Breaking: Photo of Seth Rich with Imran Awani Night of Murder

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a video that shows a photograph of Seth Rich with Imran Awani on the night of he (Seth Rich) was murdered. There is a homicide investigator who said he has tied DWS & the Awani brothers to Seth Rich's murder. I wonder if this photograph of Seth Rich and Awani taken just before his murder might be part of the evidence they have discovered.

That's where an investigation would be needed. But it's not interesting for Dems because it won't hurt Trump and may hurt their "leaders" quite a bit.

Poor Seth, such a nice looking young guy. If he were not a Democrat, he may have been still alive.
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Very, very interesting!
That photo really troubles me. Seth Rich looks relaxed, he's smiling in photo, he had no idea that he was going to be murdered that evening and if Imran was the man who shot him it is very creepy that he was in this photograph with Rich. There is a homicide detective who said he has tied DWS & Iwani brothers to Seth Rich's murder - that at the time Rich was sending those emails to Julian Assange, it was the IT guy (Imran) who found those emails because he had access to DNC emails. I have to find his report. I just posted it somewhere on this board.
Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.
I have no idea what happened but find it strange he wasn't robbed.
Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.
Why do I see Awani "being suicided" ??

I mean, that's the Demrats way, isn't it? ;)
Okay, Penelope. Let's me just run a hypothetical scenario by you and see if this is possible. Suppose that Seth Rich is the leaker and sent the DNC emails to Julian Assange but Assange wouldn't release any information as to where he got those emails because he was in fear for his life (mind you this is hypothetical). Seth has no idea that the IT guy has access to the DNC emails and has been gathering information since 2005 so he has the same emails Seth sent to Julian. The IT guy is looking for the leaker because he was told to find him & then tells his boss who it is. DWS relays the information through a 3rd party to John Podesta. John Podesta (according to the WikiLeaks email published) responds with ...make an example out of this leaker (possibly not exact words but the message is there). It is likely that if that were the case DWS would not have the authority to make a decision on her own about doing such a thing but after being given the message of "what to do" she tells the IT guy to go out for drinks with Seth Rich (because they work together and Seth has no idea he has been found out) and they will make sure to cover Iwan's tracks if there are any left behind. IF this is what happened it would explain why he would continue to be paid even after he leaves the job and goes back to Pakistan (where they can't touch him). Here's a question for you. What was the big rush in leaving? His wife leaves in such a hurry that she pulls their kids out of school without any notice - packs a few bags and she and the kids are on their way to Pakistan where her husband will meet up with her later. BUT before he can get on the plane he is arrested for a warrant of bank fraud by FBI because that is enough to hold him until they have everything they need to charge him with murder - and again this is entirely hypothetical but is it possible? That is the question. Is such a scenario possible? Add to this that the police said they believed that the person who committed the murder may have known him because they didn't find any signs of Seth having put up a fight. Perhaps he was caught off guard because he recognized the shooter as a co-worker and friend? Think about it.
Why do I see Awani "being suicided" ??

I mean, that's the Demrats way, isn't it? ;)
He's got a GPS monitoring system attached to him but he is free until his arraignment on August 21 - he is out on the streets right now and was told not to leave the country. Why wouldn't he be in protective custody at the very least considering what it looks like they are investigating?
This is a video that shows a photograph of Seth Rich with Imran Awani on the night of he (Seth Rich) was murdered. There is a homicide investigator who said he has tied DWS & the Awani brothers to Seth Rich's murder. I wonder if this photograph of Seth Rich and Awani taken just before his murder might be part of the evidence they have discovered.

Saw that on 4chan a couple days ago. There's much fuckery afoot about this. I heard somewhere that the bullets they pulled out of Rich were the type mostly used by the FBI, not what you'd find in some thug's pistol.
Why do I see Awani "being suicided" ??

I mean, that's the Demrats way, isn't it? ;)
That would be Hillary Clinton and I don't think they can tie her to this. It was Podesta who sent that email about making an example out of the leaker. She could say she had never been informed about it. I think it really gets down to tying Imran Awani to Seth Rich - possibly DWS but no guarantee - and of course they should be able to make the case that it would have to have been Podesta who had given the order. If it turns out Awani is the shooter, I think they can make that connection but will Podesta ever get a conviction out of it? I don't believe he will because he appears to be able to get away with the most vile crimes (according to what I saw in WikiLeaks emails - and the pedophile code word story) and no one in the political system, the legal system or the media has the backbone to object to it and go after him! It's utterly disgusting!
Why do I see Awani "being suicided" ??

I mean, that's the Demrats way, isn't it? ;)
He's got a GPS monitoring system attached to him but he is free until his arraignment on August 21 - he is out on the streets right now and was told not to leave the country. Why wouldn't he be in protective custody at the very least considering what it looks like they are investigating?

That's what I mean.

I would not be surprised if he is quietly done away, and joins the long list of people who have died under suspicious circumstances's called the Clinton Body Count, you know...
This is a video that shows a photograph of Seth Rich with Imran Awani on the night of he (Seth Rich) was murdered. There is a homicide investigator who said he has tied DWS & the Awani brothers to Seth Rich's murder. I wonder if this photograph of Seth Rich and Awani taken just before his murder might be part of the evidence they have discovered.

Saw that on 4chan a couple days ago. There's much fuckery afoot about this. I heard somewhere that the bullets they pulled out of Rich were the type mostly used by the FBI, not what you'd find in some thug's pistol.

listen up, Galt. You have a lot of very informative comments on threads on this board but you have got to stop this cussing because it is very offensive to me and you don't need the F word or the S word to make your point. Please consider that there are ladies here who don't want to read that stuff! Thank you.
He's innocent until proven guilty and as Trump voters we all agree on that unlike the Democrats who openly stated on this board that Trump had to "prove" his innocence!
This is a video that shows a photograph of Seth Rich with Imran Awani on the night of he (Seth Rich) was murdered. There is a homicide investigator who said he has tied DWS & the Awani brothers to Seth Rich's murder. I wonder if this photograph of Seth Rich and Awani taken just before his murder might be part of the evidence they have discovered.

How do they prove in a court of law that the date alleged is actually and factually the correct date?
One way or another, this whole Wasserman Schultz /Imran Awani "business" stinks to high heaven.

The truth should, and must come out!
This is a video that shows a photograph of Seth Rich with Imran Awani on the night of he (Seth Rich) was murdered. There is a homicide investigator who said he has tied DWS & the Awani brothers to Seth Rich's murder. I wonder if this photograph of Seth Rich and Awani taken just before his murder might be part of the evidence they have discovered.

Saw that on 4chan a couple days ago. There's much fuckery afoot about this. I heard somewhere that the bullets they pulled out of Rich were the type mostly used by the FBI, not what you'd find in some thug's pistol.

listen up, Galt. You have a lot of very informative comments on threads on this board but you have got to stop this cussing because it is very offensive to me and you don't need the F word or the S word to make your point. Please consider that there are ladies here who don't want to read that stuff! Thank you.

Sorry. I'm a big boy and big boys use big boy's words sometimes without thinking. Replace the word with "skullduggery".
One way or another, this whole Wasserman Schultz /Imran Awani "business" stinks to high heaven.

The truth should, and must come out!

We haven't even scratched the surface.

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