Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

Do you know different?

Do you really believe that all that 105 US missiles did was destroy several empty houses? Or do you believe that the Syrian anti-aircraft defenses with obsolete Soviet anti-aircraft systems shot down most of the missiles? In both cases, I feel sorry for you :) But I will not disbelieve you, it's very cruel - to destroy illusions :)
Proof that Trump is no different from Obama or Bush
All three prove themselves to be just pawns of Israel.
Trump went directly against his campaign promises,
He will not get my vote again!
You are a useful idiot. The use of chemical weapons is against international law. Syria has used them multiple time to kill hundreds of citizens. Obama (the chickenshit) drew a red line and then backed away from it. Trump drew a red line and acted properly (along with France and Great Britain) when it was crossed by the murderous dictator, Assad.

I must assume that you prefer we have a sniveling pussy as President.
I prefer we have a President that does not give a shit aoubt the Middle East and one that stops wasting money there. Israel feeds so called intel proving that assad used chemical weapons. Amazing timing that just a week before Trump said we would pull out of Syria.
The locations of atrocities committed against civilian populations makes no difference to me. It is deplorable to me that many atrocities committed in African nations have gone without significant response from any civilized nation....also that hunger and starvation are prevalent.

We in the United States throw away enough food daily to feed hundreds of people in starving nations.

The world's 10 hungriest countries
Attempts at guilt inspired motivation do not work on clear thinking people
Making people aware of destitution does not equate to assigning guilt. Many people have no clue that hunger and starvation exist.
The Right has no unity. Trump does ONE thing that some people don’t like, and there is a civil war between Trump supporters. Listen to each other. Understand your differences. But at the end of the day, we are all fighting the same fight.

Trump's base is composed, essentially, of redneck Democrats.

We have a lot of weak, luke warm Trump supporters who jump ship the second Trump does something they don’t like. It’s completely okay to disagree with his decision to bomb Syria but it’s not okay to jump ship. Trump has done WAY MORE GOOD than bad for our country.

When Trump goes full neocon and appoints like Bolton and does a 180 on his campaign promises it is past time to jump ship
When you only back your President when he does 100% of what you want, you're not a supporter, you're an asshole.

When you support your leader, regardless of what he does, it's totalitarian. People thinking and independent should be guided only by their own mind, not by decisions of the leader. It's strange that such elementary things should be explained to Americans :)
It remains, as ever, an axiom of conventional wisdom that the use of propaganda as a means of social and ideological control is distinctive of totalitarian regimes. Yet the most minimal exercise of common sense would suggest a different view: that propaganda is likely to play at least as important a part in democratic societies (where the existing distribution of power and privilege is vulnerable to quite limited changes in popular opinion) as in authoritarian societies (where it is not). It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century.

Alex Carey
"Syrians are beautiful & peaceful people. They don't deserve all this hatred. Please be their voice & urge your representatives to stop this madness in my country."
Proof that Trump is no different from Obama or Bush
All three prove themselves to be just pawns of Israel.
Trump went directly against his campaign promises,
He will not get my vote again!
You are a useful idiot. The use of chemical weapons is against international law. Syria has used them multiple time to kill hundreds of citizens. Obama (the chickenshit) drew a red line and then backed away from it. Trump drew a red line and acted properly (along with France and Great Britain) when it was crossed by the murderous dictator, Assad.

I must assume that you prefer we have a sniveling pussy as President.
I prefer we have a President that does not give a shit aoubt the Middle East and one that stops wasting money there. Israel feeds so called intel proving that assad used chemical weapons. Amazing timing that just a week before Trump said we would pull out of Syria.
The locations of atrocities committed against civilian populations makes no difference to me. It is deplorable to me that many atrocities committed in African nations have gone without significant response from any civilized nation....also that hunger and starvation are prevalent.

We in the United States throw away enough food daily to feed hundreds of people in starving nations.

