BREAKING: Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 255,000 Ballots Unverified Voters!

I did. It's on several. Google says they removed several links. Don't know if those were MSM or not.

See Post #11

The Colorado story is being carried by the MSM

Pennsylvania is also counting improperly filled out mail in ballots despite a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that those ballots by Pennsylvania law should be ruled invalid.
I did not see the several. Only on the one you posted, and Google said nothing of the kind, where I saw it.

Could you post the links of some of the other ones you found?
And they wonder why there is concern among honorable citizens that an election could be stolen and both registrations and voting policies should be tightened enough to make that very difficult to do.

Just a few recent examples of why there is a problem:

240,000 unverified ballots sent out in Pennsylvania

30,000 ballots sent to noncitizens in Colorado

In New Mexico you can register to vote and vote on election day and no photo ID is required for either. What could possibly go wrong?
Get back to us when any of these mistakes result in voter fraud.
Zero consequences when they steal elections . That's why they continue to do it.
In truth I can't say the 2020 election was stolen because so much evidence was destroyed there is no way to prove the results of that election one way or the other. I have accepted that Congress certified the results and, according to our Constitution, right or wrong that's that.

But what investigation/audits were done showed sufficient problems, irregularities, downright fraud that this should be of concern to EVERY honorable American regardless of political affiliation. But the Democrats won so they say its evil to even question it.

I guarantee you that if Trump or a Republican majority in Congress had won, the Democrats would still be screaming fraud just as they never accepted the results of the 2000 election.
These "news" does not appear anywhere else. It is posted by a very Republican bias site.

Daily Signal Bias and Reliability - Ad Fontes Media › daily-signal-bias-and-reliab...

Ad Fontes Media rates Daily Signal in the Hyper-Partisan Right category of bias and as Mixed Reliability/Opinion OR Other Issues in terms of reliability. Daily ...

The Daily Signal Media Bias and Accuracy - Biasly › sources › the-daily-signal-bias...

Biasly's media bias rating for The Daily Signal shows a bias score of conservative. These ratings are based on hundreds of articles evaluated by our ...

So, if it appears ONLY on one Republican leaning site, could it ever be true?
This is the ultimate ad hominem. You have not discredited anything.
I did not see the several. Only on the one you posted, and Google said nothing of the kind, where I saw it.

Could you post the links of some of the other ones you found?
See Post #11
Is your Google broken fucktard?

Try it
It apparently is. I think everybody else here could put it in their browser and come up with numerous links as well as the google statement that some links have been removed.
It apparently is. I think everybody else here could put it in their browser and come up with numerous links as well as the google statement that some links have been removed.
I saw it on the news last night. He just can't deal with the fact that we're on to their cheating.
And make no mistake, none of those incidents were "accidents" or "mistakes"
They fully intend to cheat
Not after the GOP takes the house....
Yes. Even if the GOP has the House and Senate, the White House still controls the DOJ. All the Republicans can do is refuse to pass more damaging legislation the Democrats put out there. But they have no authority to arrest or indict.

So whatever deep state operatives are pulling Biden's marionette strings, any election reform or other good legislation the GOP puts out there will be vetoed. That can't happen until we have a GOP Congress AND White House. And the GOP Congress has to have some balls and integrity instead of wimping out on the tough decisions.
See Post #11
Any of the sites which posted this "news" is a reliable source?

Why aren't NBC, ABC, Reuters, AP, NPR and all others around the world also posting an article about it?

Why ONLY Republican leaning sites like Getaway Pundit and others?

Anyone has an answer?
I saw it on the news last night. He just can't deal with the fact that we're on to their cheating.
And make no mistake, none of those incidents were "accidents" or "mistakes"
They fully intend to cheat
Whether intentional or incompetence or just a 'glitch in the system', it underscores why our election laws need and overhaul to remove as much opportunity to cheat or make those kinds of errors as possible.
Any of the sites which posted this "news" is a reliable source?

Why aren't NBC, ABC, Reuters, AP, NPR and all others around the world also posting an article about it?

Why ONLY Republican leaning sites like Getaway Pundit and others?

Anyone has an answer?
Your efforts to derail the thread are pretty obvious. Again if you can refute the information--you're obviously not reading what others are posting here--go for it. If you can't then the problem is fair game for reasoned discussion.
Yes. Even if the GOP has the House and Senate, the White House still controls the DOJ. All the Republicans can do is refuse to pass more damaging legislation the Democrats put out there. But they have no authority to arrest or indict.

So whatever deep state operatives are pulling Biden's marionette strings, any election reform or other good legislation the GOP puts out there will be vetoed. That can't happen until we have a GOP Congress AND White House. And the GOP Congress has to have some balls and integrity instead of wimping out on the tough decisions.
There are already plans to impeach Garland and Mayorkas for dereliction of duty... Schumer and Pelosi did us a big favor by financing MAGA candidates... Some say McConnell will have a battle to keep his position as senate leader due to all the senate MAGA candidates who look like they will win next week...
Your efforts to derail the thread are pretty obvious. Again if you can refute the information--you're obviously not reading what others are posting here--go for it. If you can't then the problem is fair game for reasoned discussion.
Do I need to refute the information if ONLY Republican leaning sites are spreading it?

It is self refutable. :)

When I see REAL news agencies posting this, I will come here and apologize. :)
Any of the sites which posted this "news" is a reliable source?

Why aren't NBC, ABC, Reuters, AP, NPR and all others around the world also posting an article about it?

Why ONLY Republican leaning sites like Getaway Pundit and others?

Anyone has an answer?
Because NBC et al are also biased in their reporting. They will ignore stories that harm their intended Democrat Party narrative. This has been proven true for decades.

So, the question should not be about who is NOT reporting it. You should ask yourself if the report is true. it? What makes you say it is not true, if that is your position?

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