Breaking! Person Who Filed Complaint Regarding Trump's Phone Call Is CIA Officer Friend Of Brennan

I see The Little Trumpsters are in the panic mode of delusion and denial.
Below is a link to Trump appointee Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson's letter regarding Ukraine-gate. The letter demolishes the many theories on this thread. I know this link to reality involves actually reading. Surely, there is at least one or maybe two Little Trumpsters that have the ambition to actually read the complete letter.

While I don't see any panic mode on Trump's Side,
I do recall severely sweating panic from James Comey doing an interview on TV frantically imploring the Democrats to get it together to defeat Trump -
Unstated but certainly inferred was the panic that Bill Barr was working toward uncovering the unlawful actions of the previous administration, Including Comey, Barr, Lynch and others.
The Corrupt Dems behind the FISA Warrants and the subsequent attempt at a coup - are crazed with fear.
I like it.
Just curious...what is 'biased' about pointing out that the 2nd-hand account whistle blower is a politically-biased, left-leaning, Biden-supporting
You liars need to keep your lies straight, the original lie was he is a Warren supporter. Truth, none of you liars know anything, you just pull your shit out your ass.
Old Lady said we should let Trump get away with this because he has gotten away with it before.

He got away with it in that Trump Tower meeting because Mueller found three things ( I think wrongly)

A. For it to be a campaign contribution they needed to identify a dollar range. A misdemeanor needs to be over $2K. A felony needs to be over $25K. It's not that hard to assess a value compared to other previous oppo research expenditures but that was the thin veneer that helped save Trump here

B. Mueller said that the perpetrator needed to know that he was violating the law. That gets Trump off the hook in the Trump Tower meeting but not Manafort and probably not Don Jr. Manafort had decades of experience i

WE can NOT give Trump a pass here. Every time he gets away with something he uses that experience to do even WORSE down the road this field. He had to know. Don Jr. was working with him so HE ha to know as well
That certainly doesn't apply in THIS case given that the Trump Tower meeting HAD to have "enlightened" Trump that foreign election help was illegal.

C. The DOJ ruling that a President can't be indicted for any crimes. What a ridiculous assertion that totally undermines our democracy
Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush.
If it's Russia Limbaugh you know it's FAKE NEWS!

Rush is biased, not a liar. See Dan Rather.
Limpboy makes Rather look super honest. Tramp learned how to lie to Right-wing SUCKERS by listening to Russia Limbaugh.

Dan Rather was blinded by fury in his hatred for Bush to the point where he lied to the American people in a desperate attempt to interfere with the Election. You can’t get more dishonest than trying to present false documents as authentic.

What did Limbaugh do that was so dishonest?
Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush.
If it's Russia Limbaugh you know it's FAKE NEWS!

Rush is biased, not a liar. See Dan Rather.
Limpboy makes Rather look super honest. Tramp learned how to lie to Right-wing SUCKERS by listening to Russia Limbaugh.

Dan Rather was blinded by fury in his hatred for Bush to the point where he lied to the American people in a desperate attempt to interfere with the Election. You can’t get more dishonest than trying to present false documents as authentic.

What did Limbaugh do that was so dishonest?
First of all, Rather did not "lie" according to the Right since he believed the documentation was accurate.

Russia Limbaugh, so blinded by hate for Democrats and so hell bent on avenging Quayle's misspelling of potato(e), the Right has to ALWAYS accuse media of bias, So Limpboy invented a lie to make Gore look as STUPID as Quayle. Fatso claimed Gore could not name the bust of Franklin at a tour of Monticello, a bust Gore named himself without any help from the curator, something Porky knew not to be true.

June 5, 2015

RUSH: It was kind of like when Algore was at Monticello walking around, and there presidential busts and such there.
He points at Benjamin Franklin and says (paraphrased), "Who are these people?" The curator says, "Ahem, ahem, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Benjamin Franklin."
...Now, we have the CIA spying on a sitting president....


That's what the deep state CIA swamp has been doing for decades, it's part of their job....


They didn't spy ON Potentate Obamugabe, they spied FOR him.

This current spook that committed treason by spying on the POTUS, he is run by Chuck Schumer, BUT this has Obama's filthy paws all over it, and KGB John Brennan.
What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
Because the POTUS is above the law???
Where? Why did shiff have to read fiction if he had him? Why not Quote from the transcription?

Explain big girl
It doesn't matter WHO the Whistle Blower was (is).

The complaint was filed through proper legal channels and was judged to be credible and urgent by the IG
I see The Little Trumpsters are in the panic mode of delusion and denial.
Below is a link to Trump appointee Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson's letter regarding Ukraine-gate. The letter demolishes the many theories on this thread. I know this link to reality involves actually reading. Surely, there is at least one or maybe two Little Trumpsters that have the ambition to actually read the complete letter.

