Breaking - Obama blasts police for baltimore's rioting blacks!!!

Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.
did obama mention that baltimore is also run by democrats? the party that cares for black people?

ARE YOU KIDDING. OH it's just the POLICE that is the problems. Obama is an evil sob. and we still have another year and half under him. This country is going into the gutter by planning with this Presidents apporval
well at least we dont have any black demorats running for prez in 2016. there goes about 10% of the votes.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Well you move to that city and become a CIVILIAN police office. let us know how it goes.
they pick and CHOOSE who they want to PROTEST over. How many other races has been done wrong in the mean time of this guy? or as with Brown, or with Trayvon Martin

this is all being PLANNED
conspiracy theory alert
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?

Well you move to that city and become a CIVILIAN police office. let us know how it goes.
they pick and CHOOSE who they want to PROTEST over. How many other races has been done wrong in the mean time of this guy? or as with Brown, or with Trayvon Martin

this is all being PLANNED
conspiracy theory alert

Says the far left drone..
Obama didn't throw the cops under the bus, not that they're blameless by any means, but neither did he really address the reasons the looting and riots could happen. It was one thing in New Orleans after Katrina because civil authority largely abandoned the city, but this really smacks of Watts during the 60s.

What you really need to know about Baltimore from a reporter who s lived there for over 30 years - The Washington Post
There literally are two Baltimores. And that's not to blame solely one party or the other. And, it's not just a political problem. However, if a kid finishes
high school and comes from poverty, he/she outta be able to try college without the absurdity of taking out a loan. Nothing should be free, but there are things like work study and summer jobs that kids can be pointed towards.

Ah yes, more free stuff. what's new from the liberal Washintoncompost. do those rioters look like college material? Seriously. They have all the same choices in this Country as the rest of the people. Nothing is EVER THEIR FAULT. so this is what we get. cities being burned down, a President blaming everyone but them and the beat goes on
Obama didn't throw the cops under the bus, not that they're blameless by any means, but neither did he really address the reasons the looting and riots could happen. It was one thing in New Orleans after Katrina because civil authority largely abandoned the city, but this really smacks of Watts during the 60s.

What you really need to know about Baltimore from a reporter who s lived there for over 30 years - The Washington Post
There literally are two Baltimores. And that's not to blame solely one party or the other. And, it's not just a political problem. However, if a kid finishes
high school and comes from poverty, he/she outta be able to try college without the absurdity of taking out a loan. Nothing should be free, but there are things like work study and summer jobs that kids can be pointed towards.

Ah yes, more free stuff. what's new from the liberal Washintoncompost. do those rioters look like college material? Seriously. They have all the same choices in this Country as the rest of the people. Nothing is EVER THEIR FAULT. so this is what we get. cities being burned down, a President blaming everyone but them and the beat goes on
If you thought I said it was not because they chose to not take advantage of what they had offered to them, then you misread. And, supporting public education is NOT GIVING SOMETHING AWAY FOR FCKS SAKE. google the GI bill.
What we have here is an immoral culture, where it's acceptable to have a lot of babies and not take care of them, violence is acceptable, etc..

What can you say of a culture that

1. puts down education

2. encourages fathers to abandon their kids

3. encourages welfare

4. glorifies prison life

Blacks complain about no jobs but who's gonna hire an illiterate ex-con?
However, if a kid finishes
high school and comes from poverty, he/she outta be able to try college without the absurdity of taking out a loan. .

Problem is most blacks who finish high school still can't read!! They got the benefit of affirmative action grading throughout their k-12 years. And colleges know this. So do employers.
Not surprising that the OP left out what Oblama really said about the situation...
However, if a kid finishes
high school and comes from poverty, he/she outta be able to try college without the absurdity of taking out a loan. .

Problem is most blacks who finish high school still can't read!! They got the benefit of affirmative action grading throughout their k-12 years. And colleges know this. So do employers.
Seems there are a lot of soldiers that are black that can read and write to pass the entrance exam given by the a human..
Ah the smell of WND in the afternoon.

President Obama condemned the violence in Baltimore this afternoon, saying there is "no excuse" for the violence, looting and arson that followed the funeral held for Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old African American who died after suffering a spine injury in police custody earlier this month.

"They're not protesting, they're not making a statement, they're stealing," Obama said in a jointpress conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Baltimore Riots Obama Says No Excuse for Senseless Violence - ABC News

Don't bring FACTS into this discussion. It upsets the Obama Bashers.

They are trained to ignore information that contradicts the world according to Faux and the Rabid Echo-Chamber
I am sure that cops feel that the system is a joke with the revolving door of jurisprudence....yet those in uniform are and must be held to a higher standard than their attempts to kill the problem...
Problem is most blacks who finish high school still can't read!! They got the benefit of affirmative action grading throughout their k-12 years. And colleges know this. So do employers.
Seems there are a lot of soldiers that are black that can read and write to pass the entrance exam given by the a human..

HAHAHA. Soldiers? You think that's the sign of a well-educated person? And besides - affirmative action grading is done by the military too though they won't admit it. Everywhere you look you see special treatment for blacks - and yet they're still failures.

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