Breaking - Obama blasts police for baltimore's rioting blacks!!!

snicker ....Joseph Francis Farah is an American author, journalist and editor-in-chief of the conservative website WorldNetDaily. Farah was born in Paterson, New Jersey, on July 6, 1954, to parents of Syrian and Lebanese ancestry. His father was a schoolteacher. He graduated from William Paterson University, in Wayne, New Jersey with a B.A. in Communications. He is married to Elizabeth Farah and is a conservative evangelical Christian.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Yes, WTF. How does that give anyone the right to break the law, assault law enforcement officers, loot and burn private property? Goddamn your mind is warped.

I view a "warped mind" as one who defends police brutality as a "mistake," such as yourself. You sound to me like some authoritarian asshole who is nothing more than an apologist for police arrogance. Get real, moron.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Well you move to that city and become a CIVILIAN police office. let us know how it goes.
they pick and CHOOSE who they want to PROTEST over. How many other races has been done wrong in the mean time of this guy? or as with Brown, or with Trayvon Martin

this is all being PLANNED
Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.
That's exactly the point that I've been making for a long time now. Police are the problem, not the citizens. Mr. Obama hit the nail on the head. Police misconduct is causing citizens to revolt, riot, protest, and exhibit a lot of anger and frustration. What Mr. Obama failed to say, is that cops should be held accountable for their actions. He failed to address the injustices in our judicial system that gives police a free pass in 99% of the cases filmed and reported. We shouldn't blame citizens for speaking out about cops murdering citizens, beating them, raping them, stealing from them, and doing the exact same things that they arrest others for doing.

Yes, Mr. Obama was right, we do have a problem, and it's going to get worse, much worse, if cops aren't held accountable the same as everyone else. When we start seeing cops arrested,tried, convicted, sentenced, and placed behind bars, maybe the citizens will stop looting, burning buildings and cars, and destroying property. Mr.Obama was also correct in saying that this happens way too often, and it's become a national issue. Cops need to be put in their place, and made to answer for what they do.

They are wearing out their defenses "I feared for my life or safety", "he was reaching for his waistband", and other equally ridiculous excuses for cold blooded murder. They need to stop ganging up on an individual already handcuffed and face down on the ground, and stop talking to citizens like they're dogs. Straighten out the members of law enforcement first, then see if we have riots and protests in our streets.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Yes, WTF. How does that give anyone the right to break the law, assault law enforcement officers, loot and burn private property? Goddamn your mind is warped.

I view a "warped mind" as one who defends police brutality as a "mistake," such as yourself. You sound to me like some authoritarian asshole who is nothing more than an apologist for police arrogance. Get real, moron.

You're posts make me want to hurl.
Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.
did obama mention that baltimore is also run by democrats? the party that cares for black people?
Ah the smell of WND in the afternoon.

President Obama condemned the violence in Baltimore this afternoon, saying there is "no excuse" for the violence, looting and arson that followed the funeral held for Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old African American who died after suffering a spine injury in police custody earlier this month.

"They're not protesting, they're not making a statement, they're stealing," Obama said in a jointpress conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Baltimore Riots Obama Says No Excuse for Senseless Violence - ABC News

Don't bring FACTS into this discussion. It upsets the Obama Bashers.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?
Hey einstein. That's like blamiing WW2 on hitler's mother.

I would expect something like that from someone with a screen name of "Shoot Speeders."

In fact, your analogy is flawed. What a newborn child does with its life is unpredictable. What happens after the Baltimore police (or any police agency, for that matter) do something like they did in this case, is totally predictable.

Try again.
Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.

"""Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors."""
Read more at Where s Obama Throwing cops under bus again

He's stating the obvious. But don't let right wing bloggers deter your terminal case of myopia.

The chart below is just from 2012. Since then the murders of Jordan Davis, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Walter Scott and Michael Brown have fanned the flames.







29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon
29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police Security Since Jan 2012 16 Since Trayvon - Hip-Hop and Politics
Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.
did obama mention that baltimore is also run by democrats? the party that cares for black people?

ARE YOU KIDDING. OH it's just the POLICE that is the problems. Obama is an evil sob. and we still have another year and half under him. This country is going into the gutter by planning with this Presidents apporval
I remember way back in 2007 saying this asshole would be a disaster. I nailed it

You've nailed nothing, you simple-minded freak. Your posts are almost as empty as your head.

Is self-congratulation was a disease you would have died by 2007.
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If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Yes, WTF. How does that give anyone the right to break the law, assault law enforcement officers, loot and burn private property? Goddamn your mind is warped.

I view a "warped mind" as one who defends police brutality as a "mistake," such as yourself. You sound to me like some authoritarian asshole who is nothing more than an apologist for police arrogance. Get real, moron.

You're posts make me want to hurl.

Learn how to argue and them come back and try again.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Yes, WTF. How does that give anyone the right to break the law, assault law enforcement officers, loot and burn private property? Goddamn your mind is warped.

I view a "warped mind" as one who defends police brutality as a "mistake," such as yourself. You sound to me like some authoritarian asshole who is nothing more than an apologist for police arrogance. Get real, moron.

You're posts make me want to hurl.

Learn how to argue and them come back and try again.

Still hurling.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

We do not know wether the police acted inappropriately or not this point. And even if they did that is not aN excuse to riot. What we have here is an immoral culture, where it's acceptable to have a lot of babies and not take care of them, violence is acceptable, etc..
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Yes, WTF. How does that give anyone the right to break the law, assault law enforcement officers, loot and burn private property? Goddamn your mind is warped.

I view a "warped mind" as one who defends police brutality as a "mistake," such as yourself. You sound to me like some authoritarian asshole who is nothing more than an apologist for police arrogance. Get real, moron.

You're posts make me want to hurl.

Learn how to argue and them come back and try again.
go boss people around at the dailykos or Hufferpufferpost. they're more you're style
rude and a liberal nut job
So the bastard wants the police to stand down and allow Baltimore to be destroyed. I hate this president...What a piece of shit. Sorry, but he will be remembered as a shit starter and not so much for his good points in clean energy and obamacare.

He will be seen in the future as a asshole.

No Matthew...he has been seen as an asshole for damn near 7 years now. At this point, he is seen as a hemorrhoid upon this country.
Obama didn't throw the cops under the bus, not that they're blameless by any means, but neither did he really address the reasons the looting and riots could happen. It was one thing in New Orleans after Katrina because civil authority largely abandoned the city, but this really smacks of Watts during the 60s.

What you really need to know about Baltimore from a reporter who s lived there for over 30 years - The Washington Post
There literally are two Baltimores. And that's not to blame solely one party or the other. And, it's not just a political problem. However, if a kid finishes
high school and comes from poverty, he/she outta be able to try college without the absurdity of taking out a loan. Nothing should be free, but there are things like work study and summer jobs that kids can be pointed towards.

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