Breaking: Photo Emerges Of Hillary Clinton Kissing KKK Leader

Okay, where is the media outrage on this? Here we have Hillary Clinton having an intimate moment with a confirmed Ku Klux Klan member.


Okay, so do we know who man in this photograph is?

The late Senator Robert Byrd.

Okay thanks. When he still was a Senator was he still in Klan or not?

If he was a Democratic Senator and served in Senate with Hillary, I'm not sure if trying to exploit the Klan thing is going to work, it might appear somewhat desperate.

It is desperate. Particularly because Byrd left the Klan and disavowed their views years before Hillary Clinton was even born, let alone when they served together in the Senate.

She was born in 1947... he didn't SUPPOSEDLY drop his relationship with the KKK until he ran for Congress in 1952!

In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.
He was in the Senate when A) blacks gained the right to vote and then B) he renounced the Klan.

You decide for yourself if the two were related.

Blacks gained the right to vote 45 years before Robert Byrd was born.

On paper, sure. In Jim Crow states, not so much.

The Jim Crow era ended around 1965. Robert Byrd denounced the KKK in 1952, and entered the Senate in 1958.

Got a source for that besides his autobiography? Maybe something from 1952, 58, or 64?

He denounced the Klan in speeches during his first campaign for the House, which was in 1952. I'm not a fucking library, I don't have access to primary sources from then - but it's not a "secret".
Okay, so do we know who man in this photograph is?

The late Senator Robert Byrd.

Okay thanks. When he still was a Senator was he still in Klan or not?

If he was a Democratic Senator and served in Senate with Hillary, I'm not sure if trying to exploit the Klan thing is going to work, it might appear somewhat desperate.

It is desperate. Particularly because Byrd left the Klan and disavowed their views years before Hillary Clinton was even born, let alone when they served together in the Senate.

She was born in 1947... he didn't SUPPOSEDLY drop his relationship with the KKK until he ran for Congress in 1952!

In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.

There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!
The late Senator Robert Byrd.

Okay thanks. When he still was a Senator was he still in Klan or not?

If he was a Democratic Senator and served in Senate with Hillary, I'm not sure if trying to exploit the Klan thing is going to work, it might appear somewhat desperate.

It is desperate. Particularly because Byrd left the Klan and disavowed their views years before Hillary Clinton was even born, let alone when they served together in the Senate.

She was born in 1947... he didn't SUPPOSEDLY drop his relationship with the KKK until he ran for Congress in 1952!

In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.

There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!


So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?
Okay thanks. When he still was a Senator was he still in Klan or not?

If he was a Democratic Senator and served in Senate with Hillary, I'm not sure if trying to exploit the Klan thing is going to work, it might appear somewhat desperate.

It is desperate. Particularly because Byrd left the Klan and disavowed their views years before Hillary Clinton was even born, let alone when they served together in the Senate.

She was born in 1947... he didn't SUPPOSEDLY drop his relationship with the KKK until he ran for Congress in 1952!

In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.

There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!


So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?

Then I presume you also believe Donald Trump with his denouements?
It is desperate. Particularly because Byrd left the Klan and disavowed their views years before Hillary Clinton was even born, let alone when they served together in the Senate.

She was born in 1947... he didn't SUPPOSEDLY drop his relationship with the KKK until he ran for Congress in 1952!

In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.

There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!


So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?

Then I presume you also believe Donald Trump with his denouements?

What "denouements" are you referring to, in regards to Trump?
He was in the Senate when A) blacks gained the right to vote and then B) he renounced the Klan.

He filibustered for 14 hours against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but despite his efforts and the efforts of other prominent Democrats against black Americans, the Republicans led by Everett Dirksen got it through.
She was born in 1947... he didn't SUPPOSEDLY drop his relationship with the KKK until he ran for Congress in 1952!

In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.

There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!


So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?

Then I presume you also believe Donald Trump with his denouements?

What "denouements" are you referring to, in regards to Trump?
Small things like formerly pro choice, now pro life!
He was in the Senate when A) blacks gained the right to vote and then B) he renounced the Klan.

You decide for yourself if the two were related.

He was in the Senate right after the Civil War? I think you are confused.

Jim Crow ring any bells? On paper =/= actually being able to exercise the right.

Are you at all familiar with American history and the concept of why you made a false statement?

