BREAKING: Obama Lied Under Oath

Why grand jury?

You're alleging that ANYTHING a president says is susceptible to a perjury charge? Even, like, in his sleep?

LMAO, get the fuck outta here.

yeah, solid argument if i ever saw one. good show, guvnor.

would set great precedent for everyone having to swear some oath of office.
What is it you don't understand? Obama knowingly mislead the public while under oath. It's not a hard concept to comprehend is it? Or you just trying to steer the conversation away from the outright lies Clinton and Obama have been feeding the American sheeple?

This is a big one I know, so flail away and distract from the more important message of the Obama/Clinton lies
i am on topic and want you to support your claim in your thread title. you on the other hand are known to be a gullible trumptard with zero capability to think for yourself.

if you were interested in real discussion, you could have framed this thread in a totally different way, rube.

i have an idea. delete this thread, and start again..
I'm having a real discussion as are some others. It's you who continues to flail in the outfield like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin.
no, YOU! anything else to add to your discussion about obama lying under oath? like an argument supporting your statement? or why the oath of office would qualify? did you ever post something of value on this board? sad. a disaster. make usmb great again-
Imagine if the Democrats went after Gerore Bush for lying about WMD's and getting us into Iraq. The way republicans have dragged out benghazi its been four years, and they're still rifling through her emails
They did you dumbass, but they found out he didn't lie. Even Hillary was saying the same thing.
You're alleging that ANYTHING a president says is susceptible to a perjury charge? Even, like, in his sleep?

LMAO, get the fuck outta here.

yeah, solid argument if i ever saw one. good show, guvnor.

would set great precedent for everyone having to swear some oath of office.
What is it you don't understand? Obama knowingly mislead the public while under oath. It's not a hard concept to comprehend is it? Or you just trying to steer the conversation away from the outright lies Clinton and Obama have been feeding the American sheeple?

This is a big one I know, so flail away and distract from the more important message of the Obama/Clinton lies
i am on topic and want you to support your claim in your thread title. you on the other hand are known to be a gullible trumptard with zero capability to think for yourself.

if you were interested in real discussion, you could have framed this thread in a totally different way, rube.

i have an idea. delete this thread, and start again..
I'm having a real discussion as are some others. It's you who continues to flail in the outfield like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin.

No, clearly you're trolling. You know what "under oath" means in the context of perjury and it has nothing to do with the oath of office. Or you don't, and you're just totally fucking batshit retarded (which I think we knew).

Read my OP. I don't mention perjury. You still don't get it and you call me batshit retarded. Thats rich :lol:
yeah, solid argument if i ever saw one. good show, guvnor.

would set great precedent for everyone having to swear some oath of office.
What is it you don't understand? Obama knowingly mislead the public while under oath. It's not a hard concept to comprehend is it? Or you just trying to steer the conversation away from the outright lies Clinton and Obama have been feeding the American sheeple?

This is a big one I know, so flail away and distract from the more important message of the Obama/Clinton lies
i am on topic and want you to support your claim in your thread title. you on the other hand are known to be a gullible trumptard with zero capability to think for yourself.

if you were interested in real discussion, you could have framed this thread in a totally different way, rube.

i have an idea. delete this thread, and start again..
I'm having a real discussion as are some others. It's you who continues to flail in the outfield like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin.

No, clearly you're trolling. You know what "under oath" means in the context of perjury and it has nothing to do with the oath of office. Or you don't, and you're just totally fucking batshit retarded (which I think we knew).

Read my OP. I don't mention perjury. You still don't get it and you call me batshit retarded. Thats rich :lol:

lol. reduced to this. then please assplain what you meant by "obama lied under oath". maybe your retarded souffleur can help you, but i doubt it.
You're alleging that ANYTHING a president says is susceptible to a perjury charge? Even, like, in his sleep?

LMAO, get the fuck outta here.

yeah, solid argument if i ever saw one. good show, guvnor.

would set great precedent for everyone having to swear some oath of office.
What is it you don't understand? Obama knowingly mislead the public while under oath. It's not a hard concept to comprehend is it? Or you just trying to steer the conversation away from the outright lies Clinton and Obama have been feeding the American sheeple?

This is a big one I know, so flail away and distract from the more important message of the Obama/Clinton lies
i am on topic and want you to support your claim in your thread title. you on the other hand are known to be a gullible trumptard with zero capability to think for yourself.

if you were interested in real discussion, you could have framed this thread in a totally different way, rube.

i have an idea. delete this thread, and start again..
I'm having a real discussion as are some others. It's you who continues to flail in the outfield like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin.
no, YOU! anything else to add to your discussion about obama lying under oath? like an argument supporting your statement? or why the oath of office would qualify? did you ever post something of value on this board? sad. a disaster. make usmb great again-
^^poor guy was triggered ^^

I added lots to my discussion you should read some of my brilliance. It's mind blowing.
yeah, solid argument if i ever saw one. good show, guvnor.

would set great precedent for everyone having to swear some oath of office.
What is it you don't understand? Obama knowingly mislead the public while under oath. It's not a hard concept to comprehend is it? Or you just trying to steer the conversation away from the outright lies Clinton and Obama have been feeding the American sheeple?

