Breaking! Person Who Filed Complaint Regarding Trump's Phone Call Is CIA Officer Friend Of Brennan

This all reminds me of Strozk and Pages "Insurance." Just why would we trust tghis whistleblower when we have seen notbhing but biased employees actually working against Trump. I think I would believe this guy no further than I can throw him.

The original insurance policy has been underwritten!
This all reminds me of Strozk and Pages "Insurance." Just why would we trust tghis whistleblower when we have seen notbhing but biased employees actually working against Trump. I think I would believe this guy no further than I can throw him.

The original insurance policy has been underwritten!
I don't trust anyone who has to remain hidden to protect them from being exposed to the public.
The whistleblower may be a person.....but at this point we don't know if they're even a person.....they could just be an idea dreamed up by Democrats to protect themselves from being exposed.
This all reminds me of Strozk and Pages "Insurance." Just why would we trust tghis whistleblower when we have seen notbhing but biased employees actually working against Trump. I think I would believe this guy no further than I can throw him.

The original insurance policy has been underwritten!
I don't trust anyone who has to remain hidden to protect them from being exposed to the public.
The whistleblower may be a person.....but at this point we don't know if they're even a person.....they could just be an idea dreamed up by Democrats to protect themselves from being exposed.

That, too!!!
It doesn't matter who the guy is. The memo (because it was not a true transcript) says the guy had real concerns...and the ICIG agreed with that.

The memo released by the White House was what they thought was the "safe" part of that infamous phone call and IT was damning.

I can only wonder what the "bad" parts (that have been locked down by the White House) show
well the guy isn't a whistle blower.
fk the people of the US who voted for Trump continues.
Here we go!

Paul Sperry

The anti-Trump whistleblower was one of Brennan's old CIA humps detailed over to -- planted inside -- the White House to spy on Trump and help thwart the investigation of #Spygate which also involves Obama DOS/FBI/CIA skullduggery in Ukraine
1:15 PM · Sep 26, 2019·T
Paul Sperry

Rumors swirling the anti-Trump whistleblower was one of Brennan's old CIA humps detailed over to -- planted inside -- the White House to spy on Trump and help thwart the investigation of #Spygate which also involves Obama DOS/FBI/CIA skullduggery in Ukraine

You got something firmer than that?
What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
People like Brennan should be prosecuted. The reason people are doing this is because no one is brought up on Treason Charges anymore, and they aren't executed which is what should happen to them, even if they are as high up as someone like Brennan or Comey.

Especially if they are that high.
Brennan needs to be sent to GITMO, along with all of his loyal brown shirts...
Obama, Roaenstein, Brennan, Clapper, and Comey illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, UNITED STATE SENATORS, UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, political opposition in a Presidential election, and a PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...

There has never Benn more of a rogue, Constitution / Law violating Presidential administration in the history of the United States, and that included Bill Clinton's administration when he collected FBI files on his 'enemies'.

Brennan himself, to avoid indictment and going to prison, was forced to appear before Congress and to lying under oath before Congress about illegal spying, forced to admit he spied on US Senators, and vowed he would never do it again.
- He lied. He broke his word / the agreement / the deal he made to keep from going to prison. As such, he should have gone to prison.

It is beyond naive to think the CIA that was proven to be part of Obama's failed coup attempt just happened to have an agent specially trained in European, especially Ukraine, politics/ops in the WH ... not much else is known about him, & as soon as he turned whistle blower he returns to the CIA.
well the guy isn't a whistle blower.

He was EXACTLY that
No, he wasn't. A whistleblower knows things by seeing them not hearing about them second and third handed.
This person has to come before the Senate and be asked, "did you hear this phone call", "did the president of the Ukraine complain to you?" "What did you see and experience?" When the answers keep coming up "No, Nothing,
In the las two and a half years we have experienced nothing but government employees , fbi, spies, aides and agents doing their level best to bring down Trump. Is it a far stretch to consoder this the same thing?

It would be a stretch to consider this whole deal legitimate.
Newsflash...the whistleblower did everything by the letter of the law...and the IC Inspector General found the complaint "urgent and credible"
What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
Because the POTUS is above the law???
Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush. The guy apparently was detailed to spy in the West Wing.

Report: Federal Worker Who Made Complaint Is CIA Officer

Further, he is represented by Chuck Schumer's personal attorney. Which means Schumer is behind this whole thing.

Now, we have the CIA spying on a sitting president. This isn't a "whistleblower" as the spy has no direct knowledge of any of the events, everything the spy put out is either hearsay or utter fabrication.

So, a CIA spook spying on the POTUS. Isn't espionage an act of war? Absolutely it is, Chuck Schumer has waged war against the United States in an attempt to stage a coup.

I think they call that treason.

Article III

Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

Yep, Schumer and this spy in fact and in deed have committed treason.

AG Barr, do your duty and put these traitors in custody.

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