BREAKING! Obama Judge Chutkan Denies Trump Discovery Request to Subpoena Jan 6 Committee Members and Material That WENT MISSING

This is what you call judicial tyranny, folks. It's criminal lawfare in action. This is major grounds to dismiss the case.

This guy is a clown. He will be overturned in the first real court this case gets to.
I’m not privy to all the information they had access to. My guess is that anything benefitting Trump was quickly swept under the rug and anything giving the appearance of impropriety was bought into the light.

Again, so what was the point of the Jan 6 committee? Funny that now that it doesn’t behoove you, you admit that they had nothing. Are you saying it was just another one of the witch hunts by the Democrats?

The point of the January 6th Committee was to:
  • find out how and why it happened
  • pass legislation needed to ensure it can never happen again
  • look for ways of improving safety and security for members and staffers if it does
  • making judicial recommendations to the DOJ where criminal wrong doing is found
The Committee produced a report supported by more than a terrabyte of evidence, all of which has been turned over to the Trump Defense. This includes correspondence, emails, text messages, meeting notes, copies of discussion memos on the Fake Electors Schemes, interviews, and affidavits.

In fact there was so much NOTHING, that Trump's lawyers tried to delay the Trial by saying they couldn't possibly go through all of this evidence before the Trial and they needed to delay trial.

Now Trump is trying to claim he's not being given enough evidence to build his defence. I read the filings and they just look like same shit different day for the Trump Campaign. These motions are bullshit. Pardon me, they're COMPLETE bulllshit. These are just more of Trump's usual legal tactics - delay, deflect, bury the other side in Motions.

Trump is up against an opponent with a unlimited resources and a rock solid case against him. His only hope is to run out the clock on the 2024 election. His only hope is to run out the clock to the 2024 election, and have Republicans win the election and either end his prosecution or pardon him.

Trump is the guy with NOTHING. Deperately trying to keep himself out of jail before the election.
The point of the January 6th Committee was to:
  • find out how and why it happened
  • pass legislation needed to ensure it can never happen again
  • look for ways of improving safety and security for members and staffers if it does
  • making judicial recommendations to the DOJ where criminal wrong doing is found
The Committee produced a report supported by more than a terrabyte of evidence, all of which has been turned over to the Trump Defense. This includes correspondence, emails, text messages, meeting notes, copies of discussion memos on the Fake Electors Schemes, interviews, and affidavits.

In fact there was so much NOTHING, that Trump's lawyers tried to delay the Trial by saying they couldn't possibly go through all of this evidence before the Trial and they needed to delay trial.

Now Trump is trying to claim he's not being given enough evidence to build his defence. I read the filings and they just look like same shit different day for the Trump Campaign. These motions are bullshit. Pardon me, they're COMPLETE bulllshit. These are just more of Trump's usual legal tactics - delay, deflect, bury the other side in Motions.

Trump is up against an opponent with a unlimited resources and a rock solid case against him. His only hope is to run out the clock on the 2024 election. His only hope is to run out the clock to the 2024 election, and have Republicans win the election and either end his prosecution or pardon him.

Trump is the guy with NOTHING. Deperately trying to keep himself out of jail before the election.
The sole point of the entirely partisan J6 Committee was to dump on Trump.

Lizardbitch is (as always) completely off the beam.
The point isn’t just getting transcripts of the stooge Democrap J6 Committee’s fake “investigation.”

What about all the questioning that took place prior to them getting trotted out for the show hearing? What about the notes and documents and related materials they provided?

They have been given both written transcripts, but also the video copies of all witness statements. Also, copies of emails, correspondence, text messages, and notes of meetings they provided as evidence. In all, over a terabyte of evidence.

There was so much of this stuff that Trump's lawyers asked for 2 years to go through it all.

". . . . a “rush to trial” that would violate his constitutional rights and be 'flatly impossible' given the enormity of the government’s evidence."

Now his constutitional rights are being violated because he doesn't have ENOUGH evidence.
They have been given both written transcripts, but also the video copies of all witness statements. Also, copies of emails, correspondence, text messages, and notes of meetings they provided as evidence. In all, over a terabyte of evidence.

There was so much of this stuff that Trump's lawyers asked for 2 years to go through it all.

". . . . a “rush to trial” that would violate his constitutional rights and be 'flatly impossible' given the enormity of the government’s evidence."

Now his constutitional rights are being violated because he doesn't have ENOUGH evidence.
Once again you expose your ignorance of our legal system.
I guess it’s possible. But given the way many of the Dems and so forth treat Trump, I kind of doubt it.
This isn't the Dems or Rinos in a congressional committee, it's a Special Counsel and Trial....not a political party....and in a trial, under the discovery process, ALL the witness testimony and interview transcripts had to be turned over to Trump's legal team.
This isn't the Dems or Rinos in a congressional committee, it's a Special Counsel and Trial....not a political party....and in a trial, under the discovery process, ALL the witness testimony and interview transcripts had to be turned over to Trump's legal team.
We know what the special persecutor was supposed to do. What we don’t know is whether he did it. And because I don’t trust those assclowns, I tend to doubt it.
I guess it’s possible. But given the way many of the Dems and so forth treat Trump, I kind of doubt it.
I doubt that even the special persecutor got all the required material from the fraudulent committee.
Yeah. Because they publicly admitted what we all saw them doing. 🙄

You idiot.

The purpose of the committee was what I posted. You haven't provided a link to prove the claims you pulled out of your ass.

The purpose of the committee was what I posted. You haven't provided a link to prove the claims you pulled out of your ass.

You’re a douchebag. We all know what the ”paper” purpose was supposed to be.

We all also know that it isn’t remotely akin to what they did and tried to do.

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