the left.

The problem with most of them is they have no idea....about anything.

You think for instance this loser OP even knows how much he relies on the oil industry? Do you think he knows how much he relies on forms of fossil fuels?

Of course not. He is just a typical millennial (claims he is 62) who are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in history.

I heard my friends 9 year old son the other day ask what Bart Simpson was using to write on the CHALKBOARD in the opening scene. They have no idea folks. Every classroom is and has been computerized.

They sure have some nerve don't they? You think one millennial is fit to live in stone age conditions which is what the conditions would be if we got rid of fossil fuels as the millennials constantly call for.

Don't you just hate the left?

No and No.

I’m not sure you understand what you are saying. Why would we left hate the oil industry?

Are you saying the rights you has the only stakes like jobs, stocks and investments and interest in oil industry?

That’s laughable don’t you think.

What we don’t agree is how this inept president handling priorities and dependency.
Look at the bailing of farmers. High percentage or most of the money $28b went to the area (farmers) where he got most of the votes. Some didn’t get little or none. That is Trump.
This is so fucking typical of the left. Here they are now denying they hate the oil industry?


Like they claim they are not for open borders.

Remember when I asked them what they would do about the well documented child smuggling on the border for sex trafficking, I hear silence. I mean separating the children from the accompanying adult until they are verified is one way.

They yelled racism racism racism...of course. Not one word on what they would do. They actually try to claim they are not for open borders.

Now, here they are claiming they don't despise the oil industry?

Holy shit, how they look at themselves in the mirror?

Really? Okay show me a proof:

1. Where the left hate and deny the oil industry.

2. Child smuggling border sex? What are you talking about Dude? Prove it.

3. Open borders? That is what hypocrite Trump trained you. Prove it.

4. Look in the mirror? Really? Did you tell that that hypocrite Trump about look at the mirror? His policies Buy Americans Hire Americans.

His products are made overseas and most of his employees at Maralago and vineyards are foreigners. He just laid off 7 illegals immigrants as late as last year 3 years in the office. START WITH THAT.

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