BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Rice is a henchman for Obama, always has been. If they tell her to lie, no lie is too big for her to distribute.
You don't have to release Classified Information to THE PUBLIC to damage President Trump's election campaign.

You simply illegally share your illegal intelligence with Hillary Clinton and let her know exactly what The Trump Campaign is discussing.

EXAMPLE: Let's say President Trump was planning a rally in California in a particular city. They pick a date a 2 or 3 months in advance. They don't plan on announcing this appearance until 2-3 weeks before.

This "Intel" is shared with Clinton and then she calls her Political Mobsters to arrange some Violent Protests at The Next Trump Rally, and they have plenty of time to organize, make signs, and make it look like a random grass roots protest, bus people in, & pay people to commit violent acts etc. They have months to do this, not just a couple weeks....months.

That is just one example of what seems to be something rather mundane that can be used to damage a campaign.

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign
BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Tweet Proves She Received Trump Tower Illegal Wiretap Intel During Presidential Campaign
Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary | Armstrong Economics
Clinton camp supports Electoral College members' request for intel briefings

No matter which way Lefty Tries To Cook This, It Comes up Smelling like a Shit Sandwhich for him.

This is what Losing Looks Like Lefty. Get used to it.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
it is no accident that every intelligence agency, and every major Democratic leader, has stated decisively that there was no collusion between the Trump Team and Russia to "cheat to win an election".

It is also no accident that you continually ignore them ---- without that lie, you have nothing to base your irrational hatred of conservatives on.
I have yet to hear any one say that Trump & his campaign did not collude.

You are the only one lying here.

No one has said they physically changed the actual vote. But they did alter the election through misinformation & hacking. They have all said that.

I have problems with you conservatives that are lying fucks.

Man up & tell the truth for a change.

There have been multiple accusations of collusion - yet, no collusion has been proven. In fact, it has been expressly denied by the intelligence agencies and congressional leaders.

Even though all that has happened, leftists continue to insist on more investigations to try to prove something that never happened ---- knowing that, even though nothing happened, the disruption and uproar can interrupt and circumvent the wishes of the voters who elected Trump.

As for your immature name calling, I trust you can do better than that.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
it is no accident that every intelligence agency, and every major Democratic leader, has stated decisively that there was no collusion between the Trump Team and Russia to "cheat to win an election".

It is also no accident that you continually ignore them ---- without that lie, you have nothing to base your irrational hatred of conservatives on.
I have yet to hear any one say that Trump & his campaign did not collude.

You are the only one lying here.

No one has said they physically changed the actual vote. But they did alter the election through misinformation & hacking. They have all said that.

I have problems with you conservatives that are lying fucks.

Man up & tell the truth for a change.

There have been multiple accusations of collusion - yet, no collusion has been proven. In fact, it has been expressly denied by the intelligence agencies and congressional leaders.

Even though all that has happened, leftists continue to insist on more investigations to try to prove something that never happened ---- knowing that, even though nothing happened, the disruption and uproar can interrupt and circumvent the wishes of the voters who elected Trump.

As for your immature name calling, I trust you can do better than that.

The investigation is ongoing. Obviously there are leads yet to be run down. Your line will only take you so far.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
it is no accident that every intelligence agency, and every major Democratic leader, has stated decisively that there was no collusion between the Trump Team and Russia to "cheat to win an election".

It is also no accident that you continually ignore them ---- without that lie, you have nothing to base your irrational hatred of conservatives on.
I have yet to hear any one say that Trump & his campaign did not collude.

You are the only one lying here.

No one has said they physically changed the actual vote. But they did alter the election through misinformation & hacking. They have all said that.

I have problems with you conservatives that are lying fucks.

Man up & tell the truth for a change.

There have been multiple accusations of collusion - yet, no collusion has been proven. In fact, it has been expressly denied by the intelligence agencies and congressional leaders.

Even though all that has happened, leftists continue to insist on more investigations to try to prove something that never happened ---- knowing that, even though nothing happened, the disruption and uproar can interrupt and circumvent the wishes of the voters who elected Trump.

As for your immature name calling, I trust you can do better than that.
I get it. You can claim that the agencies said there was no collusion. Without proof. Without a complete investigation.

Why did Trump lie about contact with his team & the Russians? Why did Manafort & Flynn gets key positions with their shady record with Russia?

Why can't your orange buddy produce the proof that he was wire tapped?
It is that conservatives must take back the high ground in this country, and get the Demon-crats respecting the fact that if they (the Demon-crats) want to contend with someone in a stupid idiotic way, then they will have to go down to the local psychiatric ward in order to contend with their own kind there, because the conservatives have had enough of the games being played on them, and especially by such crazies in life as the Demon-crats are now.
The high ground? Like the high ground that took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years?

The high ground that had a Republican President lie to go to war that killed 4600 soldiers?

The high ground where the President has admitted to groping women & saying it is OK for those with money to abuse women & them pay them money for their silence.

