Breaking: Photo of Seth Rich with Imran Awani Night of Murder

Tucker and Steyn Expose the Awans and Dem Hypocrisy

Dang, that Wasserman-Schultz would look sexy in prison stripes. Am I a bad person? :biggrin:

Hope she gets a burly tattooed Puerto-Rican lesbian named "Bobby Jo" for a cellmate.
Galt I just found your thread about Imran subscribing to videos of little girls. Here: Awan's YouTube Channel Found - Has Pedophile Subscriptions There are two videos of Imran supposedly crawling through attics of empty homes and inspecting them - both videos have been shut down and are now being listed as "private"......Why would they be worried about two videos of a person inspecting an empty house or crawling through an attic?

He's trying to cover his tracks? Like they say, "A criminal always returns to the scene of the crime."

We;re not dealing with criminal masterminds here. From Hillary all the way down, are no more than petty, opportunistic thugs,.

I disagree. You look at the tactics and not the players. It's not like the Clinton's have not been called southern mob family. The body pile is decades long from Mena Arkansas.
Tucker and Steyn Expose the Awans and Dem Hypocrisy

Dang, that Wasserman-Schultz would look sexy in prison stripes. Am I a bad person? :biggrin:

Hope she gets a burly tattooed Puerto-Rican lesbian named "Bobby Jo" for a cellmate.
Galt I just found your thread about Imran subscribing to videos of little girls. Here: Awan's YouTube Channel Found - Has Pedophile Subscriptions There are two videos of Imran supposedly crawling through attics of empty homes and inspecting them - both videos have been shut down and are now being listed as "private"......Why would they be worried about two videos of a person inspecting an empty house or crawling through an attic?

Because maybe and this is just a guess. Setting up cameras in houses before they are used as dens for perverts?
Islam does allow for sex with children and that porn sells.

Now that may seem far fetch but if you are looking at it like a criminal empire then it's very possible.

There were some suspicions awhile back that the Clinton foundation was involved in "stealing" Haitian children after the earthquake, for use as pedophilic sex slaves for Bill Clinton's buddy who has that "Pedo Island". John Podesta was supposedly involved in that, and the scandal was called "PizzaGate". But the "Russian collusion" thing was taking all the attention, so it didn't grow legs. There some deep, dark, danky stuff going on in the Clinton world, that most people would be shocked as hell if the truth ever came out.
Tucker and Steyn Expose the Awans and Dem Hypocrisy

Dang, that Wasserman-Schultz would look sexy in prison stripes. Am I a bad person? :biggrin:

Hope she gets a burly tattooed Puerto-Rican lesbian named "Bobby Jo" for a cellmate.
Galt I just found your thread about Imran subscribing to videos of little girls. Here: Awan's YouTube Channel Found - Has Pedophile Subscriptions There are two videos of Imran supposedly crawling through attics of empty homes and inspecting them - both videos have been shut down and are now being listed as "private"......Why would they be worried about two videos of a person inspecting an empty house or crawling through an attic?

He's trying to cover his tracks? Like they say, "A criminal always returns to the scene of the crime."

We;re not dealing with criminal masterminds here. From Hillary all the way down, are no more than petty, opportunistic thugs,.

I disagree. You look at the tactics and not the players. It's not like the Clinton's have not been called southern mob family. The body pile is decades long from Mena Arkansas.

Agreed there.The Clintons are very smart. But having a cartel as large as they do, some lower-echelon soldier is bound to screw up. I sure hope so.
Well I have to finish doing my green beans from the garden before I turn in. I'm glad I'm not shelling peas tonight. My fingers are tired! Good night.
I'm a Christian. Hillary serves the devil. Her god is under my feet. No worries. Goodnight, Galt.
Tucker and Steyn Expose the Awans and Dem Hypocrisy

Dang, that Wasserman-Schultz would look sexy in prison stripes. Am I a bad person? :biggrin:

Hope she gets a burly tattooed Puerto-Rican lesbian named "Bobby Jo" for a cellmate.
Galt I just found your thread about Imran subscribing to videos of little girls. Here: Awan's YouTube Channel Found - Has Pedophile Subscriptions There are two videos of Imran supposedly crawling through attics of empty homes and inspecting them - both videos have been shut down and are now being listed as "private"......Why would they be worried about two videos of a person inspecting an empty house or crawling through an attic?

Because maybe and this is just a guess. Setting up cameras in houses before they are used as dens for perverts?
Islam does allow for sex with children and that porn sells.

Now that may seem far fetch but if you are looking at it like a criminal empire then it's very possible.

There were some suspicions awhile back that the Clinton foundation was involved in "stealing" Haitian children after the earthquake, for use as pedophilic sex slaves for Bill Clinton's buddy who has that "Pedo Island". John Podesta was supposedly involved in that, and the scandal was called "PizzaGate". But the "Russian collusion" thing was taking all the attention, so it didn't grow legs. There some deep, dark, danky stuff going on in the Clinton world, that most people would be shocked as hell if the truth ever came out.

Yes I remember something about that.......probably a thread here that had a link to a story about it.......some woman from either Clinton Foundation or otherwise associated was trying to take 'orphaned' kids, but the parents (or Red Cross or ???) tried to stop her.
Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.

