Breaking! Person Who Filed Complaint Regarding Trump's Phone Call Is CIA Officer Friend Of Brennan

What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?
After Condemning Trump's Ukraine Call, New Report Exposes Mitt's Ties to Hunter's Company

As you know, Mitt Romeny wasted no time attacking President Trump over his perfectly normal and acceptable call with the Ukraine President.

The usual cast of pathetic #NeverTrump losers, led by Romney and Ben Sasse always lumber out of their dark, depressing emo caves to rally against Trump whenever the fake news media and Democrats unleash an attack on him. You can pretty much set your watch by it.

Romney goes through the usual “troubling,” and “deeply concerned” soundbite garbage that he always does. It’s about as phony as his veneers and fake tan are.

Romney stood his ground on Wednesday after reading the call summary of the discussion between Trump and Zelensky.
“My reaction was the same as (the one) I had a few days ago, which is — this remains deeply troubling,” Romney said during an interview at The Atlantic Festival on Wednesday. “We’ll see where it leads, but the first reaction is troubling.” [CNN]

However, what dear ol’ Mittens is not telling you, is that he has very close ties to Hunter Biden’s company – the one where he made $50 thousand per month – and is at the center of this entire Biden Ukraine scandal.

Shreds The Media: [VIDEO] Gutfeld Blasts Media’s ‘Manipulation’ of Ukraine Story

As it turns out, Mitt’s national security advisor for his failed 2012 campaign sits on the board of directors for “Burisma.”

What’s “Burisma” you ask?

Well, it’s the company that Hunter worked for – the one that VP Biden strong-armed the Ukraine government over, so his son wouldn’t be involved in an investigation.

And, to make matters even worse – Mitt’s former national security advisor and the board member at “Burisma” is also a high-ranking former CIA opertive.

Gee, what a coinky-dink, right?

Mitt Romney’s national security advisor in his 2012 campaign — a career CIA spook who rose to its top levels — sits on the board of directors of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that formerly paid Hunter Biden $50k a month despite his complete lack of credentials or qualifications.

And it also an odd coincidence that Mitt has as CNN puts it “been a lone Republican voice expressing concern about President Donald Trump’s July phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked Ukraine’s President to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his family.”

Still more oddly coincidental is the background of Mitt’s adviser deep in the CIA, part of the intelligence community that has “six ways from Sunday” in foiling a mere president who might oppose them, according to Chuck Schumer. [American Thinker]

The man at the center of this new revelation is named Joseph Cofer Black. And as you’d imagine, he has ties to another Trump-hater, John Brennan.

Cofer Black made quite a name for himself during is stint within the intelligence community – a community of mid and high-ranking officials who absolutely detest President Trump. Another name for people like Cofer Black is “Deep State.”

Back on October 6, 2011 presidential candidate Mitt Romney proudly announced that Joseph Cofer Black (listed as “Cofer Black”) was among the people chosen as “special advisers”

…to advise Governor Romney on foreign policy strategy, defense issues, intelligence matters, counterterrorism, and regional policy. These advisers will assist Governor Romney as he presents his vision for restoring American leadership in the world and securing our enduring interests and ideals abroad.
Mr. Black brought to this role his extensive background at the CIA, which he joined in 1974 and trained for covert operations. He rose rapidly through the ranks, becoming Director of the National Counterterrorism Center from 1999-2002. Coincidentally, this was the time in which Al Qaeda planned and carried out the 911 attack without hindrance from the counterintelligence apparatus of the intelligence community. But Black was not penalized, he failed upward, being appointed Ambassador at Large and Coordinator for Counter-terrorism by President George W. Bush in December 2002.

And in yet another amazing coincidence, Black was succeeded in his job as Director of the National Counterterrorism Center by John Brennan. [American Thinker]
Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush. The guy apparently was detailed to spy in the West Wing.

Report: Federal Worker Who Made Complaint Is CIA Officer
You just had to know this was how it was going to end.

And dude, I don't believe for a minute you are a Trump Supporter. Trump and David Duke hate each other, and honestly it disgusts me that you promote David Duke.

I know KKK scum's tactics & one of them is to pretend to support a candidate that they actually don't like and attempt to get him branded as a racist to hurt their chances at being elected.

