BREAKING: Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 255,000 Ballots Unverified Voters!

Ah I knew you wouldn't wait. So predictable :)

Do you honestly expect a hyperpartisan MSM wholly in bed with the Democrat Party to report anything that makes Democrats look bad until they absolutely have to? At least Fox, OAN, Newsmax all report the good and bad of both parties. The leftist alphabet media does not report much if any negatives re the left and goes all out to emphasize the sins of the right. And of course the dedicated leftwing sites would never report on problems with elections if it in any way makes a Democrat look incompetent or dishonest.

But here's another link for the latest 'oops' in Pennsylvania I posted here. Do you want to say Newsweek is a rightwing or Republican source?

Do you really believe that many people voted, White? Seriously? For Joe Biden? The dumbest man to sit in the Senate for the past forty years and the man who even Barack Obama said we shouldn't underestimate his ability to F things up? No way to prove it because things WEREN'T being watched but this time it's going to be harder to stuff ballot boxes!
I suspect, the turn-out was to make sure we didn't get Trump, not as a raving endorsement of Joe, but because Donney's presidency had a foul odor he brought with him due to his character and carried through his years in office, never the man for the job.
I suspect, the turn-out was to make sure we didn't get Trump, not as a raving endorsement of Joe, but because Donney's presidency had a foul odor he brought with him due to his character and carried through his years in office, never the man for the job.
And that's your argument for not wanting to make it harder to cheat in U.S. election?
I suspect, the turn-out was to make sure we didn't get Trump, not as a raving endorsement of Joe, but because Donney's presidency had a foul odor he brought with him due to his character and carried through his years in office, never the man for the job.
Yet "Donny" got millions more votes THAT time around then he did against Hillary? Come on, know those numbers were suspect from the moment they were totalled! Do you really "suspect" that Joe Biden (the idiot!) got more votes than anyone in US history simply because people didn't like Trump? Sorry but I'll never buy that narrative. Nobody will ever prove it but Covid allowed Democrats to change the way we voted and it was never secure.
And that's your argument for not wanting to make it harder to cheat in U.S. election?
No. You thought that was an argument for that cause? How bizarre! I never said there was cheating that could have possibly changed the election in the first place. That is an unproven Trumper theory, at this point, a mere conspiracy theory, trotted out to jerk off around, like some kind of election porn, doing nothing for anyone, but getting you excited in wasted effort. Much ado about nothing.
Yet "Donny" got millions more votes THAT time around then he did against Hillary? Come on, know those numbers were suspect from the moment they were totalled! Do you really "suspect" that Joe Biden (the idiot!) got more votes than anyone in US history simply because people didn't like Trump? Sorry but I'll never buy that narrative. Nobody will ever prove it but Covid allowed Democrats to change the way we voted and it was never secure.
Well, since you admit, nobody will ever prove it, you ought to just give up on me believing without proof that an election was stolen, especially as many of the chosen solutions put forth and even attempted have been based on throwing out the constitution, and ignoring the rule of law. I took an oath to the constitution, and unlike trumpers, I hold to oaths or don't take them. Conservatives are very resistant to change. Just ask my wife of almost 48 years. You guys need to move on from me to easier pickens.

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And they wonder why there is concern among honorable citizens that an election could be stolen and both registrations and voting policies should be tightened enough to make that very difficult to do.

Just a few recent examples of why there is a problem:

240,000 unverified ballots sent out in Pennsylvania

30,000 ballots sent to noncitizens in Colorado

In New Mexico you can register to vote and vote on election day and no photo ID is required for either. What could possibly go wrong?
Cheating is a feature, not a bug....

Ah I knew you wouldn't wait. So predictable :)

Do you honestly expect a hyperpartisan MSM wholly in bed with the Democrat Party to report anything that makes Democrats look bad until they absolutely have to? At least Fox, OAN, Newsmax all report the good and bad of both parties. The leftist alphabet media does not report much if any negatives re the left and goes all out to emphasize the sins of the right. And of course the dedicated leftwing sites would never report on problems with elections if it in any way makes a Democrat look incompetent or dishonest.

But here's another link for the latest 'oops' in Pennsylvania I posted here. Do you want to say Newsweek is a rightwing or Republican source?

You said to check Google. I did.

That is Google search.

Ah I knew you wouldn't wait. So predictable :)

Do you honestly expect a hyperpartisan MSM wholly in bed with the Democrat Party to report anything that makes Democrats look bad until they absolutely have to? At least Fox, OAN, Newsmax all report the good and bad of both parties. The leftist alphabet media does not report much if any negatives re the left and goes all out to emphasize the sins of the right. And of course the dedicated leftwing sites would never report on problems with elections if it in any way makes a Democrat look incompetent or dishonest.

But here's another link for the latest 'oops' in Pennsylvania I posted here. Do you want to say Newsweek is a rightwing or Republican source?

That is from 2020.

Try again.
You said to check Google. I did.

That is Google search.

That is from 2020.

Try again.
It is one of the MANY MANY screwups, accidents, or deliberate fraud that occurred in the 2020 election. Therefore it is valid for this thread. Was it sufficient to change the results of the election? A LOT of improper and fraudulent ballots were identified but those were not enough to change the outcome. But all the ballots that could not be verified but were counted because the evidence was destroyed. . .who knows?

We need serious reform in our election processes and laws so that there is no question on either side as to who won.
Cheating is a feature, not a bug....

Yes I've seen that reported by others. It is not proof that the machines WERE compromised, but only that knowledgeable people could compromise them if they wanted to. That's why I want to take the machines out of the equation altogether. Not because there is clear evidence of fraud, but I never know whether my vote is counted. I want a system in which I can be sure.
No. You thought that was an argument for that cause? How bizarre! I never said there was cheating that could have possibly changed the election in the first place. That is an unproven Trumper theory, at this point, a mere conspiracy theory, trotted out to jerk off around, like some kind of election porn, doing nothing for anyone, but getting you excited in wasted effort. Much ado about nothing.
The thread is about election security and why it is needed. I just figured you knew that. The OP has nothing to do with any theories re Trump, but only that things are happening that give any thinking person pause as to how honest and/or accurate our elections are.

I think any honorable America would want a voter registration system and voting process in which ALL Americans regardless of political leanings could be confident that the vote was honest and accurately counted as much as is humanly possible to make it be.
It is one of the MANY MANY screwups, accidents, or deliberate fraud that occurred in the 2020 election. Therefore it is valid for this thread. Was it sufficient to change the results of the election? A LOT of improper and fraudulent ballots were identified but those were not enough to change the outcome. But all the ballots that could not be verified but were counted because the evidence was destroyed. . .who knows?

We need serious reform in our election processes and laws so that there is no question on either side as to who won.
It is not valid. That was then, it was addressed.

You are not able to prove that the current allegation is a valid one as it does not appear on any non partisan Republican online site.

I am moving on. Thank you.
It is not valid. That was then, it was addressed.

You are not able to prove that the current allegation is a valid one as it does not appear on any non partisan Republican online site.

I am moving on. Thank you.

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