BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

You won't see Obama return to the USA anytime soon.

Apparently and conveniently he is at some tropical island that has no Extradition Treaty with The US. LOL.
Has obama decided to extend his stay on the island for six months?
There's still lots of potential 'pool-boys' to 'interview' and his book writer is going to have to 'rewrite' 2016 entirely.
Note to book writer: It's Susan Rice not Condoleezza Rice and Loretta Lynch is spelled with the
And 'Rhodes' is spelled with an 'h'.
So the FBI has to check with the WH to get those reports?

If the national security adviser directs masking, only the national security adviser can authorize unmasking. The FBI request for information would be received by NSA, and passed to the national security adviser for approval - NSA would do nothing without the approval from the national security adviser. In this instance, NSA has no decision making authority. Welcome to the wonderful world of bureaucracy inside the Beltway.
If the national security adviser directs masking, only the national security adviser can authorize unmasking.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Rice had to make a request to the originating agency to have reports unmasked. That means she does not have the authority to unilaterally unmask. It also means there is a protocol for doing so and would have had to meet the requirements for her request to be granted.

The NSA is not under the National Security Advisor, fool.

Here's some remedial reading.
What Is the Role of the National Security Advisor? - dummies

Rice is a henchman for Obama, always has been. If they tell her to lie, no lie is too big for her to distribute.
no she wasn't, that's just another routine lie, whose name did she release???

y'all clutching at every straw, and there will be plenty more as Trump nears conviction

"Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova."

Read more:

AND? You said they used it to influence the election. That's not true. The information wasn't leaked or even reported widely by the feds until AFTER the election.

You don't have to release Classified Information to THE PUBLIC to damage President Trump's election campaign.

You simply illegally share your illegal intelligence with Hillary Clinton and let her know exactly what The Trump Campaign is discussing.

EXAMPLE: Let's say President Trump was planning a rally in California in a particular city. They pick a date a 2 or 3 months in advance. They don't plan on announcing this appearance until 2-3 weeks before.

This "Intel" is shared with Clinton and then she calls her Political Mobsters to arrange some Violent Protests at The Next Trump Rally, and they have plenty of time to organize, make signs, and make it look like a random grass roots protest, bus people in, & pay people to commit violent acts etc. They have months to do this, not just a couple weeks....months.

That is just one example of what seems to be something rather mundane that can be used to damage a campaign.

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign
BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Tweet Proves She Received Trump Tower Illegal Wiretap Intel During Presidential Campaign
Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary | Armstrong Economics
Clinton camp supports Electoral College members' request for intel briefings

No matter which way Lefty Tries To Cook This, It Comes up Smelling like a Shit Sandwhich for him.

This is what Losing Looks Like Lefty. Get used to it.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
You won't see Obama return to the USA anytime soon.

Apparently and conveniently he is at some tropical island that has no Extradition Treaty with The US. LOL.
Has obama decided to extend his stay on the island for six months?
There's still lots of potential 'pool-boys' to 'interview' and his book writer is going to have to 'rewrite' 2016 entirely.
Note to book writer: It's Susan Rice not Condoleezza Rice and Loretta Lynch is spelled with the
And 'Rhodes' is spelled with an 'h'.
Funny chit coming from an Agent Orange voter. Whete is your orange buddy? Golfing? Watching TV? Groping women?
If the national security adviser directs masking, only the national security adviser can authorize unmasking. The FBI request for information would be received by NSA, and passed to the national security adviser for approval - NSA would do nothing without the approval from the national security adviser. In this instance, NSA has no decision making authority. Welcome to the wonderful world of bureaucracy inside the Beltway.
If the national security adviser directs masking, only the national security adviser can authorize unmasking.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Rice had to make a request to the originating agency to have reports unmasked. That means she does not have the authority to unilaterally unmask. It also means there is a protocol for doing so and would have had to meet the requirements for her request to be granted.

The NSA is not under the National Security Advisor, fool.

Here's some remedial reading.
What Is the Role of the National Security Advisor? - dummies

Rice is a henchman for Obama, always has been. If they tell her to lie, no lie is too big for her to distribute.
"Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova."

Read more:

AND? You said they used it to influence the election. That's not true. The information wasn't leaked or even reported widely by the feds until AFTER the election.

You don't have to release Classified Information to THE PUBLIC to damage President Trump's election campaign.

You simply illegally share your illegal intelligence with Hillary Clinton and let her know exactly what The Trump Campaign is discussing.

EXAMPLE: Let's say President Trump was planning a rally in California in a particular city. They pick a date a 2 or 3 months in advance. They don't plan on announcing this appearance until 2-3 weeks before.

This "Intel" is shared with Clinton and then she calls her Political Mobsters to arrange some Violent Protests at The Next Trump Rally, and they have plenty of time to organize, make signs, and make it look like a random grass roots protest, bus people in, & pay people to commit violent acts etc. They have months to do this, not just a couple weeks....months.

That is just one example of what seems to be something rather mundane that can be used to damage a campaign.