This is what I assume you are doing.

If you are a Trump Supporter, you should reject racism. There is no room for that in America or The GOP.
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Did the CIA whistleblower and lawyer coordinate earlier in month with Rep. Schiff's staff in a pre-planned, coordinated rollout with the NYT, WaPo and CNN? Was the complaint pre-manufactured, a la Christine Blasey Ford and Sen. Feinstein?
They just reported Schiff has had the complaint since August. This has all been manufactured.

And we're surprised?
Did the CIA whistleblower and lawyer coordinate earlier in month with Rep. Schiff's staff in a pre-planned, coordinated rollout with the NYT, WaPo and CNN? Was the complaint pre-manufactured, a la Christine Blasey Ford and Sen. Feinstein?

Good questions. TRUMP taking the unprecedented step of providing full transparency and releasing his call with the president of Ukraine should put a lot of pressure on Barr to start releasing the document TRUMP has giving approval on. It will be harder for the deep state to hide things with shady redactions.
The Whistle Blower is one of former CIA Director and Obama failed coup attempt conspirator Brennan's CIA Agents...

"The man has since returned to the C.I.A., the people said. Little else is known about him."

After carrying out his mission, he returned to base....

His complaint made public Thursday suggested he was an analyst by training and made clear he was steeped in details of American foreign policy toward Europe, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of Ukrainian politics and at least some knowledge of the law."

Perfect man for the job....

Whistle-Blower Is a C.I.A. Officer Who Was Detailed to the White House

Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush.
If it's Russia Limbaugh you know it's FAKE NEWS!
i love it when you just can't accept who someone is. not sure how that's rush's fault. wow, dude, be pissed at the fk for getting identified all you want, it wasn't cause of rush. too fking funny. you think he pulled the dude's name out of fking thin air or something. you're irrational. we know.
People like Brennan should be prosecuted. The reason people are doing this is because no one is brought up on Treason Charges anymore, and they aren't executed which is what should happen to them, even if they are as high up as someone like Brennan or Comey.
Read your article twice no mention of brennan. May have been detailed to the wh but under trump. John Dean just said on tv trump administration is a malignancy and yes should be replaced.
Did the CIA whistleblower and lawyer coordinate earlier in month with Rep. Schiff's staff in a pre-planned, coordinated rollout with the NYT, WaPo and CNN? Was the complaint pre-manufactured, a la Christine Blasey Ford and Sen. Feinstein?

They implemented the setup on Trump after Mueller crashed and burned on Russian collusion in July.
Did the CIA whistleblower and lawyer coordinate earlier in month with Rep. Schiff's staff in a pre-planned, coordinated rollout with the NYT, WaPo and CNN? Was the complaint pre-manufactured, a la Christine Blasey Ford and Sen. Feinstein?

They implemented the setup on Trump after Mueller crashed and burned on Russian collusion in July.
They started down this path the minute Nellie Ohr, and Steele got involved and the second they sent money to Putin for The Dirty Dossier.

The Obama Administration was in full shitting their pants mode because they were spying on Journalists, taking Bribes, doing all sorts of shit and they needed time to destroy evidence and keep the Trump Administration's hands tied
This all reminds me of Strozk and Pages "Insurance." Just why would we trust tghis whistleblower when we have seen notbhing but biased employees actually working against Trump. I think I would believe this guy no further than I can throw him.
Did the CIA whistleblower and lawyer coordinate earlier in month with Rep. Schiff's staff in a pre-planned, coordinated rollout with the NYT, WaPo and CNN? Was the complaint pre-manufactured, a la Christine Blasey Ford and Sen. Feinstein?

They implemented the setup on Trump after Mueller crashed and burned on Russian collusion in July.
They started down this path the minute Nellie Ohr, and Steele got involved and the second they sent money to Putin for The Dirty Dossier.

The Obama Administration was in full shitting their pants mode because they were spying on Journalists, taking Bribes, doing all sorts of shit and they needed time to destroy evidence and keep the Trump Administration's hands tied

Their lust for power knows no bounds; even to the point of disenfranchising the entire U.S. electorate.

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