Breaking! Person Who Filed Complaint Regarding Trump's Phone Call Is CIA Officer Friend Of Brennan

Treason is only a consideration in the event of war...but the punishment for treason is death.

The President is threatening death to the Whistleblower.
If that isn't witness intimidation...and impeachable on it's own.....
Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush. The guy apparently was detailed to spy in the West Wing.

Report: Federal Worker Who Made Complaint Is CIA Officer

the whistle blower is just a patsy. A "Blassy Ford" type who presented a statement written by Brennon. This will get worse. One thing for sure, Trump needs to threaten to support any primary challenger one of the republicans face this election if they don't start putting an end to this crap.
One thing for sure, Trump needs to threaten to support any primary challenger one of the republicans face this election if they don't start putting an end to this crap.
Let's hope he does, everyone he gets primaried will be a seat he LOOSES!
Obama, Roaenstein, Brennan, Clapper, and Comey illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, UNITED STATE SENATORS, UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, political opposition in a Presidential election, and a PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...

There has never Benn more of a rogue, Constitution / Law violating Presidential administration in the history of the United States, and that included Bill Clinton's administration when he collected FBI files on his 'enemies'.

Brennan himself, to avoid indictment and going to prison, was forced to appear before Congress and to lying under oath before Congress about illegal spying, forced to admit he spied on US Senators, and vowed he would never do it again.
- He lied. He broke his word / the agreement / the deal he made to keep from going to prison. As such, he should have gone to prison.

It is beyond naive to think the CIA that was proven to be part of Obama's failed coup attempt just happened to have an agent specially trained in European, especially Ukraine, politics/ops in the WH ... not much else is known about him, & as soon as he turned whistle blower he returns to the CIA.

At this point, I just hope there are a few AMERICANS at the head of the intel agencies. I wonder how many of these brown shirt clowns are in positions of power? I never thought I would see these agencies attack a US President, and I certainly never thought the media would cover for them.
One thing for sure, Trump needs to threaten to support any primary challenger one of the republicans face this election if they don't start putting an end to this crap.
Let's hope he does, everyone he gets primaried will be a seat he LOOSES!

Matters not as they are already empty seats anyway, and it's not likely that a libtard would beat the republican that loses the primary.
Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush. The guy apparently was detailed to spy in the West Wing.

Report: Federal Worker Who Made Complaint Is CIA Officer
You just had to know this was how it was going to end.

And dude, I don't believe for a minute you are a Trump Supporter. Trump and David Duke hate each other, and honestly it disgusts me that you promote David Duke.

I know KKK scum's tactics & one of them is to pretend to support a candidate that they actually don't like and attempt to get him branded as a racist to hurt their chances at being elected.

This is what I assume you are doing.

If you are a Trump Supporter, you should reject racism. There is no room for that in America or The GOP.

The Democrats are the racist and anti-rights. They want to destroy the Constitution. Liberals are the racist

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Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush. The guy apparently was detailed to spy in the West Wing.

Report: Federal Worker Who Made Complaint Is CIA Officer
You just had to know this was how it was going to end.

And dude, I don't believe for a minute you are a Trump Supporter. Trump and David Duke hate each other, and honestly it disgusts me that you promote David Duke.

I know KKK scum's tactics & one of them is to pretend to support a candidate that they actually don't like and attempt to get him branded as a racist to hurt their chances at being elected.

This is what I assume you are doing.

If you are a Trump Supporter, you should reject racism. There is no room for that in America or The GOP.

The Democrats are the racist and anti-rights. They want to destroy the Constitution. Liberals are the racist

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Left wingers are not liberals.

Far from it.
I see The Little Trumpsters are in the panic mode of delusion and denial.
Below is a link to Trump appointee Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson's letter regarding Ukraine-gate. The letter demolishes the many theories on this thread. I know this link to reality involves actually reading. Surely, there is at least one or maybe two Little Trumpsters that have the ambition to actually read the complete letter.
What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
Because the POTUS is above the law???

Because The POTUS is not subject to the Whistle Blower Statute.
Newsflash...the whistleblower did everything by the letter of the law...and the IC Inspector General found the complaint "urgent and credible"
Except that the 'whistle blower' does not have 1st-hand account information, is politically biased, supports Biden, and is a employee of the CIA / former CIA Director and failed Obama coup conspirator Brennan...and the Ukraine PM and another Ukraine official has declared 'no pressure / no quid pro quo....

Other than those things, it is incredibly 'urgent'...

What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
Because the POTUS is above the law???

Not since 2016.
What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
Because the POTUS is above the law???

Because The POTUS is not subject to the Whistle Blower Statute.
Minor point at such a moment.

The President has once again played dirty getting oppo against an opponent, just like he tried in 2016 with the Russians at the Trump Tower meeting. It's another campaign year and he's at it again. No difference. We let him get away with it last time; I see no reason why he shouldn't get away with it again. He gets to do pretty much whatever he likes, thanks to the Republican party which has the morals of a sewer rat and will let him do anything if it keeps them in power.
What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
Because the POTUS is above the law???

Because The POTUS is not subject to the Whistle Blower Statute.
Minor point at such a moment.

The President has once again played dirty getting oppo against an opponent, just like he tried in 2016 with the Russians at the Trump Tower meeting. It's another campaign year and he's at it again. No difference. We let him get away with it last time; I see no reason why he shouldn't get away with it again. He gets to do pretty much whatever he likes, thanks to the Republican party which has the morals of a sewer rat and will let him do anything if it keeps them in power.

Major Point actually.
There is no once again.
The Great and Powerful Mueller Declared that no US Citizen worked with a foreign country in 2016.
The rest of your post is really just nonsense.
Just curious...what is 'biased' about pointing out that the 2nd-hand account whistle blower is a politically-biased, left-leaning, Biden-supporting, little-known CIA Operative specially trained in European/Ukraine Ops who was at the WH for a short time and returned to the CIA after filing his 2nd-hand whistle blower complaint?

If all of the above was substantiated, I have read in quite a few media sources that it has been, how is that 'biased', except maybe that it makes the whole 'whistle blower' narrative and complaint smell like a two-week-old dead fish left in the back seat of a hot car with the windows rolled up in Texas in the middle of August?


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