Blacks were overwhelming elected to office in the Reconstruction Era. How was that possible if they could not vote? I suggest you read a book and stop making crap up to fit your warped narrative!
In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.

There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!


So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?

Then I presume you also believe Donald Trump with his denouements?

What "denouements" are you referring to, in regards to Trump?
Small things like formerly pro choice, now pro life!

I could not possibly care less about what Trump's positions on abortion are, either way.
There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!


So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?

Then I presume you also believe Donald Trump with his denouements?

What "denouements" are you referring to, in regards to Trump?
Small things like formerly pro choice, now pro life!

I could not possibly care less about what Trump's positions on abortion are, either way.
That's NOT what I asked!

So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?

Then I presume you also believe Donald Trump with his denouements?

What "denouements" are you referring to, in regards to Trump?
Small things like formerly pro choice, now pro life!

I could not possibly care less about what Trump's positions on abortion are, either way.
That's NOT what I asked!

Then what are you asking?
It is desperate. Particularly because Byrd left the Klan and disavowed their views years before Hillary Clinton was even born, let alone when they served together in the Senate.
Generally, I'd agree with you, however, given the radical media coverage of this election that is so polarizing and blatantly biased...I'd actually have to disagree and say that it isn't desperate at is business as usual.
Then I presume you also believe Donald Trump with his denouements?

What "denouements" are you referring to, in regards to Trump?
Small things like formerly pro choice, now pro life!

I could not possibly care less about what Trump's positions on abortion are, either way.
That's NOT what I asked!

Then what are you asking?
You believed what a KKK leader said, I wondered if you believed what Trump said!...Is this difficult, or just stalling?
Okay thanks. When he still was a Senator was he still in Klan or not?

If he was a Democratic Senator and served in Senate with Hillary, I'm not sure if trying to exploit the Klan thing is going to work, it might appear somewhat desperate.

It is desperate. Particularly because Byrd left the Klan and disavowed their views years before Hillary Clinton was even born, let alone when they served together in the Senate.

She was born in 1947... he didn't SUPPOSEDLY drop his relationship with the KKK until he ran for Congress in 1952!

In 1952, he stated that he had left the KKK 9 before then - which would be 1943, 4 years before Hillary Clinton was born.

Either way, what does it matter? He left the Klan and denounced them more than half a century before the picture in the OP was taken.

There is NO PROOF he did such, just his lying KKK word!


So you think he was a secret Klan member, who repeatedly denounced them in public just to fool us all?
He was in the Senate when A) blacks gained the right to vote and then B) he renounced the Klan.

You decide for yourself if the two were related.

Blacks gained the right to vote 45 years before Robert Byrd was born.

On paper, sure. In Jim Crow states, not so much.

The Jim Crow era ended around 1965. Robert Byrd denounced the KKK in 1952, and entered the Senate in 1958.

Got a source for that besides his autobiography? Maybe something from 1952, 58, or 64?
He was a Congressman from 53 to 59.
He was in the Senate when A) blacks gained the right to vote and then B) he renounced the Klan.

You decide for yourself if the two were related.

He was in the Senate right after the Civil War? I think you are confused.

Jim Crow ring any bells? On paper =/= actually being able to exercise the right.

Are you at all familiar with American history and the concept of why you made a false statement?

Blacks were overwhelming elected to office in the Reconstruction Era. How was that possible if they could not vote? I suggest you read a book and stop making crap up to fit your warped narrative!

And after the Slaughterhouse Cases, which the SCOTUS all but invalidated the 14th Amendment, the southern states were able to pass all those lovely Jim Crow laws that virtually stripped the rights of blacks to do things like vote, have due process of law, and not be relegated as second class citizens. On paper they could vote, but in reality so many legal roadblocks were in their way that in the ex-Confederate states it just didn't happen for nearly a century after the end of the Civil War.
Okay, where is the media outrage on this? Here we have Hillary Clinton having an intimate moment with a confirmed Ku Klux Klan member.


Okay, so do we know who man in this photograph is?

The late Senator Robert Byrd.

Okay thanks. When he still was a Senator was he still in Klan or not?

If he was a Democratic Senator and served in Senate with Hillary, I'm not sure if trying to exploit the Klan thing is going to work, it might appear somewhat desperate.

Are you dense?

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