This is a big one I know, so flail away and distract from the more important message of the Obama/Clinton lies
i am on topic and want you to support your claim in your thread title. you on the other hand are known to be a gullible trumptard with zero capability to think for yourself.

if you were interested in real discussion, you could have framed this thread in a totally different way, rube.

i have an idea. delete this thread, and start again..
I'm having a real discussion as are some others. It's you who continues to flail in the outfield like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin.
no, YOU! anything else to add to your discussion about obama lying under oath? like an argument supporting your statement? or why the oath of office would qualify? did you ever post something of value on this board? sad. a disaster. make usmb great again-
^^poor guy was triggered ^^

I added lots to my discussion you should read some of my brilliance. It's mind blowing.

let me guess, you think you have the best words, right?

you are reduced to trolling and quacking, by a simple request to support your OP.

you need a safe space for your "discussion", apparently. there everyone can agree with your moronic propositions. here on usmb, where your voices count, you will encounter other posters who will not agree with your idiocy. that is the deal. horrific.
BHO has less than 100 days to go.

Why is everybody here still picking on him?

Is there going to be a last minute GOP sponsored impeachment like with Billy Boy and Monica?

I think not.

The GOP needs to present itself as sane in order to win Senate votes on Nov 8 in 2 more weeks.
More scandals ...this one will get it done better than "Obama lying under oath" seriously this time it will work .......Hillary is done

Alex Jones: Trump Was Set Up By CIA Operative Billy Bush

Top Trump ally Alex Jones on Billy Bush: "That guy is CIA just like the sun came up this morning."

Last edited:
Here are the dynamics which were set forth by Bill "gimmeablowjob" Clinton.

"During a televised speech, Clinton ended with the statement that he did not have sexual relations with Lewinsky. Further investigation led to charges of perjury and led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice."

Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia

You folks act like this has never happened before, the husband of the enabler Hillary was the one who blew it for subsequent POTUS.
What is it you don't understand? Obama knowingly mislead the public while under oath. It's not a hard concept to comprehend is it? Or you just trying to steer the conversation away from the outright lies Clinton and Obama have been feeding the American sheeple?

This is a big one I know, so flail away and distract from the more important message of the Obama/Clinton lies
i am on topic and want you to support your claim in your thread title. you on the other hand are known to be a gullible trumptard with zero capability to think for yourself.

if you were interested in real discussion, you could have framed this thread in a totally different way, rube.

i have an idea. delete this thread, and start again..
I'm having a real discussion as are some others. It's you who continues to flail in the outfield like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin.
no, YOU! anything else to add to your discussion about obama lying under oath? like an argument supporting your statement? or why the oath of office would qualify? did you ever post something of value on this board? sad. a disaster. make usmb great again-
^^poor guy was triggered ^^

I added lots to my discussion you should read some of my brilliance. It's mind blowing.

let me guess, you think you have the best words, right?

you are reduced to trolling and quacking, by a simple request to support your OP.

you need a safe space for your "discussion", apparently. there everyone can agree with your moronic propositions. here on usmb, where your voices count, you will encounter other posters who will not agree with your idiocy. that is the deal. horrific.
I know I have the best words and it is you who continues to troll me because you can't grasp a simple concept. You're still at it. Pounding on your keyboard to answer you when I already have 16 different times. 17 going to make a difference? Didn't think so.

Maybe one day when your out talking to yourself it will hit you...
i am on topic and want you to support your claim in your thread title. you on the other hand are known to be a gullible trumptard with zero capability to think for yourself.

if you were interested in real discussion, you could have framed this thread in a totally different way, rube.

i have an idea. delete this thread, and start again..
I'm having a real discussion as are some others. It's you who continues to flail in the outfield like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin.
no, YOU! anything else to add to your discussion about obama lying under oath? like an argument supporting your statement? or why the oath of office would qualify? did you ever post something of value on this board? sad. a disaster. make usmb great again-
^^poor guy was triggered ^^

I added lots to my discussion you should read some of my brilliance. It's mind blowing.

let me guess, you think you have the best words, right?

you are reduced to trolling and quacking, by a simple request to support your OP.

you need a safe space for your "discussion", apparently. there everyone can agree with your moronic propositions. here on usmb, where your voices count, you will encounter other posters who will not agree with your idiocy. that is the deal. horrific.
I know I have the best words and it is you who continues to troll me because you can't grasp a simple concept. You're still at it. Pounding on your keyboard to answer you when I already have 16 different times. 17 going to make a difference? Didn't think so.