The high ground of cutting funding & regulations that will lead to polluted water, dirtier air, advance of global warming, poisons in our food supply - all in trade for corporate profits?

You lost any claim to the "High Ground" when you elected a phony liar, business cheat, woman groping, POS like Donald J Trump. You that voted for him own no high ground at all but bask in Trump's moral swamp.
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One." In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One." In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?
Do you know what facts are? Where are they?
I agree.
Explain how the Obama admin spied on Trump.
How was the unmasked information wrongfully obtained or used.
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One." In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?

Here is what we know

1) Members of the Trump team were picked up on Russian wire taps by our intel agencies.
2) Evidently the conversations warranted approval for the unmasking
3) Several of the Trump team members have a history of Russian contacts that were shady
4) It was worthy of Trump lying about these contacts
5) One such contact was just after Obama slapped additional sanctions on Russia for hacking during our elections and just before Putin decided not to retaliate, a rare action. What was said? Flynn lied about sanction talk.

But hey. Nothing happened. You know this because your orange buddy told you. Right?

Trump, Pence, Ryan should all go down for this obvious treason.
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One." In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?

Here is what we know

1) Members of the Trump team were picked up on Russian wire taps by our intel agencies.
2) Evidently the conversations warranted approval for the unmasking
3) Several of the Trump team members have a history of Russian contacts that were shady
4) It was worthy of Trump lying about these contacts
5) One such contact was just after Obama slapped additional sanctions on Russia for hacking during our elections and just before Putin decided not to retaliate, a rare action. What was said? Flynn lied about sanction talk.

But hey. Nothing happened. You know this because your orange buddy told you. Right?

Trump, Pence, Ryan should all go down for this obvious treason.
1. Yep, all president elects talk to foreign powers.
2. "Evidently" means you tripped over your dick again. You assume nefarious dealings.
3. History of shady contacts? It means what and proves what?
4. Where's the lie?
5. Putin would retaliate ...why? Obama was about two weeks from retirement and Trump wasn't buying the story.
6. So your facts are all based on assumptions.
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One." In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?

Here is what we know

1) Members of the Trump team were picked up on Russian wire taps by our intel agencies.
2) Evidently the conversations warranted approval for the unmasking
3) Several of the Trump team members have a history of Russian contacts that were shady
4) It was worthy of Trump lying about these contacts
5) One such contact was just after Obama slapped additional sanctions on Russia for hacking during our elections and just before Putin decided not to retaliate, a rare action. What was said? Flynn lied about sanction talk.

But hey. Nothing happened. You know this because your orange buddy told you. Right?

Trump, Pence, Ryan should all go down for this obvious treason.

Dang s0n.....all of your posts read like the kid sitting waiting for the Great Pumpkin to show up. Get some real responsibilities in'll be way too busy to be consumed by stoopid shit.:bye1: I saw some people on the right in here for 8 years doing the Great Pumpkin thing waiting for Obama to be impeached.:popcorn:
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One." In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?

Here is what we know

1) Members of the Trump team were picked up on Russian wire taps by our intel agencies.
2) Evidently the conversations warranted approval for the unmasking
3) Several of the Trump team members have a history of Russian contacts that were shady
4) It was worthy of Trump lying about these contacts
5) One such contact was just after Obama slapped additional sanctions on Russia for hacking during our elections and just before Putin decided not to retaliate, a rare action. What was said? Flynn lied about sanction talk.

But hey. Nothing happened. You know this because your orange buddy told you. Right?

Trump, Pence, Ryan should all go down for this obvious treason.
1. Yep, all president elects talk to foreign powers.
2. "Evidently" means you tripped over your dick again. You assume nefarious dealings.
3. History of shady contacts? It means what and proves what?
4. Where's the lie?
5. Putin would retaliate ...why? Obama was about two weeks from retirement and Trump wasn't buying the story.
6. So your facts are all based on assumptions.

Trump said his team had no contact with the Russians. The idea you don't know this tells me every think I need to know about you.

Flynn had numerous speaking engagements in Russia. In fact, he had been hired by Turkey to influence Trump. Manafort was paid by a high ranking
Ukrainian official with close ties to Putin.

Everyone expected some sort of retaliation. Never came. What did Trump's boy Flynn tell them.

Keep sticking your head in the sand. Your orange buddy is going down.
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?

Here is what we know

1) Members of the Trump team were picked up on Russian wire taps by our intel agencies.
2) Evidently the conversations warranted approval for the unmasking
3) Several of the Trump team members have a history of Russian contacts that were shady
4) It was worthy of Trump lying about these contacts
5) One such contact was just after Obama slapped additional sanctions on Russia for hacking during our elections and just before Putin decided not to retaliate, a rare action. What was said? Flynn lied about sanction talk.

But hey. Nothing happened. You know this because your orange buddy told you. Right?