The world's 10 hungriest countries
Attempts at guilt inspired motivation do not work on clear thinking people
Making people aware of destitution does not equate to assigning guilt. Many people have no clue that hunger and starvation exist.
Almost everyone knows that hunger and starvation exist. What you seek to do is assign guilt and blame to individuals about that and clear and free thinkers reject that
It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century.

"Let me tell you, young man-the dirty little secret of democracy is that just because you get a vote, doesn't mean you get your choice"

- Lois McMaster Bujold, "Cryoburn"
It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century.

"Let me tell you, young man-the dirty little secret of democracy is that just because you get a vote, doesn't mean you get your choice"

- Lois McMaster Bujold, "Cryoburn"
Americans need constant reminders.
"The War Powers Act only grants POTUS power to use military attacks if our national security is under threat. This is an unconstitutional act. Full stop." - Speaker Ryan
"The War Powers Act only grants POTUS power to use military attacks if our national security is under threat. This is an unconstitutional act. Full stop." - Speaker Ryan

Or, if the president is moved by picture of kids suffering.
"I'm just happy no one has bombed the US for continually poisoning the residents of Flint, Michigan."
Attacking a nation already in ruins. Absolutely no threat to the US. We should get out of Syria. We don't belong there. End the Regime Change Policy.
You are a useful idiot. The use of chemical weapons is against international law. Syria has used them multiple time to kill hundreds of citizens. Obama (the chickenshit) drew a red line and then backed away from it. Trump drew a red line and acted properly (along with France and Great Britain) when it was crossed by the murderous dictator, Assad.

I must assume that you prefer we have a sniveling pussy as President.
I prefer we have a President that does not give a shit aoubt the Middle East and one that stops wasting money there. Israel feeds so called intel proving that assad used chemical weapons. Amazing timing that just a week before Trump said we would pull out of Syria.
The locations of atrocities committed against civilian populations makes no difference to me. It is deplorable to me that many atrocities committed in African nations have gone without significant response from any civilized nation....also that hunger and starvation are prevalent.

We in the United States throw away enough food daily to feed hundreds of people in starving nations.

The world's 10 hungriest countries
Attempts at guilt inspired motivation do not work on clear thinking people
Making people aware of destitution does not equate to assigning guilt. Many people have no clue that hunger and starvation exist.
Almost everyone knows that hunger and starvation exist. What you seek to do is assign guilt and blame to individuals about that and clear and free thinkers reject that
You are mistaken. The people responsible for starvation are those that choose to live where there is no food supply. I don't know of anyone in the United States that has caused starvation in Ethiopia or any other place.

I get hundreds of solicitation letters from various groups wanting to save the animals, feed the hungry, feed the children, educate the poor, save the tigers, etc. ad infinitum. The only ones that I open are the ones that send me US coins (and some dollar bills) expecting me to return them with my donation. I feel no guilt and accept no blame. I keep the money.

If you think that almost everyone knows that hunger and starvation exist, you don't get out much.
The people are still celebrating the victory over Phrump´s terror missiles.


Can't you just say Dump, Rump or the ever popular Drumpf? This "Phrump" thing of yours makes you seem like a complete fucking idiot.
Admittedly, it´s not mine. But I don´t know any better.
Alleged Barrel Bomb Science Facility hit by Tomahawk Barrel Missiles:


People in Aleppo (and probably many places) protest the joint US/UK/France international law violation deemed legal by the UK regime:

When you only back your President when he does 100% of what you want, you're not a supporter, you're an asshole.

When you support your leader, regardless of what he does, it's totalitarian. People thinking and independent should be guided only by their own mind, not by decisions of the leader. It's strange that such elementary things should be explained to Americans :)
You´re both right. You don´t need to agree to anything while in support. But this case goes way to far.
Prayers for Trump and especially the military, their families and the innocent in Syria. The media in past has painted those around Trump as war-mongers. Listening to Trump yesterday evening hearing the involvement of England and France gave me hope the action would be well measured. We certainly don't need deep involvement of another war, don't want Trump to go LBJ on us and I'm certainly against any more "nation building".

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