Tucker and Steyn Expose the Awans and Dem Hypocrisy

Dang, that Wasserman-Schultz would look sexy in prison stripes. Am I a bad person? :biggrin:

Hope she gets a burly tattooed Puerto-Rican lesbian named "Bobby Jo" for a cellmate.
Galt I just found your thread about Imran subscribing to videos of little girls. Here: Awan's YouTube Channel Found - Has Pedophile Subscriptions There are two videos of Imran supposedly crawling through attics of empty homes and inspecting them - both videos have been shut down and are now being listed as "private"......Why would they be worried about two videos of a person inspecting an empty house or crawling through an attic?

Because maybe and this is just a guess. Setting up cameras in houses before they are used as dens for perverts?
Islam does allow for sex with children and that porn sells.

Now that may seem far fetch but if you are looking at it like a criminal empire then it's very possible.

There were some suspicions awhile back that the Clinton foundation was involved in "stealing" Haitian children after the earthquake, for use as pedophilic sex slaves for Bill Clinton's buddy who has that "Pedo Island". John Podesta was supposedly involved in that, and the scandal was called "PizzaGate". But the "Russian collusion" thing was taking all the attention, so it didn't grow legs. There some deep, dark, danky stuff going on in the Clinton world, that most people would be shocked as hell if the truth ever came out.

Yes I remember something about that.......probably a thread here that had a link to a story about it.......some woman from either Clinton Foundation or otherwise associated was trying to take 'orphaned' kids, but the parents (or Red Cross or ???) tried to stop her.

Google "Laura Silsby".....
Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.

View attachment 141317

Heard about that. There were some kind of shenanigans going on in the hospital when he died. Sherlock Holmes would have a hard time figuring this mess out.
Here's a little something about it...

Clinton Foundation Investigator Found Dead

.....................As we know, Hillary has ties to convicted sex offender and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. In addition, Hillary was involved in the NGO run by Laura Silsby, the former director of the The New Life Children’s Refuge. She was caught attempting to steal and smuggle 33 children from Haiti, most of whom weren’t even orphans at the time:

Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura’s NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.

Tucker and Steyn Expose the Awans and Dem Hypocrisy

Dang, that Wasserman-Schultz would look sexy in prison stripes. Am I a bad person? :biggrin:

Hope she gets a burly tattooed Puerto-Rican lesbian named "Bobby Jo" for a cellmate.
Galt I just found your thread about Imran subscribing to videos of little girls. Here: Awan's YouTube Channel Found - Has Pedophile Subscriptions There are two videos of Imran supposedly crawling through attics of empty homes and inspecting them - both videos have been shut down and are now being listed as "private"......Why would they be worried about two videos of a person inspecting an empty house or crawling through an attic?

Because maybe and this is just a guess. Setting up cameras in houses before they are used as dens for perverts?
Islam does allow for sex with children and that porn sells.

Now that may seem far fetch but if you are looking at it like a criminal empire then it's very possible.

There were some suspicions awhile back that the Clinton foundation was involved in "stealing" Haitian children after the earthquake, for use as pedophilic sex slaves for Bill Clinton's buddy who has that "Pedo Island". John Podesta was supposedly involved in that, and the scandal was called "PizzaGate". But the "Russian collusion" thing was taking all the attention, so it didn't grow legs. There some deep, dark, danky stuff going on in the Clinton world, that most people would be shocked as hell if the truth ever came out.

Yes I remember something about that.......probably a thread here that had a link to a story about it.......some woman from either Clinton Foundation or otherwise associated was trying to take 'orphaned' kids, but the parents (or Red Cross or ???) tried to stop her.

The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Attempted To Ignore/Cover It Up | Zero Hedge
Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.

View attachment 141317

Heard about that. There were some kind of shenanigans going on in the hospital when he died. Sherlock Holmes would have a hard time figuring this mess out.

But yet the DNC sent in one of their P.R punks that deal with damage control/ crisis management to be the spokesperson for the Rich family after the D.C police notified them that a P.I was snooping around on behalf of the family
Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.

Wow, you're a special kind of stupid ain't ya. NOTHING was taken. He was executed you clown.
Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.

Wow, you're a special kind of stupid ain't ya. NOTHING was taken. He was executed you clown.

Weapons Grade Stupid.

The kind of imbecile that is a danger to the people around them. They are the greatest liability we face as a nation. I do not fear WW3, ISIS, Ebola, or a coronal mass ejection. A democrook parasite with a ballot (or several of them) is a far greater danger to civilization.

Oh Good God, DC has a huge crime rate and he was out walking and barhopping in the late night hours. Jeremiah and Skye you are going into a zone of which there might not be any return. Let your imaginations run wild though. They were all staffers.

Wow, you're a special kind of stupid ain't ya. NOTHING was taken. He was executed you clown.

Not buying the conspiracy theory. Yes he died from gunshot wounds.
Tucker and Steyn Expose the Awans and Dem Hypocrisy

Dang, that Wasserman-Schultz would look sexy in prison stripes. Am I a bad person? :biggrin:

Hope she gets a burly tattooed Puerto-Rican lesbian named "Bobby Jo" for a cellmate.
Galt I just found your thread about Imran subscribing to videos of little girls. Here: Awan's YouTube Channel Found - Has Pedophile Subscriptions There are two videos of Imran supposedly crawling through attics of empty homes and inspecting them - both videos have been shut down and are now being listed as "private"......Why would they be worried about two videos of a person inspecting an empty house or crawling through an attic?

OH my now he is a pedophile.
How do they prove in a court of law that the date alleged is actually and factually the correct date?
this from a country boy who thinks cow are bulls. I have to believe that not all Missourians or country boys are not that patently stupid.
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