While I don't see any panic mode on Trump's Side,
I do recall severely sweating panic from James Comey doing an interview on TV frantically imploring the Democrats to get it together to defeat Trump -
Unstated but certainly inferred was the panic that Bill Barr was working toward uncovering the unlawful actions of the previous administration, Including Comey, Barr, Lynch and others.
The Corrupt Dems behind the FISA Warrants and the subsequent attempt at a coup - are crazed with fear.
I like it.

Wow! Talking Points-Arama!
Story is breaking. Just heard it on Rush.
If it's Russia Limbaugh you know it's FAKE NEWS!

Rush is biased, not a liar. See Dan Rather.
Limpboy makes Rather look super honest. Tramp learned how to lie to Right-wing SUCKERS by listening to Russia Limbaugh.

Dan Rather was blinded by fury in his hatred for Bush to the point where he lied to the American people in a desperate attempt to interfere with the Election. You can’t get more dishonest than trying to present false documents as authentic.

What did Limbaugh do that was so dishonest?
First of all, Rather did not "lie" according to the Right since he believed the documentation was accurate.

Russia Limbaugh, so blinded by hate for Democrats and so hell bent on avenging Quayle's misspelling of potato(e), the Right has to ALWAYS accuse media of bias, So Limpboy invented a lie to make Gore look as STUPID as Quayle. Fatso claimed Gore could not name the bust of Franklin at a tour of Monticello, a bust Gore named himself without any help from the curator, something Porky knew not to be true.

June 5, 2015

RUSH: It was kind of like when Algore was at Monticello walking around, and there presidential busts and such there.
He points at Benjamin Franklin and says (paraphrased), "Who are these people?" The curator says, "Ahem, ahem, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Benjamin Franklin."

Limbaugh was spoofing Gore. Dan Rather - a so called journalistic icon - made a significant mark in his career covering Nixon who was so blinded and corrupted in his hatred for Democrats it caused his downfall. Same with Rather.... blinded and corrupted in his hatred for Bush, it caused his downfall. If Rather did not know the 1972 Microsoft font documents were NOT authentic as he was reporting it a week out from the 2004 Election, he would have remained at CBS.
What's really bad about this whistleblower business is that it is not supposed to be used for political purposes against a person or party. It's supposed to be for exposing corruption, fraud, misuse of gov't position, stuff like that. So if it's true that this guy was an associate of Brennan (who IMHO is nothing more than a political hack), the it calls into question the legitimacy of the allegations made. And once again the stench of misconduct on the part of a person or persons entrusted with the requisite authority to do their job with unbiased professionalism. How the fuck is any US citizen supposed to trust their gov't when shit like this comes to light?

So how does this affect the whistleblower program? Will someone with legit issue decide not to say anything to avoid what could be enormous blowback, and no longer assured of anonymity? Who wants to be known as the snitch? There are some ideologues who won't mind taking one for the team, but it's their team instead of our team, you know? What about the guy who is a professional and isn't an ideologue who sees or hears or knows something is wrong, will he or she still come forward and risk career suicide? On top of possible financial ruin?

He's not a whistleblower
There is no such thing as a whistleblower against the Potus.
Because the POTUS is above the law???

Because The POTUS is not subject to the Whistle Blower Statute.
Minor point at such a moment.

The President has once again played dirty getting oppo against an opponent, just like he tried in 2016 with the Russians at the Trump Tower meeting. It's another campaign year and he's at it again. No difference. We let him get away with it last time; I see no reason why he shouldn't get away with it again. He gets to do pretty much whatever he likes, thanks to the Republican party which has the morals of a sewer rat and will let him do anything if it keeps them in power.

Major Point actually.
There is no once again.
The Great and Powerful Mueller Declared that no US Citizen worked with a foreign country in 2016.
The rest of your post is really just nonsense.
Trump Tower was an invitation to collude. In my book, that is equally bad.
It should be to any American. But to Trump supporters and Republicans eager to run the show, it was "okay."
Old Lady said we should let Trump get away with this because he has gotten away with it before.

He got away with it in that Trump Tower meeting because Mueller found three things ( I think wrongly)

A. For it to be a campaign contribution they needed to identify a dollar range. A misdemeanor needs to be over $2K. A felony needs to be over $25K. It's not that hard to assess a value compared to other previous oppo research expenditures but that was the thin veneer that helped save Trump here

B. Mueller said that the perpetrator needed to know that he was violating the law. That gets Trump off the hook in the Trump Tower meeting but not Manafort and probably not Don Jr. Manafort had decades of experience i

WE can NOT give Trump a pass here. Every time he gets away with something he uses that experience to do even WORSE down the road this field. He had to know. Don Jr. was working with him so HE ha to know as well
That certainly doesn't apply in THIS case given that the Trump Tower meeting HAD to have "enlightened" Trump that foreign election help was illegal.