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign
BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Tweet Proves She Received Trump Tower Illegal Wiretap Intel During Presidential Campaign
Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary | Armstrong Economics
Clinton camp supports Electoral College members' request for intel briefings

No matter which way Lefty Tries To Cook This, It Comes up Smelling like a Shit Sandwhich for him.

This is what Losing Looks Like Lefty. Get used to it.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
Only a child still believes that there was collusion seeing as over a year of investigation and not a shred of evidence. I mean, if, after the first 8 months there was evidence, then the AG at the time would have done the right thing and pressed charges against the least one member of the team.....and that most certainly would have resulted in a Clinton win, no chance of an ACA repeal, and Garland as the SCOTUS nominee.

But no evidence. None. Zippo.

So grow up child.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Rice had to make a request to the originating agency to have reports unmasked. That means she does not have the authority to unilaterally unmask. It also means there is a protocol for doing so and would have had to meet the requirements for her request to be granted.

The NSA is not under the National Security Advisor, fool.

Here's some remedial reading.
What Is the Role of the National Security Advisor? - dummies

Rice is a henchman for Obama, always has been. If they tell her to lie, no lie is too big for her to distribute.
AND? You said they used it to influence the election. That's not true. The information wasn't leaked or even reported widely by the feds until AFTER the election.

You don't have to release Classified Information to THE PUBLIC to damage President Trump's election campaign.

You simply illegally share your illegal intelligence with Hillary Clinton and let her know exactly what The Trump Campaign is discussing.

EXAMPLE: Let's say President Trump was planning a rally in California in a particular city. They pick a date a 2 or 3 months in advance. They don't plan on announcing this appearance until 2-3 weeks before.

This "Intel" is shared with Clinton and then she calls her Political Mobsters to arrange some Violent Protests at The Next Trump Rally, and they have plenty of time to organize, make signs, and make it look like a random grass roots protest, bus people in, & pay people to commit violent acts etc. They have months to do this, not just a couple weeks....months.

That is just one example of what seems to be something rather mundane that can be used to damage a campaign.

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign
BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Tweet Proves She Received Trump Tower Illegal Wiretap Intel During Presidential Campaign
Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary | Armstrong Economics
Clinton camp supports Electoral College members' request for intel briefings

No matter which way Lefty Tries To Cook This, It Comes up Smelling like a Shit Sandwhich for him.

This is what Losing Looks Like Lefty. Get used to it.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
Only a child still believes that there was collusion seeing as over a year of investigation and not a shred of evidence. I mean, if, after the first 8 months there was evidence, then the AG at the time would have done the right thing and pressed charges against the least one member of the team.....and that most certainly would have resulted in a Clinton win, no chance of an ACA repeal, and Garland as the SCOTUS nominee.

But no evidence. None. Zippo.

So grow up child.
If Obama and Holder could have scraped up anything to leak to the WAPO/NYT/CNN/MSNBC that would have helped Hillary and harmed Trump they would have done so in a heartbeat.
If the national security adviser directs masking, only the national security adviser can authorize unmasking. The FBI request for information would be received by NSA, and passed to the national security adviser for approval - NSA would do nothing without the approval from the national security adviser. In this instance, NSA has no decision making authority. Welcome to the wonderful world of bureaucracy inside the Beltway.
If the national security adviser directs masking, only the national security adviser can authorize unmasking.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Rice had to make a request to the originating agency to have reports unmasked. That means she does not have the authority to unilaterally unmask. It also means there is a protocol for doing so and would have had to meet the requirements for her request to be granted.

The NSA is not under the National Security Advisor, fool.

Here's some remedial reading.
What Is the Role of the National Security Advisor? - dummies

Rice is a henchman for Obama, always has been. If they tell her to lie, no lie is too big for her to distribute.
"Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova."

Read more:

AND? You said they used it to influence the election. That's not true. The information wasn't leaked or even reported widely by the feds until AFTER the election.

You don't have to release Classified Information to THE PUBLIC to damage President Trump's election campaign.

You simply illegally share your illegal intelligence with Hillary Clinton and let her know exactly what The Trump Campaign is discussing.

EXAMPLE: Let's say President Trump was planning a rally in California in a particular city. They pick a date a 2 or 3 months in advance. They don't plan on announcing this appearance until 2-3 weeks before.

This "Intel" is shared with Clinton and then she calls her Political Mobsters to arrange some Violent Protests at The Next Trump Rally, and they have plenty of time to organize, make signs, and make it look like a random grass roots protest, bus people in, & pay people to commit violent acts etc. They have months to do this, not just a couple weeks....months.

That is just one example of what seems to be something rather mundane that can be used to damage a campaign.

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign
BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Tweet Proves She Received Trump Tower Illegal Wiretap Intel During Presidential Campaign
Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary | Armstrong Economics
Clinton camp supports Electoral College members' request for intel briefings

No matter which way Lefty Tries To Cook This, It Comes up Smelling like a Shit Sandwhich for him.