Maybe one day when your out talking to yourself it will hit you...
your concession is duly noted and accepted, troll.

we can close the case then as you failed to even start to support your op. good show.
Here are the dynamics which were set forth by Bill "gimmeablowjob" Clinton.

"During a televised speech, Clinton ended with the statement that he did not have sexual relations with Lewinsky. Further investigation led to charges of perjury and led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice."

Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia

You folks act like this has never happened before, the husband of the enabler Hillary was the one who blew it for subsequent POTUS.
I think Gore blew it for himself (no pun intended) simply by being out of the country so much and trying to distance himself from the whole Monica affaire at the time.

Gore should have been more visible in defending the Democrat party from the excesses of Billy Boy, as it were.

As it was, this all spawned "W" the worst President since Carter.

So now the 2 parties are almost tied.

Worst GOP Presidents, in order:

Worst -- Nixon
2nd worst -- Ford
3rd worst -- W

Worst DEM Presidents:

Worst -- Carter
2nd worst -- the second Clinton term
3rd worst -- Truman
Right-Wing Media Revive Year-Old Story To Baselessly Claim Obama Lied About Clinton's Private Server
The OP
Claim Ignores White House Explanation That President Obama Was Aware Of Clinton’s Private Email Address But Not Her Private Email Server
Huff. Post Senior Editor Sam Stein: “The White House Has Already Addressed The Issue Of Obama's Discovery Of Clinton's Private Email Use.”

[Twitter, 10/25/16]

The White House Clarified This Issue In 2015: Obama Knew Of Clinton’s Email Address, But Not The Details Of Her System, Including The Private Server. From the March 9, 2015, press briefing by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest:

Q We heard from the President in his interview with CBS about this and he said that he first became aware of it in the reports last week. So I’m wondering if, implicit in that, is that the President and Secretary Clinton never emailed one another when Secretary Clinton was serving at the State Department.

MR. EARNEST: That may be one conclusion to draw from the President’s remarks, but it would not be an accurate one. The President, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with his Secretary of State. I would not describe the number of emails as large, but they did have the occasion to email one another. And the point that the President was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address -- he did -- but he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act. [The White House, 3/9/15]
Right-Wing Media Revive Year-Old Story To Baselessly Claim Obama Lied About Clinton's Private Server
The OP
Claim Ignores White House Explanation That President Obama Was Aware Of Clinton’s Private Email Address But Not Her Private Email Server
Huff. Post Senior Editor Sam Stein: “The White House Has Already Addressed The Issue Of Obama's Discovery Of Clinton's Private Email Use.”

[Twitter, 10/25/16]

The White House Clarified This Issue In 2015: Obama Knew Of Clinton’s Email Address, But Not The Details Of Her System, Including The Private Server. From the March 9, 2015, press briefing by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest:

Q We heard from the President in his interview with CBS about this and he said that he first became aware of it in the reports last week. So I’m wondering if, implicit in that, is that the President and Secretary Clinton never emailed one another when Secretary Clinton was serving at the State Department.

MR. EARNEST: That may be one conclusion to draw from the President’s remarks, but it would not be an accurate one. The President, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with his Secretary of State. I would not describe the number of emails as large, but they did have the occasion to email one another. And the point that the President was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address -- he did -- but he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act. [The White House, 3/9/15]
see, all cleaned up. :afro:
Right-Wing Media Revive Year-Old Story To Baselessly Claim Obama Lied About Clinton's Private Server
The OP
Claim Ignores White House Explanation That President Obama Was Aware Of Clinton’s Private Email Address But Not Her Private Email Server
Huff. Post Senior Editor Sam Stein: “The White House Has Already Addressed The Issue Of Obama's Discovery Of Clinton's Private Email Use.”

[Twitter, 10/25/16]

The White House Clarified This Issue In 2015: Obama Knew Of Clinton’s Email Address, But Not The Details Of Her System, Including The Private Server. From the March 9, 2015, press briefing by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest:

Q We heard from the President in his interview with CBS about this and he said that he first became aware of it in the reports last week. So I’m wondering if, implicit in that, is that the President and Secretary Clinton never emailed one another when Secretary Clinton was serving at the State Department.

MR. EARNEST: That may be one conclusion to draw from the President’s remarks, but it would not be an accurate one. The President, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with his Secretary of State. I would not describe the number of emails as large, but they did have the occasion to email one another. And the point that the President was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address -- he did -- but he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act. [The White House, 3/9/15]

This is fake. And a lie.

"Interview with CBS":rofl::rofl:

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