C. The DOJ ruling that a President can't be indicted for any crimes. What a ridiculous assertion that totally undermines our democracy
Lesh, I don't think Trump should have gotten away with it the last time. He shouldn't have. He has a total disregard for rules and the morals of a sewer rat and every decent American should have tossed him in the garbage the minute it came out. However, looking at this from a realistic point of view, there is no reason to believe that he'll be tossed to the curb this time either. The Republicans and the morons are going to save his sorry ass again, with serious pretzel logic that completely violates the spirit of the law.
I see The Little Trumpsters are in the panic mode of delusion and denial.
Below is a link to Trump appointee Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson's letter regarding Ukraine-gate. The letter demolishes the many theories on this thread. I know this link to reality involves actually reading. Surely, there is at least one or maybe two Little Trumpsters that have the ambition to actually read the complete letter.

While I don't see any panic mode on Trump's Side,
I do recall severely sweating panic from James Comey doing an interview on TV frantically imploring the Democrats to get it together to defeat Trump -
Unstated but certainly inferred was the panic that Bill Barr was working toward uncovering the unlawful actions of the previous administration, Including Comey, Barr, Lynch and others.
The Corrupt Dems behind the FISA Warrants and the subsequent attempt at a coup - are crazed with fear.
I like it.

Wow! Talking Points-Arama!

Do you mean a short rundown of facts?
If it's Russia Limbaugh you know it's FAKE NEWS!

Rush is biased, not a liar. See Dan Rather.
Limpboy makes Rather look super honest. Tramp learned how to lie to Right-wing SUCKERS by listening to Russia Limbaugh.

Dan Rather was blinded by fury in his hatred for Bush to the point where he lied to the American people in a desperate attempt to interfere with the Election. You can’t get more dishonest than trying to present false documents as authentic.

What did Limbaugh do that was so dishonest?
First of all, Rather did not "lie" according to the Right since he believed the documentation was accurate.

Russia Limbaugh, so blinded by hate for Democrats and so hell bent on avenging Quayle's misspelling of potato(e), the Right has to ALWAYS accuse media of bias, So Limpboy invented a lie to make Gore look as STUPID as Quayle. Fatso claimed Gore could not name the bust of Franklin at a tour of Monticello, a bust Gore named himself without any help from the curator, something Porky knew not to be true.

June 5, 2015

RUSH: It was kind of like when Algore was at Monticello walking around, and there presidential busts and such there.
He points at Benjamin Franklin and says (paraphrased), "Who are these people?" The curator says, "Ahem, ahem, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Benjamin Franklin."

Limbaugh was spoofing Gore.
So "spoofing" is the new PC fro lying.
Btw, how does Russia Limbaugh spoof Gore by saying he couldn't ID Jefferson????
There was NO bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's house!!!!!
Did the CIA whistleblower and lawyer coordinate earlier in month with Rep. Schiff's staff in a pre-planned, coordinated rollout with the NYT, WaPo and CNN? Was the complaint pre-manufactured, a la Christine Blasey Ford and Sen. Feinstein?

Since the Kavanaugh hearings last year, the Left is STILL running with that playbook only they keep changing the packaging to hide the slime within.

As soon as Kavanaugh was confirmed, the Left with the media in the lead, went all in on the Mueller Report. They were one hundred percent positive that Bob Mueller would hand them Trump’s impeachment papers. Except, that didn’t happen. What DID happen is that the Democrats and media had to revise their spin while cherry-picking the Mueller report. Words were parsed into infinity in order to be able to tell their gullible followers that there really was a THERE! THERE! …it’s just not quite there …you see?

Ok, so getting Trump gone via the Mueller Report and Christine Blasey Ford didn’t work. Let’s find something else! Lo and behold…a whistleblower!!

Deanna wrote about the Adam Schiff clown show here. It’s worth reviewing the video just to make sure y’all understand how demented and enraged they are that Trump is President, not Hillary.

Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony DID change America. The Left came out into the open with their playbook. It is one that stomps all over our Constitution. It is one that shreds due process and the rule of law into a pile of confetti. It is a playbook that will take words and completely redefine them and bury the original correct meaning deep underground.

The veracity of Ford’s testimony didn’t and doesn’t matter. The veracity and authenticity of the Steele Dossier never mattered. The whistleblower’s truthfulness and credible knowledge regarding the Trump/Ukraine call will never matter.

What DOES matter to the Left is destroying our Republic any way they can to further their own ends. About the only thing they did learn is that is is now OK to bring their hatred for this Republic out into the open.

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