BREAKING! Obama Judge Chutkan Denies Trump Discovery Request to Subpoena Jan 6 Committee Members and Material That WENT MISSING

Actually Trump got ALL of the January 6th committee transcripts, every darn one of them, which was pointed out to Trump's lawyers, who made false claims in court, that they didnt.

Once corrected in court on that they changed their tune and said they wanted certain video evidence from January 6th with no reason as to why it was important to his case. Trump team is behind on letting the judge know what parts of the discovery evidence in the transcripts turned over, and had not even gone through that yet and calling for more evidence when they had no reason for it being needed was then denied by the judge and seen as a stalling or fishing expedition, which is not allowed in the process.

When and if the trump team ever has reason for more evidence from the 1/6 Committee pertinent to his trial case, it won't be denied.
Constitutional right to face your accusers.
Actually Trump got ALL of the January 6th committee transcripts, every darn one of them, which was pointed out to Trump's lawyers, who made false claims in court, that they didnt.

Once corrected in court on that they changed their tune and said they wanted certain video evidence from January 6th with no reason as to why it was important to his case. Trump team is behind on letting the judge know what parts of the discovery evidence in the transcripts turned over would be used or needed and had not even gone through that yet and calling for more evidence when they had no reason for it being needed was then denied by the judge and seen as a stalling or fishing expedition, which is not allowed in the process.

When and if the trump team ever has reason for more evidence from the 1/6 Committee pertinent to his trial case, it won't be denied.
Your post is a gaslighting falsehood.
The point isn’t just getting transcripts of the stooge Democrap J6 Committee’s fake “investigation.”

What about all the questioning that took place prior to them getting trotted out for the show hearing? What about the notes and documents and related materials they provided?
The point isn’t just getting transcripts of the stooge Democrap J6 Committee’s fake “investigation.”

What about all the questioning that took place prior to them getting trotted out for the show hearing? What about the notes and documents and related materials they provided?
Good points!
Actually Trump got ALL of the January 6th committee transcripts, every darn one of them, which was pointed out to Trump's lawyers, who made false claims in court, that they didnt.

Once corrected in court on that they changed their tune and said they wanted certain video evidence from January 6th with no reason as to why it was important to his case. Trump team is behind on letting the judge know what parts of the discovery evidence in the transcripts turned over would be used or needed and had not even gone through that yet and calling for more evidence when they had no reason for it being needed was then denied by the judge and seen as a stalling or fishing expedition, which is not allowed in the process.

When and if the trump team ever has reason for more evidence from the 1/6 Committee pertinent to his trial case, it won't be denied.

Amendment VI​

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
The point isn’t just getting transcripts of the stooge Democrap J6 Committee’s fake “investigation.”

What about all the questioning that took place prior to them getting trotted out for the show hearing? What about the notes and documents and related materials they provided?
They got that, from what I've read.....

Amendment VI​

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
He has all that....

And he absolutely deserves to have it.....!
This is what you call judicial tyranny, folks. It's criminal lawfare in action. This is major grounds to dismiss the case.

Just because a ruling doesn’t go your way, doesn’t make it lawless, snowflake!
Actually Trump got ALL of the January 6th committee transcripts, every darn one of them, which was pointed out to Trump's lawyers, who made false claims in court, that they didnt.

Once corrected in court on that they changed their tune and said they wanted certain video evidence from January 6th with no reason as to why it was important to his case. Trump team is behind on letting the judge know what parts of the discovery evidence in the transcripts turned over would be used or needed and had not even gone through that yet and calling for more evidence when they had no reason for it being needed was then denied by the judge and seen as a stalling or fishing expedition, which is not allowed in the process.

When and if the trump team ever has reason for more evidence from the 1/6 Committee pertinent to his trial case, it won't be denied.
The point is to get her publicly denying due process. Doesn't have to be actual. It's a game and so far she's not playing too well. She looks every bit the biased magistrate they're painting her to be. She did make some comments early on to the affect that he should already be jailed.....not smart.
The point is to get her publicly denying due process. Doesn't have to be actual. It's a game and so far she's not playing too well. She looks every bit the biased magistrate they're painting her to be. She did make some comments early on to the affect that he should already be jailed.....not smart.
You think she is not aware of Trump's dirty tricks? We all know what he is trying to do, including the judges in the appeals court he's going to go to....know what he's trying to do...
Just another issue for appeal.

This Jamaican-born Marxist should be returned to her homeland.

And see:

Instead she gets to rule over Trumps case because immigrants have cucked you soft ass whites. :funnyface:
The federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s election subversion case in Washington, DC, denied the former president’s effort to subpoena records from the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.

In addition, Chutkan noted that Trump’s requested subpoenas lacked specificity about certain information he wanted, comparing the request to a “fishing expedition.”

“The broad scope of the records that Defendant seeks, and his vague description of their potential relevance, resemble less ‘a good faith effort to obtain identified evidence’” than they do a “fishing expedition,” Chutkan wrote.

'Fishing expedition': Judge denies Jan. 6 subpoena request

This bogus J6 investigation was wholly paid for by the US taxpayer. All that information should be public, especially to Trump's defense. Here we go with the establishment hiding facts again. MAGA
This is what you call judicial tyranny, folks. It's criminal lawfare in action. This is major grounds to dismiss the case.

Judge Chutkin should do the right thing and grant President Trump's request in spite of her politics that have no place in squelching men who have been lied about 3,000 times a day from an unjust, crooked press that take their Trump Derange Syndrome to the max. Why are the Democrat judges so bent on upholding the Democrat lies that run 10 hate-Trump lies per diem on 300-1000 tv stations that wants your child to change sexes that have uncountable suicides after they lose their true sex to an expensive operation the American taxpayers are forced to finance through taxes that are taken out of their paychecks notwithstanding, it would be illegal for taxpayers to force the government to give them their money back based on the original Constitution that said big government may not inflict taxes on America's working citizens. They used World War II to pick people's pockets for the rest of America's life so America could kill people in Europe. The Devil made them do it. Or did they do it all by themselves. :cranky:
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That is the way kangaroo courts work. These toads are out for political blood, not justice.
"Judge Tanya Chutkan on Monday denied Trump’s request, after his lawyers had asked the court in October to approve subpoenas for records from the National Archives and Records Administration, the House Administration Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, the Democratic chair of the House Jan. 6 panel, and others. Attorneys for Trump allege there are missing records from the now-disbanded committee that they would like for pretrial preparation. But members of the committee say there is no missing material"

Missing records?
How do Trump or his attorneys know records are missing?
Maybe Trump can provide them at the trial.
Constitutional right to face your accusers.

The members of the January 6th Committee aren't his "accusers". His staffers and the actual witnesses to his crimes are his "accusers". The American people are his accusers.

The members of the January 6th Committee have no role in this case. They're neither witnesses nor accusers. The only evidence they could provide is "hearsay" evidence. They can only testify to things they were told by other witnesses, none of which is admissable in court.
The members of the January 6th Committee aren't his "accusers". His staffers and the actual witnesses to his crimes are his "accusers". The American people are his accusers.

The members of the January 6th Committee have no role in this case. They're neither witnesses nor accusers. The only evidence they could provide is "hearsay" evidence. They can only testify to things they were told by other witnesses, none of which is admissable in court.
Why are the majority of Trump haters Democrats who harp on him who used his skills to employ a lot of Americans with better paying jobs.

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