Trump, Pence, Ryan should all go down for this obvious treason.
1. Yep, all president elects talk to foreign powers.
2. "Evidently" means you tripped over your dick again. You assume nefarious dealings.
3. History of shady contacts? It means what and proves what?
4. Where's the lie?
5. Putin would retaliate ...why? Obama was about two weeks from retirement and Trump wasn't buying the story.
6. So your facts are all based on assumptions.

Trump said his team had no contact with the Russians. The idea you don't know this tells me every think I need to know about you.

Flynn had numerous speaking engagements in Russia. In fact, he had been hired by Turkey to influence Trump. Manafort was paid by a high ranking
Ukrainian official with close ties to Putin.

Everyone expected some sort of retaliation. Never came. What did Trump's boy Flynn tell them.

Keep sticking your head in the sand. Your orange buddy is going down.
You failed to answer. Keep pounding your tonsils on your chocolate dildo.
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?

Here is what we know

1) Members of the Trump team were picked up on Russian wire taps by our intel agencies.
2) Evidently the conversations warranted approval for the unmasking
3) Several of the Trump team members have a history of Russian contacts that were shady
4) It was worthy of Trump lying about these contacts
5) One such contact was just after Obama slapped additional sanctions on Russia for hacking during our elections and just before Putin decided not to retaliate, a rare action. What was said? Flynn lied about sanction talk.

But hey. Nothing happened. You know this because your orange buddy told you. Right?

Trump, Pence, Ryan should all go down for this obvious treason.
1. Yep, all president elects talk to foreign powers.
2. "Evidently" means you tripped over your dick again. You assume nefarious dealings.
3. History of shady contacts? It means what and proves what?
4. Where's the lie?
5. Putin would retaliate ...why? Obama was about two weeks from retirement and Trump wasn't buying the story.
6. So your facts are all based on assumptions.

Trump said his team had no contact with the Russians. The idea you don't know this tells me every think I need to know about you.

Flynn had numerous speaking engagements in Russia. In fact, he had been hired by Turkey to influence Trump. Manafort was paid by a high ranking
Ukrainian official with close ties to Putin.

Everyone expected some sort of retaliation. Never came. What did Trump's boy Flynn tell them.

Keep sticking your head in the sand. Your orange buddy is going down.
You failed to answer. Keep pounding your tonsils on your chocolate dildo.
Answer what? Hiring people with shady contacts with Russia? You don't get the significance of that?

You really are quite the Trump voter.
You keep chanting your religious beliefs thinking it will become fact.

Do you know what facts are? Where are they?

Here is what we know

1) Members of the Trump team were picked up on Russian wire taps by our intel agencies.
2) Evidently the conversations warranted approval for the unmasking
3) Several of the Trump team members have a history of Russian contacts that were shady
4) It was worthy of Trump lying about these contacts
5) One such contact was just after Obama slapped additional sanctions on Russia for hacking during our elections and just before Putin decided not to retaliate, a rare action. What was said? Flynn lied about sanction talk.

But hey. Nothing happened. You know this because your orange buddy told you. Right?

Trump, Pence, Ryan should all go down for this obvious treason.
1. Yep, all president elects talk to foreign powers.
2. "Evidently" means you tripped over your dick again. You assume nefarious dealings.
3. History of shady contacts? It means what and proves what?
4. Where's the lie?
5. Putin would retaliate ...why? Obama was about two weeks from retirement and Trump wasn't buying the story.
6. So your facts are all based on assumptions.

Trump said his team had no contact with the Russians. The idea you don't know this tells me every think I need to know about you.

Flynn had numerous speaking engagements in Russia. In fact, he had been hired by Turkey to influence Trump. Manafort was paid by a high ranking
Ukrainian official with close ties to Putin.

Everyone expected some sort of retaliation. Never came. What did Trump's boy Flynn tell them.

Keep sticking your head in the sand. Your orange buddy is going down.
You failed to answer. Keep pounding your tonsils on your chocolate dildo.
Answer what? Hiring people with shady contacts with Russia? You don't get the significance of that?

You really are quite the Trump voter.
You keep reaching around for fresh poo trying to sell it. Typical lib, you think your poop doesn't stink.
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
Listen snowflake - this thread is about the highly illegal actions of Barack Obama and Susan Rice. If you want to whine about Trump, start a thread for it.
"did nothing illegal" means

1. every initial denial about Trump being spied on by Obama was a 100% intentional lie. Obama ordered the US intelligence assets to spy on Trump for no national security reason. It was 100% about getting Hillary elected and keeping the truth about Obama's multiple counts of treason regarding 911, Global Warming, and other frauds hidden.
2. Left wing liars will lie, spew hate, name call, and equivocate right to the bitter end
3. Susan Rice is an A-! scumbag with precisely no patriotism to the US, even as she received a lifetime of preferential treatment for her gender and skin color
Hisses the forum idiot who thinks Rice was in the CIA. :cuckoo:
Why did you think that Susan Rice was in the CIA? You just admitted you did (being that you are the forum idiot - just ask anyone).

I guess I shouldn't be surprised though. You didn't even know that the intelligence community is restricted by law from operating domestically. :laugh:

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