This is what Losing Looks Like Lefty. Get used to it.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
it is no accident that every intelligence agency, and every major Democratic leader, has stated decisively that there was no collusion between the Trump Team and Russia to "cheat to win an election".

It is also no accident that you continually ignore them ---- without that lie, you have nothing to base your irrational hatred of conservatives on.
I love this, a thread full of conjecture, just like the ones that Trump was in bed with the Russians and Obama was wiretapping Trump.
They need to change the name of this place. Change US Message Board to US Conspiracy Board. It's certainly much more appropriate.
Does anyone have all the facts on any of these conspiracies? No. They just have what they are being told by their favorite source for talking points or their biased news source or fake news.
This place is getting more and more bizarre and comical. People just can't wait until all the facts come out,so all we get are wild and crazy theories. Good stuff for humor, but bad stuff for any serious decisions.
It is all unraveling quickly for Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the Gang of Hate. You can already see Rice starting to throw Obama under the bus. She's not going to do time for anyone (nor should she if she was ordered to do this by Obama).

Could Barack Obama become the first president to go to prison for his actions as president?
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One." In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Only would a dumbass Trump Asskisser think that Obama would go to jail when Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

He hired Flynn to be his NSA whern he was caught passing our secret information & fired from the military, when he was working for a foreign government to influence Trump, when Flynn Lied overt & over.

What kind of fucking idiot has a fit about those who caught their hero chatting with Russians who were wire tapped.
Spare_change, post: 16963113
it is no accident that every intelligence agency, and every major Democratic leader, has stated decisively that there was no collusion between the Trump Team and Russia to "cheat to win an election".

What leaders said decisively that there was no collusion.

Every Dem leader and some Republicans want a Special Investigation into finding out whether there was collusion. Take it out of Congress.
CrusaderFrank, post: 16960487
Why was Obama spying on Trump back in June 2016?

He was not. You are a loser.

Trump was a public fool. No need to spy.

Just didn't think 70,000 people in Pa Mi and Wi would actually vote for a racist sexist stupid bumbling bumpkin.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Rice had to make a request to the originating agency to have reports unmasked. That means she does not have the authority to unilaterally unmask. It also means there is a protocol for doing so and would have had to meet the requirements for her request to be granted.

The NSA is not under the National Security Advisor, fool.

Here's some remedial reading.
What Is the Role of the National Security Advisor? - dummies

Rice is a henchman for Obama, always has been. If they tell her to lie, no lie is too big for her to distribute.
AND? You said they used it to influence the election. That's not true. The information wasn't leaked or even reported widely by the feds until AFTER the election.

You don't have to release Classified Information to THE PUBLIC to damage President Trump's election campaign.

You simply illegally share your illegal intelligence with Hillary Clinton and let her know exactly what The Trump Campaign is discussing.

EXAMPLE: Let's say President Trump was planning a rally in California in a particular city. They pick a date a 2 or 3 months in advance. They don't plan on announcing this appearance until 2-3 weeks before.

This "Intel" is shared with Clinton and then she calls her Political Mobsters to arrange some Violent Protests at The Next Trump Rally, and they have plenty of time to organize, make signs, and make it look like a random grass roots protest, bus people in, & pay people to commit violent acts etc. They have months to do this, not just a couple weeks....months.

That is just one example of what seems to be something rather mundane that can be used to damage a campaign.

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign
BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Tweet Proves She Received Trump Tower Illegal Wiretap Intel During Presidential Campaign
Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary | Armstrong Economics
Clinton camp supports Electoral College members' request for intel briefings

No matter which way Lefty Tries To Cook This, It Comes up Smelling like a Shit Sandwhich for him.

This is what Losing Looks Like Lefty. Get used to it.
And why would the Trump campaign be discussing their rallies with the Russians???????

I think the Russians were in charge of food for the Green Room.
Typical dodge from the Trump camp.

Why were so many in the Trump campaign & transition team, talking to Russians who our intel agencies were wire tapping? Why did Trump lie about this?

You can runb in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG Rice Rice" all you want. It does not excuse your orange buddy & his team from colluding to cheat to win an election.
it is no accident that every intelligence agency, and every major Democratic leader, has stated decisively that there was no collusion between the Trump Team and Russia to "cheat to win an election".

It is also no accident that you continually ignore them ---- without that lie, you have nothing to base your irrational hatred of conservatives on.
I have yet to hear any one say that Trump & his campaign did not collude.

You are the only one lying here.

No one has said they physically changed the actual vote. But they did alter the election through misinformation & hacking. They have all said that.

I have problems with you conservatives that are lying fucks.

Man up & tell the truth for a change.
It is that conservatives must take back the high ground in this country, and get the Demon-crats respecting the fact that if they (the Demon-crats) want to contend with someone in a stupid idiotic way, then they will have to go down to the local psychiatric ward in order to contend with their own kind there, because the conservatives have had enough of the games being played on them, and especially by such crazies in life as the Demon-crats are now.

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